My Martial Arts Will Hang Up

Chapter 988: Patriarch and Reward

Chen Fan also nodded.

There are still a few hidden sects like the Four Great Sacred Sects with immortals in charge.

Chen Fan's identity naturally still has a certain deterrent effect.

in addition.

Although the ancestor of Jianzong was seriously injured and dying, he was not easy to deal with.

Chen Tian has been working for so long, and he is also a fine man. He also knows that after the great changes in the world, it is impossible for Jianzong to maintain his original status, but he is also very low-key.

Not only is it a friendship and cooperation with the Purple Moon Sect, but also with the help of Chen Fan's card, it has established contact with many surrounding hidden world sects.

So although the Central Territory is in chaos at this time, Jianzong is still alive and well, and even grows stronger.

"That's right, master."

Chen Fan looked at Chen Tianqian: "I came this time because I wanted to meet the ancestor. Maybe I can help the ancestor recover from his injuries..."

Jianzong treated him well. During the Meihui, in order to help Chen Fan with special training, the ancestor who was seriously injured and dying came to his senses from his deep sleep and paid a lot of money to help Chen Fan improve.

At that time, Chen Fan had already decided in his heart that he would help the ancestor recover when he had the opportunity.

At this moment, his cultivation has improved a lot.

The state of his own "Origin Technique" has improved a lot, and he is also more proficient in the application of Origin Beads.

"Origin Technique" has supporting secret methods to help recover from injuries.

In addition to "Origin Technique" and Yuanzhu, his strength has improved, but he has also obtained many healing pills from many opponents.

He obtained a lot of rare medicinal pills from Liuerhou, Yehuawang and others.

Although there is no elixir above the holy level, it should be able to play a big role.

Chen Tianqian's expression turned cold when he heard the words, but he nodded: "I'm going to wake up the Patriarch—"



Awakening the Patriarch is actually not a trivial matter.

Every time the patriarch wakes up, it will pay a lot of price for the person, and it may even reduce the survival time of the person.

It's just that with Chen Fan's status at this time, it would not be a lie to say that he can help the ancestor recover. Chen Tianqian is still very trustworthy.

So Chen Tianqian immediately took Chen Fan to wake him up and ask to see the patriarch.

Under the Jiange, in an underground secret room.

Chen Fan also saw the patriarch again.

It's just different from the last time I saw him.

At this moment, the state of the ancestor of Jianzong is much worse.

His face was pale and his breath was ethereal.

After all, the last time he forcibly opened the "Enlightenment Pond" for Chen Fan, and later he personally demonstrated sword skills for Chen Fan, and he paid a considerable price.

"Huh?" When he saw Chen Fan, he also looked shocked: "Your cultivation base...has progressed so fast?"

The last time I saw Chen Fan, Chen Fan hadn't even reached the Dao Fruit yet, but now he has already attained the Fourth Level of Longevity.

It has only been more than twenty years, and this kind of strength development is too exaggerated.

Even Chen Fan's profound background really surprised the patriarch.

Chen Fan was very modest: "I was trained by the best conditions in the temple, and I also had some chances. It's nothing to make progress in cultivation, and it will be difficult to go so fast in the future."

The ancestor of Jianzong shook his head, his expression was still quite subtle, and he changed the subject:

"Tiangan said you have a way to help me recover?"

Chen Fan said: "I dare not say that I will be able to help the Patriarch recover completely, but I have also gained some small gains over the years. If I think about it, I should be able to help the Patriarch a little—"

The injury of the ancestor of Jianzong was eroded by the power of the Demon God King.

Even Chen Fan didn't dare to say it, and he would definitely be able to help him get rid of it.

But it can always help to suppress it a little bit, and help the person live longer.

As he said, he flipped his hands and took out several pills in succession.

In an instant, the vision was born, and the splendor was overflowing.

These elixirs were selected by Chen Fan himself. The most valuable holy-level healing elixirs in his hands were basically obtained from masters of the Marquis and King.

"This, this..." Chen Wudao next to him also widened his eyes. Even with his knowledge, he didn't know most of these elixirs, but those who knew them were all top-grade holy elixirs!

Any one is far more precious than holy-level pills like Jinlonghua elixir!

Just kidding, Jinlonghua elixir is precious, but it is just a elixir to help break through longevity, and which one of these is not a elixir used by Fenghou and Fengwang masters to restore injuries, the level difference is too much, and the value is naturally very different .

The ancestor of Jianzong also raised his eyebrows slightly, and shook his head:

"These pills are indeed extraordinary...but, they can't help me get rid of the power of the Demon God King..."

Chen Fan narrowed his eyes, not too surprised by this result.

"But it should be able to help you recover a little bit, Patriarch, right?"

The ancestor of Jianzong nodded slightly:

"It is indeed possible, but it can't help me get rid of the remnants of the Demon God King's power. No matter how powerful these pills are, they can barely restore my state and let me live for a while... For me, an old thing that is dying, I have paid It's not worth the price of so many precious pills."

Chen Fan shook his head: "Patriarch, you can rest assured, I still have a lot of pills of this level. Only when Patriarch is alive, can the future of Jianzong come. You can accept these pills."

The ancestor of Jianzong sighed when he heard the words, but he stepped forward, raised his palm, and a glistening pill floated into his hand, and he also decisively stuffed it into his mouth.

Then the person also closed his eyes.

After a while, the man suddenly opened his eyes, and a blush flashed across his face.

Its misty breath is also solidified a lot.

"You are really extraordinary, even in my heyday, it was hard to get such a precious pill..."

"I refined this elixir, but it was enough for me to withstand the erosion of the Demon God King's power for a long time. If I fell asleep, I could last longer..."

Chen Fan also waved his hand, and the spirit pills floating in front of him all flew towards the ancestor of Jianzong: "These pills, master, you should also refine them."

The ancestor of Jianzong shook his head:

"As far as I'm concerned, it's impossible to get rid of the erosion of the Demon God King's power. Even if I refine these pills all at once, it won't do much, and it will be a waste of medicinal power..."

Chen Fan raised his eyebrows: "Then the rest of the elixir, Patriarch, you take it first, and when your condition is not good, just refine another one."

The ancestor of Jianzong looked at Chen Fan with a complicated expression, but he did not continue to be polite with Chen Fan:

"In that case, these pills will be kept by me for the time being..."

What he said was preservation, not possession. Obviously, he did not intend to really take these pills as his own.

Chen Fan knew Patriarch's concerns, but he didn't persuade him too much. He stepped forward: "I still have some healing methods, which should help Patriarch's injury—"


The ancestor of Jianzong raised his eyebrows, "Chen Fan, don't have any scruples, just do what you want to do to me."

Obviously, he has enough trust in Chen Fan.

Chen Fan nodded and stepped forward.

But it directly summoned the Yuanzhu.

The spiritual light surged, and the long source of energy in the source beads rippled out, and then slowly entered the body of the ancestor of Jianzong.

Following the entry of Genesis Qi, a look of astonishment flashed across the face of the ancestor of Jianzong.

He also looked at Chen Fan with a surprised expression, then sat down cross-legged and began to practice with his eyes closed.

His aura also became more and more solid as Chen Fan's origin energy entered.

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