My Martial Arts Will Hang Up

Chapter 989 Blood Drinking Sword and Pressure

After half an hour.

The patriarch of Jianzong suddenly opened his eyes, and the light shot out from his eyes. He stood up in surprise: "Okay, Chen Fan, enough is enough."

Chen Fan raised his eyebrows, and then put away the source beads.

"How does Master feel?"

He didn't use the power of Yuanzhu too much, but it was enough for him to fully recover from his injuries once or twice.

The ancestor of Jianzong showed surprise on his face:

"Your power can not only help me recover, but can even suppress the power of the Demon God King in my body. Unfortunately, it can only be suppressed at most. At this time, I have suppressed the power of the Demon God King to the limit. Will not be eroded by the power of the Demon God King..."

"Congratulations to Patriarch, congratulations to Patriarch!" Chen Wudao at the side looked surprised.

Chen Fan was slightly disappointed.

Even his own source beads cannot completely remove the power of the Demon God King in the body of the ancestor of Jianzong.

After all, it is different from the "Devil God Residue". The Demon God Residue is the power left behind by the Demon God King after his death. How can it compare to the power left by the living Demon God King himself?

He shook his head, but his eyes were firm:

"Then wait ten years later, and I will help you suppress that power, Patriarch!"

The patriarch of Jianzong's eyes flickered when he heard the words, and he nodded with a complex expression, and then his eyes flickered too: "I have slept for too long, but I have nothing in my hand to repay you, Chen Fan..."

He raised his eyebrows slightly, but soon his eyes became firm, but he flipped his hand and took out a bloody long sword.

"After much deliberation, with Chen Fan's current strength, the only sword in my hand that is worthy of you is this sword. The name of the sword is Blood Drink, and it is an eight-star Taoist weapon..."

Chen Fan waved his hands quickly when he heard the words: "Master, you don't need to return the gift, I have a suitable weapon in my hand—"

The ancestor of Jianzong shook his head, his gaze was firm: "If Chen Fan doesn't accept this sword, then take back all the pills you gave me, and don't give me a second treatment!"

Chen Fan was also speechless for a while, and with a wry smile, he took the sword handed over by the patriarch.

In fact, although he has a Leng Feng sword, he only has one Leng Feng sword.

No matter the avatar created by the Shadow Orb or his demon-killing clone, an extra sword is needed.

It is naturally a good thing for him to drink the sword with blood.

Seeing Chen Fan accepting the Blood Drinking Sword, the ancestor of Jianzong also smiled.

Then he looked at Chen Fan with shining eyes: "Chen Fan, you weren't a long-lived person back then, but you can beat the fourth-level long-life. With your talent, I am afraid that you are not much worse than me at this time. How about it? Let me fight with the patriarch!" How is the field?"

Chen Fan's eyes flashed, and he was extremely excited: "Of course it can't be better!"

"Jiangzong's Yanwu Pavilion can't imitate Dao Yun at the Dao level. If you fight, you can only be in the outside world..." Seeing the appearance of the two, Chen Wudao smiled wryly, but his eyes also flashed with anticipation. But they want to see what kind of strength Chen Fan and the Patriarch have reached.

Seeing that Chen Fan agreed, the ancestor of Jianzong also nodded, and then looked thoughtful: "I remember that there is a good place for fighting near Jianzong. I don't know if it still exists after so many years."

Chen Fan raised his eyebrows and smiled: "No need, I have a special treasure in my hand, which can create a virtual world and simulate Daoyun..."


Chen Tianqian glanced at Chen Fan with a delicate expression: "You really have a lot of treasures in your hand..."

Chen Fan smiled.

In the holy hall, this kind of illusory land that can simulate the rhyme of the avenue is not too rare.

Not to mention the Tongtian Tower of the Holy Church, many experts also have similar treasures in their hands.

For example, the Phantom Spiritual Mirror in Yong Guan's hand can also imitate Dao Dao Rhyme.

But for Chen Tianqian, who is only at the fourth level of longevity, this kind of treasure is quite rare.

Chen Tianqian shook his head: "That's fine, the Patriarch doesn't need to make a real move, and it won't consume much energy."

Chen Fan also immediately took out the Vientiane pot.

With a thought, ripples like water flashed on the Vientiane Pot, and Chen Tianqian, the ancestor of Jianzong and Chen Fan disappeared in place together.


After fighting against the patriarch in the illusion, Chen Fan also realized that this patriarch has the strength of the peak of the Marquis.

This level of strength, not to mention before the great change of the world, even after the great change of the world, its strength can be called extremely powerful.

Chen Fan fought against him, without the White Emperor Armor and Leng Fengjian, there is still a big gap between him and him.

And he is also a master of swordsmanship, fighting with him will be of great benefit to Chen Fan.

In addition, the Vientiane Pot can record his projections and moves. For Chen Fan, it will be able to have a long-lasting opponent in the future.

Of course, simulating Dao Dao Rhyme consumes a lot of energy, and it is far from enough to rely on the absorption of the power of heaven and earth. Chen Fan also needs to invest a lot of resources to use the Vientiane Pot, but for the rich For Chen Fan, these are small money.

However, although the Patriarch is quite powerful, it still makes Chen Fan feel strange.

With his strength, Chen Fan would not believe him if he could block the Demon God King's move and survive.

Not to mention the Demon God King.

It will never be too difficult for some powerful kings to solve this patriarch.

Originally, in Chen Fan's opinion, this patriarch might have reached the peak of being a king, or even half-step immortal, if he could resist the Demon God King, but now there is a big gap.

The battle lasted for several days.

Only then did Chen Fan send the Patriarch and Chen Tianqian out of the Vientiane Pot, and after that, he also made insinuations and asked the Patriarch about his past.

The man directly shook his head: "Who told you that I once resisted the Demon God King and survived? You call him here!"

Chen Fan glanced at Chen Tianqian next to him with a subtle expression, and then turned back to look at the Patriarch with an incomparably subtle expression.

Chen Tianqian was also very embarrassed: "Isn't it? But everyone outside said so..."

The ancestor of Jianzong glared at Chen Tianqian:

"If you don't know anything, you can just ask me. There are rumors heard there! False rumors! With my strength, how can I bear that kind of master's move, let alone me, even if I have a nine-star defensive weapon It's impossible for a king-sealing master to stop the Demon God King's casual move!"

With a delicate expression, Chen Tianqian smiled wryly and said:

"Every time you wake up, Patriarch, it must be for important matters related to Jianzong. How dare I delay your time for these things..."

Chen Fan raised his eyebrows, it turned out that Chen Tianqian didn't know the reason.

Think about it too.

Although Chen Tianqian has lived for thousands of years, he is a junior among the juniors in front of the patriarch, how could he know the truth of the past.

Chen Fan also asked curiously: "But Patriarch, you were indeed corroded by the power of the Demon God King..."

The ancestor of Jianzong nodded, and said: "It may be because of this reason that the rumors spread. I didn't die because of the demon king's move, but I was affected by the aftermath of the demon king's move, so I didn't die. .”

Chen Fan was also stunned.

It sounds like there is not much difference between the two, but in reality they are very different.

At the same time, he also had a delicate expression: "Is the Demon God King really so powerful? With your strength, Patriarch, you have become like this just because of the aftermath?"

The ancestor of Jianzong smiled bitterly and said:

"The strength of a master of the Demon God King is definitely stronger than you imagine. Under the Demon God King, leapfrog fighting is quite normal. I have lived for tens of thousands of years, but geniuses like you, Chen Fan, who defy the sky, have seen it before. One or two, but I've never heard of anyone below the Demon God King who can leapfrog against a Demon God King master."

Chen Fan heard that it was also extremely complicated.

The Demon God King is powerful, and he expected it.

After all, the reason why the sixth level of longevity is divided into so many levels is because the gap with the master of the Demon God King is too large.

However, in his opinion, since Feng Wang is already the limit of the strength of the immortal master, and the connection to the Sky Tower is only one level away, then the gap between Feng Wang and the Demon God King should not be that big.

He thought that he was already a few steps away from the level of the Demon God King, but what the patriarch said caused unspeakable pressure in his heart.

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