My Master Is a God

Chapter 1019 Immortal Talisman Power

Hearing Wu Moqiu speak, Yang Yiyun stopped. He didn't feel it, but it didn't mean that Wu Moqiu didn't feel it. She was a ghost cultivator. From someone's point of view, ghost cultivator is the cultivation of the soul into Taoism, which is better than cultivator in perception. The person should be sensitive.

What's more, Wu Moqiu's cultivation is not weak now. Since she said so, it is possible.

But in a place like this, Yang Yiyun didn't know what kind of creature was targeting him?

Do you want to repair it? Or is it a wild beast from the secret realm, or a human race?

After a pause, Yang Yiyun continued walking without looking back, but slowed down and communicated with Wu Moqiu in his mind: "Qiu'er, please go back and observe, be careful and see what is following."


Wu Moqiu responded and left.

Yang Yiyun moved forward step by step, with the strength in his hands ready for use.

Gradually, we go deeper into the forest, and it becomes darker and darker, almost to the point where we can't see our fingers. We can't use our spiritual sense to see here, and the sight of our naked eyes will be affected.

Being followed, whether by a human or a monster, is not a good thing, and he will almost never hold back.

From now on, we have reached an environment where you will either die or I will forget. There is no room for carelessness or mercy.

Not to mention the other creatures in the secret realm, Guan Tianao and Lou Man alone, he knew they wanted to kill him.

He was placed in the palace guard of Yunwu Ridge and the twin brother Shishan Shishui of Shuangtianmen. So far, he has not observed that the three of them have released any hostility towards him, but even so, it does not mean that the three of them will be him. friend.

In short, it is right to be cautious in the secret realm.

At a certain moment, Wu Moqiu's voice sounded in my mind: "Sir, be careful, the other party will take action~"

With Wu Moqiu secretly reminding him, Yang Yiyun took his time and turned around suddenly to punch him.



A muffled groan sounded.

He did not expect Yang Yiyun to react so quickly when he launched a sneak attack. In other words, his sneak attack had already been discovered by Yang Yiyun.


Yang Yiyun hit the opponent with his punch and casually shouted to Wu Moqiu, telling her not to let him go.

It was obvious that after being severely injured by Yang Yiyun's punch, the opponent finally retreated after the battle began.

"Don't worry, sir, he can't run away."

Wu Moqiu's voice sounded.

Yang Yiyun followed closely behind and made a successful move: "Star Reacher~"

In the darkness, Yang Yiyun's raised right hand burst into golden light, illuminating dozens of meters around the forest.

Yang Yiyun chased after him, and under the golden light, he finally saw clearly the person who was secretly following him and attacked him.

The building is actually full!

A little surprised, but not surprised.

Surprisingly, he was looking for Ye Wuxin and Xia Chan, and the communication talisman could not detect them. However, he did not expect that Lou Man found him, as if he had discovered him a long time ago.

But that shouldn't be the case. Everyone's teleportation location is obviously not the same place, but he was discovered by Lou Man in a short period of time.

It can only be said that this is either a coincidence, the place where he and Lou Man were teleported are very close, or... there is some way for Lou Man to find him.

He wasn't surprised because he himself had taught Lou Man a lesson. This guy was still Guan Tianao's lackey, and it was normal for him to want to kill him.

Yang Yiyun thought that he was very vigilant and would not be followed by Lou Man or use any small tricks, but now it seems that this is obviously not the case. No matter how careful he is, he is still being targeted, which makes him very confused.

When he thought that Lou Man could find him so quickly, it was obvious that he had used some secret technique on himself, but after thinking about it in his mind, he could not find any contact with Lou Man that could be tricked by him.

This is very strange and confusing.

Before taking action, he suddenly thought of a key point.

That is - Guan Tianao.

Because when he entered the Taotie Secret Realm, Guan Tianao pretended to be benevolent and gave him his communication talisman, and casually patted him on the shoulder.

This is the only suspicious point.

If it was Guan Tianao's fake pat on the shoulder that left any mark on him, then it would explain why Lou Man found him so quickly and made a sneak attack.

Because he knew that Guan Tian'ao wanted to dig a trap for him, and as Guan Tian'ao's loser Zi Louman had been beaten by him and held a grudge, it was not surprising at all that he found him to take action under Guan Tian'ao's instruction.

Thinking of this, Yang Yiyun felt cold in his heart, with murderous intent, and said directly to Wu Moqiu: "Qiu'er, you don't have to take action, Lou Man leaves it to me, you have all the ideas, I suspect Guan Tianao is also secretly involved."

Since Lou Man and Guan Tianao are on the same road and Lou Man appears, Guan Tianao must be nearby.

Yang Yiyun had to be careful.

"Mr. Qiu'er understands." Wu Moqiu's words rang in Yang Yiyun's mind.

At this moment, Lou Man found out that Yang Yiyun had seen him, so he was not panicked. He laughed evilly and said: "Yang Yiyun is outside, I will bear with you. Ye Wuxin and Xia Chan are here. Grandpa, I don't want to cause trouble, but in the secret realm, you A dead end."

“It’s not certain who will die~”

Yang Yiyun sneered and grabbed Lou Man one meter in front of his chest with one hand.

For Lou Man, he is no match for Yang Yiyun based on his pure strength, but he has the secret treasure of the Immortal Family given by his master, and he thinks he is more than enough to deal with Yang Yiyun.

Faced with Yang Yiyun's golden grab, Lou Man did not panic, shook hands, and met Yang Yiyun's punch with one blow.

The dazzling milky white light still emanated from Lou Man's body, and a powerful and frightening aura erupted.


The blow that resounded throughout the world was deafening.

The two of them exchanged powerful punches and grabs.

Gold and white illuminate the entire forest.

Yang Yiyun groaned and stepped back.


More than ten meters away, Yang Yiyun hit a big tree and stopped, his blood boiling in his body.

This was when he forced a head-on collision with Lou Man, whose power exceeded that of a cultivator.

It seemed that he was outmatched, but he didn't suffer much serious damage, but he tested the depth of Lou Man's strength. For him, it was equivalent to Zheng Binbin's full blow, and his strength should be around the late stage of the distraction state. , not invincible, you must know that he did not try his best.

He has three major moves with magical powers, hands, hands and bones, and he has only used the first move, Star Reaching Hand.

"Haha, boy, you are proud enough to be able to die under the power of the immortal family. You must know that what I use to activate is the immortal talisman, and what is sealed is the power of the immortal. If you, the boy, can fight against me, it is considered a blow. Genius, but so what?

Within three strikes, I will kill you, go to hell~" After Lou Man finished speaking, Yin Chechi roared, and then suddenly rushed towards Yang Yiyun, still punching out.

Regardless of speed or strength, he was three points stronger than before. He used all his strength to deal with Yang Yiyun.

At this moment, Yang Yiyun finally saw Lou Man's move clearly.

I also heard Lou Man personally admit that the power on his body was an immortal talisman, and what was sealed in his body was the power of an immortal.

Yang Yiyun had heard the old man mention something about the power of immortals before. This kind of power indeed surpasses the power of cultivators and is a higher-level power, including the so-called blessing of the great road.


To him, it was death after all.

What about the power of the Immortal Talisman?

After all, it is a dead thing, and this kind of transcendental power that transcends one realm must be limited, and it is not inexhaustible. The principles of the talisman are the same, and the use time and power are limited. Use it once and you will lose one.

For a cultivator to bear the power of the Immortal Talisman, it violates the law. Besides, he cannot withstand it for long. No matter how powerful Lou Man is, he does not rely on his own strength to use it.

On the other hand, the methods used by Yang Yiyun were obtained through real practice, which made them more handy and not to say inexhaustible, but they were more durable than relying on external forces.

He sneered, not afraid at all. Anyway, he could still bear the power of this so-called immortal talisman.

Although he would suffer some losses if he had a head-on confrontation with Lou Man, as long as he seizes the opportunity, he can kill Lou Man with one blow.

"Moon-fishing hand~"

Yang Yiyun roared and attacked again, using his support Tianya Kung Fu to the extreme to deal with Lou Man.


"Stealing Heaven's Hand~"


In the blink of an eye, the two of them collided twice, and the last time Yang Yiyun, the sky-stealing hand, used his most powerful close combat hand bone magical blow.

After the blow was separated, blood flowed from the corner of his mouth, but there was a smile on his face. At this moment, Lou Man's body was still glowing with milky white halo, but his face was shocked, and he murmured: "How is this possible? ? How can you resist the power of the Immortal Talisman?"

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