My Master Is a God

Chapter 1020 Nine Swords and Wind Blades in One Breath

Yang Yiyun sneered: "I told you earlier, you are trash in my eyes. The power of the immortal talisman is indeed powerful, but it is only an immortal talisman. You are not an immortal, not to mention that the power of the immortal talisman is reduced by one point every time it is used. It is not an inexhaustible supply.

What's more, after all, it's not your own strength. With the blessing of powerful power, isn't there a price? Now it's time for me to send you on your way. "

After he finished speaking, a cold light flashed in Yang Yiyun's hand, and the dragon-slaying sword appeared in his hand.

From the beginning, he used his hand and bone magical powers to fight head-on with Lou Man in close combat, and never used sword skills.

In other words, since coming out of seclusion for a hundred years, I have mastered the continuous moves of "Whirlwind Sword Technique", and the sword skills of "Black Lotus Sword Technique" can be transformed into two and two into four. , tried how powerful it is.

Now facing Lou Man, he just wanted to try out his sword skills.

Of course, there is actually another move in terms of hand bone magical power that is so powerful that it defies the heavens. Yang Yiyun believes that it is enough to destroy Lou Man, but Yang Yiyun feels that it is not necessary.

Firstly, it gives himself a melee card, and secondly, because the last strike of the hand bone magical power is a fusion of three moves, which he learned in seclusion for hundreds of years. After the actual battle, the energy in his body will definitely be drained, and he cannot use it easily.

The fusion of the three magical powers of the hand bones actually stimulates the three lines on the hand bones, and then instantly superimposes the three magical powers, which can burst out with prehistoric power, no weaker than the power of some immortal talismans.

But Yang Yiyun definitely has no need to deal with Lou Man.

The use of sword skills is just the beginning of the sword skills that have reached perfection.

As for Lou Man, who was listening to Yang Yiyun's disdainful words at this moment, his heart was shocked and he was sweating on his forehead, because what Yang Yiyun said was completely correct.

It is true that the immortal talisman given by the master is powerful, but it is not inexhaustible. With the blessing on him, the power of the immortal talisman can be fully exerted. Besides, the power of these immortal talismans is weaker every time.

Now he has had no less than four head-to-head encounters with Yang Yiyun, plus he has dealt with the demon elk five times before. He can use the immortal talisman nine times in total. This has just begun in the Taotie Secret Realm. After using up five opportunities, I still have to face the demon cultivators later. How can this be a good thing?

What shocked Lou Man was that this Yang Yiyun was a complete pervert. Under the power of his Immortal Talisman, not to mention those who were in the early stage of the Dividing God Realm, even those with strong cultivation in the middle stage of the Dividing Divination Realm, four times of Immortal Talisman Blessed attacks can also be blasted into pieces.

However, what he didn't expect was that he only beat Yang Yiyun until there was blood at the corner of his mouth.

Such a perverted monster, Lou Man is a genius at Shenbing Mountain and has extensive knowledge, but Yang Yiyun is definitely the first time he has seen a freak.

Now there is only one thought in his mind. Yang Yiyun seems to be in the early stage of the distraction realm, but his real strength has surpassed the middle stage of the distraction state, because a person who can withstand four attacks blessed by immortal talismans has a cultivation level in the middle stage of the distraction state. Those who can't do it.

Then there is only one possibility. Yang Yiyun's real strength has definitely reached the late stage of the Dividing God Realm, because his immortal talisman blessing power can only deal with the middle stage of the Dividing God Realm. As for the powerful monks in the late stage of the Dividing God Realm, the elders of the division have said , once encountered, run as far as you can.

At this moment, Lou Man was afraid.

Seeing a gleaming silver ancient sword appearing in Yang Yiyun's hand, he turned around and ran away without thinking. He knew that he was no match for Yang Yiyun. This pervert definitely had the strength of the late Fenshen Realm. It would be him, Lou Man, who would die in the capital.

At the same time, Lou Man cursed Guan Tianao a hundred times in his heart. The bastard Guan Tianao told him that he left a mark on Yang Yiyun, so he was asked to kill Yang Yiyun. Who would have thought that Yang Yiyun was so perverted?

If Guan Tian'ao hadn't promised him that when he came to the Taotie Secret Realm this time, he had clues from Butian Palace and already knew two pieces of Tianzhuang fragments somewhere in the secret realm. If he agreed to share one with him, how could he, Lou Man, have an affair with Guan Tian'ao? Walking so close and listening to his orders?

It's okay now. Yang Yiyun's strength is too abnormal, and he can't defeat it even with the power of immortal talismans. Instead, he puts himself in danger, and Lou Man feels great regret.

He was more than 20 meters away from Yang Yiyun. After Lou Man felt fear in his heart, he no longer had the confidence to stand. He turned around and flew dozens of meters away.

However, Yang Yiyun watched him escape without any panic, raised the corner of his mouth with a smile, raised his giant sword and shouted: "Whirlwind sword skill, wind blade, chop~"

Yang Yiyun was not worried at all about escaping from his grasp against a monk who was fearful and had lost his will to fight.

With one sword move, nine wind blades emerged from the dragon slayer in an instant.

The characteristic of this sword skill is that it has nine swords and wind blades in one breath.

Looking from a distance, in the dark and lightless forest, a wind blade flashing with dazzling white light was formed, like lightning piercing the sky and heading towards Lou Man. It seemed that there was only one wind blade, but in fact there were nine wind blades, because Dacheng's wind blade sword was completed in one breath, and he slashed out nine swords almost at the same time. It looked like a wind blade.

Lou Man, who had escaped more than 60 meters, felt the powerful sword energy coming without looking behind him. He knew that no matter how fast he was, he could not reach the speed of the sword energy. He activated the power of the immortal talisman without even thinking about it, and made a backhand. A long knife appeared in the sword's hand, and with the blessing of the power of the immortal talisman, it struck away.

What Lou Man was thinking in his mind was that since he couldn't beat Yang Yiyun's sword energy, he could just block the blow and crush Yang Yiyun's sword energy. Anyway, with the blessing of the immortal talisman, he would have no problem crushing Yang Yiyun's sword energy. .


The Dao in Lou Man's hand slashed at Yang Yiyun's sword energy with the power of powerful immortal talismans, shattering Yang Yiyun's sword energy with a roar. Just when he felt happy and wanted to continue running away, the next moment he screamed in surprise Shouted: " no~"

Louman's body trembled as he screamed, and his voice stopped. He thought that after one blow shattered Yang Yiyun's sword energy, he would be fine. Who knew that he only shattered a sword energy, and there was a whole sword energy behind it. Domineering wind blade sword energy.

One after another, the wind blade sword energy was almost superimposed on top of each other. I never expected it to be like this.

When he wanted to resist, it was already too late. It took time for him to use the power of the immortal talisman. After all, the power of the talisman = power is not his own, and he cannot do whatever he wants.

The result was that the next eight wind blade sword energies entered his body one after another.

"Puff puff……"

Duan Louman heard the sound of the wind blade breaking his body clearly.

Then he felt that his body suddenly fell into pieces, his soul dissipated in an instant, his vision went dark, and he completely lost consciousness.

In the distance, Yang Yiyun was stunned and walked towards Lou Man's body. The power of the first move after completing the "Tornado Sword Skill" was a bit stronger than he expected, but he was relieved after thinking about it.

The first is that he has perfected his sword skills. The second is that after practicing double cultivation with Bu Qingmei, his cultivation level has broken through to the state of distraction, and the power of his own sword skills has also greatly increased. The third is that he knows that Lou Man did not expect that he would kill him with one sword. There were nine wind-blade sword energy. He was careless, he didn't expect it, and he lost his will to fight.

In the end, his sword energy penetrated his body completely, and his body and soul were shattered by the sword energy.

Yang Yiyun looked at Lou Man's corpse and couldn't help but sigh. Cultivation is cruel. I don't kill people. People kill me. Without strength, I am just a dog. With strength, everything turns into dust.

"Sir, I found a breath that escaped hundreds of meters away." Wu Moqiu appeared next to him and said.

"Don't worry about it. Let's go through this forest as soon as possible. It's too dark here and it's very depressing." Yang Yiyun didn't need to think about it. He knew that the escaping breath in Wu Moqiu's mouth was most likely Guan Tianao. That guy might It was because he gave up on dealing with him and ran away after finding out that Lou Man had been killed by him.

If Lou Man could kill him, it would be the best for Guan Tianao. If he couldn't kill him, he would be seriously injured. At that time, he might jump out and kill him with a last hit. Unfortunately, he overestimated Lou Man's strength. Are you underestimating yourself?

Yang Yiyun was thinking in his mind, and was about to leave with Wu Moqiu. However, when he turned around, he saw a faint halo of light in Lou Man's corpse.

His heart moved and then stopped, and he moved Lou Man's body away with a wave of his hand.

The next moment, a jade talisman emitting a dim halo appeared.

Yang Yiyun reached out and grabbed it.

This is a jade talisman that is rectangular in the palm of a hand, about two fingers wide and about three inches long. It has nine corners on it. There is a simple symbol on the front and back. Yang Yiyun does not recognize it. On the back, there are nine complex and mysterious lines in the inner chamber, including six. It was dim and dull, with only three haloes still emitting light.

"Sir, what is this?" Wu Moqiu's voice sounded.

"It should be what Lou Man calls the Immortal Talisman." Yang Yiyun looked at the three stripes on it and replied thoughtfully.

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