My Master Is a God

Chapter 1021 Ferocious Wild Beast

The thing in his hand looked like a jade talisman, but in fact the material was not jade. Yang Yiyun activated the real energy on it, and suddenly the milky white light shone brightly. The three stripes on it seemed to come alive, as if a trapped dragon was about to break out of its cocoon. And out.

The large rune on the front flashed and swung into the center of his eyebrows when Yang Yiyun didn't respond. This shocked Yang Yiyun, but he immediately felt relieved that it was just a message.


Yang Yiyun instantly understood that the rune on the front was an immortal character, and also knew that the nine-day pattern on the back actually represented the power of the nine-way immortal rune using nine inner seals.

Now there are only three lines left, which means that the six paths going down the secret path have been used by Lou Man, and only the power of three immortal talismans can be used.

What came to my mind was an introduction to how to use the power of the Immortal Talisman.

After a while, Yang Yiyun grinned. Obtaining the immortal talisman was an unexpected gain. Contrary to his guess, the power of the immortal talisman was indeed related to the strength of the person who cast it.

If Lou Man was in the realm of distraction, it would be really troublesome to use the power of the immortal talisman to attack him, but it's a pity that he is only in the Dzogchen realm.

In any case, he now also has a secret treasure of immortal talismans, which is an unexpected blessing.

After putting away the immortal talismans, Yang Yiyun and Wu Moqiu walked forward quickly.

An hour later, dim light finally appeared in his sight, and he walked out of the forest.

Under a towering mountain peak in front of you is a canyon.

Yang Yiyun watched and let out a sigh of relief. He was a little depressed in the dark forest behind him for several hours. Now that he saw that his field of vision was wider, he finally felt much better.

Wu Moqiu couldn't help but said: "Sir, tell me, is the person who escaped trying to make a sneak attack?"

Yang Yiyun said: "It should be Guan Tianao without a doubt. That guy will definitely take action against me, but he will definitely be in a difficult situation. Those people are very insidious."

"Sir, your communication talisman can't detect Ye Wuxin and Xia Chan. Why can Lou Man find them?" Wu Moqiu expressed the question in his heart.

Listening to Wu Moqiu's words, Yang Yiyun thought of Guan Tian'ao's slap on his shoulder. He had previously thought that Guan Tian'ao was playing dirty tricks on him to deal with Lou Man in the forest. He didn't bother to search. At this moment, he passed by Wu Moqiu. Reminder, Yang Yiyun remembered it and quickly closed his eyes and started to check on his body. If Guan Tianao was really doing something, he could find it.

After a while, Yang Yiyun opened his eyes, showed a smile, raised his palms, and powerful energy in his heart stirred up his whole body, and then a black spot appeared on his fingertips.

"Is this...demon energy?" Wu Moqiu said.

Yang Yiyun nodded: "Nine times out of ten, it's demonic energy. I didn't expect that the righteous young master of Butian Palace actually practiced demonic skills. Haha, this is interesting."

After speaking, Yang Yiyun sealed this bit of demonic energy in his palm with his backhand.

"Why didn't you refine it, sir? Instead, sealed it in your palm?" Wu Moqiu asked puzzledly.

"Haha, a small drop of devilish energy can't affect me at all. Since Guan Tianao wants to find me, wouldn't he have let down all his hard work if he doesn't succeed?" Yang Yiyun squinted and said, "He can find me through a drop of devilish energy, so can I. Can find traces of him.

This guy said that he has been to the Taotie Secret Realm before, and he is more familiar with it than any of us. If he can find me, he may not be able to find Xia Chan and Ye Wuxin. Anyway, there seems to be no other way between us. Instead of this It is better to go to him. Firstly, we are not sure that we will find Xia Chan and Ye Wuxin. Secondly, he should know what kind of treasures there are in the secret realm. We can just use them and we are not afraid of him anyway. "

"Sir, can you reverse the tracking?" Wu Moqiu asked.

"Don't forget, your husband has been practicing in seclusion for hundreds of years, which is not dead cultivation. The ancestor left behind some secret methods that are much stronger than the secret methods of the so-called transcendent forces in the mountain and sea world. Follow the magic left on me through Guan Tianao. If you are angry, you will naturally find him. You protect the law for me and I will give it a try." Yang Yiyun explained and then sat down cross-legged.

He dug deep into his palm and forced out a drop of blood essence on the demonic energy in his palm. He spoke a series of words and began to sense Guan Tianao's location.

The tracking method used is a small spell from the blood sacrifice method left by the old man. It is not complicated, it is an anti-tracking induction. Of course, it requires the other party's token, and this drop of magic energy is the best token.

If the other party is too far away, the general direction can be sensed, and if the distance is relatively close, the specific location can be sensed.

He didn't pay much attention to it before. The last time he was in seclusion in the dark space for thousands of years, he not only practiced sword skills, but also naturally read some small spells left by his master.

But when it was actually used, Yang Yiyun understood that any spell, no matter the size or type, could actually be used, such as the blood refining tracking technique that is currently tracking Guan Tianao.

A few minutes later, Yang Yiyun opened his eyes and sensed the general direction.

"How are you doing, sir?" Wu Moqiu asked.

Yang Yiyun smiled: "We have found the general direction. The Grand Canyon is in front of us. Let's go."

He can sense the general direction with the magic energy left by Guan Tianao, and he can find the specific location as he gets closer.

When Yang Yiyun and Wu Moqiu stepped into the Grand Canyon, they couldn't help frowning. They saw the most bones in their sights. They all seemed to be the bones of large beasts, some old and new.

"Qiu'er be vigilant. Judging from these bones, there should be wild beasts here." Yang Yiyun explained.

"Sir, don't worry Qiu'er understands."

Yang Yiyun slowed down his pace and walked in the middle of a mountain with unknown geometry, dozens of feet wide and as high as the clouds. He felt very depressed.

The two of them were walking in the Grand Canyon in the dark and light. About half an hour later, they suddenly remembered a roar that had been heard all day long.


A long roar caused gravel and soil to fall from the rocky mountains on both sides of the mountain.

The roar echoed in the canyon for a long time. Yang Yiyun's ears suddenly started ringing, and his head hurt like being pricked by needles. He quickly used his Qi to resist it before he felt better.

The sound seemed to be coming from hundreds of meters ahead.


Another long roar sounded, but it sounded like the roar of a dragon.

"It seems like a fight." Wu Moqiu said.

"Let's go and take a look." After Yang Yiyun said this, his feet moved and disappeared in a swish.

The next moment, billowing dust appeared in his sight. He looked left and right and stopped at a boulder the size of a house, ready to take a look. Obviously, the dust in his sight was the battlefield.

"Ho ho ho~"

"Bump bump bump~"


There were roars and long roars, as if some large beasts were fighting, but the last dragon roar was in mourning.

After a while, a breeze blew by and the dust dispersed. Yang Yiyun finally saw the situation more than thirty meters away, but he couldn't help but gasp.

Between them, a beast about six meters tall and twelve or thirteen meters long appeared in the field of vision. At first glance, it looked like a tiger, but upon closer inspection, it didn't look like it.

This beast had no demonic power in its body. It gave Yang Yiyun the impression that it was just a beast. Two words popped into his mind - wild beast.

Secret beast.

Xia Chan and Ye Wuxin told him that there are desolate beasts in the Taotie Secret Realm. They have no wisdom but are extremely powerful. They can tear out the Aperture Realm or even the Distraction Realm. They are truly ferocious beasts.

This beast looked like a tiger, with red scales on its head and red scales on its tail. The rest of its body was made of tiger-haired beast, but at this moment, it was holding down a huge turtle shell.

A blue-grey turtle shell that is three meters in size.

"Bump bump bump~"


The tiger-like beast pressed one front paw on the turtle shell, and kept waving its other paw, bumping and slapping against the turtle shell, making a loud sound.

Every time a blow hits the turtle's shell, a wailing sound will be emitted.

Yang Yiyun saw that when the tiger slapped the turtle shell, the turtle shell would emit streaks of light, presumably for some kind of protection.

He could feel the powerful demonic power exuding from the turtle shell, and it was not weak at all. The aura felt like it was in the early stages of the Bishen Realm.

There is no doubt that the turtle is a monster.

However, a turtle that was comparable to the early stage of Bi Shen Realm was beaten by a wild beast and howled and screamed, which looked a bit funny.

But it was more of a shock.

Yang Yiyun had never thought that the wild beasts in the Taotie Secret Realm had no magic power and could be so ferocious based on their strength alone.

At this moment, a voice with a bit of milkiness suddenly sounded: "Fellow Taoist, please help me~"

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