My Master Is a God

Chapter 1027 The bloody sky in the Taotie lair

Thousands of meters away, there is a huge red sphere with diamond-shaped patterns on it, connected to each other, and it suddenly looks like a football.

But very huge.

It's more like a football-shaped mountain.

There is no vegetation on it, it is just blood red in color, very eerie.

The little turtle said, where is the Taotie's lair.

And Yang Yiyun sensed that Guan Tianao's presence was there.

Ye Wuxin's communication talisman only sent a cry for help and then lost its response, so Yang Yiyun concluded that it must be Guan Tianao who was unfavorable to Ye Wuxin, and it was even possible that Xia Chan was with Ye Wuxin.

Because Guan Tianao said on the flying boat that he would deal with Ye Wuxin and Xia Chan...

At this moment, Yang Yiyun felt murderous intent in his heart. He stepped out and quickly thought about the huge sphere of blood thousands of meters away. He must find Ye Wuxin and Xia Chan as soon as possible.

Ye Wuxin's panicked cry for help indicated that she was in crisis, and she didn't know what was going on now. Yang Yiyun could only rely on the demonic energy in his palms to find Guan Tianao.

The target he has no suspicion about now is Guan Tian'ao, who is the most suspected. He thinks that when he finds it this time, he will kill Guan Tian'ao. Regardless of whether it is him or not, getting rid of Guan Tian'ao will always reduce the hidden dangers.

What he lifted up under his feet was the End of the World Skill, which increased his speed to the maximum. Wu Moqiu was not worried at all. In terms of speed, the ghost cultivator's true spirit body could transform into any form, and the speed was no worse than his magical power.

Anyway, it was the little turtle. I originally thought that the speed of the little turtle should be turtle speed. Unexpectedly, in a blink of an eye, I found that the little turtle was only following him within ten meters behind him. I was really surprised.

He said secretly, it seems that no one, whether human or demon, can enter the Taotie Secret Realm.

He also knew that he had entered a life-and-death fight from now on. Although he had deceived the little turtle beside him, the other sea monsters did not know that he had saved the little turtle's life, and they might not appreciate it. There will be a fight by then.

Whether people give him face or not is another matter. The incompatibility between humans and monsters is not an empty talk in the world of mountains and seas.

The human race, the land demon race, and the sea demon race are not at peace with each other, especially in the Taotie Secret Realm. Everyone's goal is only to cut off the fragments of the sky. At that time, I am afraid that there will be conflicts of interest among themselves.

However, there are not many fragments of Sky-rising Slash itself. Either side will destroy the other side, leaving one less contender.

There are also dangers inherent in the Taotie Secret Realm. It can be said that there are dangerous places everywhere, and Yang Yiyun has to cheer up.

Fortunately, one advantage he had was that he didn't think about fighting for the Sky Slash fragments. He thought about protecting Ye Wuxin in the secret realm and having a cheap senior sister named Xia Chan.

For Xia Chan and Yang Yiyun, Sikong Yuan had no consideration, it was a favor.

After all, when cultivation started, Sikong Yuan’s Yuan Ning and three elixirs laid the foundation for him and Yunqi Company. It can be said that Liu Xiqi was able to develop Yunqi so quickly into a business empire. Sikong Yuan’s three elixirs Fang was indispensable. Without Yunqi's financial support, Yunmen wouldn't be as huge as it is now.

In this way, he owed Sikong Yuan a favor, and as Sikong Yuan's daughter Xia Chan, a cheap senior sister, Yang Yiyun had to take care of her no matter what.

He now has this strength.

The distance of several thousand meters was reached in a blink of an eye at the speed at which Yang Yiyun performed the Tianya Kung Fu.

He stopped when he was hundreds of meters away, because the strange-shaped stone forest in front of him was blocking the way. He looked at the endless stone forest in his sight, extending to the huge spherical blood mountain. If the location and the color of the stone forest were not wrong, Yang Yiyun would have thought he was in China. The stone forest in the south is famous at home and abroad.

The stone forest here and the giant sphere are of the same color, both blood red, giving him the illusion that the entire giant sphere blood mountain and the stone forest in front of him are dyed red with blood. The stone mountain should not be blood-colored originally.

Just when he was thinking this, a breeze blew in his face, and along with it, the smell of blood penetrated his nose.

This made Yang Yiyun's expression change and his heart was shocked.

Are the giant spherical blood mountains and stone forests really dyed red with blood?

"Brother, why did you stop?" Little Turtle came up and asked.

In a trance, Yang Yiyun heard the little turtle talking, and was suddenly frightened. The smell of blood that had just been blown by the breeze entered his nose. He was actually in a trance?

This is a terrible phenomenon.

If you knew that he was a cultivator now, he was a real cultivator who had cultivated in the early stage of the Distracting God Realm. His soul was more than ten times more powerful than a cultivator of the same level. In terms of combat power, he could kill a mid-level cultivator in the Distracting God Realm instantly with one move. Zheng Binbin, who can't bear money, is enough to show his current strength and strong state of mind.

How could he be in a trance under such circumstances?

It can only mean that he was affected by the bloody smell blowing from the stone forest.

If the little turtle hadn't yelled, he might have continued to be distracted. If someone suddenly attacked him while he was distracted... Yang Yiyun not only broke out in cold sweat on his forehead at the thought of this.

This is still just on the edge of the stone forest, and we haven't officially entered it yet. If we officially enter the stone forest, we don't know how much impact this bloody smell will have.

Really scary.

"Little turtle, do you know why the blood mountains and stone forests here are all bloody? And can you smell the smell of blood here?" Yang Yiyun asked the little turtle.

The little turtle thought about it and said: "Listen to my sister, the reason why this place is red is because it was dyed red by the blood of Taotie. According to ancient legends, Taotie was killed by immortals in the nest, and the blood dyed the nest and overflowed the nest. This is what happens when the stone forest becomes red.

Taotie is an ancient beast with lingering bloody grievances. It can affect the mind when heard. Those with unstable moods or inner demons will lose themselves due to inner demons. At that time, they may become a ferocious creature with only resentment and killing. Beast, very scary.

But brother, don’t you have an immortal talisman to protect you? You can stabilize your mind by activating the fairy talisman, so you don't have to worry too much. However, if the inner demon is too strong, it will also be affected, so you must guard your mind and not lose it. "

Yang Yiyun nodded and his face became more solemn and said: "Be careful, follow me closely. If you encounter your tribe after entering the stone forest, you can go find your tribe. I want to find my friends. It's weird here and I may not have time to take care of you."

The little turtle nodded and said, "Brother, don't worry. I can sense the existence of my clan members. They should be somewhere in the stone forest. Just go and save your friends and don't worry about me."

"Let's go~" Yang Yiyun said and stepped into the bloody stone forest.

He knew that Taotie was one of the four evils in ancient times, and was as famous as Chaos, Qiongqi, and Yaozhu.

The gluttonous nature is greedy. If the smell of blood here can affect the mind and arouse the inner demons, then Yang Yiyun feels that the power of the immortal talisman may not have much effect, because human nature is also greedy.

Especially those who enter the Taotie Secret Realm, everyone has a purpose to find the Tianzhan fragments, which is greed in itself.

Once greed arises in the heart, the gluttony and bloodshed will inevitably trigger inner demons or arouse the desires deep in the heart. At that time, it will be easy to lose one's mind and self.

Therefore, Yang Yiyun hypnotized himself while walking, and he must not be greedy, otherwise it would be very dangerous to lose his mind and lose himself, and he might be chasing the devil forever.

The entire stone forest is composed of huge and strange-shaped stones, densely packed and connected. The smallest boulder is three feet, and the largest and tallest stone is more than thirty feet. The stone forest boulders are either lying horizontally, upright, or tilted...

It forms a large stone forest world.

The curves in the cave vary from big to small, and like entering a maze, the light is extremely dim.

The deeper you go, or the closer you get to the Taotie lair made of a giant spherical blood mountain, the stronger the smell of blood becomes, and gradually, waves of blood evil aura continue to attack.

Fortunately, Yang Yiyun got a glimpse of the Immortal Talisman from Lou Man. At this moment, after stimulating his true energy, a layer of white light formed to protect his whole body, blocking the bursts of blood evil impact outside his body, so that he was not affected.

Wu Moqiu's muffled groan sounded next to someone.

Yang Yiyun said quickly: "Qiu'er appears."

After saying this, Wu Moqiu's figure appeared next to Yang Yiyun, with a pale face and said: "I have swallowed many ghosts when I show up. Now I am affected by the blood evil here, and I need to adjust my breath."

"You enter the Qiankun Pot to adjust your breath. It's too dangerous here." As he spoke, Yang Yiyun waved his hand without any explanation and directly took Wu Moqiu into the Qiankun Pot space.

He had forgotten that the ghost that Wu Moqiu devoured was a peripheral creature guarding the Taotie's lair. Now she was close to the Taotie's lair in this bloody stone forest. Perhaps there was an influence between the two, so it was more important to take her into the space of the Qiankun Pot. Safety.

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