My Master Is a God

Chapter 1028 Heaven Refining Formation

Biquge, the fastest update. My master is a god!

The entire blood-colored stone forest was filled with the impact of the blood evil force. Fortunately, Yang Yiyun and Little Turtle were able to resist it, but they were not affected at all.

After receiving Wu Moqiu into the space of the Qiankun Pot, he felt a lot more relieved.

The next big thing is to find Ye Wuxin wholeheartedly.

When the little turtle heard Yang Yiyun talking into the air, he naturally knew that he was talking to Wu Moqiu. What surprised the little turtle was the content of what Yang Yiyun said to Wu Moqiu.

He is from the Dragon Turtle longevity clan and knows much more than the ordinary demon clan. He naturally understands that Yang Yiyun has a magical treasure in his body, which is the treasure that all monks dream of.

The little turtle standing behind Yang Yiyun had eyes full of light.

At this moment, Yang Yiyun suddenly turned around, squinted his eyes with a smile and said, "What did you hear?"

The little turtle was shocked and couldn't help but trembled: "Brother, I...I didn't hear anything~"

Under Yang's slightly narrowed gaze, Little Turtle's teeth chattered as he spoke. He thought that Yang Yiyun was going to silence him. In the history of the Shanhai Realm, there had been several battles for the cave magic weapon. In serious cases, the clan was wiped out. Even if it is minor, it will disappear and be buried in the loess.

It can be seen that the treasure of the cave heaven magic weapon will more often arouse the jealousy of the monks and fight for life and death.

In this case, it is normal for Yang Yiyun to kill people and silence them.

So the little turtle was scared to tears.

"Brother, I swear that I really didn't hear anything, and I don't dare to bite my tongue. If I dare to say even a word, my soul will definitely be destroyed." At this moment, the little turtle seemed to have enlightened, and hurriedly said in front of Yang Yiyun A life and death oath was discovered.

"Hey, little turtle, why are you nervous? Your brother, I'm not a stingy person. Even if you hear something, it's okay. Okay, I'll leave quickly."

Yang finally spoke with a grin, making the little turtle relax, but he was muttering in his heart: "If I didn't swear, you wouldn't talk like this."

He rolled his eyes and said, "Well, big brother, I sensed that my tribe is not far away. I want to find my tribe~"

At this time, the little turtle thought that it was too dangerous to be with this big brother, so he might as well go his own way. Besides, he really sensed that the clansman was not too far away.

So I want to say goodbye to Yang Yiyun.

"That's it~" Yang's voice sounded long.

"Yeah~" the little turtle nodded repeatedly.

"Which direction are your people?" Yang Yiyun asked with a smile. How could he not see what the little turtle was thinking?

After finally deceiving a rich second generation, how could you let him slip away so easily?

"In the south~" Little Turtle looked at Yang Yiyun and whispered.

"South! Then come with me. It's safer for you to follow me. Let's go quickly." After that, Yang Yiyun continued walking.

"The one you're going to is the east." Little Turtle looked at the direction Yang Yiyun was walking and said.

"This is the south." Yang turned around and said with a smile.

The innocent little turtle said blankly: "Brother, that side is obviously to the east..."

"I said the south is the south, and you question me?" Yang said in a more serious tone.

The little turtle finally came to his senses. The elder brother was trying to make excuses. He just didn't want to let him slip away. Thinking of this, the little turtle wanted to cry, but he didn't dare to resist in the face of Mr. Yang's power. He followed him obediently. Go up.

The dragon turtle can still distinguish the southeast, northwest, and northwest. The key point is, what can a little turtle do if he is confused by black and white under someone's lust?

After Yang Yiyun suppressed the little turtle arbitrarily and domineeringly, he ignored the little turtle. In fact, he did not really prevent the little turtle from leaving for the sake of profit, but he was really worried about the safety of the little turtle.

Even though this little silly turtle is a dragon turtle, it is even comparable to the early stage of Bishen Realm, but... it has the IQ of a five or six-year-old child. It is an immature dragon turtle with a simple mind. If If he was allowed to leave alone, Yang Yiyun dared to say that he would lose his life if he didn't protect everything here.

I encountered it in the canyon before and was almost shocked to death by a wild beast, not to mention that it was even more difficult for the little turtle to survive in the weird stone forest under Taotie's lair.

A lot of treasures from the sea were extracted from the little turtle. Although Yang was a little shameless, he was not crazy yet. He had a sense of responsibility and always wanted to protect the safety of the little turtle.

In addition, along the way, the little turtle called his eldest brother short. In fact, Yang found that he quite liked the little turtle, but he couldn't watch him die.

Feeling the little turtle's timid weakness, he directly ordered him to follow, and the little turtle didn't dare to refute.

Only by following him can he protect the safety of the little turtle.

It won't be too late to let him go when he actually meets the tribesman in Little Turtle's mouth.

But... we will see what happens when the time comes. Anyway, Yang had previously had the idea of ​​robbing the Hao Hai Clan.

All in all, it was both lucky and unfortunate for Little Turtle to meet Mr. Yang.

Yang Yiyun and the little turtles, one big and one small, shuttled through the blood-colored stone forest. The drop of demonic energy in Yang Yiyun's palm became more and more intense, and he couldn't help but become cautious.

The demonic energy in his palm was so strong that Guan Tianao was not far away when he spoke.

He didn't dare to guarantee whether he was tracking Guan Tian'ao with the blood refining technique and whether he was noticed by Guan Tian'ao. After all, the devil's energy was Guan Tian'ao's mark. If there was any unusual movement, the owner of the devil's energy would definitely notice it.

If his tracking was noticed by Guan Tian'ao, and he went there so rashly, or if Ye Wuxin stopped asking for help before, it was most likely that Guan Tian'ao had laid a trap for him, waiting for him to go.

But in this case, Yang Yiyun had no choice.

Even if Guan Tianao's conspiracy was revealed, he would have no choice but to go on. Ye Wuxin must be saved.

At this moment, Yang Yiyun had been walking with the little turtle for an hour. When he looked up, he saw that he had arrived under the Taotie's lair. The stone forest here was even larger.

At a certain moment, Yang Yiyun and the little turtle passed through a stone cave, and their eyes suddenly opened up, and they appeared in an open space of 100 square meters.

"Wuxin~" Yang Yiyun saw Ye Wuxin's figure appearing on the stone pillar in front of him, but at this time, Ye Wuxin was obviously tied to the stone pillar with magic.

The entire stone forest clearing is surrounded by rows of stone forests three feet in length, forming a circle. The surrounding area is closed except for the stone cave.

Of course the sky is open.

Yang Yiyun shouted after seeing Ye Wuxin, but Ye Wuxin did not answer, but had an anxious look on her face. It was obvious that her cultivation had been sealed, and she could not speak at the moment.

Yang Yiyun knew there was a scam here.

No matter what, it was easy to handle now that Ye Wuxin was found. He carefully observed the surroundings and found nothing special or anyone else. Yang Yiyun walked towards Ye Wuxin step by step.

He walked hurriedly across a hundred square meters of space, letting the little turtle follow behind him and be alert.

After a while, he walked over to Ye Wuxin and took a look. Sure enough, Ye Wuxin was imprisoned and unable to speak. He was tied to a stone pillar.

He raised his hand and broke the restriction on her body with a palm.


After a roar, Ye Wuxin fell from the stone pillar, and Yang Yiyun helped her. At this time, Ye Wuxin's cultivation was sealed, and her face became more and more anxious. She wanted to say something, but she couldn't.

"Don't worry, I'll unlock your cultivation seal." As he spoke, Yang Yiyun raised his hand and slapped Ye Wuxin seven times in a row to unlock the seal on her body. This kind of seal was not very powerful, and Yang Yiyun unlocked it with a backhand. .


A soft groan came from Ye Wuxin's mouth. After regaining his freedom, Ye Wuxin said urgently: "Yunzi, hurry up, it's because that bastard Guan Tianao and the sea monster want to kill you."

"Hahaha~ It's too late to leave~"

At this moment, Guan Ran's voice sounded.

Then there was a roar, but the sky above them darkened.

Yang Yiyun had already guessed that things would not be simple, but he was not too surprised. When he looked up, a transparent formation barrier appeared above his head, and there were four people standing at the entrance of the cave when he came in. The leader was Guan Tianao.

The remaining three people exuded soaring demonic energy all over their bodies and were obviously demons.


Yang Yiyun snorted coldly, without panicking. He flew up and punched the barrier three feet above his head.


A deafening sound reminded me that the barrier was only twisted but not broken.

At this time, Yang Yiyun's expression finally changed.

He underestimated this formation barrier.

And Guan Tianao said with a sinister tone in his wild laughter: "Don't bother, this is the Heaven Refining Formation of my Butian Palace. It is composed of thirty-six innate spiritual treasures arranged with the help of the foundation of the stone forest here. It can be supplied continuously. Absorb the power of blood evil to strengthen the power of the formation. You can't break it if I control the formation flag. You are dead today."

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