My Master Is a God

Chapter 1047 The World of Bones and the Gluttonous Bone Body

The whole square went into a complete riot, because at this time, several people who had grabbed the immortal treasures fell from the air and were instantly surrounded by other monks.

In Yang Yiyun's sight, Guan Tianao was holding a big sword and an immortal treasure like a god's help. He stepped forward to snatch his immortal treasure, but he killed them all with his sword and then rushed to the door of the ancient hall.

Yang Yiyun held the dragon-slaying sword in his hand and walked through the crowd without hesitation, chasing after him. However, the whole square was in chaos, and he was inevitably affected. For a while, Minato and Guan Tian'ao distanced themselves.

In his sight, he saw Guan Tianao raising his sword in front of the main hall door and slashing at the main hall door.

With a roar, a wave of air emitted from the main hall door.

This is a hall with restrictions, but it was broken open by Guan Tianao with one knife.

Immediately, Guan Tianao disappeared in a flash.

The strange thing is that the door of the main hall has never been opened, but Guan Tianao disappeared from the place.

Yang Yiyun was anxious and rushed over with his sword.

When he arrived at the door of the main hall, he discovered that there was a barrier three meters in front of the door. He also knew the way of formations, and he could tell at a glance that the barrier here carried the aura of space transmission.

Only then did I realize that Guan Tianao had a purpose for slashing with the immortal treasure sword.

In other words, Guan Tianao snatched the fairy treasure sword not only for a fairy treasure, but also to use the fairy treasure sword to open the barrier of the main hall.

The origin of the ancient hall in the underground world of Taotie's Lair is unknown, but it must be unusual. The six fairy treasures that appeared are most likely from inside the hall.

Therefore, these fairy treasures should be the key to unlocking the enchantment formation in the hall.

Yang Yiyun raised the dragon-slaying sword and struck it on the barrier.


The next moment, a huge force came from the barrier, and he was instantly blown away by the force.

There was a surge of energy and blood in his body, but fortunately it was not too serious. Now he was basically sure that six immortal treasures should be needed to enter the hall.

Among the six fairy treasures, the green mandarin bird took away a string of beads, Long Jiaonan swallowed the clear spring in one gulp, Guan Tianao took away the broadsword, the Shishan Shishui twins took away the stone, and the diamond ring should have been taken away by Wu Moqiu. , only the three-inch flying fairy was knocked down by the monkey with a stick, triggering a large-scale fight.

Now it seems that if you want to enter the main hall and pass the barrier, you must have an immortal treasure. Thinking of this, Yang Yiyun shouted in his heart: "Qiu'er~"

If the diamond circle is in Qiu'er's hand, then he can enter the hall.

"Mr. Qiu'er got the Diamond Circle~" Wu Moqiu's voice sounded in his mind.

Yang Yiyun smiled and it turned out that Qiu'er got a share.

Then he said: "Try bombarding the enchantment in the hall. This enchantment should require immortal treasures to open."

"Okay, sir, later." Wu Moqiu responded.

Yang Yiyun was ready at the next moment. After Wu Moqiu opened the barrier, he rushed in. He had vaguely felt that when Guan Tianao slashed with the immortal sword, the barrier opened for three breaths. The time was very short, but Three breaths of time are enough for him to enter the hall.


With a roar, Yang Yiyun finally saw a crack appearing in the barrier of the hall, one meter wide and three meters high.

When I feel happy, I know that a door has been opened.

"You find Hou Doudou and Wu Xin to come in later, I'll go after Guan Tianao." As he spoke, Yang Yiyun dodged and rushed into the split.

After a moment of dizziness, Yang Yiyun felt something solid under his feet. When he opened his eyes again, he found that the place he appeared was not what he had imagined inside the palace, but a world filled with bones.

The sky was blood red and boundless, with lightning and thunder, wind and clouds turbulent, and a loud roar coming from the sky, but no living beings could be seen.

The whole world is completely a doomsday scene.

As far as the eye could see, Yang Yiyun found that standing on the white ground, there were endless undulating peaks, all kinds of weird white mountains, with no grass growing on them, a breath of blood and evil that was suffocating, and an invisible pressure of gravity, making Yang Yiyun almost fell to his knees.

He forced himself to stand, but at this moment the Qiankun Pot's creation power started to operate automatically, resisting the invisible pressure.

When Yang Yiyun reacted, he was overjoyed. He suddenly discovered that the power contained in the magic here had disappeared, and he could finally use magic.

However, there are also dozens of times the blood evil impact force and invisible pressure in the world.

If you don't use your true energy to resist with all your strength, you will be crushed if you don't keep it all.

It's really an extremely weird place.

At this moment, a sinister laugh sounded.

"Yang Yiyun has to say that you have some tricks to get in, but that's all. Now that I'm giving you a ride, it's time for me to take back the Heaven Refining Formation Flag."

Yang Yiyun suddenly looked up and found that it was Guan Tianao who appeared thirty meters away.

"Did you catch Guan Tian Ao Xia Chan?" Yang Yiyun's heart tightened, but he asked with a calm expression on the surface. The invisible blood evil and coercion here made him very affected. Although he could use magic power , but he had to resist the invisible blood evil and pressure, and in his eyes Guan Tianao seemed not to be affected by the blood evil and pressure.

"You are still pretending to be calm up to now?" Guan Tianao smiled playfully as he walked step by step with the knife in hand, and said with a sinister smile: "This is the true form of Taotie. Don't you see mountains of bones everywhere? The blood evil and coercion are powerful. Incomparable, without the immortal treasure to protect you, you are nothing but fish.

It must be said that it was a mistake for you to come in. Originally, I thought that I would go out to find you to settle accounts after I got the Tianzhan fragments. I didn't expect you to be able to run in. Without the immortal treasure to protect you against the blood evil and pressure, I I'm going to kill you Lingchi, hehe...

As for the beauty Xia Chan, to tell you the truth, I have hidden her somewhere in the Taotie Secret Realm. After I get the Tianzhan fragment, I will take good care of her, so you don’t have to worry.

Now let's settle the score between us and destroy this young master's clone. How do you think this young master should kill you? "

Guan Tianao was obviously confident and seemed to know the place better, but Yang Yiyun was a little frightened listening to his words.

From Guan Tianao's words, he could tell that this was actually where Taotie's true form was located. No wonder the peaks that looked like they were all white from the grass down, turned out to be the bones of Taotie's murderer.

How big a murderer is this?

It sounds like Xia Chan's whereabouts were revealed by Guan Tianao and placed somewhere in the Taotie Secret Realm. No wonder Xia Chan has never been seen.

On the other hand, Yang Yiyun was shocked that the blood evil and invisible pressure here required the power of the immortal treasure to protect himself and resist. Now it seems that Guan Tianao was not affected precisely because he had the immortal treasure sword in his hand.

It was one thing for Yang Yiyun to be frightened when he saw Guan Tianao approaching viciously, but to say that he had no ability at all... that was impossible.

The Qiankun Creation Kung Fu is a supreme skill. It has the power to resist blood evil and coercion during operation. As time goes on, he will slowly adapt. Guan Tianao underestimated him, which was exactly what he wanted.

On the surface, Yang Yiyun pretended to be overwhelmed by the pressure and had difficulty breathing, but secretly he had the dragon-slaying sword in his hand ready for use.

Even if he is defeated, the Qiankun Pot still has a helper like Sister Mei, and she has given instructions to Wu Moqiu, so the helper may come in the next second.

Guan Tianao wanted to kill him, why didn't he want to kill Guan Tianao.

The only thing that worries Yang Yiyun is that the immortal treasure sword in Guan Tianao's hand is indeed very powerful. In addition, it seems that the immortal treasure flew out from Taotie's true body to the square outside on purpose. In addition to being powerful, it is not subject to coercion here. In the real fight, Yang Yiyun didn't know that his sword skills could not suppress Guan Tianao's fairy sword.

But now I can only give it a try.

He didn't believe that he couldn't defeat Guan Tianao, who was in the early stage of the distraction realm. His advantage was just his familiarity with the Taotie Secret Realm.


When he was six meters away, Guan Tianao cautiously stopped and did not get close to Yang Yiyun. He immediately slashed Yang Yiyun with his sword. The shining silver fairy sword sent out a three-foot sword energy and struck Yang Yiyun with a sound of breaking through the air. Cut off.

And Yang Yiyun roared, and he was already prepared: "Fengyun Sword~Cut~"

The second move of the Whirlwind Sword Skill, Fengyun Sword, is a Dacheng Sword that turns nine hundred swords into one sword in one strike. It is definitely not a vegetarian.

With one sword, the wind and clouds are moving, and the power is extraordinary.

One sword and one sword intersected.


A huge dull sound arose.

Guan Tianao's expression changed. He didn't expect Yang Yiyun to be able to display powerful sword skills under huge pressure, which also surprised him.

A strong air wave rippled out, and Yang Yiyun was affected by the air wave. When he resisted the pressure, he lost his balance and flew backwards.

Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Guan Tian'ao raising the sword in his hand to block it in front of him. The light was not affected much. On the contrary, Guan Tian'ao followed closely and rushed forward with the sword raised.

Yang Yiyun knew that he was still struggling at this time. The other party had the advantage of the right time and place, so he would suffer a lot, so he immediately shouted: "Sister Mei, help~"


A dragon roar resounded, and Sister Mei appeared in the form of a golden dragon.

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