My Master Is a God

Chapter 1048 Heavenly Slash Fragments


The loud roar of the dragon ended, and the golden dragon transformed by Sister Mei appeared out of thin air. It opened its mouth and spit out a golden dragon breath towards Guan Tian'ao, directly confronting Guan Tian'ao's sword energy.


The golden light dragon's breath that induces labor explodes with extraordinary power.

Boom and explosion.

Guan Tian Aoteng fell back several meters and vomited blood.

The Fairy Treasure Sword in his hand is very powerful, but when facing Sister Mei, this golden dragon, it seems to be a bit inferior.

Yang Yiyun was overjoyed when he saw this, and rushed forward suddenly. How could he wait until now if he didn't take action?

"Black Lotus Sword Formation, rise~"

With the roar, a sword slashed down on Guan Tianao, and four black lotuses instantly transformed from the dragon-slaying sword, spinning around Guan Tianao.

Guan Tianao had seen Yang Yiyun's weird Black Lotus sword skills, and he did not dare to be careless at all. He swung the sword with one hand and raised the other hand, and the five red vines on his five fingers suddenly moved towards the Black Lotus.


Sister Mei is not a vegetarian. She had to protect the safety of Yang Yiyun and Little Turtle before in the Heaven Refining Formation. At that time, she was a little helpless in dealing with Guan Tianao. This time she appeared, but she wanted to give Guan Tianao a painful death. A lesson, otherwise it would be very humiliating for her to fail to defeat Guan Tianao twice in front of Yang Yiyun.

Deep down in Sister Mei's heart, only she knows that she can transform into a dragon now, all because of Yang Yiyun. Without Yang Yiyun, she would not have achieved what she has now.

Sister Mei has very special feelings for Yang Yiyun. It's so complicated that she can't even explain it herself.

Generally speaking, Sister Mei is very grateful to Yang Yiyun. It was Yang Yiyun who found her sister Mei Shiying, and the two sisters were reunited. The biggest concern in Sister Mei's heart has disappeared because of the appearance of her sister.

For more than a hundred years, she had no worries and practiced in the Dragon Palace of the Dragon Fish Lake in the space of the Qiankun Pot. Being able to transform into a dragon was really mysterious, but it was mostly because of the Qiankun Pot. Sister Mei knew this very well, but she did not tell Yang Yiyun.

From a certain point of view, Sister Mei knew that Yang Yiyun was her master. She could not fail after being summoned twice by her master, and she had to capture Guan Tianao.

Guan Tianao was really anxious when he heard the roar of the dragon.

One golden dragon was enough for him to deal with, and coupled with Yang Yiyun's weird sword skills, he knew that he would definitely suffer a big loss if he continued to struggle.

Thinking of this, Guan Tianao made a decision in his heart.

Facing Yang Yiyun's four black lotus sword energies, Guan Tianao became ruthless and used the power of the sword and rattan in his hands to the extreme. Anyway, he did not dare to be contaminated by Yang Yiyun's black lotus sword energy.

He saw the scene of Yang Yiyun's sword aura after the black lotus exploded.

The sword of the fairy treasure rang out, and the five vines turned into five swimming dragons and attacked the black lotus in an instant.

"Boom boom boom..."

A series of booms and explosions made dust fly in the field. The golden dragon transformed by Sister Mei swung its tail and swung its tail towards Guan Tianao in the glare of the golden light.


Guan Tianao suddenly screamed.

Ten meters away, Yang Yiyun saw Guan Tianao's body exploded by Sister Mei's blow from the dragon's tail and turned into blood mist.


Yang Yiyun was a little shocked. He was surprised that Sister Mei's blow was so powerful. He was surprised that Guan Tianao's body was exploded like this?

It was a bit unreasonable. He knew that Guan Tianao, as the young master of Butian Palace, could not be beaten to death so easily.

Qian Qian walked to the place where Guan Tianao exploded into a mist of blood, only to see a pool of blood on the ground, not even a scrap of flesh left.

However, the next moment he saw drops of blood a few meters away.

"Is that so?" At this time, Sister Mei, who had transformed into a human, came over and asked.

"If Guan Tianao, who guessed wrongly, was killed by another clone, there is not even a scrap of flesh, blood and bones to be found on the ground. If you look at the blood stains in the distance, I think he used the clone to block the disaster and escaped."

Yang Yiyun analyzed.

"Another clone?" Sister Mei was angry.

"It's okay. The person who died this time should be his second clone, or maybe the last clone. Judging from the blood stains at the scene, after the second clone was exploded by you, he was also severely injured. Follow the blood stains to find him. We can definitely kill him."

"I'll accompany you~" For Sister Mei, if she didn't kill Guan Tianao, it wouldn't be considered as helping Yang Yiyun.

"Okay, let's follow the blood stains to find him. If we don't get rid of this guy, he will always be a disaster." Yang Yiyun nodded and led Mei to follow the blood stains.

Then Yang Yiyun walked straight along the blood trail. Although Guan Tianao seemed to have escaped, the consequences of the two clones to offset the disaster would inevitably come back to him. After all, the cultivation of the distraction realm relies on the separation of souls and blood essence. It is conceivable that But knowing the consequences of the clone being destroyed, it is inevitable that the main body will be injured.

If Guan Tianao's true identity is found, Yang Yiyun will have the confidence to kill him. Anyway, with Sister Mei as his helper, he will have enough confidence.

If he hadn't been affected by the coercion here, he could have tortured Guan Tianao outside.

After walking along the blood trail with Sister Mei, about an hour later, a huge skull appeared in their sight.

In fact, from a distance, it looks like a huge skeleton about several hundred feet high, or it should be the Taotie skull.

The trail of blood entered the mouth of the Taotie skull with its mouth wide open.

The pressure became stronger and stronger after getting here. Fortunately, Yang Yiyun was able to resist it after turning the universe around.

"Yunzi, be careful. I always feel that there is a sinister atmosphere here, which is very powerful." Sister Mei couldn't help but said when she was about to go in.

Yang Yiyun nodded and said: "I feel it too. Since the Skull Mountain is a gluttonous skull, it is normal for it to have a vicious aura. However, we must get rid of Guan Tian'ao, otherwise he will cause trouble for Yunmen when he gets out, and Xia Chan I don’t know where he is hiding, I have to find him.”

After speaking, Yang Yiyun took the lead and walked into the huge Taotie Skull Cave. To be precise, it should be the mouth.

He was also curious about how Guan Tianao entered here, but as the young master of Butian Palace, he knew some secrets of the Taotie Secret Realm, so he probably had a purpose.

And if Yang Yiyun guessed correctly, his purpose should be the fragments of Tianzhan.

This is also the purpose of all the races and monsters entering the Taotie Secret Realm this time. They all come here for the Heavenly Slashing Fragments. Of course, most people may only know where the Heavenly Slashing Fragments are, but they will not know the specific location.

If there are people who know the specific location, there is no doubt that Guan Tianao is one of them, and it is very likely that there are Tianzhan fragments in this huge Taotie skull.

Yang Yiyun was talking to Sister Mei while walking. After listening to what he said, Sister Mei also thought it was possible.

And Sister Mei expressed her own point of view: "Let me tell you this, the so-called Tianzhan fragments may contain some secret or powerful power.

If this is really the case, we should hurry up. If there is a powerful force in the Tianzhan fragment, it will not be easy for Guan Tianao to deal with him. "

Yang Yiyun thought it made sense, and the two of them immediately accelerated their pace.

After entering the cave, it was not as dark as expected. On the contrary, it became brighter and brighter as we walked inside. When we looked carefully, we found that the bones on the bone walls on both sides of the cave emitted a faint halo, and there were faint runes flashing and flowing.

When the two of them went more than 300 meters deep, the bone walls on both sides of the cave all turned into a crystal-clear color, which was truly mysterious.

At this time, the blood stains on the ground also disappeared, and the tracking lost its target. There were seven caves in the entire cave, but for a while, I didn't know which cave to take.

Yang Yiyun went to sense the drop of demonic energy left by Guan Tian'ao in his palm, but he lost the sense and should have been cut off by Guan Tian'ao. Thinking about it, under the unfavorable situation, if Guan Tian'ao retained the demonic aura and was intercepted by Yang Yiyun He would be an idiot to follow.

Just when the two lost their goal and hesitated to choose which cave to take, among the cave entrances lined up, a red light lit up in the third cave, which was particularly dazzling in the crystal-colored cave.

Yang Yiyun thought that Guan Tianao must have come here before. Since there was a strange phenomenon in the third cave, he simply stepped into the third cave.

Ten minutes later, the two of them appeared in a space of more than 100 square meters. Runes flashed across the space, and inhuman roars rang out.

The two of them went in and saw that it was Guan Tianao.

But at this moment, Guan Tianao's body was suspended in the air, holding a palm-sized diamond-shaped object in his hand.

"Ho ho ho~"

Roar after roar came from Guan Tianao's mouth, but the diamond-shaped object in his hand flashed blood regularly.

Yang Yiyun's first reaction was to chop the pieces into pieces!

The diamond-shaped object in Guan Tianao's hand is a piece of Tianzhan.

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