My Master Is a God

Chapter 1056 The Green Mandarin Bird’s Plan

Biquge, the fastest update. My master is a god!

Yang Yiyun knew how powerful these gluttonous flesh-and-blood beasts were, and it was not easy for Wu Moqiu and the twin brothers to persist until now.

Fortunately, Wu Moqiu had the second-level earth weapon refined by the immortal treasure or second-level loose immortal that he had snatched before to resist, otherwise she would have been injured by now.

Flashing forward and rushing in front of Wu Moqiu and the others, Yang Yiyun raised his sword and slashed a vicious beast out, opening a gap.

Then he said to Wu Moqiu: "Qiu'er takes their brothers and leaves first."

"Okay, sir, please be careful." Wu Moqiu knew that it was important to save people at this time. After saying that, he cast a spell and blew up a dark wind, taking the brothers Shishan and Shishui to fly away quickly from the vicious beasts.

At this moment, Yang Yiyun successfully brought the hatred of the vicious beast onto himself.

"Ho ho ho..."

The five ferocious beasts roared at Yang Yiyun.

The next moment, the ferocious gluttonous beast flew towards Yang Yiyun.

"Fengyun Sword - cut."

Facing the attack of five ferocious beasts, Yang Yiyun's backhand was the Fengyun Sword, which was a powerful blow. It was still the Nine Hundred Swords at One Breath. What was different from the past was that he used the heart of momentum in the Fengyun Sword, thinking about one sword in his mind. Just chop off the heads of these five ferocious beasts.

A sword has the momentum of slaying a dragon, and its power is naturally very different.

After drawing the sword, the wind howled and the clouds and mist rolled in the sky.

It's true that one sword makes a storm.

Only then did Yang Yiyun feel that the Fengyun Sword he was wielding at this moment was the real Fengyun Sword, and it was only now that the power of the Fengyun Sword had reached its peak.

The most important thing is that Yang Yiyun found that after using the illegal sword skills taught by the old man, he did not feel that he was consuming a lot of energy in his body.

When he used sword skills in the past, no matter which level of sword moves he performed, he always felt that the true energy in his body would be exhausted in the next moment.

In fact, it was indeed the case. After performing three sword skills and up to four sword skills in a row, the true energy in his body was completely consumed.

But now Yang Yiyun feels that he can perform sword skills ten times in one go.

Although it was just a feeling that he had never tried it before, judging from the consumption of Qi in his body, he knew that it would be no problem to perform the sword skill ten times in one breath.

This feeling made him crazy.

He knew that if this was the case, his combat effectiveness would be greatly improved.

"Ho ho ho..."

After the sword strike, beasts roared all around.

But the next moment, the situation of cutting off the heads of five ferocious beasts with one sword did not occur.

It's just that there are sword marks left on the upper body of each ferocious beast, and the bones can be seen deeply.

This Yang Yiyun knows that the heart of momentum is a kind of imagination and a state of mind after all.

Rather than reality, but having said that, having such results is already a huge improvement for him.

This is the beginning of the master's teaching of momentum. I believe that with the improvement of cultivation and continuous enlightenment and practice in the future, the power will become more and more powerful.

After failing to kill the five ferocious beasts with one sword, Yang Yiyun narrowed his eyes and came back again, just in time to take the opportunity to sharpen his sword.

One move of Fengyun Sword is the second move in the Whirlwind Sword Skill. After comparison, he knew that it was far less powerful than the four black lotus sword energies of the Black Lotus Sword Formation. Now it seemed that the power of the Black Lotus Sword Formation was his current The most powerful sword technique.

The Fengyun Sword is just one step short, but it has three whirlwind sword skills, including the first wind blade and the third whirlwind sword.

What these two sword skills have in common is that the Wind Blade Sword can be used to cut nine wind blades in one breath. Although he has not reached the level of Whirlwind Sword, he has a strong feeling at this moment that he can use nine wind blades in one breath. Whirlwind vortex.

There was no need to test the first move of Wind Blade Sword, he knew in his heart how powerful it was.

At this moment, facing the enraged five-headed ferocious beasts, Yang Yiyun raised his sword and used the heart of momentum to shout: "Tornado Sword."

The sound of a tornado was heard as the sword came out, and nine sword energy vortexes suddenly appeared on the dragon-slaying sword and flashed away.

It spun up almost at lightning speed, whizzing and spinning like nine tornadoes.

"Ho ho ho..."

The screams of vicious beasts sounded out, accompanied by huge amounts of blood.

For three breaths before and after, the scene was calm and calm.

One by one of the five ferocious beasts surrounding Yang Yiyun turned into five piles of minced meat.

Yang Yiyun smiled this time. He successfully used the third sword move in the Whirlwind Sword Skill, the Whirlwind Sword, and created nine sword energy vortexes in one breath.

The huge body of the five-headed murderer was completely shattered by the sword energy after the nine vortex sword energy blew through it like a tornado.

The power of this sword can be compared with that of the Black Lotus Sword Formation, and both have their own powerful characteristics.

If the attack power of the Black Lotus Sword Formation is feminine, then the attack power of the Whirlwind Sword is hard and extremely destructive.

The Black Lotus Sword Skill is slow and the Whirlwind Sword Skill is fast. These are the current characteristics of the two sword skills.

However, compared to the Whirlwind Sword Technique, the Black Lotus Sword Technique has greater potential. The Whirlwind Sword Technique only has three sword moves, but the Black Lotus Sword Technique's sword moves Yang Yiyun has developed one to two, two to four, which can be extended. .

In this way, the Black Lotus Sword Technique is more durable.

As for the three major sword moves of the Whirlwind Sword Skill, he had finally mastered them to great perfection today.

What's more important is that Yang Yiyun understands the importance of the spirit of momentum taught by his master.

Everyone in the distance watched as Yang Yiyun killed five ferocious beasts with just two sword strikes, and everyone gasped.

In fact, they only saw two swords in their eyes, but Yang Yiyun's swords were the Fengyun Nine Hundred Swords and the Whirlwind Nine Swords. However, they were both completed within one breath. They were lightning-fast Dacheng Swords. Everyone only saw two swords.

A few hundred meters above the battlefield, a blue mandarin bird and several birds and monsters around him were also suspended in the air to observe the situation in the field. When they saw Yang Yiyun killing five ferocious beasts with two swords from a high position, they all Gasp.

A pitch-black mountain eagle spoke: "Junior Sister Qing, have you noticed that the people in the field are a bit familiar?"

Qingyuanniao said, "Do you remember that a hundred years ago, there was a human boy who made a big fuss in Yaoguang City?"

Shan Ying was surprised and suddenly said: "Are you saying that the person in the scene is the kid who caused trouble in Yaoguang City back then?"

Qingyuanniao sighed: "Yes, back then we followed the queen to Yaoguang City to look for the young master of our clan. The Yaoguang City formation was extremely powerful. In the end, we didn't expect that a human boy made a big fuss in Yaoguang City and broke the Yaoguang array.

At this point, we were able to enter Yaoguang City. The aura of that boy was exactly the same as that of the strong man who killed the ferocious beasts in the field now. Looking at his appearance, except that his hair turned white, he was exactly the same as that boy back then.

Therefore, the strong ones in the field are the ones who made a big fuss in Yaoguang City back then. Alas, what happened back then was a fate. "

After Qingyuanniao finished speaking, the birds around her sighed in sorrow and indignation, and Shan Ying was even more depressed and said: "When you said that, I also remembered that the strong man in the field was the human boy back then.

Speaking of which, he is still the benefactor of my young master of the bird lineage, but it’s a pity... fate has its way with people, God will not bless my bird family..."

At this moment, Qing Yuanniao said harshly: "That's not necessarily the case. We can't defeat that old bastard Huan Lian and ruin the fate of our bird clan. Can't we let other clans go and cause trouble for us?"

Back then, a young boy who just entered the Yuanying could destroy Yaoguang City, which was guarded by countless masters from the three major sects of the human race. The little Yuanying of today is no longer the little Yuanying of the past. He could kill powerful and powerful people with just two swords. A ferocious beast that is comparable to the middle and late stages of the God Realm may not be able to cause a desolate Heavenly Slash. "

The mountain eagle was shocked, and a pair of eagle eyes flashed: "You mean... he... can go? Dare he go to make trouble for that old bastard Huan Ling's Tianzhan?"

Qingyuanniao's eyes were also very deep and gleaming as he said: "Back then, the empress said that the second son was extraordinary, but now it seems that he is indeed extraordinary. When he was a little Nascent Soul more than a hundred years ago, he could make a big fuss for his brother. city, and even destroyed a city.

Now more than a hundred years have passed, and he has become a strong man that we all feel inferior to. Why don't we dare to make a big show of desolate Tianzhan?

And it’s hard for you to forget that back then he had a spiritual beast, Diaoer, which was also captured by that old bastard Hua Deleang. Tell me, if we tell him what happened back then, will he go make a big fuss in Yaoguang City? Haha, no matter whether he goes or not in the end, for us in the Feiqin lineage, telling him about this can create a good relationship. Let's go down and pay a visit. "

If Yang Yiyun were present, he would definitely recognize that the Blue Mandarin Bird and the Mountain Eagle were the two bird demon cultivators who followed the old sparrow back then.

It's just that there seems to be another hidden secret between Qingyuanniao and Shanyingkai about the incident in Yaoguang City. After Qingyuanniao recognized Yang Yiyun, he plotted against Yang Yiyun.

It's a pity that Yang Yiyun couldn't hear it.

At this moment, after Yang Yiyun collected the five blood crystals, he felt a darkness above his head. When he looked up, he found a group of bird demon cultivators, and the leader among them was the green mandarin bird he was looking for.

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