My Master Is a God

Chapter 1057 News about Diaoer and Little Phoenix

Yang Yiyun was worried about asking the blue mandarin bird about the whereabouts of the mink. He had not seen it before and thought that all the birds had left the secret realm. But now he saw that it was flying towards him.

In the distance, Hou Doudou and Bai Qi also saw a group of birds flying towards Yang Yiyun from high altitude. Their expressions suddenly changed and they rushed towards Yang Yiyun.

The land demon cultivator and the bird demon cultivator were at odds with each other. Hou Doudou and Bai Qi had preconceptions that the birds would be harmful to Yang Yiyun.

But Hou Doudou forgot that Yang Yiyun was not a demon.

But caring is chaos.

Hou Doudou and Bai Qi appeared next to Yang Yiyun almost at the same time as Feiqin.

Yang Yiyun felt the nervousness of Hou Doudou and Bai Qi. He smiled slightly and said, "Don't be nervous, I know that green mandarin bird."

At this moment, Yang Yiyun looked at the green mandarin bird that descended from the sky and transformed into a young woman in green clothes. He looked at the mountain eagle beside her, and his thoughts suddenly returned to Yaoguang City more than a hundred years ago.

These two people were the two demon cultivators who were beside the old sparrow back then. Over the past hundred years, they had grown up in cultivation, and they had not been idle either, and they had both become great demons comparable to the realm of gods.

Hou Doudou and Bai Qi were both stunned when they heard Yang Yiyun's words. They didn't expect Yang Yiyun to know Qingyuanniao from the bird family. Mountain Eagle and Qingyuanniao are the demon kings under the great bird demon Dongting Lake Old Sparrow. In the Holy Land of Birds Wutong Mountain is quite famous.

At this time, Ye Wuxin also came over and stood next to Yang Yiyun.

Yang Yiyun signaled the three of them to calm down. In his eyes, Qingyuanniao and Shanying were demon cultivators in the early stages of the distraction realm. In fact, in the Taotie Secret Realm, except for Long Jiaonan of the Dragon Turtle clan, he could now despise everyone. , because it has enough strength.

Only Long Jiaonan's aura is stronger and can be considered as a mid-level cultivation in the distraction realm.

In fact, before the main hall collapsed and was destroyed, all the tribes in the Taotie Secret Realm had to be afraid of the Bird Clan, because before that, there was a mana restriction, and no one could use their magic power, so they couldn't fly. Only the Bird Clan had an innate advantage and could fly. Free flight during lunch in the secret realm.

But now... after the ancient hall here collapsed and destroyed, the confinement in the secret realm also disappeared. Everyone can use magic, and the advantage of the Bird Clan is no longer there.

There is nothing to be afraid of.

It's just that after the magic power disappeared after being imprisoned, many monks fell into being masters and did not try to see if they were really in contact. Yang Yiyun discovered it from the beginning. To be precise, after the Qiankun Pot swallowed and refined the Taotie remnant soul and the Tianzhan fragments, The invisible confinement disappeared.

Now facing the Bird Clan, Hou Doudou and Bai Qi felt relieved after hearing Yang Yiyun's strong and confident words.

Thinking about Yang Yiyun's heart-stopping sword energy just now and his ability to kill nine ferocious beasts, it's not a big deal for just a few birds. He can just stand on the side and wait, but he wants to see the lineage of birds. What to do.

It doesn't look like the other party has any ill intentions.

At this time, Miao Lian, who was transformed into a green mandarin bird, had already walked over, but her eyes were staring directly at Yang Yiyun, and then she slowly saluted and said: "Qingyuan, a member of the flying bird lineage of Wutong Mountain, has met Yang Daoyou, and we have been separated from each other for more than a hundred years in Yaoguang City. I don't know. Do you still remember the slave family?"

Yang Yiyun smiled slightly and said: "Yang still has fresh memories of the mandarin ducks and mountain eagles that were around the old sparrow, so he naturally remembers them."

"That's great." Qingyuanniao was still worried about how to talk to Yang Yiyun, but she didn't expect that the other party would still have an influence on her. This would be easy to handle. If both parties knew each other, there would be a basis for conversation.

"Miss Qingyuan, Yang happened to have something to inquire about about Yaoguang City back then. I wonder if Miss Qingyuan can help Yang clear up his doubts?" Yang Yiyun said it directly.

When Qing Yuanniao heard Yang Yiyun's words, he was also moved in his heart. He smiled slightly and said, "Qing Yuanniao's visit to fellow Taoist this time is also related to what happened back then. It seems that we have a common topic."

"Oh? Please tell me." Yang Yiyun said.

"What I want to say may be the same thing as what Fellow Daoist Yang wants to ask, about what happened to my young master of the Bird Clan, Xiao Fenghuang, and fellow Daoist Spirit Beast Diaoer after Fellow Daoist Yang was turned into a miserable being and sent away." Qing Yuanniao looked at it. He looked into Yang Yiyun's eyes and said.

"That's exactly what I want to ask. After the incident in Yaoguang City, my Diao'er and Little Phoenix should have followed your Bird Clan's old sparrow to leave. I wonder if they are in Wutong Mountain now?" Yang Yiyun felt a little nervous after asking. What he fears most is that Qingyuanniao will not answer.

However, whatever you think about comes true.

"Not here." Qingyuanniao sounded a little lonely.

"Aren't they here? Where did they go?" Yang Yiyun asked with his heart pounding.

Qingyuanniao sighed, but felt happy in his heart, secretly thinking that he had made the right bet. Seeing Yang Yi's nervous look, he cared about Diao'er and Little Phoenix very much.

Then he said with a look of sorrow and anger: "In fact, the young master of our tribe, Xiao Fenghuang, and fellow Taoist Diao'er were not taken to Wutong Mountain by Dongting Empress at all. Instead, they were forcibly taken away by Hua Deliang, including fellow Taoist Diao'er. Son, fellow Taoists must also know that Nahua Desolation is the interface messenger. We in the Feiqin lineage don’t dare to say anything at all. More than a hundred years have passed, and we don’t know whether our young master and Diao’er are dead or alive. Nahua Desolation We don’t have the ability to break through Tianzhan..."

Yang Yiyun's expression changed completely. He never thought that Little Phoenix and Diao'er would be taken away by Hua Deliang in the end. He didn't follow the old sparrow at all.

Now that I think about it, maybe the talents of Little Phoenix and Diao'er were taken by Hua Hanlei. Little Phoenix is ​​a real divine bird. In the words of the old man, all divine beasts have become extinct in the world of cultivation.

The little phoenix is ​​a divine bird. It is an existence that is envied by all races in terms of its natural talents. In the eyes of some human races, this divine bird is a supreme cultivation cauldron. It may be refined into elixirs, or it may be evil. Magic or little phoenix magical powers, talents, etc. Anyway, mythical beasts and birds are the most precious treasures in the world.

Not to mention Diao'er, who has a talent for treasure hunting and is the treasure-hunting beast that all monks dream of. Wealth is the most important thing in cultivation, and wealth ranks first. Shui doesn't want to have a treasure-hunting beast?

I think that when Diaoer appeared in the Shanhai Realm, he was hunted down by many monks in the Shanhai Realm. They were interested in Diaoer's treasure hunting ability.

Although Yang Yiyun only knew Little Phoenix for one day, he hatched it with his own hands through a strange combination of circumstances. Little Phoenix had a natural affinity for Yang Yiyun, and in the end the two became like a brother and sister. He named Little Phoenix Yang Shanhong.

This emotion is what Yang Yiyun values ​​the most. If something happens to little Phoenix, will Yang Yiyun be heartbroken?

The answer is no doubt.

Not to mention Diao'er, who was Yang Yiyun's earliest companion and brought more than just joy to Yang Yiyun. In his heart, Diao'er was not a spiritual pet but a relative.

No matter who Yang Yiyun is, he doesn't want anything to happen to them.

After listening to Qingyuanniao's words, Yang Yiyun's heart sank completely. He didn't dare to think about the bad things, but a chill spread all over his body.

Qingyuanniao felt the chill radiating from Yang Yiyun's whole body and smiled in her heart. Her goal was achieved. As long as Yang Yiyun hated the Shanghua Artifact Spirit, no matter whether he went to make a fuss about the miserable Tianzhan or not, it would be the same for the birds. Chance.

The Bird Clan is always thinking about taking Little Phoenix to Wutong Mountain. The Bird Clan really needs a king who can lead the birds. The life of the Bird Clan in the Mountain and Sea Realm is actually very difficult, and they are all in disarray. If Little Phoenix can go Wutong Mountain, that will be the greatest blessing to the bird community.

"Fellow Daoist Yang Qingyuan said goodbye. I will invite you to Wutong Mountain as a guest in the future. My wife will definitely be happy. are going to kill me in the sky, my bird tribe is willing to assist you." Qingyuanniao said cryptically.

"Thank you, let's go slowly." Yang Yiyun glanced at Qingyuanniao. Now he didn't understand that Qingyuanniao was plotting to get him to make a big fuss about the desolate Tianzhan.

But for the sake of Xiao Fenghuang and Diao'er, he seemed to have no choice. It was imperative that Tian Zhan went to Hua Hanoliang to get Xiao Fenghuang and Diao'er back. If Hua Hanoliang didn't give them back, what's the point of causing trouble with Tianzhan?

After watching Qingyuanniao and his entourage leave, before Yang Yiyun could speak, Hou Doudou on the side said anxiously: "Brother, let's go find Lao Shizi and turn the desolation into desolation and get the boss back." In Hou Doudou's heart, Diao'er is a little kid from childhood. Partner, the relationship between the two was no less than that of Yang Yiyun.

"When we get out of the secret realm, we will go find Hua Lianliang." Yang Yiyun nodded solemnly. On the surface, Yang Yiyun was calm, but he was already a little uneasy in his heart.

I originally thought that Little Phoenix and Diao'er would have a good life, but I didn't expect such news.

As an interface messenger, Hua Hanliang should be a person assigned by a big force in the world of cultivation to guard the mountain and sea world. It can be seen from the fact that he was able to tear apart space and send himself back to the earth. He is definitely a person who has cultivated the mystical realm. Yang Yiyun I dare not think about what would happen if Diao'er and Little Phoenix fell into Hua Hanliang's hands.

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