My Master Is a God

Chapter 1058 It seems to be that kind of poison

"Okay." Hou Doudou's eyes were full of worry, but after hearing the conversation between Qingyuanniao and his eldest brother Yang Yiyun, he could also guess that Hua Delan was different.

"You two go first and wait for me outside the secret realm. I will go find Senior Sister Xia Chan and come back." Yang Yiyun thought that Xia Chan had been hidden somewhere in the secret realm by Guan Tianao, and asked Hou Doudou and the three of them to leave first.

"I'll go with you. I'm also worried about Sister Xia's safety." Ye Wuxin said.

Hou Doudou and Bai Qi also said they would accompany Yang Yiyun.

Yang Yiyun said helplessly: "Guan Tian'ao is dead. The ferocious beasts in the secret realm have been eliminated. There is no danger. You go outside and wait for me. Xia Chan is hidden far away in the secret realm by Guan Tian'ao. I will come out when I find her."

Hou Doudou and Bai Qi left. Since Yang Yiyun said so, they did not insist. Anyway, Yang was invincible in their eyes and no one could hurt him.

But Ye Wuxin insisted on following her no matter what, but Yang Yiyun had no choice but to let her follow. Anyway, Xia Chan was also Ye Wuxin's good sister.

Of course, Wu Moqiu was also in the invisible state. He was Yang's shadow.

It was easier to find Xia Chan with the old man here. The old man had checked other people's auras from Guan Tianao before. Now after telling the old man that he wanted to find someone, Yun Tianxie's voice directly came to Yang Yiyun's mind: "Southwest Three hundred miles away, there is a red stone mountain, and there is a cave on the right side of the mountain. The breath is there, so don't bother me."

Yun Tianxie still went his own way. After giving Yang Yiyun's answer, he stopped talking.

Yang Yiyun took it for granted and walked thinking about the Red Rock Mountain three hundred miles southwest. Since the old man said that the aura was there, there was a high probability that there would be nothing wrong. He knew how powerful the old man's perverted consciousness was.

Finding someone would be a piece of cake for him.

Just as Yang Yiyun was rushing toward Hongshi Mountain in the southwest, a big black snake covered in blood appeared near Hongshi Mountain, and turned around and transformed into a strange woman, or man.

Yang Yiyun must have recognized it at the scene. It was the Yin-Yang snake.

I just heard the Yin-Yang Snake whisper in a sharp voice: "It's too scary. I didn't expect such ferocious beasts to be born in that blood pool. It's better to run fast, otherwise my life will be at stake."

Immediately afterwards, Yin Yang Snake said in a rough and wild voice: "It's really unlucky to go out this time. Not to mention that I didn't grab the fairy treasure, and the Tianzhan fragments are not missing. Now it's good that I've been injured all over the body, and the toad is dead. I met an old neighbor, hey, let’s go back to the mountain after a while.”

One has a shrill voice and the other has a rough voice, which are exactly the characteristics of male and female.

In fact, this yin-yang snake also has two heads after its transformation, but the female side loves beauty and does not let the male head come out. It looks like a monster that is neither male nor female.

"Hey, do you smell anything?" a high-pitched voice asked.

The rough voice showed its nose and then said: "It seems to be the smell of human beings..."

The Yin Yang Snake's eyes shone as he spoke, and he followed the scent to a huge rock at the foot of Red Stone Mountain and stopped.

"What I'm saying is, it turns out that someone was in the cave and happened to be injured. He went in and had sex to restore his mana."


With a wave of his hand, the boulder was shattered, and sure enough, a three-meter-square cave appeared. The Yin-Yang Snake got into the cave with a smile.

Not long after the Yin Yang God entered the cave, Yang Yiyun and Ye Wuxin flew down from the sky, and he saw a huge red stone mountain in the distance.

"Qiu'er showed up to look around and there was no cave nearby." Yang Yiyun said to Ye Wuxin.

As soon as he finished speaking, Ye Wuxin pointed in front of him and said, "Isn't there the one over there?"

"Go over and take a look. As far as I know, Guan Tianao locked Senior Sister Xia Chan in this cave on Hongshi Mountain. If there is no other cave, this should be it."

While talking, the two walked into the cave.

The caves here are all made of red boulders. When walking in the cave, there is a faint red halo illuminating the stone walls on both sides of the cave, but it is not dark.

After walking more than ten meters, Wu Moqiu suddenly said: "Sir, I can smell the scent of the Yin-Yang snake here."

Yang Yiyun's expression changed. After hearing what Wu Moqiu said, he also noticed the aura of the Yin-Yang snake in the air, and immediately closed his eyes to release his powerful spiritual consciousness.

The next moment, the hair on his scalp almost exploded, and he became filled with murderous intent.

"What's wrong?" Ye Wuxin and Wu Moqiu were both frightened by the killing intent released from Yang Yiyun.

"Stop asking and leave quickly. Senior Sister Xia is in danger." After saying that, he quickly dodged away, followed closely by Ye Wuxin and Wu Moqiu.

Yang Yiyun rushed forward at the fastest speed with great murderous intent. Just as he released his spiritual consciousness, he didn't expect to see the incarnation of the Yin-Yang snake in the cave more than ten meters ahead. clothes, while Xia Chan was in a limp state and seemed unable to move.

Now Yang Yiyun was furious.

That bastard Guan Tianao imprisoned Xia Chan here. He never expected that the monster Yin Yang Snake would be found. Thinking of the lewdness of the Yin Yang Snake when Monkey Doudou talked about it, his scalp went numb.

She screamed in her heart that she had arrived in time. If it had only been at night, Xia Chan would have been harvested by the Yin-Yang Snake, a male and female monster.

The distance of more than ten meters was extremely short.

The cave is in the shape of a seven-character curve with a large cave in the past. Yang Yiyun suppressed his anger and prepared to go over and kill the Yin-Yang Snake with one blow without making any noise.

However, when he arrived at the cave, he did not see the Yin-Yang Snake. Only Xia Chan lay naked on a boulder in the center of the cave. It seemed that she was surging, her eyes were blurred, did she make two sounds? Gasps.

Then Ye Wuxin and Wu Moqiu felt it.


When the two of them saw Xia Chan lying naked on the boulder, they immediately exclaimed.

At this time, Yang woke up from a dream and coughed: "Then why don't you go find some clothes for Senior Sister Xia to put on? I just saw the Yin-Yang Snake, but it disappeared after I came in."

Yang Yiyun walked into the cave while talking, and the latter two hurriedly walked towards Xia Chan.

The entire cave is actually only sixty or seventy square meters of space, which is not too big, and it is clear at a glance that there are no other entrances, just the entrance.

The surrounding walls are also neatly flat, making it impossible to hide anyone.

But Yang Yiyun knew that what he saw with his spiritual consciousness was the monster incarnate as the Yin-Yang Snake, and there was nothing wrong with it.

He was just afraid of alerting the snake, so after discovering it in his spiritual consciousness, he didn't say anything and wanted to come in and kill the Yin-Yang snake with one blow, but who knew that it disappeared in the blink of an eye.

This was very strange, so Yang Yiyun determined that the Yin Yang Snake was still in the cave and was just hiding it by some means.

After walking in, he didn't go far. He stood three meters away from the exit and looked around to find the Yin-Yang Snake.

And just at this moment, Ye Wuxin, who was dressing Xia Chan on the flat rock, suddenly said: "I feel a little dizzy...?"

"I seem to feel something is wrong..." Wu Moqiu said suddenly.

"You two, hurry up and put on Senior Sister Xia's clothes." Yang Yiyun looked at the three of them from the corner of his eye, always feeling Xia Chan's jade-like skin and fiery figure, but his whole body felt hot.

"Sister Xia's whole body is sealed. Let's help her uncover it first. She can't even move her body," Ye Wuxin said.

When Yang heard this, he turned around and continued to search for the Yin-Yang Snake. The strange thing was that he couldn't find the Yin-Yang Snake even with his spiritual sense.

Ye Wuxin and Wu Moqiu began to work on Xia Chan to lift the seal on Xia Chan.

After about two or three minutes, Yang Yiyun felt that his whole body was getting hotter and hotter, making him want to take off his clothes. Xia Chan's breathing sounded in his ears from time to time, which made him unconsciously confused.

At a certain moment, a chuckle suddenly sounded in the empty hall: "I think it's almost the same. Our male and female auras are colorless and odorless. Not to mention the distraction state, even the legendary fused old monster can be attacked. Not to mention them, now it's time for us to go out and enjoy ourselves. The boy is yours, and the three girls are yours, haha..." A rough laugh sounded.

Yang Yiyun was startled when he heard the voice and turned around suddenly, but his body felt dizzy and he almost fell over.

When he turned around, he saw a small blood-colored snake integrated into the boulder appearing in the corner of the huge flat boulder. It was only half a foot long. It was a double-headed snake, or a yin-yang snake.

Now he understood why he couldn't find it. It turned out that the Yin-Yang snake transformed into a blood-red body and shrunk before crawling on the boulder.

And he just searched the whole space with his spiritual consciousness but couldn't find it on the boulder, because Xia Chan looked naked and he was embarrassed.

When I heard the rough voice just now, wasn't it the Yin Yang Snake's voice that alternated between rough and sharp?

Now Yang Yi's head is getting bigger. He knows that he has been poisoned by the Yin Yang snake. The poison in the key seems to be that kind of poison. His body is heating up and his consciousness is beginning to blur. Ye Wuxin and Wu Moqiu on the boulder also took off their clothes at some point. …

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