My Master Is a God

Chapter 1075 Fish leaping over Longmen Pass

Xuanwu chuckled and said: "To be precise, one weight is more dangerous than the other. This has just begun. In the Five Elements Heaven, only the Heavenly Cutting Gold that has just begun to climb has no obstacles. From now on, when entering the Heavenly Cutting Wood, these rattans will appear. It stretches for thousands of miles.

Behind is the Water of Heavenly Slash, which is a waterfall hanging upside down from the sky. We must flow upward like a fish jumping over a dragon gate. Behind it are flames, a forest of knives, wind and thunder, rain and snow, and each level is more harsh than the last. "

After finishing speaking, Xuanwu Beiming asked: "Why are you so scared?"

Yang Yiyun grinned: "It's not about being afraid. The worse the environment, the more likely it is to break yourself. Let's just think of it as cultivation."

"Giggle, the little guy is right, but he has a good attitude. Yes, although the environment of Tianzhan Seventh Level is harsh, if you can pass it, it will be of great help if you practice more. The four of you will follow us three and try our best to give you Shelter, but don’t underestimate any heaven.”

But after Xiao Dixian and Tianhu came up, Tianhu spoke.

Then Zheng Binbin and Hou Doudou arrived in a flash.

"Where is your ghost cultivator friend?" Xiao Didixian asked Yang Yiyun without seeing Wu Moqiu.

"She has a secret method to follow, so we don't need to worry about her." Yang Yiyun naturally did not say that Wu Moqiu was taken into the Qiankun Pot space by him, but just explained casually.

Xiao Didixian didn't ask any more questions, nodded and said: "You three are tighter, the road will be difficult to walk from now on."

Yang Yiyun still felt warm about Xiao Didi Xian Tangtang's concern. When she asked Wu Moqiu, she expressed concern for everyone in the team. This was very humane and Yang Yiyun liked this feeling.

He knew that although Xiaodi Xiantangtang, Nine-tailed Sky Fox, and Xuanwu Beiming were reborn, they were still big bosses in essence, because they had memories of previous lives, which meant that they also had various magical powers from previous lives. , should not be underestimated.

Faced with having to fight all the way up to the Heaven and Zhan Mountain, they have only passed the first level of heaven. Now it is just the beginning, and a very terrifying rattan world has already appeared, but Yang Yiyun can see that the three old monsters are not afraid at all.

The next six-level Tiantian Slash did not seem to be in the eyes of the three of them.

At this moment, everyone is like a spider piercing the hard mountain with both hands, appearing at the junction of the first heaven and the second heaven.

Hou Doudou couldn't help but said: "It's too troublesome. You can just fly up. How long will it take to climb up like this?"

Xuanwu Beiming sneered and said: "Monkey, are you stupid? If you can fly up directly, why bother? There is a restriction in the control. What is waiting for you when flying up is the rolling Tiangang thunder. If you are not afraid of death, just try flying, haha."

"Uh~" Hou Doudou was speechless.

At this time, Tianhu said: "Stop dawdling, everyone speed up, don't let the interface messenger find out and cause trouble."

After saying that, he jumped up and moved forward quickly, followed closely by Xiaodi Xian and Xuanwu Beiming, and the three of them quickly advanced in a line.

Yang Yiyun and the others quickly followed. The three of them knew that following closely behind the three old monsters at this time could minimize the chance of being attacked by the cane.

He also knew that even so, he would inevitably be affected by the rattan.

There were so many that the endless rattans seemed to be lying on the wall.

The whole world is made up of long vines as thick as an arm.

"Boom boom boom~"

The three people in front of Xiaodixian responded calmly.

A sudden white light burst behind the sky fox in the middle, and the shadow of a white fox appeared. Yang Yiyun saw a total of seven tails. He knew that the nine-tailed fox clan was not necessarily nine-tailed, but that each tail resembled a kind of cultivation. In terms of realm, Nine Tails is the highest. Now that Tianhu has seven tails, it is enough to show how powerful she is.

Although it is just a phantom of the Sky Fox, the strength displayed is very terrifying. The seven tails behind the phantom are like harvesters, moving against the vines that are sweeping in. The seven tails of the Phantom Fox collide. Each cane was broken due to collision.

Tianhu was not hurt at all, and he dealt with the cane Tianhu calmly, and his upward speed did not slow down at all.

Xuanwu Beiming, on the other hand, turned his hand into blade-like nails and inserted them into the stone wall and walked upwards. He waved his wooden staff in the other hand. Blue lights burst out and flashed. Each blue flash of light hit the rattan directly. Will be crushed and look so powerful.

As for Xiaodi Xian Tangtang, I didn’t see her doing anything. She stabbed her hands into the stone wall leisurely and walked, but at some point, a golden umbrella-mounted magic weapon appeared above her head, floating in the golden light every time she turned. The rattan that was whipped by it will turn into powder.

In Yang Yiyun's eyes, the three old monsters who had been reborn had their own methods and were really powerful. He, Hou Doudou and Zheng Binbin were following behind them, and they were really taking advantage of each other. It could indeed be said that they were protected by the three old monsters.

Occasionally, one or two canes that slipped through the net were whipped and Yang Yiyun and the other three could handle it, which was quite easy.

No matter how you think about it, without the protection of Xiao Dixian and Tianhu Xuanwu Beiming, although the three of them could handle these rattans on their own, it would never be so easy.

Time passed by, and at a certain moment Yang Yiyun heard the sound of roaring water. When he looked up, a vast expanse of white appeared in front of him.

He knew that the cane or the Heavenly Cutting Wood had finally come to an end, and the next step should be the Heavenly Cutting Water that Xuanwu Beiming had talked about, which was also the third level. This third level was hanging upside down from the sky. waterfall.

Sure enough, in a moment everyone's canes disappeared, and a ten-foot-wide fracture zone appeared. This ten-foot-wide area was considered a safe zone. It was still a hard stone wall, but there was nothing there.

Ten feet away, above the head is a rushing waterfall.

Yang Yiyun and the other three looked very shocked.

Looking up, it seems that the Tianhe River is hanging upside down and falling vertically. There is no end in sight, and it is impossible to know how wide and long the waterfall is.

The water flowed down and flowed continuously, completely like a natural water barrier.

The strange thing is that after the water from the waterfall fell down, it completely disappeared in a distance of ten feet. It disappeared into thin air without a drop of water falling.

Xuanwu Beiming said: "This is the third level of heaven. The water of Tianzhu is also ten thousand feet high. There is no harm in these waterfalls hanging upside down from the sky. They are just one word - heavy.

You need to swim and climb up the entire 100,000 feet. Being able to withstand the pressure of the water flow will be of great benefit to the physical body. Although it is to stop the monks from attacking, it is not a natural tempering place for cultivating the physical body. If you can understand the power of the waterfall flowing down, it will be of great benefit to your future cultivation.

It's up to the three of you to go up to the third heaven on your own. The three of us can't help much. So be it, we'll wait for you in the fourth heaven. "

After Xuanwu finished speaking, he took the lead and plunged into the endless waterfall. He went upstream and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Tianhu looked back at Zheng Binbin and said: "Good disciple, come on, this place can temper your body, don't miss it, my master is waiting for you ahead."

After saying that, he left quickly.

Xiaodi Xian Tangtang looked at Yang Yiyun and said with a smile: "Brother, come on, this is a fish leaping over Longmen Pass. Rushing up will be of great benefit to your cultivation. I will take the first step."

Yang Yiyun and the other two looked at each other in shock as they watched the three old monsters who had transferred to cultivators leave.

Hou Doudou grinned and said: "It's just three old foxes who promised to take care of us up there. Fortunately, they left us alone before we got halfway. This is too irresponsible."

Yang Yiyun felt that Xiao Didixian and the others were right. The body could indeed be tempered in such an environment. Rather than saying that the three old monsters of Xiao Di .

Yang Yiyun smiled at the monkey's teasing complaint and said, "Stop complaining. Any environment is a place for cultivation. This waterfall in the third heaven seems to come from the sky and hang upside down. It must have unparalleled pressure and is very suitable for tempering." Physical body, are you afraid of this difficulty even though you are a majestic monster?"

Hou Doudou glared and said, "How is that possible? My physical body is probably stronger than both of yours. Let's compete to see who reaches the fourth heaven first."

Zheng Binbin smiled sweetly and said: "Okay, since it's a competition, let's give it to you. I have the desert spirit spring water in my hand, which has the power to calm the mind. Let's give it to whoever comes first."

Hou Doudou and Yang Yiyun's eyes lit up when they heard this.

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