My Master Is a God

Chapter 1076 The Realm of Life and Death

"Do you have any luck?" Zheng Binbin asked with a smile.

Hou Doudou chuckled and said, "I have a jar of Thousand-Year Monkey Wine, which I got from the elder's hands as a bonus."

Yang Yiyun smiled and said: "I have three spiritual peaches as a lucky draw."

While the three of them were talking and laughing, they decided on the prize for the competition.

Of course, the focus is still on tempering the physical body. Everyone understands that it is actually a kind of mutual encouragement.

From Hou Doudou's point of view, he has the body of an ape and is definitely the most powerful of the three monsters in the physical body.

In Zheng Binbin's view, she was fused with the pure Yang clone of her ancestor, and her physical body was the strongest among the three. Proposing the lottery was more of an incentive for Yang Yiyun and Hou Doudou.

However, Yang Yiyun's thoughts are not what the two of them have in mind. His body is the Vajra realm body mentioned by the master. It is full of power, and his muscles and bones are as strong as ordinary spiritual weapons. Naturally, he is not weak. However, he also knows that Zheng Binbin's condition is fused with Chunyang. After the clone, Zheng Binbin's physical body was only slightly stronger than his. Among the three, Yang Yiyun thought that Hou Doudou was at a disadvantage.

The three of them looked at each other, smiled, jumped up, and plunged into the waterfall in an instant.

The three people who had entered the waterfall were each relying on their own abilities, and no one could help the other.

Yang Yiyun smashed his head in and felt a chill all over his body. He forgot that his true energy shield was drenched with water. At the same time, it was accompanied by a huge pressure, as if a big mountain was pressing on his body.

I thought there would be heavy pressure, but I didn't expect it to be beyond my imagination. I almost lost my grip and fell. I quickly used my hands to insert my true energy into the stone wall of the mountain to stabilize my body.

Even so, he was hit by the huge and heavy water pressure and slid down. If his fingers were inserted into the stone wall, gravel would fall down.

This environment was beyond Yang Yiyun's expectations, and now he admired the three old monsters who had already rushed forward. Previously, he saw that the three old monsters who had transferred to cultivators were faster than the other, and they disappeared easily.

It was only now that I realized the contrast through personal experience, and sighed in my heart: "The three old monsters who have transferred to cultivation are all perverts."

Compared with his cultivation strength, which can be seen from climbing waterfalls, there is a big difference between him and the three old monsters who have transferred to cultivation.

Thinking about it, the immortal desolation there is even more terrifying.

Yang Yiyun couldn't help but worry about this trip.

Thinking in his mind, he could already see Zheng Binbin and Hou Doudou starting to climb up.

As expected, Zheng Binbin went up faster, but Hou Doudou had an innate advantage. Using all four limbs together, his speed was no slower than Zheng Binbin's.

Yang Yiyun smiled bitterly in his heart: "It seems that I am the weakest one."

Of course, he just lamented that if he really tried his best, he would not be slower than the two of them.

But at this time, Yang Yiyun wanted to experience the power of the waterfall in the waterfall, which was like the Milky Way hanging upside down from the sky. He hoped to strengthen his momentum and hone his magical sword skills to the next level.

Thinking like this, he activated the energy in his body to circulate in his arms, chasing Hou Doudou and Zheng Binbin.

But as soon as he moved upward, Master Yun Tianxie's voice rang in his mind: "You brat, don't use your true energy, just use your physical strength to climb up."

As soon as Yang Yiyun heard the master speak, he immediately rolled his eyes and said: "Old man, are you crazy? It's like I have a big mountain on my back. I feel tired even if I use all my energy to climb up. How can I climb without using my energy? ?”

"You bastard, please don't question me. This place has the gravity of the Earth Immortal Law. Although it is dangerous, the upside-down waterfall is a natural tempering ground.

The ever-flowing waterfall is a natural iron hammer, and you yourself are a piece of iron stone. In this environment, if you can insist on breaking through the current limit, your body will step into the realm of life and death.

The physical body in the realm of life and death is the body that every monk is fascinated by. If you hadn't tempered your physical body to the vajra body, you still wouldn't be able to refine it in the realm of life and death.

Cut the nonsense and just follow what the teacher said. The bottleneck of your vajra body has not moved for many years. This is the bottleneck. Take this opportunity to temper your physical body and rush into the bottleneck of the vajra body. If you can break through, you will step into the physical body. In the realm of life and death, the benefits are huge. "

Yun Tianxie almost ordered Yang Yiyun.

Yang Yiyun said helplessly: "Old man, you have to tell me what the realm of life and death is, right?"

Yun Tianxie snorted coldly: "The so-called life and death is a physical realm, which requires a vajra body as the foundation. Your current conditions are just right.

If the Vajra Realm is about tempering the muscles and bones to the strength of diamond, to put it bluntly, the Vajra Realm is about tempering the muscles and bones, while the Vajra Realm is about tempering the blood and allowing the blood to evolve.

Blood is the foundation of the physical body. It provides the physical body for the creation of a place. If you are injured, you need blood to repair and rebuild it. If you break an arm or a leg, you also need blood to rebuild...

Therefore, blood is the foundation of the physical body. The physical body in the realm of life and death is the tempering of blood. The power of life and death in the blood is actually the power of regeneration.

In the Mahayana Realm of Life and Death, even if you only have one drop of blood left, you can restore a physical body. Of course, this is exaggerated, but it also reflects the magical power of the blood of life and death.

What you need to do now is to give up the power of your true energy and use pure physical strength to climb up. As long as you push past the limits of your body and risk death, you will be able to step into the realm of physical life and death. The benefits will be waiting for you when you step into the realm of life and death. Can feel it. "

After talking a lot, Yang Yiyun knew that the master would not allow him to use his true energy, and he would use his own physical strength to temper it under the waterfall.

However, what the old man said about the physical body in the realm of life and death was indeed very attractive to him. The regenerative power produced in the blood was equivalent to an immortal body.

There was indeed no movement in his Vajra body for a long time, stuck in a bottleneck state, and he also felt a sense of restraint.

He thought about it and said, "Well, the old man won't hurt me, so just give it a try and try your best. Anyway, with the supreme skill of Qiankun Body Tempering Art, even if there is no breakthrough, the physical body can be strengthened, which is a good thing after all."

Just do it as you say, and with a movement of your heart, your true energy is withdrawn. The gravity on your body suddenly increases, and your whole body is impacted by the huge force of the waterfall.

Yang Yiyun was shocked. He was about to fall. He would not be able to fly and would be smashed into a pair of pieces of flesh.

In a hurry, he suddenly exerted force and activated the Qiankun Body Tempering Technique. He thrust his hands into the mountain twice with force and finally stabilized his body.

I shouted in my heart: "Damn old man, this is life-threatening~"

At this moment, he felt that it was extremely heavy to lift his arms, let alone to climb up, and he had to climb thousands of feet, and he cursed the old man in his heart.

Both hands were instantly peeled off and bloody.

And all of a sudden it fell back to the starting point.

"What are you doing so slowly? It's nothing to scratch your skin. The tempered body is meant to endure hardships. Now, where are you? Remember the realm of life and death, put it to death and then live. It's the same as the way of cultivation. You can't persist. If you can't endure hardship and break through the limits of your physical body, don't even think about climbing to a higher level. Just use the body tempering technique to climb up without talking nonsense."

Yun Tianxie's cold curses sounded in his mind.

Yang Yiyun was angry, but he also knew that the old man was right.

Gritting his teeth, the Qiankun Body Tempering Art was struggling to operate, and he raised his hand and went upwards.

After putting away his true energy, his body was directly facing the impact of a waterfall falling vertically from a height of 10,000 feet. The clothes on his body were shattered by the water in an instant, and green and red appeared on his body, as if he was being hit with a stick, every second. The stick hit my body thousands of times, and the pain was indescribable.

With difficulty, his hands went up a little bit and pierced the mountain wall with all his strength, making it bloody.

At first, Yang Yiyun could not climb more than ten feet in an hour. However, as the pressure increased greatly, the operation of his Qiankun Body Tempering Art gradually accelerated, and he could clearly feel that the blood flow in his body accelerated.

Yang Yiyun didn't know whether the pain on his body was due to numbness or the Qiankun Body Tempering Technique. Anyway, it wasn't as painful as before.

Speed ​​up as you go...

Another hour passed, and Yang Yiyun completely put away his distracting thoughts, forgetting the pain coming from his body, and immersed himself in the mystery of the blood speeding up after the Qiankun Body Tempering Art circulated in his body. It was a kind of thing that Yang Yiyun himself could not explain clearly. a feeling of.

Anyway, the only thought in his mind was to make the blood flow faster and drive faster...

Soon and unknowingly, Yang Yiyun caught up with Hou Doudou and surpassed Zheng Binbin. Under the rushing waterfall, he really looked like a fish going upstream to cross the dragon gate, forging ahead tenaciously.

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