My Master Is a God

Chapter 1078: Damn old man, you mistook me

Hou Doudou was hesitant to hear this. He was exhausted after coming up from the waterfall. Now the fire of the fourth heaven is coming, and Xuanwu Beiming solemnly reminded that this shows that the fire of the fourth heaven is indeed very dangerous.

After hesitating for a moment, he said, "I'm exhausted. Senior, please take care of me." Hou Doudou needed Xuanwu Beiming to bring him up.

And Zheng Binbin is even more straightforward. Although she has refined and fused the Chongyang avatar of her ancestors, she is still a little numb when faced with the power of the earthly fire. Thinking about it, even if she, a woman, passes through the flames, she will be killed. Burn off your hair and clothes.

Out of women's love for beauty, she also said that she would let Xuanwu Beiming be brought up directly.

In the end, only Yang Yiyun was left.

For Yang Yiyun, what he lacks now is a layer of window paper. Although he knows that the next fourth heaven may be more dangerous than the waterfall, he still believes in his master Yun Tianxie's words to risk death and survive.

Lieyan was also practicing body tempering, so he decided to try it out on his own.

After Yang Yiyun made his decision, Hou Doudou said worriedly: "Brother, if Senior Xuanwu is here, you shouldn't take risks, right?"

Although Zheng Binbin didn't speak, he was still worried.

"I know it in my heart. Don't worry. It's just a mountain of flames. I'm still sure of it. Besides, tempering and training are also an opportunity..."

After Yang Yiyun explained, Hou Doudou and Zheng Binbin stopped talking. They both understood Yang Yiyun's temperament and knew that the decision he made would not be changed easily. Moreover, he could rush up from the waterfall without using his true energy, which was enough. It shows that his physical body is so powerful that he can easily overcome the fourth level of Heavenly Slashing Fire.

Xuanwu Beiming looked at Yang Yiyun and praised: "Since you want to go your own way, I won't force you. I also believe that you can cross the fourth heaven with your own strength. In this case, we will take the first step and wait for you at the end. .”

After saying that, he led Hou Doudou and Zheng Binbin up quickly and disappeared.

Yang Yiyun watched Xuanwu Beiming manifest his true form, carrying Hou Doudou and Zheng Binbin on his back, and rushed into the sea of ​​fire in the blink of an eye. He was somewhat envious of Xuanwu Beiming's powerful turtle shell...

Then he put away his mind and started to go upwards. After turning the Qiankun Body Tempering Technique, he plunged into the sea of ​​fire.

After his physical body was improved, Yang Yiyun finally felt a little confident when facing the fire of earthly industry which was one level higher than the real fire of cultivators.

When he rushed into the sea of ​​​​fire, what greeted him was a blast, and flames swept from all directions.

His hair and eyebrows were turned into ashes, and all the surface skin was burned.


Yang Yiyun couldn't help but scream.

The fire of the earth's karma was a bit beyond his imagination. He didn't need his true energy to resist it, and it was too much for him to rely on physical strength alone.

Almost subconsciously, Yang Yiyun was about to activate his Qi.

However, at this time, Master Yun Tianxie's voice sounded: "Hold on, you brat. You must know that your practice of the Qiankun Body Tempering Technique is the supreme method in the world. You are about to break through the limit of your physical body. Remember what I say as a master." Rebirth after death, continue to endure, the body tempering technique of turning the universe will not hurt your roots.

Although the pain caused by the physical body is great, if you want to break through the limit, you must endure it. Remember, you can definitely do it. Don't use Qi, otherwise the suffering you have suffered in the past will be in vain and all your previous efforts will be wasted. You must not give up as long as you can. Break through the limit, let alone the fire of small earthly karma, even the true fire of samadhi will no longer be afraid. "

Hearing the master's words, Yang Yiyun gritted his teeth and let out a roar. After all, he did not use his true energy, but kept urging the Qiankun Body Tempering Technique to speed up its operation.

The fingers of both hands were pierced into the fiery red mountain rock wall, and were burned by the fire of the earth, making a sizzling sound of oil stains.

The clothes he had just changed were turned into ashes, and his entire body was burned black by the flames.

The unbearable pain penetrated deep into his soul, and he almost fainted.

But the fingers of both hands were still pierced deeply into the mountain, without letting go, and an inhuman roar came out of his mouth.

At this time, let alone climbing up, I was lucky to be able to hold on to my body and not fall down.

All he can do is slowly adapt to the pain of this kind of flame burning.

Fortunately, as the blood in the body was driven to the extreme by the Qiankun Body Tempering Art, it produced a cooling force that suppressed the power of the flames under the surface of the skin.

The skin of the whole body is in an infinite cycle...

It is constantly being burned and repaired and growing new muscles in the blood circulation.

Slowly, Yang Yiyun felt the pain lessen and began to take the first step.


It pierced into the fiery red mountain rock wall, making a dull sound, and sparks rose up wantonly.

A pair of ten fingers were completely burnt black and turned into bones, but there was a cool vitality on them, protecting the ten fingers from being burned, so that the root was not damaged.

Yang Yiyun gradually climbed up little by little...

The whole body was burned by the fire of earthly karma, and it was constantly being repaired, going on in an infinite cycle.

The physical body becomes tougher and harder.

Yang Yiyun felt the pain lessen with every foot he climbed. If this cycle continued, the blood in his body would run faster and faster...

At a certain moment, Yang Yiyun didn't know how long he had been climbing. Anyway, the pain all over his body had gone from being able to grit his teeth and persisting to finally ignoring it.

The Qiankun Body Tempering Art reached its limit, and the blood in the body flew up. After circulating in the blood vessels, the burned area recovered in the blink of an eye, and new flesh and blood grew.

Both the muscles and bones in the body have changed under the nourishment of blood.

He knew that this was a change that occurred after the blood circulation reached its extreme level. It was a change that had already occurred in his body and blood, but this change was not very obvious yet.

The physical body can be repaired quickly, but the damage caused by being burned by the fire of earthly karma is also quick.

Yang Yiyun ignored the situation inside his body and just kept activating the Qiankun Body Tempering Technique.

This is true tempering, and tempering has reached its extreme. Master Yun Tianxie's voice rang in his mind: "Yes, if you go faster, it's not fast enough..."

Forced by his master, Yang Yiyun involuntarily accelerated the operation of the Qiankun Body Tempering Art, and the blood circulation in his body also continued to accelerate...

At this time, Yang Yiyun felt like the blood in his veins was about to spontaneously ignite.

In this situation, I don't know how long it took, but Yang Yiyun felt a sudden shock in the blood vessels in his body, followed by a roaring sound.

It came suddenly and violently, as if the whole blood vessel was overwhelmed.

That's actually it.

Yang Yiyun clearly felt that the blood vessels all over his body were overwhelmed and exploded with a bang.

It’s over! ! !

This was the first thought in Yang Yiyun's mind.

In an instant, he felt that the blood vessels all over his body burst and the blood spread to the muscles and bones throughout his body.

Then a scene that frightened Yang Yiyun appeared. After the blood exploded and invaded every inch of muscle and bone in the body, it rotted away like sulfuric acid wherever it touched.

Yang Yiyun was heartbroken, wailing and screaming: "Damn old man, you mistaken me!"

He knew he was finished.

The muscles and bones of the whole body were rapidly decaying under the erosion of blood, and even the gods could not save him.

He never expected that his blood vessels, which were fine just now, would collapse in the blink of an eye, and his blood would begin to corrode every inch of his body as if it were filled with sulfuric acid.

However, just when Yang Yiyun was desperate, Master Yun Tianxie's curse rang out: "What are you howling for, you brat? You can't die, you are in the realm of life and death, haha."

Putting it to death and then rebirth is the true meaning of the physical body in the realm of life and death. After the cultivation is completed, blood will be shed to generate blood bones. The blood of the physical body will have the power of life and death. Do you understand that you die first and then live?

From now on, when you go to the world of cultivation, you will have an extra layer of life-saving means. Generally, monks are immortal. As long as the soul is immortal, you will be immortal. Of course, you are still far from being truly immortal. Now you Do you feel like you are full of vitality? "

Yang Yiyun was already in despair, but he didn't expect the old man to be calm and calm for such a period of time. After the master finished speaking, he felt it carefully and found... it was really like this.

He was so frightened just now that he felt that his body was being destroyed by blood, and he didn't notice that there was life in the huge destruction of blood.

It was only now that I heard what the master said that I realized that this was really the case. The blood was destroying the muscles and bones in the front, but it was repairing them in the back. No, to be precise, it was reshaping the physical body.

The faster the blood is destroyed, the faster the vitality will be restored later. The musculoskeletal meridians of the whole body are being recast.

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