My Master Is a God

Chapter 1079 Pale golden blood

At the end of the fourth heaven, the three old monsters, Hou Doudou, Zheng Binbin and others were all waiting for Yang Yiyun to come up.

Tianhu and Xiaodi Xiantangtang learned from Xuanwu Beiming that Yang Yiyun did not need help. They were greatly touched. They did not expect that Yang Yiyun could be so perseverant.

You must know that the way to temper the body is the most difficult, and the suffering is beyond imagination, especially after he passed through the water of Tianzhan, and now he started to temper the body with flames, it really made Xiao Dixian and Tianhu look at each other with admiration.

Even when they were climbing the Fire of Heaven's Slash, they still needed the power of true energy to go to the area. Only Xuanwu Beiming's original talent was so powerful that he could pass through the Fire of Heaven's Slash with his physical body alone.

Now Yang Yiyun has actually passed through the fourth level of Heavenly Slashing Fire with pure physical strength. You must know that this is an earthly fire that is more powerful than real fire. It is not something that ordinary people can withstand. What's more, it is a sea of ​​​​fire, and the amount is so large. After a certain level, there will be a qualitative change, so the fire of earth industry here is particularly powerful.

Xiao Didi Xian Tangtang looked at the sea of ​​​​fire from time to time and couldn't help but worry about Yang Yiyun, worrying whether he could reach the end through the sea of ​​​​fire.


Xuanwu Beiming looked at the sea of ​​fire and muttered.

As soon as he opened his mouth, everyone else was shocked and looked towards the sea of ​​fire.

A figure appeared in the sea of ​​​​fire and came quickly.

However, the faces of the three women present turned red again, and Tianhu let out a sigh and said, "It seems like this guy has some skills, let's go."

Then she left first.

Shortly after, Xiaodi Xian Tangtang and Zheng Binbin also left.

It’s impossible not to leave. Yang walked through the flames and was completely naked again. Fortunately, this time his body was completely black in the flames, which was not as obvious as when he came out of the Water of Heavenly Slash. .

"Haha, little monkey, let's go too. I don't think we need to worry about it anymore." Xuanwu said and went up.

Hou Doudou grinned when she saw Yang Yiyun's appearance, and followed Xuanwu Beiming away.

Yang Yiyun didn't know that his indecent image had scared away the people waiting for him, and he finally came out of the sea of ​​​​fire.


He let out a long breath.

Stopped at the area connecting the fourth and fifth heavens.

Not seeing Hou Doudou and others, Yang Yiyun muttered something unfaithful.

Then he saw that his body at this moment was completely like a piece of burnt charcoal, and he immediately mobilized all his strength.


The layer of carapace burned by the flames immediately fell off.

This layer of coke is caused by burns and impurities blown from the body through tempering.

After the coke shell fell off, what was revealed was skin that every woman would be jealous of. It looked shiny and delicate, and could be broken by a blow.

Looking at the delicate muscles, only Yang Yiyun himself knew what terrifying power was hidden in his current body.

After the physical body broke through the limit before, the blood had the power of life and death. In the words of Master Yun Tianxie, his physical body had reached the realm of life and death.

The power of death burst the blood vessels and instantly penetrated the flesh and bones of the whole body. The essence of the power of life then repaired and recast every inch of flesh and bone.

My body is amazing now.

With a thought, it can become as hard as an innate magical weapon, and with a movement, it can become soft and boneless and turn into a rope...

Yang Yiyun felt that even if a piece of his body was missing, the life force contained in his blood could be restored.

It can be said that as long as the blood does not dry up, the physical body will not die, and the soul will not die, so he will not die.

The biggest change was that the dead blood turned into a light golden color.

As we all know, and given his world view, human blood is originally red, but it suddenly turned into light gold and almost scared him to death.

After asking the master, I found out that this is normal. The old man said that the characteristic change of the physical body in the realm of life and death is blood. The blood turning into light gold is the characteristic of the physical body in the realm of life and death. It is normal.

There are two powers of life and death in the blood, one for offense and one for defense, with endless magical uses.

The power of death can not only destroy one's own body, but can also attack the enemy. As long as the blood is spilled with the intention of attacking and killing the enemy, it will be a kind of corrosive destruction.

The power of life is to repair. In addition to repairing one's own injuries, it can also repair other people's.

From someone's point of view, the physical body in the realm of life and death is a physical magical power.

According to the old man's words, his current physical body in the life and death realm is considered the first realm, and there are two middle and latter realms later. The higher the strength of the physical body, the darker the color of the blood will be, and the stronger the power of life and death will be. In other words, his physical body in the life and death realm will be After Mahayana, the blood will turn into pure gold.

In short, according to the old man's intention, the physical body of the life and death realm can enable him to save his life in the cultivator world. Although Yang Yiyun does not have an accurate understanding of the physical body of the life and death realm, he can hear it from the old man's tone, which seems good.

Then he took out another set of clothes and set off.

There is also the last layer of the Five Elements, Xuanwu Beiming, who said it is the land of Heavenly Slash.

This level is nothing to Yang Yiyun. The physical body of the life and death realm has been completed, and there is no need to use the physical body to break through. The main reason is that the image of Chi Guoguo is very bad.

What we have to do now is to hurry up and catch up with the others.

The sky of Tianzhan Earth is a world full of barbs. The barbs turned into soil are in strange shapes, more like a forest of knives.

When Yang Yiyun broke in, he found that it was harder than a spiritual weapon, but that was nothing to him now. The physical advantage of the life and death realm was fully demonstrated. For others, it might be necessary to clean up the forest of barbed knives. But he just grabbed it with his hands and went up.

There is no fear of hurting the body at all, and it can't hurt him now.

In the blink of an eye, the physical body in the realm of life and death was so hard that he felt that the physical body at this moment could directly catch up with the earth weapon.

It didn't take him half an hour to get out of the fifth heaven.

This is the fastest level, and the advantages brought by the physical body in the life and death realm are reflected.

According to Xuanwu Beiming, there are seven heavens in total, including the Five Elements and Wind, Thunder, Ice and Snow. After the last two heavens is the Heavenly Slash Palace.

When Yang Yiyun rushed out of the fifth heaven, he was greeted by knife-like strong winds and streaks of lightning. There was no buffer zone here, and there was an immediate attack of wind and thunder.

It was still a ninety-degree vertical mountain, as smooth as a mirror, with knife-like winds and overwhelming thunder and lightning in all directions, killing it.

Yang Yiyun knew that this was a test of his cultivation. The power of wind and thunder here was indeed powerful. It was indeed difficult for him to face the power of wind and thunder here before he had cultivated the physical body of life and death, but now it was not at all.

Allowing Feng Lei to increase his body, Yang Yiyun rushed forward without slowing down. Xiao Di Xian Tang Tang and the others could no longer see the figure, and he wanted to chase them.

The power of wind and thunder has no effect on him at all. Under the explosion of power of the physical body in the life and death realm, this bit of wind and thunder is nothing, it just feels like a scratching itch.

The speed got faster and faster. Two hours later, Yang Yiyun felt a sudden burst of cold air, and couldn't help but tremble all over his body.

Only then did I realize that I had left Tianzhan Fenglei and entered the last level of Tianzhan, the Ice and Snow Sky.

I calculated in my mind that the Heavenly Cutting Wind and Thunder was about 25,000 feet, which was longer than the previous heavens. Based on this calculation, the final Heavenly Cutting Ice and Snow was also about the same, adding up to exactly 100,000 feet.

In this world of ice and snow, Yang Yiyun felt only one word - cold.

The vast expanse of silver has the feeling of being frozen for thousands of miles.

It made the body somewhat stiff, activated the Qiankun Body Tempering Technique, and after the blood started flowing throughout the body, the chill disappeared.

Yang Yiyun grinned, and with a sudden movement in his heart, he immediately slipped out with the luck of the end of the world.

Although he was walking upward, the mountain was now a mirror-like surface of ice, and with his cultivation of the realm of life and death in his physical body, he stood up directly with his feet standing on the vertical mountain and walked on it after using the Near End of the World skill. It disappeared immediately.

At a certain moment, Yang Yiyun finally saw a few figures in his sight, it was Xiaodi Xian Tangtang and the others.

Xuanwu Ming Ming took Hou Doudou, and Tianhu took Zheng Binbin. It was easier for the two of them, who were weak in cultivation, to go directly under the protection.

In his sight, Yang Yiyun saw that the three old monsters had real energy flowing all over their bodies and had turned on their best protection. Moreover, they were still climbing up the mountain with their hands. This scene seemed a little weird in Yang Yiyun's eyes, because he was the only one who was awesome. He walks standing up and very fast.

It is very quiet in the ice and snow. For experts such as Xuanwu Beiming, Tianhu, and Xiaodixian, they can detect any disturbance behind them at the first time.

The three of them felt something moving behind them, and looked around in unison, only to find Yang Yiyun standing upright on his feet, striding over.

The three old monsters were immediately shocked. We all crawled, but this kid actually walked on two legs?

It was difficult to climb in places like this, let alone walk on two legs. Each of the three old monsters turned their eyes.

It seems that Yang Yiyun was still underestimated.

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