My Master Is a God

Chapter 1187 Ninth Level Yuanxian Master

On the third day, Yang Yiyun rode the Five Elements Beast back to the Star Restaurant from the Star Gate because Lou Haitang arranged for him to follow the caravan of the Sun, Moon and Star Chamber of Commerce to the Milky Way.

With Lotus Root's clone sitting in charge and communicating with him, he actually didn't have to go back, but he just thought it would be better to bring the Five Elements Beast with him.

First, there is a substitute, and the Five Elements Beast is comparable to the realm of cultivation in the early stage of transcending tribulation. It is a good helper when encountering danger. This guy is a beast from heaven and earth. The progress in cultivation is very fast. It is about to break through to the middle stage of transcending tribulation. With the five element beast The benefits are huge.

Secondly, he went back and told Li Fengyu to send people to guard the northern boundary pool. If there were relatives and friends from the mountain and sea boundary, they would be taken to the Star Gate to practice.

Although he, Xiao Dixian and others broke the Heavenly Slashing Formation, no one in the Shanhai Realm knew whether they had broken the Heavenly Slashing Formation. However, Yang Yiyun believed that there would be monks in the future who discovered that the Heavenly Slashing Formation no longer existed. By then, the Mountain and Sea Realm monks Naturally, they will come to the world of cultivation.

Yang Yiyun, a relative of the Shanhai Realm, was actually very worried. After all, the cultivation world was a big world, and Li Fengyu could rest assured if he sent people to guard him.

In a situation where he left Wu Moqiu at the Star Gate this time, he was relieved to have Wu Moqiu greeting his relatives on the other side of the Mountain and Sea Realm, and there was also a clone of Lotus Root sitting in charge, so he felt more at ease when he left.

The four little fox demons bought from Xingchen Restaurant for Taobao WeChat Logistics Express also stayed with the Lotus Root clone. Yang Yiyun did not tell many people about the existence of the Lotus Root clone. Only Li Fengyu and Wu Moqiu knew about it, and of course Lou Haitang didn't hide it either.

Many people thought that Yang Yiyun had been practicing hard at Xingchen Gate.

Before leaving, he asked the Lotus Root clone to continue to comprehend the magical powers behind the old man's "Twelve Supremes". He had already gained some insights into the second move.

This made Yang Yiyun very happy. There was a connection between the lotus root clone and his true form. When the lotus root clone understood it thoroughly, he would naturally be able to practice the second move of "The Twelve Supremes".

When they arrived at Xingchen Restaurant, Lou Haitang had already retreated. Yang Yiyun was somewhat disappointed not to see Lou Haitang. However, the caravan had been waiting for a long time, and they set off directly after his arrival.

The Star Restaurant is just an industry under the name of the Sun, Moon and Stars Chamber of Commerce, and the Sun, Moon and Stars Chamber of Commerce is the leader. Branches like the Star Restaurant are spread all over the world of cultivation and can be regarded as behemoths.

Every certain period of time, a caravan like this would come to the headquarters of the Sun, Moon and Stars Chamber of Commerce to deliver the necessary supplies to the restaurant, with the focus being to take away the profits from the Stars Restaurant to the headquarters.

As the owner of Xingchen Restaurant, Lou Haitang would naturally be familiar with people from the headquarters. He arranged for Yang Yiyun to go to the Galaxy with the headquarters caravan. It was Lou Haitang's face, but Yang Yiyun didn't know it.

There are sixty people in the caravan. I heard that Lou Haitang said that the leader of the caravan is named Mu Wenxiang, who is in the middle stage of Mahayana cultivation and is even higher than her.

When leaving, they did not pass through the teleportation array. Yang Yiyun heard that they had to fly in a straight line. The caravan had a Xuanwu flying ship, which could fly millions of miles a day at full speed.

Because there are many cities passing by on the road, all of which have branches of the Sun, Moon and Stars Chamber of Commerce, and the caravans have to transport supplies, so it is more troublesome to take the teleportation array.

There is a flying ship, which is very convenient and comfortable, but only tycoon forces such as the Sun, Moon and Stars Chamber of Commerce can build large spaceships. The spaceship consumes tens of millions of spiritual stones in one day alone.

The power of the spacecraft naturally comes from the spirit stone drive.

After Yang Yiyun arrived, he was taken directly to the spacecraft.

Seeing the behemoth spaceship, he was shocked. He had already felt huge when he saw the Ye Wuxin family's spaceship in Shanhai Realm before, but after seeing the spacecraft of the Sun, Moon and Stars Chamber of Commerce, he realized that the Ye family's flying boat in Shanhai Realm was simply The difference between an aircraft carrier and a small wooden boat.

Stopping outside the City of Stars, it looked like a huge mountain.

And Yang Yiyun's first impression was that of luxury, super luxury...

It's more like a moving castle of laughter than a spaceship.

The entire spacecraft has nine floors. After getting on board, Yang Yiyun estimated that it was at least three thousand meters long and about one thousand meters wide. It was truly aircraft carrier level.

Each floor is a beautifully decorated building, and architecture is art.

The entire spacecraft is emitting spiritual energy fluctuations and is densely covered with runes. It is obvious at a glance that it is some kind of powerful defense.

The whole thing was filled with people, there should be thousands of them. I originally thought there were only sixty people, but now it seems that sixty people are a team of sixty people.

People on the spaceship are coming and going and yelling constantly. At first glance, it looks like a mess, but upon closer inspection, everyone is doing their job.

Such a behemoth ship consumes tens of thousands of medium-grade spiritual stones every day. Yang Yiyun was surprised when he heard it at first. Now that he looks at it, the consumption of ten thousand spiritual stones does not seem to be an exaggeration.

It can also be seen from the side that the Sun, Moon and Stars Chamber of Commerce has strong financial and material resources.

Yang Yiyun was following a steward of the caravan. After uploading, the steward said: "Fellow Daoist, you are a friend of the original poster. Our captain said that you can live directly on the eighth floor. Except for the ninth floor, you can't live on the entire spaceship." You can move freely elsewhere, now I will take you to see our captain."

Yang Yiyun nodded: "Thank you, fellow Taoist." He knew that he was a well-connected person. Only with Lou Haitang's arrangement could he live on the eighth floor. The entire spaceship could be seen at a glance. The higher the floors of the spacecraft, the more It's luxury.

He was very touched by Lou Haitang's arrangement.

But I was confused when the steward said that the captain wanted to see him. It is said that he was a well-connected person, so he probably didn't know that the captain of the team had summoned him.

Now the other party wants to see him, and he doesn't know what's going on.

However, I heard Lou Haitang say that the steward who came to Xingchen Restaurant this time had a good relationship with her in the past, so he could arrange for him to board the spaceship of the Sun, Moon and Stars Chamber of Commerce, otherwise he would not be able to get there with money.

If you have helped someone, you should go see them and say thank you.

Follow the middle-aged steward all the way up to the eighth floor.

As seen in the implementation, the higher the spacecraft floor is, the more luxurious it is. After the eighth floor, the aura of heaven and earth is strong. When you pass by each room, the door is more exquisite than other rooms. It is super Luxurious look.

Above the eighth floor is the last floor, the ninth floor. Yang Yiyun looked up and saw that the construction of the ninth floor was different from that of the other eight floors. It was actually made of some kind of material similar to white marble, and the colors were also different. Different and very unique.

Yang Yiyun couldn't help but ask the steward: "Fellow Taoist, this ninth floor looks different. Who is in your chamber of commerce?"

The steward glanced at Yang Yiyun and looked at the ninth floor. He hesitated whether to tell Yang Yiyun. Thinking that Yang Yiyun was Lou Haitang's friend, he decided to give him a warning.

He opened his mouth and said: "The ninth floor is a big shot in our Sun, Moon and Stars Chamber of Commerce. He is the Yuanxian Master of the Chamber of Commerce's Presbyterian Council. Fellow Taoists, please do not rush into the ninth floor. Don't blame me for not reminding you. Master Yuanxian is a poisonous person." Master, you are good at poison. Don’t rush into the ninth floor, otherwise you will die without knowing how. This time, Master Yuanxian is traveling with a few disciples, and by the way, the spaceship of the Chamber of Commerce is here to stay."

"Immortal Master...?" Yang Yiyun was surprised. Taking the name of Immortal Master is not something that ordinary people dare to call themselves.

The steward understood Yang Yiyun's doubts and explained in a low voice as he walked: "Master Yuanxian is a high-level Earth Immortal, a third-level Earth Immortal. He has survived three times of scattered immortal tribulations. His cultivation is comparable to the Ascension Realm. The next step is to ascend to the Immortal Realm. Now that there is a real quasi-immortal figure, he is naturally called an immortal master."

Yang Yiyun was shocked when he heard that. The third-level Earth Immortal is indeed a top figure in the world of cultivation. No wonder he calls himself an Immortal Master.

"Here we are~"

While the two were talking, the steward led Yang Yiyun to a gate, and then said softly: "Master Mu, Master Lou's friend has arrived."

"Let him in, you go down." A soft voice came from inside.

"Fellow Taoist, please go in." After the steward finished speaking, he turned and left.

Yang Yiyun took a deep breath, gently pushed the door open and entered.

As the door opened, a faint scent of flowers filled his nose, and a spacious hall appeared in front of him.

Near the window in the living room, there were two women, one big and one small, playing chess. He cupped his fists and said, "I've seen Senior Mu."

Lou Haitang told him about Mu Wenxiang. Yang Yiyun thought that the beautiful middle-aged woman in her thirties should be Mu Wenxiang.

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