My Master Is a God

Chapter 1188 Mu Wenxiang’s explanation

Yang Yiyun called him "Senior" out of politeness, because in his eyes Mu Wenxiang was a real middle-stage Mahayana monk.

The woman playing chess with Mu Wenxiang was also an extraordinary person. She was in the early stages of transcending the tribulation, but Yang Yiyun felt that this woman was not old, or that she had not practiced for too long.

Of course, monks have never judged their age based on their appearance. A child who looks a few years old is just an old monster who has been practicing for thousands of years.

"Find a place to do it by yourself. There is Lingcha and Lingjiu to drink as much as you want. He is Lou Haitang's friend, and that is my Mu Wenxiang's friend." Mu Wenxiang didn't even raise her head, focusing on playing chess, and just let Yang Yiyun do what he wanted.

Well, the other party was a Dacheng monk and qualified to do this. Yang Yiyun was not angry and sat aside. He had fine wine and tea. He would not be polite.

Don't disturb others playing chess, just sit down and enjoy some spiritual wine and tea.

Who allows people to be Mahayana monks?

In the world of cultivation, this is the reality. Those with high strength and cultivation are strong, and the strong have privileges over the weak.

Pick up a glass of spiritual wine and cow drink, not to mention it is really a good thing, one sip is full of spiritual energy, it has very pure spiritual energy.

He muttered secretly: "It's a pity that the Five Elements Beast is not here, otherwise this guy would definitely like it."

When uploading, the five elemental beasts were arranged in the spirit beast area on the first floor. Some spirit beasts were so large that they needed special rooms.

On this spaceship, not only Yang Yiyun has spiritual beasts, but others also have them.

Therefore, the Five Elements Beasts were assigned to a separate room for spiritual beasts.

Time slows down while waiting, but for cultivators, sometimes the most valuable thing is time. The more advanced the cultivators are, they often spend as little as several months at a time, or as many as hundreds of years. possible.

Mu Wenxiang and the girl played a game of chess for three days before it ended. During these three days, Yang Yiyun observed that the spacecraft flew for three days, paused for one day, and reached two cities.

He sat aside and drank up a jar of spiritual wine and a pot of spiritual tea. He still wanted to drink more, but he couldn't.

Spiritual wine is also wine, and it is also intoxicating. Yang Yiyun did not use any skill to refine it, but just drank it with his stomach open. When he finished drinking, he was a little tipsy, but he felt very good. His stomach was full of pure spiritual energy, which was refining on its own in the Dantian. .

"Sister Mu, I'm going back first~" The woman stood up and said goodbye.

And Yang Yiyun woke up from his slightly drunk state. He heard the woman talking and came to his senses. The two of them were playing chess.

The moment he opened his eyes in the hazy state, Yang Yiyun and the woman's eyes met. He smiled and signaled, but what he received was the woman's arrogant glance. From the woman's eyes, Yang Yiyun saw deep disdain, as if she was a noble noble, and She was a poor person, and it was as if her eyes would be dirty if she took another look at him.

This was the first time Yang Yiyun encountered such disgusted and contemptuous eyes, and he immediately felt very unhappy.

He didn't provoke her. He didn't expect this woman to have eyes that despised and disliked him...?

Two words suddenly came to mind - Wucao!

If he hadn't been a guest, he would have really wanted to stand up and ask this woman... What sense of superiority do you have?

He took a deep breath and endured it. He came to visit Mu Wenxiang, not to cause trouble. Besides, he was a casual guest on this ship, so he might as well endure it.

After watching Mu Wenxiang send the woman away in person, Yang Yiyun was a little surprised. It seemed that this woman with eyes on her forehead was naturally superior to others. She might have an extraordinary origin. Otherwise, how could a person in the early stage of transcending the tribulation make someone in the middle stage of Mahayana? Mu Wenxiang went to see each other off.

After the woman left, Mu Wenxiang turned around, with a smile as bright as spring breeze, giving the feeling of a well-rounded businessman, and said, "Are you still surprised?"

It was a meaningless sentence, but Yang Yiyun understood what she meant, nodded with a smile and said: "A little bit~"

Mu Wenxiang smiled and said: "Her name is Qu Mingyue. She has a good master. She is used to being complimented one after another. Don't care about it, let alone take it to heart, otherwise she will take you to heart and you will be in big trouble. ”

Yang Yiyun felt that there was something in Mu Wenxiang's words, and looked at her with some confusion: "Senior Mu hasn't finished what he said, right?"

"Little bastard, Lou Haitang has been with me all our lives. You called her sister, but why did I call her senior? I'll tell you when I call her sister, haha." Mu Wenxiang said with a smile.

Yang Yiyun felt ashamed, all women have the same problem!

"Sister Mu~" It doesn't matter what she calls her. Anyway, she helped me get on the spaceship and she deserves to be called a sister. Besides, calling me "senior" does make me look old.

"Gee, that's pretty much it. Sit down. My sister just played chess with Qu Mingyue and neglected you." Mu Wenxiang went to pour the wine while she was talking, but the wine jar was empty. She immediately looked at Yang Yiyun and said with twitching lips: "Little brother, you Did you drink up all the spiritual wine from your sister?"

"Ahem~" Yang Yiyun coughed twice and said with an embarrassed look on his face: "Sister Mu's spiritual wine was so delicious that I drank it all accidentally."

"Sister, this jar of spiritual wine is worth a thousand high-grade spiritual stones. are honest." Mu Wenxiang's heart was bleeding, and when he looked at it, the spiritual tea seemed to be gone.

Yang Yiyun looked embarrassed.

How could he have imagined that a jar of fine wine would be worth a thousand high-grade spiritual stones?

And it was Mu Wenxiang who did it on his own terms, so you can’t blame him, right?

The corner of Mu Wenxiang's mouth twitched, but she didn't say much. She waved her hand and held another jar of spiritual wine in her hand. She poured a glass for her and Yang Yiyun, and Yang Yiyun drank it.

After all, Yang Yiyun was a guest, so he still had to entertain him.

Anyway, it was all over, Yang Yiyun was not polite, picked up the wine glass and drank it all in one gulp. The wine he was drinking now was far worse than the one just now. It must be that Mu Wenxiang had a pain in his body, so he took out the inferior wine to treat himself.

It is disrespectful to come and go. After Yang Yiyun saw Mu Wenxiang's physical pain, he waved his hand and nine spiritual peaches appeared on the table and said: "Sister Mu and little brother didn't bring anything good for the visit. These spiritual peaches are not bad, dear sister." "Xiao Na, I have to trouble my sister to take care of my little brother along the way. Please tell me if there is anything wrong."

Yang Yiyun's spiritual peach is naturally not an ordinary product. It is one of the two greatest treasures in the Qiankun Pot space. It is comparable to the purest Qi pill. It contains pure spiritual energy that does not require refining when taken directly. It can be regarded as a pat on the back for Mu Wenxiang. Shit, after all, I just drank all the wine and tea.

When Mu Wenxiang saw Yang Yiyun take out the spiritual peach, she didn't pay attention to it at first. She thought that Yang Yiyun, a young monk in the integration stage, could come up with something good. But as soon as she glanced at it, her expression changed. She was Mahayana monks can naturally see the spiritual energy contained in the spiritual peach that Yang Yiyun took out.

She was born in the provincial capital of Sun, Moon and Stars, and traveled here and there all the year round. Otherwise, the Chamber of Commerce collected and transported heavenly materials and treasures. She had come into contact with the best spiritual fruits, and she immediately saw that the spiritual peaches produced by Yang Yiyun were valuable.

The pain from Yang Yiyun who had just drank all the spirit wine disappeared. He put away the spirit peach with a smile and waved his hand. He said without any politeness: "Oh, Lou Haitang and I are sisters. We are all our own people. Brother, you are too polite. By the way, you called me What's going on? Lou Haitang told me that my sister has a bad memory, haha...?"

Yang Yiyun rolled his eyes in his heart and thought to himself, he is indeed a businessman, he is so sharp-eyed, you must not remember the name of a little person like me at all, right? How can a dignified Mahayana monk have a bad memory?

He knew in his heart but Yang Yiyun had figured it out. Indeed, for Mahayana monks like Mu Wenxiang, they would not take young monks like themselves to heart and meet with him. It was probably because of Lou Haitang's face. Now Yang Yiyun understood a little bit. , maybe Lou Haitang spent a lot of money on Mu Wenxiang for his own sake.

After getting to know Mu Wenxiang's temperament, Yang Yiyun smiled and said, "My name is Yang Yiyun."

"Oh, yes, yes, it's Yang Yiyun, younger brother of the Yang family. My sister has arranged everything for you, and you live at my sister's place. She has many rooms. I have to go up to the ninth floor later. No one lives there anyway. It will probably take a month to think about the Milky Way. During this time, just stay here and I will arrange everything for you."

Mu Wenxiang got the benefit of Yang Yiyun's Lingtao, and she became extremely enthusiastic. Lou Haitang originally spent money to arrange for Yang Yiyun to stay in her room. Now she borrowed flowers to offer to Buddha, so that Yang Yiyun would appreciate it.

"Thank you very much, Sister Mu." Yang Yiyun thanked her.

"No thank you, no thank you. Anyway, I won't stay in this room for this period of time. I will go to the ninth floor to discuss the Tao with Qu Mingyue. Oh, by the way, if you meet Qu Mingyue on the ship in the next time, don't miss her. She He is the apprentice of Master Yuanxian of our Chamber of Commerce.

Master Yuanxian cultivated the poison path. Qu Mingyue is known as the Little Poison King. Her poison attack is unfathomable. If she misses you, you will be finished. Even though Qu Mingyue is in the early stage of transcending tribulation, she cultivates the poison path. As a Mahayana monk, I You are all afraid of her. The way you and Qu Mingyue looked at each other just now was actually very bad. Be careful next time you meet. "Mu Wenxiang explained to Yang Yiyun seriously.

"Thank you, Sister Mu, for your advice. I'll take note of it." He said this, but in his heart Yang Yiyun didn't care. When he thought about it, if he didn't go to the ninth floor and wouldn't run into Qu Mingyue, how could he be worried about her? Woolen cloth?

Yang Yiyun thought he was right, but he didn't expect that something would happen a few days later that was beyond his imagination, and it would backfire.

"Okay, sister, go ahead and explain some things. I will go directly to the ninth floor. This room will be left for you to use. Remember, except for the ninth floor, you can go up to other floors in the ship. Feel free to move around, I'll say hello to the manager, but it's best for you to stay in your room and practice and don't run around. On this spaceship, there are only three responsible merchants with a cultivation level like mine, and some people have bad tempers." Mu Wenxiang accepted. With the dual benefits of Yang Yiyun and Lou Haitang, it can be regarded as fulfilling one's responsibility.

Yang Yiyun expressed his thanks and then watched Mu Wenxiang leave.

He also agreed with Mu Wenxiang's words and made up his mind to just stay in the room and practice. It would only be a month anyway, and he would be fine once he got off the spaceship.

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