My Master Is a God

Chapter 1209 Alarming the Nine Holy Lands

Just when Yang Yiyun was worried, he heard the old tester say in a deep voice: "Cultivator Yang Yiyun, in the early stage of the Fusion Realm, the strength test - cannot be evaluated."

"The power guess cannot be evaluated?"

A question mark has been drawn in many people’s minds?

Unable to assess what level this is?

The testing and evaluation are all completed by the test monument. The old man is just the guardian of the Galaxy Holy Land and is responsible for reading out the test results of the test monument.

In other words, the test on Yang Yiyun could not be estimated, so the old man could only announce a result that could not be assessed by the strength test, which shocked many people.

But more people laughed at Yang Yiyun. Everyone just thought that this was the result of Yang Yiyun's talent being too useless.

But when Yang Yiyun heard that the old man just announced this result and did not mean to blame him further, he immediately relaxed. What he is worried about now is whether the old man will let him enter the Taihuang Star Sea?

Looking at the old man casually, he asked with some anxiety: "Senior, can I... enter the Taihuang Star Sea?"

The old man looked at Yang Yiyun deeply: "Yes."

The word "Cherish the word is like gold" just pops out.

Yang Yiyun was relieved as long as it did not affect his ability to enter the Great Desolate Star Sea. He nodded to the old man and quickly left the stone monument and walked towards Lu Yanzhi and the others. As long as he passed the test, he could enter the Great Desolate Star Sea at any time.

Yang is now worried that if he stays a little longer, if the test monument suddenly shatters with a crash, he won't be able to leave even if he wants to.

After watching Yang Yiyun leave in a hurry, Ji Changhong, the old tester, couldn't sit still. He faced the recruitment in the distance. Suddenly, a monk who was already in the Mahayana stage came and saluted respectfully: "Mr. Ji, what are your orders?"

"Quickly send a message to the Holy Land and ask the Holy Lord to send people into the Tiantaihuang Star Sea to try to bring Yang Yiyun and Lu Yanzhi into our Galaxy Holy Land. In addition, check their origins. If they are not disciples of other Holy Lands, these two people must be brought into our Holy Land. In particular, Yang Yiyun must not be left out, so that the Holy Master can send elite disciples from the leading hall to enter Taihuang to contact Yang Yiyun and Lu Yanzhi." Ji Changhong spoke in a tone that only the two of them could hear, but he could not suppress his excitement.

This monk in the Mahayana period was a little surprised when he heard Ji Changhong's order. He knew that the Galaxy Holy Land in the inner hall of the Yin Hall was dedicated to recruiting disciples with outstanding talents for the Holy Land. Generally, they were not easily dispatched. Once the elite disciples of the Yin Hall went out to recruit a person, the entire Holy Land would be affected. He would support him, and there was no one who could not be recruited by Yin Tang. Unexpectedly, Ji Changhong's serious tone made him excited to ask Yin Tang's elite disciples to dig out people.

He could understand that Lu Yanzhi was, after all, a perfect dragon and phoenix with three powers combined. This kind of talent and potential was what all the holy places in the world of cultivation wanted to recruit.

But Yang Yiyun didn't even make the slightest noise with the Test Monument just now, and declared nothing. How could it be that Ji Changhong meant that Yang Yiyun was more important than Lu Yanzhi?

Although Ji Changhong is the elder of their Galaxy Holy Land and has a respected status, we still have to ask, is this Yang Yiyun different?

After hearing this, the monk in the Mahayana period whispered: "Mr. Ji... Lu Yanzhi is a goal we strive for. I have prepared to send a message to the sect on this point, but... But the one named Yang Yiyun did not cause the roar of the test monument. Subordinates... don't quite understand..."

Ji Changhong whispered: "Take a look at the test monument and remember not to make any noise."

The monk in the Mahayana period looked at it with doubts when he heard this. The next moment he was shocked and his mouth was wide open, but he did not expect that there were dense cracks on the test monument. This is not a trivial matter!

You must know that the test stele has been passed down for a long time. It is rumored that the test stele was something refined by the Holy Lord of the ancient holy land in the last era.

In the last era, the nine ancient holy masters jointly refined the nine test stele. Although their purpose is to check the cultivation of cultivators who enter the Taihuang Star Sea and test the three powers, there is no doubt that the test stele is a treasure.

No one knows what the Ancient Holy Lord is and what his level is, but he must be a powerful person with supernatural powers and talents.

The nine ancient holy masters jointly refined the nine test stele, which was based on their own power potential of level 12. For countless years, no one has been heard of reaching level 12, let alone making the stele appear. crack.

At this moment, the monk in the Mahayana stage understood why Yang Yiyun did not cause the roar of the test monument. There was only one result that made him feel terrible, that is, Yang Yiyun's test potential reached or exceeded level 12, and he was a level comparable to the ancient holy master. Such a potential person that the Test Monument could not withstand his talent test and broke instantly without causing any roar.

No wonder Ji Changhong is so excited...

The Mahayana monk took a deep breath to suppress the shock in his heart and said, "Mr. Ji will summon the Holy Master now."

"No, I think you should go meet the Holy Lord in person, explain the situation here clearly, and ask the Holy Lord to make a decision. Although it is not yet certain whether Yang Yiyun's potential exceeded the test limit of the test monument and broke, or there is something else. Reason, this matter must be reported to the Holy Lord.

If Yang Yiyun is really a person with talent potential who is very likely to reach level 12 or even exceed level 12, we will not let it go. The nine test monuments show the same results to each other. Yang Yiyun and Lu Yanzhi The other eight holy places must have also received news of the situation.

And this Yang Yiyun and Lu Yanzhi are both monks born from our Galaxy Holy Land. If he is a potential figure at the level of the Ancient Holy Lord, if he slips away from our Galaxy Holy Land and is poached by other Holy Lands, our Galaxy Holy Land will be in trouble. It's become a joke. "Ji Changhong said solemnly.

"Yes, this subordinate will go to see the Holy Lord to report."

The Mahayana monks left in a hurry.

But at this time, Yang Yiyun and others had already arrived at the entrance to the Taihuang Star Sea in the center of the altar.

After Ji Changhong announced a test result of no result, and was ridiculed as useless by the people around him, Yang Yiyun didn't care, because he knew in his heart that he was not a result of no result, the test monument was broken and the oil pan was filled with cold water. The memory is still fresh, how could it be a result of nothing?

In response to this, Qu Mingyue finally found an opportunity to attack Yang Yiyun. Before, Yang Yiyun was so angry that he vomited blood and fainted, but now she finally felt much calmer.

She said a few words that were neither yin nor yang, but she also learned Yang Yiyun's skills as a sharp talker and did not dare to quarrel with Yang Yiyun, otherwise Qu Mingyue was afraid that Yang Yiyun would make her vomit blood again.

Yang Yiyun didn't care about this. He just mocked Qu Mingyue and two words popped out of his mouth - idiot.

Qu Mingyue was furious, but thinking about the fact that she was about to enter the Sea of ​​Desolate Stars, there was no need to cause trouble at this time. She thought viciously in her heart: "You idiot, let you be rampant for a while. When you enter the Sea of ​​Desolate Stars and find an opportunity, I will let you live and die." …”

Yang Yiyun looked at Qu Mingyue with a provocative smile on his lips. He saw the concealed hatred in the depths of this woman's eyes and sneered in his heart. He wanted to see how Qu Mingyue would play after entering the Taihuang Star Sea?

Lu Yanzhi still had the same calm look on his face, while the Yan brothers were talking and laughing around Lu Yanzhi. The four of them stepped into the entrance of the altar with different thoughts...

The entrance to the Taihuang Xinghai of the altar is a huge portal with a yin and yang pattern, one on the left and one on the right, also guarded by experts from the Galaxy Holy Land. The entrance on the left is for the Tribulation Stage and below, and the right is for the Mahayana Stage.

Mysterious runes flashed at the door, and there was a very powerful and ancient aura that made people's hearts beat.

Yang Yiyun nodded vaguely to Lu Yanzhi, indicating that she would act accordingly.

Immediately, the five people stepped into the entrance of Taihuang Xinghai and disappeared.

At the same time, the Galaxy Holy Land Holy Lord Temple.

"In this way, this boy named Yang Yiyun is a bit interesting. The test monument was refined by the ancient holy master in the ancient era. According to records, the ancient holy masters are all existences with potential beyond the twelfth level, not Level 12 to the top.

Ours is an era of desolation in Taoism, and there are gaps in many ancient inheritances. None of the nine holy masters of today's holy lands are beyond the twelfth level and can match the potential of the ancient holy masters.

How about this? You are responsible for investigating the backgrounds of Yang Yiyun and Lu Yanzhi. I am instructing the people who led the hall to enter the Taihuang Star Sea to contact Yang Yiyun and Lu Yanzhi. Ji Changhong was right. We cannot let other holy places take the lead. "

The person who spoke was a middle-aged man in a white gown, handsome and elegant, standing at the door of the main hall and looking at the sky. This man was the contemporary Holy Lord of the Galaxy Holy Land - the Moon Worship Tower!

The Mahayana monk bowed and accepted the order: "I'm a subordinate and I'll do it now."

Not only the Galaxy Holy Land, but also the other eight Holy Lands in the world of cultivation, issued similar orders to the Moon Worship Tower at almost the same time, with the only goal of entering the Taihuang Star Sea to contact Yang Yiyun and Lu Yanzhi.

The Nine Holy Lands sent people to touch them at the same time. This is something that has not happened in the cultivator world for tens of thousands of years. The common target of the Nine Holy Lands is Yang Yiyun and Lu Yanzhi. To be precise, it is actually Yang Yiyun.

Like the Moon Worship Tower, the Holy Lords of other Holy Lands also judged that Yang Yiyun's talent and potential were comparable to those of the Ancient Holy Lords, so it was not surprising at all that he was able to alarm the Nine Holy Lands.

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