My Master Is a God

Chapter 1210 It’s not certain who will die and who will live then.

There were cracks in the test monument of the Galaxy Altar, and the other eight places were aware of it. They also got the news and knew Yang Yiyun's name immediately, and sent people to the Taihuang Star Sea to prepare to contact Yang Yiyun.

If it is determined that Yang Yiyun is really as talented and potential as the Ancient Holy Lord, then the Nine Holy Lands will find ways to poach people and bring Yang Yiyun under their control.

Of course, for now, we can only know that the test monument of the Galaxy Altar exploded. Specifically, whether it was due to Yang Yiyun's talent and potential that was too great, we still need to send people to investigate further.

Only by truly getting in touch with Yang Yiyun himself can we determine whether he has incredible talent and potential.

If there is bound to be a battle, of course the battle here is mainly based on various generous conditions. Just poach Yang Yiyun and join your side.

Just after Yang Yiyun and others entered Taihuang, Yuan Chenhuan and Feng Yinyang also entered, and they were still worried.

Finally, he made up his mind to cast spells from the Mahayana period area to the Tribulation period area and control Yang Yiyun and Lu Yanzhi.

Yang Yiyun didn't know that he had caused cracks in the Test Monument, alarming the Nine Holy Lands.

At this moment, he, Lu Yanzhi and others have arrived in another world.

Too wild a sea of ​​stars!

A place known as the second great world.

A world that no one knows how big it is and that hides countless mysteries.

Yang Yiyun's world here is a light silvery white. It is also land and mountains, and it also has the aura of heaven and earth, but it is full of a prehistoric atmosphere.

It is different from the world of cultivation, different from the world of mountains and seas...

In the sky of Taihuang Xinghai, there is no sun and there is no distinction between day and night. It is always the same theme.

The nine heavens above our heads are a sea of ​​stars and a galaxy, an endless starry sky, boundless.

In Taihuang, no one can use spiritual consciousness or fly higher than nine meters, otherwise a thunder sky can directly kill the immortal.

This is the biggest difference between Taihuang and the outside world.

Compared to the outside world, in the Taihuang Star Sea, there seems to be a mysterious veil everywhere, attracting countless monks to uncover the secrets. Even if they lose their lives for it, it has also attracted a steady stream of monks into Taihuang over the course of countless years, from small to small. The distraction is so great as to be greater than Mahayana...

The exploration of Taihuang has never stopped.

This is the cemetery of monks and the adventure paradise of monks.

Full of mystery and terror, opportunities and dangers coexist.

No one has truly understood Taihuang throughout the ages.

The place where Yang Yiyun and others appeared was called Taihuang Galaxy in the words of severely punishing the two brothers.

It is said to be called the Galaxy, but in fact there is no water source. It is a valley like a river valley, with silvery white mist rising from the ground and flowing continuously. It looks like a river, so it is called the Taihuang Galaxy.

There are 365 such galaxies, which exactly correspond to the 365 white jade pillars of the altar. Each white jade pillar is connected to such a galaxy. All monks who enter Taihuang will be transported to the 360th place indefinitely. There are people from sixty-five galaxies, one by one.

Of course, those who step into the Taihuang portal together will be teleported and appear in one place, but those who enter in batches are not sure.

Each of the nine sacred altars in the world of cultivation is the same, with 365 white jade pillars, which means there are 3,285 places to enter Taihuang.

Moreover, although these 3,285 galaxies are scattered throughout Taihuang, they are all connected to the entrances of the nine holy lands and are not fixed.

Anyway, everyone who enters through the nine entrances will appear in these 3,285 galaxies.

The vast world of cultivation world is connected to countless small worlds similar to the mountain and sea world, and millions or even tens of millions of monks have entered Taihuang.

So after Yang Yiyun and others came out, there were constant stars lighting up around them. Every time they flickered, it was a monk entering the wild galaxy.

People were coming and going, and some even brought monster beasts with them. Yang Yiyun was shocked when he saw it. He thought it was too wasteful for the monster beasts to come in, so when he got off the boat, he took the Five Elements Beasts into the space of the Qiankun Pot. Unexpectedly, someone also brought them. Come in with the monster.

This means that Taihuang does not restrict the entry of monsters.

To this question, the harsh answer is that any cultivating creature can enter Taihuang.

In a short time, it was said that thousands of monks had gathered in the galaxy that was said to be hundreds of miles away.

After arriving here, Yang Yiyun clearly felt the mood changes of the two brothers Qu Mingyue and Yan Pun. Their eyes were full of amusement when they looked at him.

Yang Yiyun knew that they were preparing to attack him, but now that thousands of monks were appearing in the galaxy, it was too early to take action, and he began to be wary.

Several people have their own thoughts.

From the beginning to the end, Lu Yanzhi exuded an aloofness that repelled others, which made the Yan brothers who originally wanted to get close to him less interested. Instead, they got together with Qu Mingyue, and the three of them talked and laughed.

Yang Yiyun could see from the eyes of the Yan brothers that they were greedy for Qu Mingyue, which was lustful greed. He couldn't help but mutter in his heart: "You are really the apprentice of the old pervert Feng Yinyang. It's not that one family doesn't enter the same house. The old saying doesn't lie. , the old pervert Gui Feng Yin Yang was lustful, and the apprentices he taught were also lustful.

I really wonder if Qu Mingyue sleeps with the two brothers, does that count as cuckolding their master Feng Yinyang? Haha, it will be interesting then, but the three masters and disciples, including Qu Mingyue, can be regarded as a nest of snakes and rats, with the same virtue. "

Not to mention Yang Yiyun's inner murmur towards Qu Mingyue and the Yan brothers, Qu Mingyue and the Yan brothers who were walking in front were talking about him in Chuanyin. To be precise, Qu Mingyue was severely punishing Chuanyin with the boss.

"Senior Brother Yan, shall we take action?" Qu Mingyue said via voice message.

"Junior sister Qu can't take action in the galaxy. There are thousands of monks here. It's not wise to take action here. If it arouses the nosy heart of a certain monk or affects others when we all take action, then we will cause trouble for ourselves.

If you want to do it, you have to go out of the galaxy and find a remote place to do it. Yang Yiyun has the "Divine and Demon Medical Codex" that my master wants with him, and he can't do it in a crowded place. If someone sees it, it will cause trouble and he will not remember it.

how? Junior sister Qu is so anxious to kill Yang Yiyun? Don't worry, senior brother, I promise to help junior sister Qu kill Yang Yiyun. "Stern Punishment Rumor" spoke, but his eyes were staring at Qu Mingyue's chest.

How could Qu Mingyue not understand the idea of ​​severe punishment? However, she was ruined by Yang Yiyun. She wanted to kill Yang Yiyun now to vent her hatred, but she also knew that severe punishment was right. She could not take action here, and there was no severe punishment. She may not be sure to kill Yang Yiyun if her brother punishes her for help.

In order to kill Yang Yiyun, Qu Mingyue gritted her teeth and cast a wink at Yan Pun and said: "As long as Senior Brother Yan can kill Yang Yiyun and make me feel bad for my little sister, then... then I will repay you well, little sister." Senior Brother Yan."

"Hehe, junior sister Qu, feel free to hug me, senior brother." Yan Chuan smiled lewdly. He watched Qu Mingyue become more and more passionate. This woman is smart enough and can understand the meaning.

On this side, Qu Mingyue and Yan Chuanyin exchanged glances, discussing how to deal with Yang Yiyun.

On the other side, Yang Yiyun and Lu Yanzhi were also transmitting messages.

Lu Yanzhi took the initiative to send a message to Yang Yiyun: "Yang Daoist Fellow Yuan Chenhuan gave me and Qu Mingyue a poison before setting off, saying that we should use it at a critical moment. When you get out of the galaxy later, you can seal the meridians and acupoints. Don't be careless. I certainly won't use poison on you, but Qu Mingyue can't guarantee it.

The key is that I don’t have an antidote for this kind of poison, but my naturally poisonous body is not afraid of any poison. I am just afraid that you will get in the way. I will go out of the galaxy to see the situation. If Qu Mingyue uses poison, you have to hide behind me as soon as possible. I will take care of it. poison.

The poison refined by Yuan Chenhuan should not be underestimated. It is said to be a new poison, and it may not work by sealing the sensory acupoints, etc., so you must be cautious. If you find something wrong, remember to hide behind me as soon as possible. I am not afraid. poison.

The damn thing is that Yuan Chenhuan gave the antidote to Qu Mingyue but not to me, saying that I was born with a poisonous body and did not need the antidote. Otherwise, I could give you the antidote, but now I can only act according to the circumstances. "

Lu Yanzhi spoke seriously in the voice transmission, but when he heard Yang Yiyun's mind, he felt warm in his heart. At this moment, he became less wary of Lu Yanzhi. Although it was said that the two had formed an alliance in the nightmare before, Yang Yiyun had always been wary of Lu Yanzhi. There is no complete trust.

At this moment, his guard was gone a lot, and he secretly cursed himself for being a villain and guarding against a gentleman.

"Well, I will be cautious, but don't worry too much. I'm not a vegetarian. It's not certain who will die and who will live." Yang Yiyun narrowed his eyes and looked at Qu Mingyue and the other two who were walking in front and sent Lu Yanzhi a message to reply. .

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