My Master Is a God

Chapter 1221 The water demon world at the bottom of the Nirvana River

"Old Poison, are you sure this is here?" Feng Yinyang asked, looking at the silent river.

Yuan Chenhuan nodded and said: "No wonder her breath sensor disappeared. I didn't expect that she actually entered the River of Nirvana. This is going to be troublesome."

"River of Nirvana? What kind of river is this?" Feng Yinyang obviously didn't know.

Yuan Chenhuan took out a piece of animal skin and showed it to Feng Yinyang, and then said: "This animal skin map is the best map I got from the Sun, Moon and Stars Chamber of Commerce, and it records the Nirvana River.

Everyone knows that Taihuang Xinghai is weird, and many things cannot be recorded. Even if they are recorded here, they will disappear completely when they go outside. This is due to the restrictions of the laws of heaven and earth.

But there are exceptions, such as this kind of animal skin map. The map lines and records on it are drawn using the essence and blood secret method and can be preserved.

The Nirvana River is a strange place in the Taihuang Forest. There are powerful and strange groups of water monsters at the bottom of the Nirvana River. The entire Nirvana River runs through the entire Taihuang. No one knows how long it is. Each one There are different water monsters in the lower stages of the river, and the powerful ones can devour the immortals.

Of course, the record is just a record and no one can tell whether it is true or false, but one thing is true, there is a group of water monsters under the Nirvana River. The bottom of the river will be a world of water monsters, and it must be very dangerous..."

After listening to Yuan Chenhuan's story, Feng Yinyang also began to think deeply. It was obvious that the unknown world was scary. Neither he nor Yuan Chenhuan expected that Lu Yanzhi would disappear into this river of silence.

Now it seems that Nineteen Eighty-Nine entered the bottom of this river. As for how they entered, it is no longer the point. The point is what should they do?

"What should we do now?" Feng Yinyang asked Yuan Chenhuan.

"What else can we do? When things have developed to this point, we can only continue to look for it." Yuan Chenhuan said, looking at the invisible river of silence.

It is true that for him, too much has been spent on Lu Yanzhi. He has been practicing poison all his life. Lu Yanzhi's natural calamity poison body is the best choice for him to improve his cultivation and survive the fourth immortal tribulation. .

How can you let it go?

"Then let's go~" Feng Yinyang said. To him, it was the same as Yuan Chenhuan. Although his fourth Immortal Tribulation still had two to three hundred years to come, but... this little time was not enough for them. For a monk at this level, it is just a retreat.

The reason why he wants to obtain the "Divine and Demon Medical Codex" from Yang Yiyun at all costs is because Feng Yinyang is a medical monk. His promotion in medical means an improvement in his strength and cultivation, and he will also be able to increase his ability to survive the fourth tribulation of immortality. Odds, and no choice.

Moreover, Feng Yinyang has been obsessed with the "Medical Code of Gods and Demons" for his whole life. He once swore in his heart or had a dream that one day, when he became a master of medicine, he would go to the Imperial Hospital of the Xuanyuan Dynasty to compete and defeat the so-called holy hands of the Imperial Hospital of the Xuanyuan Family. , trampling them all under his feet with the skills of medicine, let the Xuanyuan family head see what level he has grown to when he ordered the destruction of a Fengyun Divine Dog for a palace maid?

He thought about using medicine to slap the Xuanyuan family in the face, and even opening up another medical holy land to replace the Xuanyuan family in the future... But before Feng Yinyang met Yang Yiyun, he knew that this was just a dream, just a thought.

But after meeting Yang Yiyun, he knew that this could become a reality and his great dream could be realized, because Yang Yiyun had the "Divine and Demon Medical Codex" in his body.

The powerful Xuanyuan family created a holy land of the Xuanyuan Dynasty with just the fragments of the "Medical Code of Gods and Demons". It is unimaginable how powerful Feng Yinyang would be if he had the complete "Medical Code of Gods and Demons" to create a world that surpasses the Xuanyuan family. What’s so difficult about this holy land of medicine?

Therefore, in Feng Yinyang's heart, he must find Yang Yiyun and obtain the Medical Code of Gods and Demons.

Time goes back to four days ago, when the Five Elements Beast, Yang Yiyun, Lu Yanzhi, and Diaoer were drawn into the whirlpool.

Yang Yiyun held Diao'er with one hand and Lu Yanzhi with the other. When he used the Water Avoidance Technique at the same time, he found that in this river, the Water Avoidance Technique could not be used.

He felt so weird and sad in his heart.

Then he quickly circulated his zhenqi in his body to avoid choking on the water.

Back and forth, just in the space of a breath, he felt like the world was spinning and his body was out of balance.

Then several of them landed on the bottom of the river.

Fortunately, they all had their own cultivation base and didn't look embarrassed.

"Is everything okay?" Yang Yiyun asked.

"Master is fine."

"I'm fine too."


After a false alarm and everyone was fine, Yang Yiyun asked Lu Yanzhi to take out the animal skin map and take a look. What the hell is this place?

Why did a river whirlpool suddenly appear?

The animal skin map in Lu Yanzhi's hand was exactly the same as the one given by Yuan Chenhuan. After looking at it, the two of them realized that the river was called the River of Nirvana, and it was a river that ran through the entire Taihuang.

There is a group of Taihuang water monsters at the bottom of the river, which is a world of water monsters.

There is no doubt that being able to take the name of annihilation must be the danger of all annihilation.

Yang Yiyun asked everyone to be careful.

I also looked around at the world under the river. It was not as dark as I imagined. Instead, as far as I could see, there was light. There were five kinds of aquatic plants and vegetation growing there. The stones on the bottom of the river also emitted light of different colors.

These scenes suddenly reminded Yang Yiyun of the underwater world at the bottom of the Dragon Palace in his hometown TV show Journey to the West.

There is no shortage of spiritual energy here, there is plenty of spiritual energy in the world under the river.

You can also see bubbles occasionally appearing on the ground at the bottom of the river, and then a large whirlpool will appear and spin directly upward.

At this moment, Yang Yiyun and Lu Yanzhi understood how they got down.

It is indeed the natural environment at the bottom of the river.

"Brother Yang, let's go up quickly. This River of Nirvana is said to run through the entire Taihuang Star Sea. It is obviously not a good place. If we encounter a powerful water demon here, we will be in trouble." Lu Yanzhi said worriedly.

Yang Yiyun thought of a question at this time. The environment here is special and it is underwater. Can it be possible to isolate the aura of Lu Yanzhi's life card?

Thinking of this, Yang Yiyun asked: "Runzhi, can you still sense the fate card or Yuan Chenhuan now?"

When Yang Yiyun asked, Lu Yanzhi was stunned for a moment, then his face lit up and he said, "Brother Yang, it's true, I can't seem to feel the breath of the life card~"

"As expected... In this case, it means that Yuan Chenhuan can't feel your breath either. This is a good thing for us. At least we can have a chance to get rid of Yuan Chenhuan.

If we go out, maybe those two old immortals will find us, and then we will be in big trouble. With such a tone, we might as well walk along the river. It's too deserted for us anyway. There will be dangers everywhere, and the more dangerous we are, the more we go. Dangerous places are relatively safer.

The two of us, Yuan Chenhuan and Feng Yinyang, are two old immortals who are barefoot and not afraid of wearing shoes. If they really have the ability to find the bottom of the river, the dangerous Nirvana River will be a protection for us. So since we have come, we will not go out for the time being. We will walk around under the water and say, after walking for a while, we will go out. "

Yang Yiyun said after thinking about it.

Lu Yanzhi heard that Yang Yiyun's words made sense and said, "Okay, I'll listen to you."


Just then the mink squeaked and sounded an early warning sound.

Yang Yiyun and Lu Yanzhi were facing a formidable enemy.

Looking at where Diaoer was roaring, he suddenly took a breath of air.

A few dozen meters away, a strange fish with a golden body was seen swimming towards him.

The reason why it is said to be strange is that this fish is forty to fifty meters long, has a single horn on its head, and two three-meter-long legs on its abdomen, which are shaped like duck claws. The water splash creates huge fluctuations when it swims. Both Yang Yiyun and Lu Yanzhi were in trouble.

The Five Elements Beast was ready to attack and was about to pounce.

However, Yang Yiyun quickly shouted: "Don't move yet. This strange fish seems not to be released out of malice."

The Five Elements Beast stopped after hearing this.

In the blink of an eye, this behemoth swam to their side. Its two bell-sized eyes glanced in the direction of Yang Yiyun and Lu Yanzhi, and then swam away slowly.

This made Yang Yiyun and Lu Yanzhi breathe a sigh of relief.

Although the map records that there are groups of water monsters here, not all water monsters are vicious.

Yang Yiyun did not let the Five Elements Beast attack because he was afraid of angering the strange fish. He had no intention of doing so, but instead angered the strange fish's ferocity. He didn't know what trouble would happen by then.

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