My Master Is a God

Vote Reading Guide

Voting Reading Guide

As the title says, many readers left messages and didn’t know how to vote. Please open a separate chapter to explain. (I think it is necessary, otherwise it will make everyone less interesting in reading).

First of all, I would like to thank all my friends for their support. I am very touched that you can think of voting for this book.

Let’s start with the Black Rock Reading APP. Many readers read books on the APP. Shangdian also recommends that everyone download the Black Rock APP to read for a better experience.

1. Open the APP and enter the book (that is, the bookshelf). The reading interface will appear. Enter the text page. Gently click on the center of the text interface (the middle position of the mobile phone screen), and then six buttons will appear below, all in text form.

For example: previous chapter, next chapter.

The first one below is the 'Table of Contents'. Click to see the table of contents of all chapters.

The second is ‘Settings’. Click on it and the reading settings will appear. You can adjust the reading background and fonts according to your own preferences.

The third one is a thumbs-up sign for "vote". Click it and the words diamond vote and recommended vote will appear. Click again to vote (click the diamond vote to vote for the diamond vote, but the recommended vote is the same.)

The fourth one is ‘Reward’, which has a gift box-like logo. Just click on it and the reward interface will pop up, where you can reward your favorite works.

2. Similarly, click on the center of the text (that is, the middle position of the mobile phone screen) and there are five marks.

The first one in the upper left corner is marked like this '\u003c'. Clicking it will return to the homepage of the book "My Master is a God", which is the interface where you can see the cover.

The second one is '☆'. It is very important to click this mark. It is a collection mark. If you have not collected it, remember to click ☆ to collect it. After collecting it, the book will enter your personal bookshelf for easy reading next time, otherwise it will be lost and lost. If you want to search for a book title, and save it for next reading, you can directly click on the bookshelf to find the book you are following and read it directly.

The third one is a headset icon. After clicking, it will be audio reading, and the system will automatically read out the content. This experience is different. Personally, it is better to read it with your eyes, because audio reading is mechanized reading.

The fourth one is a pen mark in a square box. Clicking it will enter the comment interface, which means that you can leave a comment on this book.

The fifth one is ‘. . . 'Such a sign is a sign for sharing. You can share this book directly to WeChat, Moments, qqspace, etc. After clicking on this interface, it will pop up and there is an automatic subscription function at the bottom. You can choose to click to automatically subscribe. You can open it directly the next time you read, saving you the trouble of subscribing to each chapter.

3. The reader voting function of mobile WeChat reading is basically the same as the APP reading operation. In the same way, click on the center of the text interface and various buttons will appear with subtitle prompts. Once you are familiar with it, it will be OK.

4. I can’t show pictures, and I can only tell you so much. If there are still readers who don’t understand, you can join the group for consultation or add a private stamp on WeChat. WeChat ID: sd9998887779 (Shangdian)

5. Thank you all, I wish you all a happy reading, smooth work, academic success, and happy family...

————————Go to the hall and pay your respects.

ps: There is a bit of lag. The second chapter is expected to be updated around three o'clock. We are working hard on coding, so please be patient.

Tap the screen to use advanced tools Tip: You can use left and right keyboard keys to browse between chapters.

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