My Master Is a God

Chapter 1236: Recognize the Lord with Blood and Smash the Demon King to Death

The Five Elements Beast blinded one of the Demon King's eyes, and the Demon King risked his life to take the Five Elements Beast's life.

Feeling anxious, Lu Yanzhi took action. She jumped up to the level of the Demon King's head, just on the side of the eye that was blinded by the Five Elements Beast. She took a small porcelain bottle and crushed it in her hand.

Suddenly, there was a smelly, pungent black venom with purple gas in Lu Yanzhi's palm, and there was also the blood flowing after she deliberately cut the palm. The two were mixed together, and then there was a black airflow in Lu Yanzhi's palm, like a real The black-purple venom mixed with blood swept into the palm of his hand and flew towards the demon king, blinding his left eye.

The next moment Lu Yanzhi successfully applied the poison, the venom and the poisonous gas she activated instantly entered the eyes that were blinded by the Five Elements Beast.


Then there was a sound in the Demon King's nostrils, and he trembled all over, but... he still didn't let go of the Five Elements Beast. It was obvious that Lu Yanzhi's venom caused the Demon King to suffer tremendous pain, but this beast never let go. The mouth bit firmly on the neck of the Five Elements Beast.

The Five Elements Beast's whole body began to twitch.

This scene shocked Yang Yiyun.

After watching Lu Yanzhi successfully administer the poison, the Demon King trembled all over, causing both Yang Yiyun and Lu Yanzhi to breathe a sigh of relief.

But in this instant, the demon king's whole body erupted with silvery white light, which was as dazzling as the sun in an instant. Yang Yiyun subconsciously closed his eyes.


In the blink of an eye, Lu Yanzhi screamed and flew backwards.

Yang Yiyun suddenly opened his eyes and saw the demon king's front paw slapping him. He knew that Lu Yanzhi was swatted away by the demon king's paw.

At this moment, Yang Yiyun was shocked and saw that all the poison in the Demon King's eyes actually flowed out. He understood that it must be the silvery white light generated by the Demon King that forced the poison out.

At this time, Yang Yiyun was shocked. He didn't expect the demon king to be so difficult to deal with. The next moment, he let go of the dragon-slaying sword and activated the "Twelve Supremes" magical power in his heart. At this time, Yang Yiyun knew that all methods must be used, otherwise the Five Elements Beast would be destroyed. The demon king was bitten to death by force.

Just when the Dharma Appearance was running, there was a sound of breaking through the air.


I saw a ray of green light coming, hitting the Demon King's head hard, and it happened to be where the Demon King was blind.

Yang Yiyun calmed down and saw that it was the stone spirit!

The stone spirit had not been seen before, and Yang Yiyun was worried about this life-saving stone. Unexpectedly, the stone spirit appeared at this time, and struck hard as soon as he appeared.


The Demon King was hit by the stone spirit, and finally let go of the Five Elements Beast and let out a scream.

At this moment, Yang Yiyun's Dharma Appearance Body was successfully transformed into a thirty-meter-tall giant, raising his hand to prepare to cast the Supreme Seal of Immortality.

However, at this time, a flash of green light came, and the stone spirit flew to his hand. The green light flashed and said: "Put a drop of blood on me, then grab me and hit the man-ape crocodile king directly, otherwise you won't be able to kill it."

Yang Yiyun was stunned when he heard this, but he didn't have time to think about it at this time. He also knew that the stone spirit would not harm him, and was obviously helping him, and had even saved his life. He didn't even think about forcing a drop of blood essence into his body. On the stone essence.

The next moment, the blue stone spirit glowed, dazzling like a small sun, and erupted with the aura of the mountain. Yang Yiyun felt a wonderful connection with the stone spirit.

With a clear understanding in his heart, he immediately grabbed the stone spirit with his huge hand and suddenly smashed it towards the demon king.

"Buzz buzz..."

I remembered the trembling sounds. The stone spirit was run out by Yang Yiyun in the blue light and suddenly flew towards the demon king like a fire meteorite falling nine days away.

Moreover, the stone had spirit, and it still hit the demon king's blind left eye hard.



A huge roar and the demon king's roar sounded at the same time.

The demon king was directly knocked to the ground by the stone spirit.

Whoosh! ! !

The stone spirit flew back to Yang Yiyun's side on its own again. In the green halo, the stone spirit said with a clear and childish voice of pain: "Oh my God, it hurts so much..."


At this time, the demon king actually shook his body and stood up again, and suddenly rushed towards Yang Yiyun.

"Still not dead? Hit him again quickly..." The stone spirit urged Yang Yiyun.

Almost subconsciously, Yang Yiyun suddenly grabbed the stone spirit in his hand and smashed it at the demon king who was rushing towards him more than ten meters away.



"Wow, it hurts me so much..."

Once again, Yang Yiyun threw away the stone essence and smashed it out like bricks. This feeling was very strange, but Yang Yiyun felt very happy in his heart.

A huge rumbling sound, the scream of the demon king, and the pain of the stone spirit were heard one after another.

Once again, the demon king was knocked to the ground.


At this moment, Diao'er's cry rang out, and Yang Yiyun saw that it was Diao'er rushing towards the Demon King.

"Diao'er is back..." Yang Yiyun saw how powerful the Demon King was and was afraid that Diao'er would suffer.

However, the next second, Diaoer was seen swishing into the Demon King's head, just from the blind position.


When Diao'er's squeaking cry sounded again, it had turned into a golden light and flew in front of Yang Yiyun. Diao'er's two little paws held a silver demon crystal core as big as an adult's fist.

No need to ask, it must be the demon crystal core of the demon king.

At this time, Yang Yiyun was dumbfounded. It took so much effort to kill the demon king, but Diao'er succeeded in one fell swoop, penetrating the demon king's head and digging out the demon crystal core cleanly.

If the demon crystal core is dug out, the demon king will die.

Sure enough, Yang Yiyun's spiritual consciousness swept away and the demon king was indeed dead.


Yang Yiyun breathed a sigh of relief, and with a sudden movement in his heart, he removed the thirty-meter-tall Dharma Appearance Body, and his body returned to its normal size.


The mink squeaked and she was cheering, holding the huge demon crystal core in her two little paws, her big round eyes shining brightly, looking like she was obsessed with money.

Yang Yiyun looked at Diao'er and shook his head with a wry smile. He had no time to pay attention to Diao'er. The five-element beast Lu Yanzhi was all injured. Fortunately, Lu Yanzhi only had a large wound on his lower abdomen, which was considered a trauma. Yang Yiyun flicked a drop of water of life and flew towards Lu Yanzhi. Let her recover on her own.

He himself quickly walked towards the Five Elements Beast.

This time the Five Elements Beast is about to be considered alive but still has half of its life left.

Yang Yiyun wanted to heal the Five Elements Beast cleanly. The main wound was that most of its neck was bitten off. It was bleeding and breathing became difficult. The injury was very serious. But for Yang Yiyun, he didn't want the Five Elements Beast to die, so he couldn't die.

Give the Five Elements Beast two drops of Water of Life, one drop for external use and one drop for internal use.

Then he used the seal treatment in the Gods and Demons Medical Code and began to heal the Five Elements Beast.

After taking half an hour to complete the treatment, the Five Elements Beast finally stood up and thanked Yang Yiyun: "Thank you, Master."

Although the injury was treated, his vitality was still severely damaged. In a short period of time, the Five Elements Beast was not given to him as a mount.

Yang Yiyun stopped and said: "Thank you for the hard work this time, go to the Qiankun Pot Space to take a good rest."

After speaking, Yang Yiyun waved his hand and tightened the Five Elements Beast onto the Qiankun Pot.

At this time, he looked at the stone on one side with a smile.

"Stone here."

"Shi Qing pays homage to the master." Qing Shi flew over and came to Yang Yiyun's side.

"Speaking of you, you are my life-saving stone, but I didn't expect that after the blood was shed, we became master and servant. There are some things that I can't figure out. Should you tell me?" Yang Yiyun stared at the stone with a smile. Jing said.

"Uh... Actually, I know what you want to ask, Master, but you can rest assured that I have no ill intentions. Besides, now that I have recognized you as my master, I don't dare to harm you, right?

As for the rest, I can't say more. There is indeed someone else who asked me to follow you secretly to protect you, but...she won't let me tell you, so Master, you can rest assured. "The stone said with a green light flashing.

"Stone Spirit, I remember you transformed into a little fat man before. Since you can transform, just transform and talk." Yang Yiyun was not used to talking to a stone all the time.

"I can't transform for the time being. I risked my life when I helped you intercept the Demon King ten years ago, so my vitality was damaged. Look at my body now covered with cracks. It will take a long time to recover." The green light dispersed as the stone spirit spoke.

Yang Yiyun took a look and indeed saw hairline cracks on the bluestone.

Although Yang Yiyun was somewhat displeased with the fact that the stone spirit didn't say who dragged him into protecting himself, she didn't blame him. After all, the stone spirit was right and he had no ill intentions towards him.

However, Yang Yiyun is now interested in the stone spirit itself. After the unintentional bloodshed became a master-servant relationship, he knew that the stone spirit was not simple. Information about how to defeat the immortal stone was fed back to his mind. Only then did he know The Stone Essence is the essence of cultivating the Tao from the strange stones of heaven and earth.

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