My Master Is a God

Chapter 1237 The big enemy is coming

Yang Yiyun looked at the stone spirit, pondered for a while and said: "Since you don't want to say who asked you to help me, I won't ask you any more, but there is one question. You have to answer me truthfully, otherwise I won't be able to figure it out and I won't dare. Keep you by my side.”

The blue light of the stone spirit flashed and said: "Okay, you can ask, I will definitely answer other questions."

Yang Yiyun nodded and said in deep thought: "From the moment you and I recognized your master with blood, I have a rough idea of ​​your identity. You are a cultivator of strange stones from the heaven and earth, known as the Immortal Stone. Although I don't know what Immortal Stone is, I think you can use it as an Immortal." Named, you must be extraordinary.

This has proven that you are extraordinary since you can hit the demon king and scream. What I want to ask is... you are so good at hitting immortal stones, why do you think of me as your master? You must know that in terms of cultivation, I am the one in the Fusion state. It’s just Dzogchen, so I really can’t figure out why?

Don't tell me that it was accidental or an emergency that you asked me to shed my blood to confess the Lord to you. I want to hear the truth..."

To be honest, Yang Yiyun is really curious about the Immortal Stone. There are various signs that this magical stone may have been with him since he entered Taihuang, or it may have been with him since he came from the City of Stars, because he walked all the way. Yang Yiyun always felt like he was being spied on when he came here, but he searched for it several times but couldn't find it.

Now it seems that it is probably this stone.

I just can’t figure out why the Stone Spirit recognizes him as his master?

There is no reason at all.

He would naturally like the treasures of genius and earth, and he would also like the strange stones of heaven and earth to recognize him as their master. This is the first time he has encountered an elf from heaven and earth who takes the initiative to recognize him as his master.

But it was precisely because of this that Yang Yiyun was curious, or felt uneasy, and had to know some real reasons.

He, Yang, is not so narcissistic as to think that the charm of his character can attract a powerful stone from heaven and earth to take the initiative to claim its ownership.

After Yang Yiyun finished speaking, he waited for Shi Shijing's answer.

Shi Qing's green light flashed and a voice came out: "Dear master, let me introduce myself again. I have a name. My name is Shi Qing. Don't call me Shi Qing, okay?"

Secondly, for your question, let me try to answer it. It is indeed not an accident that you shed blood on me, but it is also an accident, because you also saw the emergency situation when dealing with the demon king just now. Only after you shed blood and recognized the master, you used me to smash it. Only the Demon King can exert his greatest power.

There are several reasons why I chose you. First, as I said before, I was entrusted by someone. That person is kind to me and hopes that I can follow you.

Second, after observing all the way, I found that you, Master, do have something extraordinary. I belong to the world of stone cultivation, and I have advantages over you humans in some aspects. For example, I am more sensitive to a person's luck in heaven and earth than humans. In my eyes, Master's temperament Prosperous luck, this is the point where I choose to recognize you as my Lord.

Thirdly, although I am a strange stone in the world, I am also a living being who can attain enlightenment, so I also need to evolve. The way of evolution is similar to yours. You need the power of various elixirs and so on to increase your cultivation to achieve the purpose of evolution, while I It requires metal materials and treasures to evolve.

But how can the treasures of heaven and earth be so easy to obtain? So I need a master with good luck to follow me to help me evolve continuously. This is the third reason why I choose you.

The last and most important point is that I have a good taste and I don’t judge people harshly. You disappeared for ten years and came out again ten years later. Everyone who didn’t follow you has made great progress. This shows that you have the meat to follow the master. Eat, I was not mistaken.

Moreover, Master, you are very kind to your mount. A master who is very kind to his mount and the people around him will definitely be kind to me, so I choose to recognize you as my master.

There is no need to have too many doubts about my master. The person I followed before was not my master. She was my savior. I am a creature of the Taihuang Star Sea. Once I was almost swallowed by the Taihuang giant, it was that person who saved me. So I followed her, but did not recognize the master. Naturally, the elves of heaven and earth would not be hasty in recognizing the master. In addition, my benefactor asked me to follow you. I have also been observing you along the way. It turns out that you are good master.

In short, Master, it will be very convenient for you to have me walking in the wilderness, and when I evolve to a certain level, I can kill an immortal with just one stone. This is not something I am bragging about. "

Shi Shijing or Shi Qing finished speaking.

Yang Yiyun laughed. When Shitou Jing mentioned his benefactor several times, he was talking about 'her'. Yang Yiyun finally understood.

Now even Shi Qing could guess who sent Shi Qing without telling Yang Yiyun.

If the guess is correct, there is no doubt that it is Lou Haitang.

According to his understanding of Lou Haitang, it is really possible for her, because Yang Yiyun has not been in the world of cultivation for a long time, and he knows only a handful of people, and he can count the number of people who can make strange stones like Shi Qing come out to follow him and help him. The only one to go was Lou Haitang.

Only Lou Haitang, who is in the Mahayana stage of cultivation, can use the Immortal Stone.

Shi Qing said that her benefactor would not let her name be spoken. This should be because Lou Haitang took care of his dignity as a grown man.

Her ice-snow intelligence and carefulness can really think of this.

Therefore, Yang Yiyun basically identified Lou Haitang as the person with the highest cultivation level among his women.

After thinking about this, Yang Yiyun was extremely moved. With a woman like this, she would have no regrets in her life!

Looking at the immortal stone Shi Qing smiled and said: "Okay, I believe you. Don't worry, you are the one she asked me to come here. I will not let you down, let alone her hard work."

"Uh...Master, do you know who it is?" Shi Qing, the immortal stone, said in surprise.

"If you guessed correctly, it's Lou Haitang, right?" Yang Yiyun said with a smile, feeling very good.

"...I didn't say anything..." Daxianshi Shi Qing admitted it now.

"Okay, now we really welcome you to become one of us. We are indeed walking in the wilderness and need you, a local snake. Next, we are going to find a place where poison grows. Do you have any good places to recommend?"

Yang Yiyun asked Shi Qing, and it was true that with the addition of Immortal Stone, there was a local snake guide in the team, which would make walking in Taihuang much easier.

The green light of Daxianshi flashed and he said: "Of course there are some in the wilderness..." When he said this, Daxianshi suddenly stopped, and then his voice changed slightly and said: "Master is afraid that he has to run away now. Come on, let’s go, let’s talk as we walk, your big enemy is coming, I can sense it, let’s go quickly.”

Shi Qing started talking without thinking.

This time, Yang Yiyun was confused and asked: "Explain clearly? What happened to the big enemy? How did you know?"

Shi Qing said anxiously: "Oh, it's Yuan Chenhuan and Feng Yinyang. I've been following you since you set off from the City of Stars. I know everything you learned about Yuan Chenhuan and Feng Yinyang, so I know they are your big enemies." .

After you disappeared here ten years ago, I also found traces of them after the battle with the Demon King. They were looking for you, but they didn't find you after you had lost your breath for ten years. It should be that you hid in some kind of isolation breath. They can't find the method. Now that you appear, they can sense your breath.

I am a strange stone. Where there are stones, I can sense a radius of thirty miles. At this moment, I sensed that they were already more than twenty miles away and were rushing towards here.

So hurry up, those two people are very powerful, I don’t have any confidence in dealing with them, and I guess you, master, can’t do it either, so hurry up and talk as you go, it will be too late at night..."

Shi Qing gave a general summary in a few words, but Yang Yiyun understood. His expression also changed, and he had no time to say more. With a wave of his hand, he tightened the body of the Man-Ape Crocodile King into the space of the Qiankun Pot, and immediately nodded to Lu Yanzhi and said: " Rouge go.”

Shi Qing's words also shocked Yang Yiyun. Killing a man-ape and crocodile king had cost him his army, and now two more immortals with even more unfathomable cultivation levels came.

Although his cultivation has improved now, Yang Yiyun is not sure about Yuan Chenhuan and Feng Yinyang.

Shi Qing's news is very important, and Feng Yinyang is indeed with Yuan Chenhuan.

Lu Yanzhi's face also turned ugly. The last thing she wanted to do was face his master Yuan Chenhuan. She knew how terrifying that hypocritical old poison Yuan Chenhuan was.

"Shitou, please lead the way. Since Yuan Chenhuan and Feng Yinyang have found the Nirvana River, we can't stay at the bottom of the Nirvana River. Let's go to the surface." Yang Yiyun said to Shi Qing.

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