My Master Is a God

Chapter 1251 Densely packed poison

If the old man wakes up and exists, he will feel much more at ease...

After thinking about it, Yang Yiyun put away the underworld water, preparing to restore his own energy first. After he recovered, he planned to let the Qiankun Pot absorb the underworld water to see if it could revive the old man.

Now, after all, he had been absorbed twice by the Dragon Scale Talisman and the loss of essence and blood was too great. He has no strength of his own. If something goes wrong during the process, it will be a big trouble. This place is too deserted after all.

After calming down his excitement, Yang Yiyun began to restore his vitality. A drop of water of life appeared in his heart. He drank it immediately and turned it into a huge vitality force in his body, and began to practice the exercises.

The vitality of the water of life is enough to replenish the lost vitality in his body.

At the same time, he took an elixir, a two-pronged approach, and began to recuperate in concentration.

Time passed by unconsciously. Three months later, Yang Yiyun opened his eyes and his condition returned to its peak.

Calculating that three months had passed, he was stunned. The higher the level of cultivation, the longer it would take to enter meditation.

After getting up, he asked Shitou and Diaoer if anything had happened. Yang Yiyun asked the two to continue protecting the law. He was going to use yellow spring water to be absorbed by the Qiankun Pot to try to wake up the old man.

When the cover of the jade gourd was opened, the pattern of the Qiankun Pot was revealed deep in the left arm. When the jade gourd came close to the Qiankun Pot, the boiling water from the Qiankun Pot was suddenly hot.

Yang Yiyun was overjoyed and knew that it was useful. The Qiankun Pot was never picky about absorbing soul-type powers. It only became more and more advanced and selective when it absorbed true energy-type heavenly materials and earthly treasures.

However, at this moment, Yang Yiyun suddenly heard Diao'er scream!


Diao'er's scream sounded explosive and full of warning. Yang Yiyun knew something was wrong, so he had no choice but to cover the jade gourd and put it away, and hurriedly walked towards Diao'er's guardian hall through the hole.

At this time, the voice of Daxianshi Shiqing also sounded: "There is something wrong with the master, there is a poisonous creature approaching the hall."

Daxianshi also sounded a warning sound at the main entrance of the guardian hall.

"Miao'er, come back..."

Yang Yiyun shouted at Diao'er and stepped out of the hall.

After arriving outside the dilapidated hall, I couldn't help but feel my scalp numb. I saw densely packed poisonous snakes, scorpions, poisonous spiders, poisonous ants and other poisonous substances of all sizes around the hall.


Yang Yiyun couldn't hold back his breath. It seemed that these poisons were indeed different from those in the outside world. They should all be extremely poisonous and extremely poisonous.

Looking at these big poisons, Yang Yiyun immediately thought of one person - Yuan Chenhuan!

Because this old immortal escaped, three months have passed now. It is very likely that he recovered from his injuries in these three months, and then drove Taihuang Poison to find him. Yuan Chenhuan is a poison cultivator who can make so many The gathering of poisons is definitely man-made. Yang Yiyun does not believe that these poisons will gather together on their own.


At this time, Mink let out another burst of screams like exploding hair.


Yang Yiyun's expression changed, and it sounded like Diao'er was suffering a loss. He asked Diao'er to come over, but he didn't come for several breaths. When he heard Diao'er's cry was wrong, he knew that Diao'er might be suffering a loss.

He quickly stepped into the main hall and headed towards the hole guarded by Diao'er again.

As soon as Yang Yiyun went out, she saw blood stains on Diaoer's paws, several dead venomous snakes around her, and poisonous spiders and poisonous ants on Diaoer's body.

At this moment, the mink was waving its little paws and screaming, deeply surrounded by poison.

Yang Yiyun rushed over in one step, and used two blasts of true energy to avoid the poisonous creatures around Diao'er. However, what he didn't expect was that when he blasted out two blasts of true energy, he didn't kill the poisonous creatures surrounding Diao'er. Some fell down and got up again.

But at this time, he had already rushed to Diao'er's side and blasted the poisonous spiders and poisonous ants off Diao'er's body with the wind of his palm, and caught Diao'er in his hand.

"How is Diao'er?" Yang Yiyun was very nervous. The several wounds he saw among Diao'er's golden hair had turned black, which was obviously poisoning.

"Zhizhi..." The mink squeaked to indicate that it was okay.

But Yang Yiyun didn't think so. These wild poisons must be no small matter. At this moment, he was also surrounded by poisons. He had no time to treat Diao'er and detoxify him. With a thought, he took Diao'er into the Qiankun Pot and gave instructions to Lu Yanzhi in the Qiankun Pot's space. Let her detoxify Diao Er. As a poison cultivator, Lu Yanzhi should be able to detoxify Diao Er's poison without any problem.

Then Immortal Stone also flew over and said: "Master, there are more and more poisons. We can't stay here. We must withdraw."


Yang Yiyun didn't need to hit the fairy stone to remind him that he couldn't stay in this place any longer.

As he spoke, he kept hitting his palms, and large swaths of poisonous substances were sent flying out, clearing a path.

The Qingguang Mountain of the Immortal Stone flashes and flies, and every time it is thrown out, a poisonous substance is blown into pieces. However, the attack of the Immortal Stone is too single after all, and the inability to attack in groups can only give Yang Yiyun a way forward.

However, Yang Yiyun continued to wave the palm of his true energy, but he still couldn't kill more and more poisons. Yang Yiyun felt that more and more poisons were coming from all directions.

At a certain moment, seven or eight green light pillars suddenly flew towards him, like sharp arrows, arriving in a flash.

Yang Yiyun waved his hands and smashed several of them, but there was still a hole in his shoulder. When he glanced out of the corner of his eye, he discovered that it was a small green snake.

After grabbing it and crushing it, Yang Yiyun felt some numbness in his right arm, and was shocked. He didn't know what kind of venomous snake it was, but the venomous snake that could make his arm feel numb was definitely not an ordinary venomous snake.

Immediately, Yang Yiyun's heart moved with the magical power of "Twelve Supreme Beings", and the body of Dharma appeared and turned into a thirty-meter-tall giant. A Vajra Immovable Seal was blessed on the body for defense.

At present, only the Dharma Appearance Body is functioning and can defend against the invasion of these poisons.

At the same time, he also used the Vajra Seal and the Supreme Seal to attack the poisonous objects that were constantly attacking.

"Boom boom..."

Today's King Kong Supreme Seal, whether it is a palm technique or a punch, can cause huge power with every blow. Often a large pit of more than ten meters will appear, killing a large area of ​​poisonous matter.

It was finally much better after the magical power of "Twelve Supremes" was used, and the pace of progress was accelerated.

Although the weak poisons have little power in terms of combat effectiveness, they become powerful when they are gathered together, and the more they kill, the more they appear, and they are endless.

In the process of killing Yang Yiyun, the residual bloody smell further aroused the ferocity of these poisons.

The screams continued, which made people's scalp numb.

Yang Yiyun continued to stride forward. With the existence of the Dharma Body, some poisons did not cause much harm to Yang Yiyun.

However, one thing that made Yang Yiyun feel a little worried was that the shoulder and entire arm that had been bitten by the little green snake were getting more and more numb. He knew medical knowledge and naturally knew that this was because he had accelerated the flow of venom in the blood after circulating the true energy in his body. As a result of the mid-run, there was not much time to detoxify the poison, so I could only grit my teeth and persevere.

Fortunately, there is no problem for the time being.

But over time there will be trouble, that's inevitable.

Yang Yiyun was also anxious. His magical powers accelerated and his attacks became more and more fierce. He held a breath in his heart and didn't believe that these poisons were the only ones.

Shitou led the way, and Yang Yiyuntou didn't know where Shitou was taking him, so he just followed.

The poisons all around him only followed him, wanting to devour him and poison him to death.

However, after Yang Yiyun's body was functioning, he was not afraid of these poisons. The only difference was that his arms were numb and the true energy in his body was rapidly draining.

His use of the magical power of "Twelve Supremes" consumes a lot of energy and soul power.

About half an hour later, Yang Yiyun squeezed and blasted these poisons all the way, and he didn't know how many he killed. Anyway, he and Shitou walked for several miles, and scattered poisons for several miles along the way...

Just when Yang Yiyun felt that the energy in his body was about to dry up, a white jade city wall appeared in front of him.

Compared with the city wall that entered the canyon, the city wall and city gate that appeared in front of me were much more complete. Except for some small and medium-sized gaps, there was basically no damage. It was a completed city wall and gate.

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