My Master Is a God

Chapter 1252 The black-scaled python at the level of a great lord

The stone flashed with green light and said: "The master is here. This is the inner city. After arriving here, most monsters will stop behind the city gate, even if they are at the level of a small lord."

While talking, Yang Yiyun and Daxianshi rushed to the city gate three meters away.

At this time, a magical scene appeared. As Daxianshi said, all the poisons stopped and stopped three meters away from the city gate.


Yang Yiyun breathed a sigh of relief and saw that the densely packed poisonous substances were like a neat army staying three meters away from the city gate, and a poisonous line appeared.

It seems that the three meters from the city gate are the boundary between life and death. No poisonous snake, poisonous ant, spider or other poisonous creature has stepped on this line.

There were constant neighing sounds, and it sounded like these poisonous creatures were very anxious, but none of them crossed the three-meter mark.


At this time, a long and deep sound sounded in the heavy fog far away from the poison.

Yang Yiyun heard the sound of some musical instrument, and then the poisonous creatures roared increasingly low and became panicked, but they did not step more than three meters.

Yang Yiyun knew in his heart that this voice should be the person behind the control of these poisons. He was not sure whether it was Yuan Chenhuan or not.

However, time seems to indicate that these poisons will not move forward. Yang Yiyun looked at them for a long time and ignored them, and quickly used the Qiankun Body Tempering Art to use the physical life and death realm to refine the venom bitten by the poisonous snake.

The physical power of the life and death realm, or the power of life and death in the physical body, plays a huge role in refining the venom bit by bit...

With a thought in his heart, he also removed his Dharma body and returned to his normal body. Staring at the huge body all the time consumes his energy.

At this time, Yang Yiyun saw the city gate behind him. The white jade gate was cut into white jade and was about thirty feet long. The city gate was made of very thick white jade stone, nine feet high and about three feet wide.

The city gate is closed, but the two gates are engraved with countless complex runes, which must be some kind of defensive runes. The gates are full of cracks...

It looked like cracks caused by some powerful force, but it didn't break after all.

"Can the inner city of Shitou be entered?" Yang Yiyun asked.

"Master can enter. I saw some creatures entering when I came here, but we'd better not enter the inner city. It's very scary. A loud roar in the inner city made all the creatures in the outer city flee. It is enough to show that there are very scary things in the inner city, and I have never been in the inner city. I don’t know the situation inside. If we enter rashly, we will not be able to get out." When Daxianshi talks about the inner city, he still has lingering fears. .

Yang Yiyun just asked out of curiosity. He knew that a place that could make Daxianshi, a place that was feared by the Taihuang Tu people, definitely not be a good place. He would not rush in rashly, but now that the way out was blocked by a large group of poisonous people, he also There was a stalemate on the spot.

It is not an option to continue like this.

We still have to think of a way.

After a few minutes, Yang Yiyun had refined all the venom, and at that moment he heard the strange sound of musical instruments stop.

At this time, he turned to look behind him and saw that the poison behind him began to recede like a tide.

But when these poisonous creatures retreated, they appeared very anxious and violent, and even started biting each other.

"Hiss, hiss..."

It was at this time that Yang Yiyun heard a hissing sound from the heavy fog in the distance, and there was also a rustling sound, as if something huge was coming and rushing over.

Suddenly Yang Yiyun's body froze. He vaguely saw a huge black shadow appearing in the heavy fog.

The thick fog also dispersed to both sides...

The next moment, a huge thing really appeared in Yang Yiyun's sight.

A python to be exact! ! !

A jet-black python that was as thick as a water tank and about fifty or sixty meters long. The scales all over its body were extremely dark and shiny.

A pair of blood-red eyes, like two red lanterns.

There is a blood-red flesh ball like a cock's comb on the head.

Shi Qing exclaimed at this time: "The master is a black-scaled python, hiss... this... isn't right, there is someone on the head of the black-scaled python."

Needless to say, Yang Yiyun could see a person standing on the head of a giant snake or python when he opened his eyes.

This person is none other than Yuan Chenhuan.

"Sure enough, it's this old immortal..." Yang Yiyun said to himself, with a solemn face, staring closely at the python and Yuan Chenhuan coming slowly a hundred meters away.

Now he finally confirmed that the poison in the previous large area was caused by the old immortal Yuan Chenhuan. Only high-level poison cultivators like him can control the huge python and the densely packed large numbers of poisons.

It is not surprising that Yang Yiyun, a high-level poison master who practices poison skills, can control poison.

What he is worried about now is whether he can defeat Yuan Chenhuan and the python he controls?

It was obvious that more than three months had passed. After Yuan Chenhuan, the old immortal, recovered from his injuries, he worked hard to search for a large group of poisonous substances and a large python that looked difficult to deal with.

He asked Daxian Shi, "How much do you know about Shi Shi, a python?"

"Master, let's put it this way, the monster creatures in the area during the Tribulation Period in Taihuang can be roughly divided into four categories. The first category is ordinary monster beasts or other creatures, and the second category is called the small lord positive category, which is us The level of the Flying Leopard and the Man-Ape Crocodile King that were killed and spared was considered a small lord.

The third level is the Great Lord level, which is one level more powerful than the Flying Leopard and the Man-Ape Crocodile King. Of course, this power does not mean cultivation, but special talents. Each Taihuang monster has a unique talent. The natural attacks of monsters at the Great Lord level are more powerful. The black scale python coming towards us is at the Great Lord level.

The black-scaled python is said to be extremely poisonous. The venom and poisonous body are as powerful as the metal essence stone. What's more, it can hurt the soul, and its own power is extremely powerful. The power of a sweeping tail can often push mountains.

There are also some hidden talents that are even more mysterious. I don’t know what they are specifically. Anyway, the black scale python is definitely a monster at the level of a great lord.

As for the last one, it is the king level. It is the existence of the overlord that is really rumored to be too wild. It has a great spiritual intelligence and is no less intelligent than the human race. It can transform into a human being, can cultivate and attain enlightenment, and its innate magical powers are all top-notch. I suspect that there is a king-level overlord in this inner city. If you encounter a king and such a being, you will be considered lucky if you can escape with your life. "

Daxianshi's talk was very serious at the end.

Yang Yiyun, however, seemed a little confused and asked: "According to your opinion, the monster overlord of the king level must be stronger than the Great Perfection of the Tribulation Stage?"

"It's natural. Monsters at the level of great lords can be said to be at the peak of their tribulation strength, let alone king-level overlords." Daxian Shili explained.

"No, if so, wouldn't the Taihuang Law restrict it? Doesn't it mean that the Taihuang Law restricts creatures above the Mahayana stage from entering areas below the Tribulation Stage?" Yang Yiyun asked in confusion.

The green light of Daxian Shishi flashed and said: "The barrier of Taihuang Law is only for the creatures outside you. It has no restrictions on the local creatures of Taihuang. We can travel between the two regions at any time."

Yang Yiyun was stunned for a moment, but he understood.

"Hiss, hiss..."

At this time, the black-scaled python swam slowly and stopped nine meters away from the city gate, spitting out the snake letter and making a hissing sound.

Then standing on top of the black scaled python, the black scaled python stood upright eight or nine meters tall. Yuan Chenhuan looked at Yang Yiyun and said in a cold voice: "Boy, are you going to run when the time comes? Why are you afraid of entering the inner city?" "

Yang Yiyun listened to Yuan Chenhuan's murderous and taunting voice towards him. Although he had some feelings for the black-scaled python and Yuan Chenhuan in his heart, he still snorted coldly: "Yuan Chenhuan is in the third level. The immortal actually wants to use poison to deal with me, a junior, and you, an old fool, are really thick-skinned."

Cursing, Yang Yiyun's heart moved. "The Twelve Supremes" magical powers were activated again, and the Dharma Appearance Body reached a height of 30.9 meters. Then he stared at Yuan Chenhuan and the black-scaled python in a deep voice and said: "The old immortal has to fight while fighting, don't think of driving a I'm afraid of you when insects come. If I can kill Feng Yin Yang, I can kill you."

"Hmph, I am giving you a chance to hand over my disciple Lu Yanzhi. Then I will let you die happily, otherwise you will regret coming to this world." Yuan Chenhuan's face was gloomy and terrifying, although Feng Yinyang was dead. No one helped him refine Lu Yanzhi's poisonous body, but he still wanted to find Lu Yanzhi, and he had already made an idea in Yuan Chenhuan's mind.

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