My Master Is a God

Chapter 1388 The desire to kill arises

Yang Yiyun didn't know what happened to Jiang Shilong. He only knew about the trouble at that time and didn't take it to heart.

At this moment, they were traveling quickly. They thought they were close to the Ten Thousand Demon Mountains and there would be no accidents. Who knew that only half a day later, someone would be waiting for them ahead.

"There is a master~" Qingniu said.

Even Qingniu, not to mention Yang Yiyun, saw that there were a hundred or ten people in front of him. They were dressed as people from the Holy Land of All Souls. Wu Wenze who appeared before was still a little concealed. Now these people don't seem to be embarrassed at all. Block the road directly.

"Take it."

The leader was a middle-aged man who gave orders with a gloomy face. In front of Yang Yiyun and Yang Yiyun, everyone present turned out to be the perfect person to transcend the tribulation.

Of course, the Great Perfection of Restricted Tribulation in Taihuang Outer Territory is the pinnacle.

The difference is that in the same realm of cultivation, everyone's strength is different.

Of course, among these people, there is no third-level earthly immortal like Wu Wenze who suppresses the realm of cultivation.

In his breath, Yang Yiyun felt that they were all cultivators who had overcome the tribulation, and there were no earthly immortals who came from the barrier of laws.

"Don't listen and kill him." Yang Yiyun said to Qingniu.

He was wary of facing earthly immortals like Wu Wenze, but he was not afraid of facing these tribulation monks.

Of course, No. 100 was very powerful, so he had to be careful after all. He knew he couldn't stop under such circumstances.

Once stopped and trapped, it will be difficult to escape.

His cultivation realm is the early stage of the Tribulation Transcendence, which is far from comparable to the Tribulation Transcendence Dzogchen. However, in terms of strength, he now has the Dragon Slayer Sword and many magical powers. He is not afraid of the Tribulation Transcendence Dzogchen at all. Of course, this is one-on-one. in the case of.

He was really afraid of the tribulation monk No. 100 who suddenly appeared.

Fortunately, there is a King-level Qing Niu by his side. Not to mention annihilating all these people, it is no problem to carve out a bloody path.

There is also the poison of disaster that Lu Yanzhi has in her body. Mahayana monks are very afraid of her, let alone these people are tribulation monks.

The five element beasts can also explode with strength that is no less than that of the Great Perfection of Tribulation Transcendence. Diaoer has lightning speed and extremely sharp claws. It is not difficult to deal with the Tribulation Transmutation monks.

The Immortal Fighting Stone is called Immortal Fighting. Although it is an exaggeration, it can be used to deal with the Tribulation-Transcending Dzogchen cultivators with a single hit. This has been verified in the Heavenly Demon Palace.

Finally, there is the calf...

Lu Yanzhi said on the way before that the biggest credit for killing twenty ghost killers was actually Niu Duzi's.

Niu Duozi didn't know what kind of innate magical power he used. According to what Lu Yanzhi and the others said, before they could take action against the twenty ghost killers, Niu Duozi took care of the twenty ghost killers. None of them could See.

In this regard, Yang Yiyun was fighting with Blue Buddha and did not pay attention to Niu Duzi. He only heard Niu Duzi make a long whistle.

Although no one has seen how Niu Duozi came out to kill twenty ghost killers, it seems that Niu Duozi is a mythical beast and has powerful innate magical powers.

He is just a cub, and he is still relatively unfamiliar with everything. Following Yang Yiyun and everyone, he is still observing and growing up in many things.

For Yang Yiyun, he could not place his hope on Niu Duzi and could only choose to fight his way out at this time.

Anyway, the friends around me don't look weak anymore, so it shouldn't be difficult to kill them.

The appearance of these people in the Holy Land of All Souls actually worries Yang Yiyun the most because there are several other holy places.

Now that people from the Holy Land of All Souls have appeared, it means that people from other holy places are not far away either, or they are on their way, or they are secretly...

There are hundreds of people in a Holy Land of All Souls. What if all the other families show up?

Doesn't it mean that there will be five to six hundred Tribulation-Transcending monks chasing him?

Thinking of this, Yang Yiyun felt that his scalp was starting to tingle, so he could only choose to fight his way out without stopping. Maybe these people would be wary of entering the Ten Thousand Demon Mountains.

What I didn't expect was that these people started fighting each other as soon as they came up. The leader didn't say any nonsense, he just said one word - kill!

Obviously, the news that he killed Cheng Weikang and others in Tianyao Palace has been known to several holy places. Without saying a word, he must have started to seek revenge.

The war was about to break out, and Yang Yiyun had no choice but to rush forward.

He didn't expect that people from the Holy Land of All Souls would be waiting for him in front. Now that he thought about it, they must have seen that he was going to enter the Ten Thousand Demons Mountain Range and waited for him to appear halfway in advance.

Yang Yiyun is not surprised at all that these people in the Holy Land are well-informed. Each family has inherited superpowers for endless years, and it is not difficult to control their own movements.

The green bull opened the way in front. The demon's body expanded three times and turned into a demon bull that was more than ten meters long. Green light flashed all over its body, and it roared and attacked with circles of sound waves.


The green ox of the dragon species has the sound of a dragon, and the sound is loud enough to shake the heavens.


Just a single roar made more than a dozen monks who rushed over scream in agony.

At this moment, Qing Niu completely exploded with his king-level power.

The King-level Qing Niu has the strength of a Mahayana monk, and is naturally not comparable to these Tribulation-Transcending Dzogchen monks.

Every time the dragon-slaying sword in Yang Yiyun's hand struck out, several monks screamed and fell in a pool of blood. He struck out with all his strength in the Heavenly Demon Palace. Even Cheng Weikang and Leng Xiaoyi couldn't compete with them. What's more, these people's monks were obviously better than before. Not as good as the former.

Moreover, after absorbing the power of the Blue Buddha, Yang Yiyun's true energy in Zifu and the power of the soul in the sea of ​​consciousness increased again. The power of each sword cannot be underestimated.

Although there were many people on the other side, no one could take his sword.

With the cooperation of Lu Yanzhi, Five Elements Beast, Diao'er, and Daxianshi, a large number of monks died in their hands.

Yang Yiyun and others killed more than 30 people in the Holy Land of All Souls in one encounter, and no one could stop them.

Niu Duzi has been following Yang Yiyun. Although he didn't take action, he didn't hold him back.

Yang Yiyun also wanted Niu Daozi to experience killing by his side, so that Niu Daozi could grow up quickly. Now that Niu Daozi was a cub, Yang Yiyun was still worried about the general and did not dare to expect Niu Daozi to be able to do anything.

Originally, Lu Yanzhi and Diao'er could have been allowed to enter the Qiankun Pot space, and he and Qingniu would be enough to fight, but Yang Yiyun also knew that it would not be a good thing for them to always let Lu Yanzhi avoid them when they encountered danger. , the cruelty of the world of cultivation always needs to be experienced and witnessed in order to grow.

Yang Yiyun doesn't want everyone around him to become flowers in the greenhouse.

Although this situation is dangerous, it is also a good experience.

A face-to-face attack on Yang Yiyun's side achieved an overwhelming victory.

But the middle-aged man leading the Holy Land of All Souls was not a simple person, and he immediately shouted: "Gather in formation and attack."

As soon as these words came out, the disciples of the Holy Land of All Spirits quickly formed a group of more than sixty people to form Fangzheng, and the next moment all attacks came at once.

Yang Yiyun's expression changed drastically: "Go faster and be on defense."

He knew that they could withstand an attack from one or two people or even a dozen people, but an attack by more than sixty people gathered together was no joke.

The next moment, the attacks of more than 60 people in the Holy Land of All Spirits were like random arrows falling rapidly on them, and the colorful attacks came like a swarm of meteors.


Qingniu was running with all his strength and felt the danger roaring. A green halo appeared on his body, and a defensive light shield quickly formed like a giant wall, blocking them behind, more like a knot. boundary.

"Boom boom boom..."

Countless attacks bombarded it.

At this moment, Yang Yiyun and the others had already fled hundreds of meters away.


With a dull sound, Qingniu put up a protective barrier and was finally bombarded and dispersed.

But it was enough for Yang Yiyun. They had already opened a distance of four to five hundred meters from the people in the All Souls Holy Land behind them.

Everyone used all their strength to shuttle through the jungle...

"Master, another wave of people is coming...a few hundred meters to our left..." This time it was Daxianshi who spoke.

"There are people on the right, also a hundred meters away...and two groups of people in front." Qingniu said.

As they spoke, they rushed out of a jungle.

At this moment, we arrived at a place with a wide view, no vegetation, only yellow sand.

"Too much bullying..." Yang Yiyun looked at the billowing dust hundreds of meters away in all directions with a sullen face. It was obvious that there were groups of people running wildly.

At this moment he saw people from the other four holy places...

Endless murderous intent emerged from Yang Yiyun's body. Demonic aura rippled all over his body, his eyes were filled with blood, and there was only killing in his heart.

"Brother Yang, you..." Lu Yanzhi exclaimed first. She knew that Yang Yiyun's inner demon had exploded.

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