My Master Is a God

Chapter 1389 They are all here for Niu Duzi

The changes in Yang Yiyun made Lu Yanzhi scream in surprise. Qingniu and Five Elements Beast were startled. Everyone knew that this was the inner demon breaking out.

But just listen to Yang Yiyun say: "Don't worry about me being fine, the power of the inner demon cannot assimilate me."

Yang Yiyun's demonic aura at this moment was entirely caused by the anger he felt after seeing the people from the Five Holy Lands appear.

The Holy Land is really shameless. To deal with him, a tribulation-transcending monk, every family actually dispatched a hundred people, each of whom was a tribulation-transcending cultivator.

To say that bullying goes too far is an understatement.

Therefore, his inner emotional atmosphere and the power of inner demons exploded, but after the inner demons were suppressed, they were actually under control. Yang Yiyun knew this.

The difference is that Yang Yiyun's murderous intention is boundless at this moment.

Behind them are those from the All Souls Saint, chasing after them. In front are Shenfu Lingzong and Tianjian Mountain, on the left is Bailian Villa, and on the right is Tongxian Palace.

They were all the five major forces that he had offended in the Heavenly Demon Palace.

A ghost city has just been solved, followed closely by the five holy places.

The so-called people from the Holy Land were extremely disgusting in Yang Yiyun's eyes at this moment.

It's clear that it's bullying.

Yang Yiyun stopped running and stopped while talking. He knew he couldn't rush through.

If it were just one Holy Land, they would have a chance to kill them, but now there are nearly 500 Tribulation-Ending cultivators in the five Holy Lands.

Such a large-scale monk power can only be sent out by these holy places. Maybe these people are just the tip of the iceberg in the holy places?

Regardless, Yang Yiyun stopped. Since there were five ways to go, there was only one way to kill.

"Rouge, please take care of yourselves." As Yang Yiyun spoke, he clenched the dragon-slaying sword in his hand. The body of the Dharma Prime was lifted up, transforming into a giant body a hundred meters high. The two fate stars rotated, the East Emperor Bell and the Gate of Youdu flashed. The star god statue looms behind him.

He was ready for everything, with strands of demonic energy surrounding his body, and a burst of violent energy bursting out from his heart. He looked coldly at the people from the five holy places coming from all directions, with murderous intent rising into the sky.

At this time, the people from the Five Holy Lands stopped, fifty meters away from Yang Yiyun and the others, forming a siege, but did not launch an attack.

At this time, a woman in white came out of Tongxian Palace and stared at Yang Yiyun with her eyes like a torch: "Are you Yang Yiyun?"

"Asking knowingly." Yang Yiyun said coldly.

"You're a tough talker, but you don't know if your bones are tough... I won't talk nonsense to you. I am Fairy Mingyue of Tongxian Palace. I came here this time to arrest you and return to Tongxian Palace on the order of the Holy Lord of Tongxian Palace. The Immortal Palace punishes you and kills my junior sister, Fairy Plum Blossom, and the rest of my sect. Yang Yiyun, you are so brave, take a few of your monsters with me, and I will save your life today."

The woman in white who called herself Fairy Mingyue spoke in a condescending tone, asking Yang Yiyun to follow her.

However, Yang Yiyun observed that Fairy Mingyue's eyes drifted from Niu Duzi while she was speaking, and there was a glint in her eyes, and she suddenly realized something in her heart.

Looking at the leaders of the other four families, their eyes were all focused on Niu Duzi.

At this moment, Yang Yiyun realized what the Five Holy Lands were up to.

Maybe that was the reason for chasing him, and the real purpose was Niu Xiaozi!

If you think about it carefully, it is true. Each of the nine holy places in the world of cultivation is a behemoth with many disciples. There are only a few other disciples with the most disciples. Each family is known as one hundred thousand disciples.

The entire world of cultivation is one big thousand world, and underneath this big thousand world there are a full three thousand small thousand worlds similar to the mountain and sea world.

These three thousand small thousand worlds finally converged into the great world of Cultivation World, and the Nine Holy Lands are the most powerful sects in the Cultivation World. How many people want to enter these holy lands?

There can only be many, many disciples, so these Holy Land disciples have the largest number of disciples. To put it bluntly, the death of a few disciples is nothing.

What's more, there is an unwritten rule that if a disciple of that family dies after entering Taihuang, no one will be held accountable.

The five holy places did not hesitate to shamelessly send hundreds of disciples of the Dzogchen Tribulation to deal with Yang Yiyun. There was really no Yang Yiyun, but they did it so shamelessly.

This is very unreasonable.

Unless there is a big enough benefit, all the holy places will be shameless to mobilize troops to deal with him, a monk in the early stage of transcending the tribulation who has not survived a great tribulation.

And where this interest lies, Yang Yiyun now understands that it is Niu Duzi.

The Five Holy Lands mobilized their troops this time just for Niu Duzi.

Because Niu Xiaozi is the mythical beast Qilin.

Although he did not tell any outsiders about Niu Duzi's identity as Qilin, these holy places are ancient existences, so they would naturally know about Niu Duzi's situation.

Although Niu Duzi looks nothing like a unicorn, he is just a bull demon.

However, these holy places can send people into the Heavenly Demon's Palace to search for the treasures of the Lord of the Heavenly Demon. They will naturally be familiar with the Heavenly Demon's Palace and know some secrets that ordinary monks don't know. For example, the Lord of the Heavenly Demon is Qilin.

Now Yang Yiyun has brought out a calf from the Heavenly Demon Palace. If these holy places have any knowledge of the Heavenly Demon Palace, they will naturally know that the calf is a unicorn beast.

All divine beasts have been extinct in the world of cultivation for who knows how many years. Now a divine beast appears, a unicorn divine beast. How can these holy places be spared?

So Yang Yiyun understood that the five holy places came for the mythical beast Qilin.

You can hear it from Mingyue's words, asking him to go to Tongxian Palace to receive his guilt and bring the monsters around him with him.

If it were an ordinary monster, would Tangtang Tongxian Palace care about it?

Yang Yiyun dared to say that there were monsters with powerful bloodlines in these holy places, so he would not be interested in ordinary monsters.

So at this moment Yang Yiyun figured out that Niu Duzi was the root cause.

He also understood the value of Niu Duzi or a mythical beast. Since the five holy places can mobilize troops, it means that the potential of Niu Duzi, a unicorn cub, etc., will be unlimited. Maybe Yang Yiyun knows that he should still use Niu Duzi. The thought became weak.

Now think about Niu Duozi, a foodie, it is a miracle in itself to be able to eat a mountain-sized gifted treasure in one meal. For other monsters, let alone a hill-sized gifted treasure, even half of it would have been burst.

On the contrary, Niu Daozi was not only not stretched to death, but also not full. Coupled with Niu Daozi's weird speed of space power and Lu Yanzhi Qingniu's method of killing twenty ghost killers without even seeing them clearly, it was enough. It shows how much potential the unicorn cub Niu Duzi has.

If this were the case, Yang Yiyun would not be able to let others get Niu Duzi.

Facing Fairy Mingyue's arrogant words, Yang Yiyun grinned and said: "How about Tongxian Palace? Who do you think you are? The person who wants to kill me, Yang Yiyun, has not been born yet, so why do I need you to save my life?"

"You... seem to have stopped crying without seeing the coffin. I might as well kill you today to avenge Junior Sister Meihua and her fellow disciples." Fairy Mingyue finished speaking coldly, and then said loudly: "All the disciples obey the order, except the little one." Bull demon, kill everyone around Yang Yiyun without mercy, kill!"

"I obey senior sister's order." Hundreds of Tongxian Palace disciples responded, and then they all rushed towards Yang Yiyun and others.

At this time, the remaining four families also waved their hands to signal their disciples to kill them, and also issued the same order as Fairy Mingyue.

Leave the little bull demon next to Yang Yiyun, and kill the rest without mercy.

"Hahaha..." Yang Yiyun looked at the hundreds of people rushing around, laughed loudly, and said to himself: "These are the so-called people of the Holy Land. They are not the same as ordinary monks in the face of interests, and are even more shameless. Today I'm going to start a killing spree. I don't want to kill people, but I can't bully you either. Kill..."

While laughing wildly, Yang Yiyun's 100-meter-tall Dharma-like body carried a trace of demonic aura in the golden light. It looked unusually evil. He suddenly roared at the people from the five holy places who were charging towards them dozens of meters away: "Eight Huang Guiyi, Vajra Supreme, Immortal Supreme Dao, Enlightenment, Great Dao..."

With the Black Lotus Sword Qi in one hand and a palm in the other, he displayed the two magical powers of the "Twelve Supremes". One palm swung out in all directions, with extraordinary momentum and the color of the world changed.

Golden runes, black demonic energy, powerful soul, and compressed true energy all gathered in the palm of the sword.

Exploding all the strength in his body, the Donghuang Bell runes turned brightly and activated the defense all over his body. The gate of Youdu opened and spun, absorbing the attacking mana flying out of thin air.

"Boom boom boom..."

As Yang Yiyun took action, the entire earth shook, and a deafening sound erupted. Yellow sand and dust flew between the sky and the earth, and there were screams among them.

Yang's crazy attack also caused a lot of damage to the people who rushed up.

The face of Fairy Mingyue in the distance changed slightly. She did not expect that Yang Yiyun would be so powerful. At this moment, the leader of the Holy Land of All Souls said: "You Yang Yiyun's strength and methods have surpassed the Tribulation Perfection. Such a siege will not work. We still need to form an array." And I wonder what you think about killing him?"

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