My Master Is a God

Chapter 1398 The vast world of Ten Thousand Monsters City has great potential.

To Yang Yiyun's surprise, Qingniu's answer was: "My master doesn't know that the City of Ten Thousand Demons has a long history. Ever since the Qingniu clan of my dragon species, there has been communication with the human race. The family secret book records that my ancestors once Someone became a disciple of the human race, so when did the Ten Thousand Monsters City begin to exist?

Because our ancestors loved human civilization so much, when they established Ten Thousand Demons City, everything was run according to human construction civilization, etc. They even invited human masters to build and manage the city, so that every aspect of Ten Thousand Demons City now is perfect. There are human shadows.

Even the monsters living in the City of Ten Thousand Demons have been subtly influenced by this culture. Some monsters are greedy for power, some are greedy for money and lust, some are addicted to gambling, and they love drinking...

Anyway, every gene cell given to me in Ten Thousand Demon City has the genes of human civilization, so the owner can rest assured that the matter of handling the demon disc should be able to be obtained without any problem. "

When Yang Yiyun listened to Qingniu's explanation, a picture of the intertwined monster and human civilizations suddenly appeared in his mind. This picture should be more suitable for the free and easy state of mind of cultivators than the rules of human civilization, and he couldn't help but look forward to it.

Of course, according to Qingniu's words, the ID card, the demon disc, is also very important. Only by having the demon disc with you can you survive in the City of Ten Thousand Demons.

Otherwise there will be trouble sooner or later.

In Qingniu's words, the current Ten Thousand Demon City is divided and managed by the four demon masters in the southeast, northwest and northwest. The place where they are now is Dongcheng District, which belongs to the territory of the Eastern Demon Master One-Eyed Dragon. In fact, the Dongcheng District is managed by the demon master. The one in the city is the piebald snake, one of the one-eyed dragon's subordinates.

The pied snake has a mansion in Dongcheng District. The mansion is so huge that it is equivalent to the administrative center of Dongcheng District. As for dealing with the demon disc, it is actually a trivial matter. You can ask Pangolin, the housekeeper of the pied snake house, to handle it.

But the prerequisite is to give benefits to the pangolin, or to bribe the housekeeper.

If according to what Qing Niu said, all the monsters in Ten Thousand Monster City are greedy, it would be much easier for Yang Yiyun.

As soon as the last few people gathered together, they decided to go out and find an inn to stay in, and then the first thing they did was to deal with the demon disc.

If you have a demon disc in your body, you can walk in the City of Ten Thousand Demons, otherwise you will be in trouble if you are found out by the patrol team.

Lu Yanzhi asked: "Qingniu came to you to tell you this, doesn't it mean that you need to register a demon disc to stay in an inn? Then how can we stay in an inn without a demon disc?"

"Don't worry, mistress, staying in an inn is not that strict. You can get it done by spending a few more demon crystal coins. As long as nothing big happens in Ten Thousand Demon City, places like inns will not be interrogated." Qingniu explained.

Yang Yiyun seemed to hear a key word - demon crystal coins!

Although he guessed that it was the currency of the demon clan, he still asked: "What's the matter with the demon crystal coin?"

Qingniu explained: "Master's demon crystal coins are a currency circulated by the demon clan. They are similar to your human clan's spirit stones, but the demon clan's demon crystal coins are more diversified than your human clan's spirit stones."

"Why is this?" Yang Yiyun asked curiously.

"Like the human race's spirit stones, the demon clan's demon crystal coins also include natural spirit stones excavated from the spiritual energy mountains, natural tree crystals extracted from trees where spiritual energy gathers, and crystals collected from deep water. , there are also stone crystals extracted from strange stones, in short, there are all kinds of them.

But the functions are the same. It explains that the spiritual energy crystals contain huge demonic power. The reason why the demon clan has many different currency patterns is because the demon clan itself occupies the advantage of the geographical environment. No matter what kind of spiritual energy is strong, the natural materials and earthly treasures are mostly found in the mountains.

The Ten Thousand Demons Mountain Range occupies a vast territory that is thousands of miles away. It has a unique geography and rich products. Each group can find them deep in the mountains with complex terrain and refine them into demon crystal coins, which are circulated among various groups.

The only regret is that the demon clan is not as ingenious as the human clan. They can make and process various heavenly materials and earthly treasures into items that can be used by themselves. They can only use the most primitive heavenly materials and earthly treasures. This is also the reason why my ancestors in the Ten Thousand Demon City have The reason for insisting on imitating the human race to run Ten Thousand Demon City.

Therefore, we negotiated with the Human Chamber of Commerce in the Cultivation World and replaced the demon products with exquisite human products. This also made the City of Ten Thousand Demons prosperous, but it also caused the jealousy of the four demon masters and caused our clan to suffer a disaster. . "Qingniu said lonely.

But Yang Yiyun understood clearly that the so-called demon crystal coins of the demon clan were actually the crystallization of various heavenly materials and earthly treasures. If this was true, he felt like he had walked into a natural treasure house.

Just thinking about it makes me feel hot all over.

He laughed and borrowed Taizu's words: "The vast world of Ten Thousand Monsters City has great potential!"

After a general understanding, Qing Niu led the group of people to drill out of the gopher hole.

When they arrived outside, they found a dilapidated building. Qingniu said that it was because the four demon masters attacked their clan and the area was too close to his home. In addition, the Qingniu clan is now taboo in Ten Thousand Demons City, so they did not build here. Lived.

Then Qingniu led the way out of this dilapidated building complex and entered a small alley. After walking out, there was a bluestone street about thirty meters wide.

All of a sudden there were all kinds of shouts...

"The blood spirit grass was sold at a cheap price...three low-grade demon crystal coins..."

"Eight demon crystal coins of black light stone..."

"Excellent spiritual fruit wine..."

"Babao Ling Chicken..."

Loud and loud voices followed Yang Yiyun and the others out of the alley and into No. 2 Middle School.

Yang Yiyun and Lu Yanzhi looked around and left, looking at each other in confusion.

This is not the Monster Clan. It is clearly the lively scene of a large human city. You can see the long streets at a glance. The huge wooden buildings on both sides reach into the clouds. Below is a huge bluestone foundation. The wood is gathered on top to build a cluster. The building body extends beyond the end.

The streets are filled with demonic energy and crowded with people. It can be described as a huge crowd. Of course, these people are demons who have transformed into humans. Although many of them have transformed into humans, they still retain the characteristics of demons. For example, they clearly look like two people. The young man is dressed as a scholar in his early teens and holds a feather fan, but he has a thick tail trailing behind his buttocks. He looks nondescript, but he walks on the street very naturally.

Another example is a woman who looks like a flower, but with a pair of forked horns on her head, she looks like a deer demon...

There is also a huge man with only one eye on his face, an old lady without ears, an old man with four limbs, a child who walks on both hands and feet, and an aunt with a pair of sword arms...

The whole street was buzzing with excitement!

Yang Yiyun and Lu Yanzhi opened their eyes.

It's a magical world.

Of course, judging from the crowded shops and the shouting atmosphere of the street stalls, Yang Yiyun would really have thought that he had arrived at a large human city if he hadn't known that this was the City of Ten Thousand Demons in the Ten Thousand Demons Mountains.

The entire street as far as the eye can see is full of people in the form of monsters. Of course, there are also monsters that have not transformed and are walking on the streets in their true form.

But it didn't seem to attract any attention, and everyone thought it was normal.

After all, this is a demon city.

In Qingniu's words, everyone in Ten Thousand Demon City is proud of transforming into a human being. If there is no demon clan that can transform, it is either because they are not cultivated enough to be able to transform, or they are unwilling to transform and always insist on walking in their original form, but there is no such thing. What people say.

Anyway, according to Qing Niu, it was right for Yang Yiyun and Lu Yanzhi to treat themselves as human beings here.

In response, Yang Yiyun rolled his eyes and said: "We are human beings ourselves."

Of course, the human race dare not say this. If a person appears here, he will definitely become a snack for the Ten Thousand Demon City group.

Although the City of Ten Thousand Demons imitates the human city, the human race is definitely taboo and they don’t dare to come.

However, there are exceptions, such as the powerful Chamber of Commerce of the Human Race.

Qingniu said that the powerful human trade guilds can come to Ten Thousand Demon City. Of course, they need the Great Demon Lord to give them a pass. In the past, when his father was here, he only needed to make a treaty with the human chamber of commerce and give him a pass. Now, it is It would take each of the four demon masters to issue a pass order.

There is also a strange rule that people from the Human Race Chamber of Commerce can only come to Ten Thousand Monsters City four times a year to trade, bringing humans to make elixirs, magic weapons, etc., in exchange for the heavenly materials and earthly treasures of Ten Thousand Monsters City.

Yang Yiyun could imagine how much huge profits the Human Chamber of Commerce could make by being able to trade with Ten Thousand Monsters City.

As he walked, he asked Qingniu: "Do you know that the chamber of commerce currently trading with Ten Thousand Demons City is a human chamber of commerce?"

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