My Master Is a God

Chapter 1399 The great monsters at the king level are also divided into strong and weak ones

Qing Niu pondered for a while and said: "It used to be the chamber of commerce of several major holy places and the top chamber of commerce in the world of cultivation. I don't know now, but it should still be those chambers of commerce. I'll ask about it later."

Yang Yiyun narrowed his eyes and said, "It's okay to ask around. If it's the chamber of commerce in several major holy places, then we won't be polite."

"Master, do you want to steal their business?" Five Elements Beast finally intervened.

"It's not impossible..." Yang narrowed his eyes and said.

While the group was chatting, they stopped in front of a large restaurant.

Qing Niu whispered: "The owner, Pangolin, comes to this restaurant to drink every day. Let's stay here."

Yang Yiyun looked at the restaurant, which was six stories high. It covered a vast area and had food and accommodation. It was indeed good and looked very high-end, but he suddenly thought of a question.

"Old Niu, we don't have demon crystal coins..." Yang complained bitterly. All the treasures he had were ruined by Niu Duzi, and he was really poor now.

Since it is accommodation, you have to have money.

"Master, I still have some savings, including demon crystal coins. When you escaped from the City of Ten Thousand Demons, the demon crystal coins you took with you were one thousand high-grade ones. You hid in the Sky Demon Palace and lived an elusive life without spending any money. It will come in handy. ." Yang Yiyun said with a smile.

"Old Niu, you are not kind. You don't turn over the demon crystal coins to the master. Don't forget that you are the master's younger brother!" Five Elements Beast spoke again.

Qingniu was deceived by the Five Elements Beast, and stared at the Five Elements Beast with a black face and a very unkind look on his face. His master had warned him not to talk too much about this Five Elements Beast, and he was so beeping that he was really angry to death.

Very dissatisfied with the Five Elements Beast, Qing Niu originally thought that the master would reprimand the Five Elements Beast, but after waiting for a long time, Yang Yiyun, the owner, did not look at him. When he looked up, he found that Yang Yiyun was looking at him with a smile. This made Qing Niu suddenly feel all over. After trembling, he reacted and said quickly: "Master, I will give you the demon crystal coin when you turn around."

"You don't have to give it all, just give half, and you can keep the rest." Yang said without a blushing face or a heartbeat.

Qing Niu finally understood that his master was as good as Diao Er in terms of money, but fortunately he only wanted half.

"Yes, yes, Lao Niu understands that half of it is enough for me. What's mine belongs to the master." The young man was quite tactful.

Yang was now satisfied, grinned and asked casually: "How many low-grade coins are equivalent to one high-grade demon crystal coin?"

"Reporting to the master, one high-grade demon crystal coin is equivalent to one thousand low-grade and one hundred medium-grade coins. We have one thousand high-grade coins which should be enough for the time being." Qing Niu answered honestly.

Yang nodded: "Okay, let's stay here first, then let's go."

Then Qingniu led the way into the Yaozu Restaurant called Dawang Restaurant.

Yang Yiyun took Lu Yanzhi, Diao'er, Five Elements Beast, and Daxianshi to wait aside while Qing Niu went to check in.

A few minutes later, Qingniu came back with two room cards, a face full of pain and curses: "It's so dark..."

When Five Elements Beast saw the sign with only two rooms, he immediately felt unhappy and said, "Old Niu, are you too stingy? How can you live in only two rooms?"

Qing Niu rolled his eyes at the Five Elements Beast and said: "Let's just live in it. The master and mistress share a room, and we share a room. It cost two hundred high-grade demon crystal coins, and other expenses are not included, but don't worry, The rooms in the Monster Clan’s buildings are large enough for us to live in one room.”

"So much?" Although Yang Yiyun didn't know the consumption level of Ten Thousand Demons City, he should have spent two hundred high-grade demon crystal coins while listening to the hawking on the roadside. It was indeed expensive. No wonder Qingniu looked so pained. .

Qingniu said bitterly: "Originally, twenty high-grade demon crystal coins for up to two rooms would be enough, but we don't have the demon disc, so the price will be ten times more."

Yang Yiyun understood, nodded and said: "It's important to stay here. It seems that the matter of the demon disc must be settled as soon as possible. Otherwise, we can't even afford to stay in an inn. Let's go upstairs and discuss it later."

Then the group went upstairs. The Dawang Restaurant had a total of floors. Their room was on the sixth floor, the fifth and sixth floors were for accommodation, and the second and third floors were the dining rooms.

The room price is quite large. As Qingniu said, the architectural design of the demon clan is based on the demon cultivator. Considering that sometimes the demon clan body will move in, the room is designed to be very large, about six meters high, and the area is about It is about one hundred square meters, and the room facilities are complete.

This kind of area is enough for one room for their group. Yang Yiyun thought that Qingniu had considered opening two rooms for him and Lu Yanzhi, which made Yang very satisfied.

The Five Elements Beast didn't say much after seeing it. It was indeed enough. Anyway, the Five Elements Beast didn't transform and didn't need a water bed. In fact, none of them needed it. For monks in the world, meditation means resting and sleeping. They don't even need to sleep. The room is large enough for the Five Elements Beasts, the Green Ox, and the Immortal Stone.

After closing the door, the group sat down. Yang Yiyun took out the tea set from the space of the Qiankun Pot and asked Lu Yanzhi to make tea and discuss the matter of the demon saucer.

"Lao Niu, is the pangolin you mentioned coming back today?" Yang Yiyun asked.

"Master, I asked the waiter. Pangolins come every day. They haven't arrived today yet. I'll go take a look later." Qingniu replied.

Yang Yiyun nodded and said: "After that pangolin comes to the restaurant, you inform me and I will freely let him handle the demon dish."

After Qingniu nodded, he waved his hand and placed all the remaining 800 demon crystal coins in front of Yang Yiyun: "Master now only has 800 demon crystal coins. If he wants to bribe the pangolin, I guess these demon crystal coins are not enough. I need to I don’t want to buy them all into wine, but I heard that pangolins are addicted to alcohol, so it should be fine.”

"You should put away the demon crystal coins first. We have taken care of the demon disc, and we still need to find a place to stay for a long time. We can't spend the money indiscriminately. I will deal with the pangolin in my own way and make him obedient and handle the demon disc for us." Yang Yiyun narrowed his eyes and said.

Qingniu thought that Yang Yiyun was going to use force, and said worriedly: "Master... I'm afraid it's not good to use force. There is a patrol team in Dongcheng District, and Pangolin's boss, Pied Snake, is also at the King level. I'm afraid that we will suffer a loss if we take action." "

"Didn't you say that there are only four king-level monsters in the Ten Thousand Demons Mountain Range? The southeast, northwest and four great king-level monsters? Why is there another piebald snake like you appearing now?" Yang Yiyun said in surprise.

"Uh... Master, the four great king-level demons I'm talking about in the southeast, northwest, and southeast are the beings with the highest cultivation level among the king-level. Under the four great demons, there are also subordinates like me who have junior king-level cultivation, such as the piebald snake. It's the same, just one of the facts." Qingniu explained.

Yang Yiyun's face turned dark when he heard this: "Your sister, didn't you tell me earlier?" I originally thought that there were only four big monsters in the Wanyao Mountains with the king level, but Yang thought that he and Qingniu were using tricks to do it. Even if the other party's identity is exposed or something goes wrong, he can still handle it when he escapes. Now it seems that Qingniu didn't make it clear, and he also thought wrong.

"Uh~ Master, I don't have a biological sister, but there are a few in the clan. If they are still alive, I will introduce some to the master..." Qingniu naturally didn't understand that Yang was scolding him by saying 'your sister', and why? Thinking that someone Yang wanted to take a concubine, I suddenly felt happy.

Yang Yiyun's face was completely turned upside down: ""

"Pfft..." Lu Yanzhi realized that Yang's words were definitely not a good word, but a curse on Qingniu, and couldn't help laughing.

"Hey...forget it, let's make peace with it now, just take it one step at a time. According to what you said, the four great demons in the southeast, northwest and northwest still have more than one of your king-level demons?" Yang Yiyun was so angry at Qingniu that he resigned.

Qing Niu quickly said: "Master, in fact, the great monsters at the king level are also divided into strong and weak ones, and they are also divided into elementary, intermediate, advanced and top level. The four great monsters in the southeast, northwest and northwest of the Ten Thousand Demon Mountains and my father are all top king level beings. .

And every top-level big demon must have junior, intermediate and even high-level big demons who respect the king. The four big demons in the southeast, northwest and northwest are powerful. The number of king-level big demons that each of his subordinates takes refuge in should be ten, or even more.

There are also some demon kings from big mountains who have their own way, and they are all king-level cultivation, but they are not the top king-level existences..."

After listening to Qingniu's words, Yang Yiyun felt deeply powerless. There were so many king-level monsters in the Ten Thousand Monsters Mountains, and now he appeared directly in the Ten Thousand Monsters City, the core of the Ten Thousand Monsters Mountains. It is conceivable that a person would be affected by these. The shemale king is so lively when he swallows him alive.

I originally wanted to seize the chestnuts from the fire, but now it seems that it is not easy to seize the chestnuts from the fire.

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