My Master Is a God

Chapter 1413 The magic of the underground world

Yang Yiyun concluded from Shu Bai's words that the Mouse King must know something about him, but he was not sure how much he knew specifically.

Yang Yiyun has his own planned goals and cannot die at this point.

So he had to take a risk.

The reason why he decided to take the risk was not just because he felt that the Rat King knew about his human identity.

The point is, since the Mouse King sent two little demons, Mouse Bai and Mouse Gold, to invite him, it means that the Mouse King did not want to quarrel with each other. Otherwise, he only needs to inform the four major forces of the Ten Thousand Demon Mountains that he is a human being. That's it.

Instead, they came to invite him to see a doctor from the Five Elements Rat Demon Clan, which meant that there was still room for discussion on the matter.

At least for the time being, the Mouse King will not reveal his identity.

Or maybe it's not too clear that the Mouse King knows that he is a human being, but he probably has some clues.

For Yang Yiyun, he didn't dare to gamble even a little bit. He could only agree to Shu Bai and Shu Jin to go to the Five Elements Rat Demon Clan to treat their ancestor, or the Rat King.

It's not impossible if he doesn't go, he just kills the rat white rat Jin, and then takes Lu Yanzhi Qingniu and the others to run away, leaving the Ten Thousand Monsters City and the Ten Thousand Monsters Mountains along the same route.

But...if they leave...where can they go?

After leaving the Ten Thousand Demon Mountains, he was still in the wilderness, and Yang Yiyun dared to say that outside the Ten Thousand Demon Mountains, there must be people from the several holy places he had offended waiting for him, and they were experts waiting for him to appear.

Therefore, even if he goes out now, there is still no way out.

Not to mention that he couldn't do what he promised Qingniu, but how could he be willing to leave the Ten Thousand Demon Mountains like this?

Rather than do this, it is better to compromise temporarily and take a gamble.

Follow Shu Bai and Shu Jin to the Five Elements Rat Demon Clan to see the Rat King. If he wins the bet, he will have a powerful intelligence system. If he loses the bet... the worst he can do is run away again. Anyway, if you want to run away, you are still confident. No one can keep him.

Because he has the old man as his backing and the Qiankun Pot with him.

Outside the City of Ten Thousand Demons, Yang Yiyun took no one with him. He followed the rat, white, rat, and golden brothers to the Five Elements Rat Demon Clan alone.

He was going to an unknown underground world, so he didn't take anyone with him and asked others to stay at the Demon Medical Center. Of course, he also told Qingniu and Pangolin that if he didn't come back in half a year, they would find a way to evacuate Wanwan. Demon City, and then leave Taihuang.

After walking out of Ten Thousand Demons City, Yang Yiyun thought that he would have to drive a long way on land. Unexpectedly, Shu Bai said with a smile: "Mr. doctor, please come with us."

Amid Yang Yiyun's doubts, Shu Bai and Shu Jin, brothers and sisters, walked to a quiet place. One's body erupted with white light and the other's body emitted golden light. Then Shu Bai whispered softly: "Open the way..."

Although Shu Bai finished his words, Yang Yiyun felt the ground beneath his feet shaking slightly.

The next moment, a three-meter crack opened in the ground three meters in front of him. It gradually became wider and wider. In an instant, the width of the crack reached more than one meter.

A big hole appeared in the ground.

Yang Yiyun looked inside and saw a hole one meter wide, extending downward...

Seeing the underground passage that appeared, Yang Yiyun finally understood what the underground world of the Five Elements Rat Clan was. Judging from this, every Five Elements Rat Demon Clan was a master of digging holes.

If it is a huge group of Five Elements rat demons, it seems that it is not difficult to create an underground world.

At this time, I heard Shu Bai say: "This is just one of the most talented attributes of our Five Elements Rat Clan in the world. It's nothing. Doctor, please, please enter. There is a teleportation array from here, which can reach the core of our clan. It won't take much time." "

It was Shujin who spoke this time, and his words revealed confidence and pride.

Yang Yiyun was really speechless about this. He was a rat demon, and digging holes in the ground was like drinking cold water.

Not enough. From this point, it can be seen that according to the Five Elements Rat Demon's burrowing talent, it is not impossible to open up the entire underground world.

Yang Yiyun increasingly felt that if he could conquer the Five Elements Rat Demon Clan, or the Rat King, it would be more effective for his future plans in the Ten Thousand Demon Mountains.

Then Yang Yiyun followed the rat, white, rat and Jin brothers into the hole they opened.

After entering, he only heard Shubai say "hehe", and the next moment the cave merged again. Although he was not on the ground at the moment, he could fully imagine that there would be no traces left on the ground.

If the Five Elements Rat Demon wants to escape, just dig a hole and crawl in. No breath will be left when the time comes. This race is simply a natural intelligence expert.

Yang Yiyun thought that if he didn't put this clan to his own use, it would be a waste of money.

After entering the passage, it extends downward at an angle of thirty degrees.

Originally, the mouse hole that Yang Yiyun imagined was very damp, dark and narrow, but in fact it was completely the opposite.

Except for the first ten meters, which was a dirt passage opened by Shubai and Shujin, the rest is simply a thoroughfare extending in all directions.

At first glance, you can tell that the passage has been built long ago.

The entire passage is about nine meters high and nine meters wide. It gradually slopes down. The parts that are too steep are made of flaming stone. At the top of the passage are fist-sized luminous pearls that serve as lighting, and they are almost There is one every three meters.

Walking for a while, there will be a bifurcated passage that continues all the way. It is really an underground network extending in all directions. The dense luminous pearl lighting alone is enough to see the wealth of the Five Elements Rat Demon Clan.

Yang Yiyun could not imagine how such a huge project could be completed. If placed in the secular world, it would be a miracle.

The more interesting passages have water sources and a light breeze.

Shubai acted as a tour guide for Yang Yiyun and said: "Some of the water sources are groundwater, and some are diverted from large rivers and lakes on the ground. Each channel has vents every hundred meters, extending among the towering ancient trees on the ground. Some have vents high in the cliffs, making them very secretive.

Whether it is the source of the water source or the source of the vent, there is a powerful and secret formation barrier, so it is very secretive and safe.

The luminous pearls are all collected from somewhere in the wilderness. The flame stone under our feet is a unique stone in the underground volcano. It is extremely hard enough to forge magic weapons. Using the flame stone without laying the ground can drive away the cold and create a magical atmosphere. An environment suitable for vegetation growth.

Although our clan lives in the underground world, we have everything on the ground, and we have more of what is not on the ground. These are just some peripheral passages, so the conditions are not very good. When we reach the teleportation array in front, we will enter our clan’s royal city. , when we get to Wangcheng, the doctor is taking a look, where the passage is much better than here..."

Yang Yiyun was really shocked when he heard Shu Bai's proud explanation. He was really looking forward to the Rat King City that Shu Bai said.

I would like to see as soon as possible what kind of underground world the Five Elements Rat Demon Clan has created.

In fact, it was not far, but Yang Yiyun still walked for half a day before reaching the teleportation array mentioned by Shu Bai.

After walking for half a day, the passage was still sloping downward. It was roughly estimated that they might have gone three to five thousand meters underground.

At this moment, they arrived at a huge space of nearly 300 square meters. The entire space became a circle, surrounded by passage entrances. Yang Yiyun thought that this place should be a junction point, and perhaps hundreds or even thousands of miles around could gather and teleport again.

The entire space is made of flame stone, and in the center is a teleportation array, which looks very ancient. Brothers Shubai and Shujin took Yang Yiyun onto the teleportation array and said: "Master Doctor, through the teleportation array, you will be the royal city of our clan."

Yang Yiyun nodded to express his understanding and signaled them to activate the formation.

The next moment, the power of space exploded from under his feet, and then a bright earth-yellow halo emerged. Yang Yiyun subconsciously closed his eyes.

I just felt waves of dizziness...

After about a few minutes, a rat-white voice sounded in my ears: "Mr. Doctor, we have arrived at the Rat King City."

Yang Yiyun opened his eyes when he heard this, and was suddenly shocked.

At this moment, he found that he was standing on an altar, which was the teleportation formation altar, and the entire altar was actually an extremely thick independent flame stone pillar.

The sound of gurgling lava reached his ears. Yang Yiyun saw that the huge stone pillar was surrounded by an abyss on three sides. The magma was just below, at least several thousand meters deep.

The flame stone pillar they stood on was very high. Hundreds of meters above their heads was a huge cave rock, with strange stalactites hanging upside down.

Thousands of meters away in sight is a majestic city.

Without asking him, he knew it was the Rat King City. The endless city buildings appeared in a huge natural cave.

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