My Master Is a God

Chapter 1414 The Rat King Summons

A royal city that was no less than a human city, belonging to the Five Elements Rat Demon Clan, it was truly magnificent in Yang Yiyun's eyes.

The most important thing is that Yang Yiyun discovered that this place was obviously an underground world, but the entire city was built in an unimaginable huge cave space. It looked like a natural space. He was a miraculous craftsmanship that shocked nature, and also shocked a monster. The creative ability of ethnic groups.

Different from the buildings of the human race, the buildings of Rat King City that appeared in Yang Yiyun's sight looked much smaller than the tall buildings of Ten Thousand Monsters City, but more exquisite.

However, it is relatively small compared to the buildings in Ten Thousand Monsters City, but it is not much different from the human buildings in size.

Of course, this is also related to the size of the mouse demon. For example, the two brothers Shubai and Shujin are only 1.45 meters tall, so the architectural style should be measured based on their height.

The three of them stood on the flame pillar. There was a suspension bridge in the direction leading to the Rat King City. It was about three to five hundred meters, and it directly led to the Rat King City.

Yang Yiyun thought that the flame pillar under his feet was a teleportation portal. Judging from the complex formation runes, it should be that teleportation formations from all over the place would arrive here, and then enter the Rat King City.

The entire Rat King City was cut off by an abyss-like magma, forming a sky slash, and portals from all directions converged on the flame pillar. The only way to get across was the suspension bridge, and the terrain was really dangerous.

After walking on the other side of the suspension bridge, Yang Yiyun saw a group of human-shaped rat-headed soldiers guarding the place far away. It looked like they were heavily guarded.

From this point, we can see that it is not an accident that the Five Elements Rat Demon clan can exist for countless years without being exterminated.

"Whoever comes will stop."

A solemn sound sounded.

Yang Yiyun rolled his eyes. Could it be that he couldn't see the two mice there and asked?

However, Shubai and Shujin were obviously used to it. Shubai took out a golden token and said: "The palace guard is out and has returned with the king's orders."

"I've met my lord."

The leading guard clasped his fists in salute, waved his hand and pushed all the other guards away, signaling the rat, white, rat, and golden brother and sister to pass.

Only then did Yang Yiyun find out that the rat, white, rat and golden siblings were the palace guards, and they seemed to have high status.

After passing the inspection of the suspension bridge, a flaming stone road leads directly to the royal city. From here on, both sides of the road are covered with a variety of vegetation that Yang Yiyun has never seen before. There are flaming towering trees and colorful grass. They are all vegetation that has never been seen on land.

There are many spiritual trees and elixirs full of spiritual energy...

After arriving at the gate of the royal city, another interrogation was conducted, and Shu Bai still took out the palace token and passed through smoothly.

When entering the city gate, Yang Yiyun didn't see any monster characters, but there was a purple mouse carved on top of the city gate.

After asking hundreds of questions, I found out that it was the portrait of the Rat King. In the Rat King City, the Rat King was the supreme being and the leader of their Five Elements Rat Demon Clan.

After entering the city, the streets were very lively. They were all rat demons. Some had human bodies and rat heads, some were in human form like the rat-white rat-gold brothers and sisters, and some were human-like but with a big tail trailing behind them.

And some are completely mice, either standing upright and walking like humans, or walking on all fours...

The sounds coming from the ears were in human language, and every rat demon could communicate in human language regardless of whether it was transformed or not.

The Five Elements Rat Demons are all very large, looking like calves. Some of them stand upright and walk similar to humans.

The hair on each body is very thick and colorful. Yang Yiyun couldn't see the gray mouse demon with a punch. Most of them are red, yellow, white, green, black and gold.

The layout of the entire city is not as huge as the buildings in the City of Ten Thousand Demons, but it is also larger than the City of Ten Thousand Demons in terms of scale.

There are also shops, restaurants, etc., and there is an endless stream of people selling things along the street, such as spiritual herbs, spiritual stones, etc...

Both the buildings and the furnishing layout have the style characteristics of the rat demon. Yanran has formed its own cultural heritage. After walking in, you can see that each shop has unique runes. Although Yang Yiyun does not recognize it, he can also see and The runes of other demon clans are completely different.

From these characteristics, Yang Yiyun can fully imagine that the Five Elements Rat Demon Clan is not simple. When any race, including the human race, forms its own civilization, the inheritance and continuation will be sustainable. As time continues, this race will Getting stronger and stronger.

The Five Elements Rat Demon Clan is known as the Taihuang Five Elements Rat Demon Clan, which seems to be no exaggeration.

Moreover, according to Xiong Buer's account, the four great demon masters in the southeast, northwest and northwest of the Ten Thousand Demons Mountains all have to be courteous to the Five Elements Rat Demon Clan. This is not an exaggeration at all.

During this trip, Yang Yiyun became more cautious.

Yang Yiyun has various speculations about the legendary Rat King.

Following Mouse White Mouse Jin, he walked in a straight line, and before he knew it, a splendid palace complex appeared in his sight. Looking at the sparkling palace complex, Yang Yiyun thought that it must be the royal palace.

Sure enough, Shu Bai said, "Mr. Miracle Doctor, we have arrived at the palace. Your Majesty, the King, is waiting for you at the palace."

Yang Yiyun drove away some chaotic thoughts in his mind, took a deep breath and said: "Shu Bai, how many citizens are there in your Rat King City?"

"Tens of millions, probably. There are trillions of people in the entire Five Elements rat demon clan. The scale of Rat King City is not as small as Ten Thousand Demons City." Shu Bai explained.

Yang Yiyun gasped, the whole number of trillions was simply an astronomical figure.

There are many demon clans, and there are many huge races among them, but there is no single demon clan with a number of trillions.

Really terrible.

"What is the cultivation level of your Rat King?" Yang Yiyun finally asked the question he wanted to ask the most.

Shu Bai looked at Yang Yiyun and smiled lightly: "My King, His Majesty, has unparalleled supernatural powers and incomparable magic power. I really don't know what level of cultivation he is, but there is one thing I can tell the doctor, lest the doctor will do something like this." What an irrational move."

The first half of Shu Bai's sentence was obviously to explain that Yang Yiyun did not want to tell Yang Yiyun about the cultivation of the Rat King, while the second half of the sentence contained a faint warning.

After hearing this, Yang Yiyun coughed and smiled, saying that he was all ears.

Just listen to Shu Bai say: "In the palace of our clan alone, His Majesty has ten king-level experts, each of whom can be regarded as a late-stage king. Not counting the generals who are scattered in various places and are in charge of one side, there are millions of soldiers. , as the power to protect my Five Elements Rat Demon clan..."

Yang Yiyun's heart twitched after hearing this, and he gave up the idea of ​​using force in an emergency. With such terrifying forces and strength, even if he wanted to run away, he would have little chance. It seemed that the next thing could only happen naturally, be careful. And for.

The two asked and answered questions, each with his or her own thoughts, and unknowingly passed through layers of checks and arrived outside a palace.

At this time, Shu Bai solemnly said to Yang Yiyun: "Mr. Doctor, His Majesty is in the palace. When you go in later, you must be careful to diagnose His Majesty's body. Don't make any mistakes. His Majesty has a bad temper. If something goes wrong, Doctor, your life is at risk, don’t blame me for being reminded when the time comes.”

Yang Yiyun rolled his eyes inwardly. He hadn't even seen the Rat King yet, and he was already feeling pressured. If he was so awesome, he was just a rat spirit. What else could he do to me?

He was muttering in his heart, but Yang Yiyun still nodded to Shu Bai to express his understanding.

Immediately, brothers Shu Bai and Shu Jin saluted respectfully towards the closed door and said, "My subordinates, Shu Bai and Shu Jin, have honorably fulfilled their orders and went to the City of Ten Thousand Demons to invite the doctor 'Yang Yiyun' to nurse your Majesty's health. I beg you, Your Majesty. "

After a while, the door opened, and a beautiful middle-aged woman dressed as a palace maid came out. She opened the door, then glanced at the rat, white, rat, and golden siblings. Finally, her eyes fell on Yang Yiyun and said, "Your Majesty has invited a doctor to see you."

Yang Yiyun couldn't help being surprised when he looked at the middle-aged woman in front of him, but he didn't expect that a person dressed as an old palace maid was actually a junior king. He was really upset.

"Doctor, please come in. Your Majesty is waiting for the doctor in the hall." As she spoke, the beautiful middle-aged woman walked out of the hall and signaled Yang Yiyun to go in by herself.

Yang Yiyun, on the other hand, took a deep breath, nodded and stepped into the hall. He felt at ease as he came. Since the Rat King invited him to see a doctor, he thought he wouldn't do anything to him.

Even though we are here, we can only take one step at a time.

After stepping into the hall, the door of the hall slammed shut behind them. The Shubai brothers and sisters and the middle-aged Meihu did not follow, but stayed outside the hall.

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