My Master Is a God

Chapter 1423 Plan to launch intelligence first

Yang Yiyun was extremely shocked when he came to speak to the Purple Rat Emperor.

Three messages emerge from her words.

The First Purple Rat Emperor said that an era lasts for 600,000 years, which is equivalent to saying that she will be reborn after 600,000 years.

Secondly, she said that in the previous era, she was comparable to the Immortal Lord in the Immortal World. This amount of information was huge. I heard the old man speak once. The Immortal Lord in the Immortal World was an existence standing at the top of the pyramid in the Immortal World.

Although Yang Yiyun didn't know how powerful the Immortal Lord was in the Immortal Realm, it must be beyond imagination. He didn't expect that the Purple Rat Emperor's previous world was on the same level as the Immortal Lord.

The third and key point is that according to the Purple Rat Emperor, his Nirvana rebirth was interrupted by Yang Yiyun, which is equivalent to a half-finished product without Nirvana. Therefore, although he is born now, his cultivation is greatly reduced.

But even so, the Purple Rat King is stronger than the Rat King. In other words, the Purple Rat King's strength is between the Dzogchen King level and the Heavenly Demon level, and he can be considered a master in the world of cultivation.

The demon clan's heavenly demon level is equivalent to the existence of the human clan's ascension realm.

Not to be underestimated.

So Yang Yiyun was actually very happy because he had subdued the two big monsters.

Moreover, the Rat King is also the king of the Five Elements Rat Demon Clan. Apart from anything else, subduing the Rat King is equivalent to controlling the Ten Thousand Demons Mountain Range and the situation in Taihuang, which is very important for his next plan.

He has always wanted to conquer the demon kings of all sizes in the mountains of the Ten Thousand Demon Mountains to form his own power, but in the Demon City of Ten Thousand Demons, sitting in the Demon Medical Center, the people who came to see the doctor were all little monsters, and he was not a leader at all. The mountain demon king.

But subduing some little demons is of little use to Yang Yiyun.

I have always wondered why no demon king has come to see a doctor in the demon medical clinic for half a year since it opened. I can't find an opportunity at all. I want to find out the news. I still haven't figured out the city of demons, let alone the entire demon city outside the city. Mountains...

And now that he has conquered the Rat King, the rat leader who is known as the Taihuang Five Elements Rat King, he has an intelligence system, and he has asked the Five Elements Rat King to find out about the situation of the various demon kings. When the time comes, he will follow the intelligence to conquer the various mountains. The demon king.

After pondering for a while, Yang Yiyun looked at the Rat King and asked, "Tell me in detail how large an area of ​​Taihuang your Five Elements Rat Demon clan can radiate?"

How honest must the Rat King be now? After hearing Yang Yiyun's question, he quickly answered, and said with embarrassment: "Reporting to the master, in fact, our clan's temporary radiation area is the entire outer territory of the Wilderness, but... the real core is only limited to The Ten Thousand Demons Mountain Range is still inaccessible to some parts of the Wilderness Outland...

Ahem... After all, there are many monsters in Taihuang who are not overpowered by our clan. My clan is also worried about digging holes and building underground pipelines. There are some places that we dare not touch. The most powerful The radiation area is in the Ten Thousand Monsters Mountains, and the area touched by the Wilderness Outer Territory is not too large. "

Yang Yiyun rolled his eyes and said, "So what you said to me before about radiating the entire Taihuang and even the world of cultivation was all bragging?"

The Rat King's face turned red and he was extremely embarrassed. He was indeed very good at boasting.

At this time, the Purple Emperor hated the iron and said: "I didn't expect you unscrupulous descendants to be so useless... When I was here, I didn't say that the radiation of the Five Elements Rat clan to the underground world touched the three realms, but it was similar.

I didn’t expect that your generation would not even be able to radiate the world of cultivation. It was so incompetent that it could not even radiate from the outer realms of Taihuang. It was really incompetent. "

Facing the Purple Emperor's unceremonious contempt and curses, the Rat King was extremely embarrassed, but he retorted in a low voice: "Grandma, you can't say that. Now our clan has passed an era since your old rule. Sixty After ten thousand years, the bloodline of our tribe is not as good as that of the previous generation, and many inherited magical powers have been cut off. It is good that the tribe has not been exterminated.

What our clan is proud of is the power of the Five Elements bloodline. However, the faults in many inheritances and the magical methods to awaken the bloodline are becoming increasingly rare. As a result, as a contemporary rat king, the highest bloodline is the fourth of the five elements. If the five elements cannot be awakened together, the powerful blood power of the five elements cannot be exerted.

Not to mention ordinary men, nine out of ten men today have a single bloodline of the Five Elements. Those who can belong to two bloodlines and three bloodlines are already talented.

Therefore, my clan has declined and is now huddled in the Ten Thousand Monsters Mountains. You cannot blame me..."

"Hmph, as the king of a clan, I don't blame you for the decline of our clan. Do we still blame our ancestors? It's because of your own incompetence." The Purple Emperor reprimanded the Rat King unceremoniously.

The Rat King was also angered by the grandma-level Purple Emperor. Now his bloodline has been evolved by Yang Yiyun using the water of life, becoming a primary five-element bloodline. He has become more courageous. After being scolded by the Purple Emperor, he suddenly felt in his heart. He said unhappily: "If you ancestors hadn't brought the secret method of awakening bloodline into the tomb from generation to generation, why would our clan be like this? The monsters would blame you ancestors..."

"You..." Zihuang was furious.

The Rat King shrank his neck and subconsciously hid behind Yang Yiyun. Although he spoke harshly, he also knew that they were both of the Five Elements bloodline, but the difference was that of cloud and mud. The Rat King knew that if the Purple Emperor wanted to deal with him, he would backhand him.

Yang Yiyun saw the two people about to take action, but he couldn't laugh or cry when he heard them talking. He raised his hand to stop them and said, "Okay, don't make trouble, I have something to say."

As soon as Yang Yiyun spoke, the Purple Emperor and the Rat King both turned off their engines and said in unison: "Master atones."

Both of them knew that no matter whether they were kings or emperors, they had to listen to Yang Yiyun, because Yang Yiyun was now the master who controlled their life and death.

Naturally, I don’t dare to make mistakes.

"Listen, Rat King, from today onwards, you will collect and sort out all the information about the demon kings, big and small, on all the mountains in the Ten Thousand Demons Mountain Range. How many demon clans are there in a mountain, their strength and cultivation, what kind of demon king they are, etc. Etc., geographical environment, etc., we need to organize the information in detail.

This includes particularly detailed information on the four demon masters in the southeast and west of the Ten Thousand Demons Mountain Range, as well as information on the dragon-seed Green Niu Clan, including the treasures of the Qingniu Clan and the status of the imprisoned tribesmen, and where they are being imprisoned. I want to know if there are any big monsters watching over or guarding you, etc.

In addition, I need all the information about the places outside the Ten Thousand Demon Mountains that you, the Five Elements Rat Clan, can touch. The focus of this information is on the six holy lands of the human race, the Holy Land of All Spirits, Tongxian Palace, Shenfu Lingzong, and Ghost. Capital, Bailian Mountain Villa, Tianjian Mountain, I need you to keep an eye on the traces of these six holy places. Isn't this difficult? "

Yang Yiyun gave the order directly to the Rat King.

"Reporting to the master, it is not difficult to collect intelligence. After all, our clan's son travels underground, and all demon clans are on the ground. It is easy to switch between ordinary demon clans. Our clan's skills and methods are not easy to be discovered, but if you are like the four major demons, Zunhe is on the territory of some extremely talented demon kings, but it is difficult to explore.

Because they are protected by powerful formations on the top of the mountain and underground, once our tribe's sons touch it, they will suffer strong backlash, so it may take time to find out. As for the human race that the master is worried about, I do know that the masters of the six holy places have been guarding the Ten Thousand Monsters. On the outside of the mountain range, it seems that they are waiting for their master to go out. They have not moved for more than half a year. It seems that they have to wait for their master for a long time. "

After the Rat King finished speaking, Yang Yiyun also frowned, but thinking about it, what the Rat King said was right. After all, the Five Elements rat demon clan lived in the underground world. Some big demons knew that there were rat demons underground, so they would naturally take defensive measures.

This is also normal.

Think about it and said: "Then start with the demon king's forces that are easy to obtain, and put those that are difficult to investigate at the end to slowly investigate. As for the six holy places, continue to watch and don't act rashly."

The Rat King bowed and said: "Master, don't worry, I will mobilize my son as soon as possible to find out and sort out the information about the demon kings' forces in the Ten Thousand Demon Mountains. If necessary, I will go there in person to inquire."

Yang Yiyun nodded and was very satisfied with the Rat King's words.

At this time, Zihuang said: "My master's subordinates want to teach them some secret methods to improve the bloodline of our clan. As long as the power of my clan's bloodline increases, I can try my best to share the worries of the master."

"Yes, this is totally possible. Let's do this. After you teach, follow me back to the City of Ten Thousand Demons. The Rat King will leave me the information on the demon kings from all over the Ten Thousand Demons Mountain Range. If there is any situation, I can report it at any time, but I hope it will be as soon as possible."

Yang Yiyun decided to return to the City of Ten Thousand Demons. As for taking the Purple Emperor with him, it was because he knew that the Purple Emperor was not an easy person. If he stayed with him, he would feel at ease and he could become his helper.

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