My Master Is a God

Chapter 1424 The miracle doctor returns to the city

Yang Yiyun did not stay in the Five Elements Rat Clan for long because Lu Yanzhi and the others were waiting for him at the Demon Medical Clinic in Ten Thousand Demons City. Before leaving, he told them that if he did not come back within half a year, he would ask them to find a way to evacuate. .

Now, the trip to the Five Elements Rat Clan has been smooth sailing, and they have also received unexpected surprises. Everything that needs to be explained has been explained, and it is time to go back.

Although the underground world is good, he doesn't like this kind of dark environment. Even Yang Yiyun doesn't like to stay in Taihuang, because Taihuang has no distinction between day and night.

But the situation forced him to stay in Taihuang City.

Therefore, the plan to conquer all the demon kings in the Ten Thousand Demon Mountains as soon as possible must be accelerated...

Now that he has conquered the Rat King, and with the help of the Five Elements Rat Demon Clan to find out information, he will have an extra pair of eyes in the Ten Thousand Demon Mountains, and the plan to conquer the various demon king forces in the Ten Thousand Demon Mountains will begin.

Once he has conquered the forces of the demon kings in the Ten Thousand Demons Mountains, he will break out of the Ten Thousand Demons Mountains and start a confrontation with several hostile holy places.

With the foundation made by the demons in the Ten Thousand Demon Mountains, his plan to create a powerful force that is no less powerful than the Nine Holy Lands, or even surpasses them, will be gradually realized.

Not to mention dominating the world of cultivation, at least he will give his relatives and friends a stable home. Moreover, the old man's other three apprentices have all made great achievements, and he does not want to be the worst among the old man's apprentices.

Of course, this is Xiao Jiujiu in his heart, but on the other hand, it is not an important part of the path to seeking the truth.

Through contact with several major holy land forces, Yang Yiyun understood that if you want to survive in the world of cultivation, you not only need to be better at your own strength, but also need a powerful force so that others will not dare to bully you at will.

Otherwise, in the world of cultivation, he is just a stronger ant.

Now the journey of the Five Elements Rat Demon Clan finally has a beginning.

The Rat King personally sent the master Yang Yiyun away, and directly arrived outside the Ten Thousand Demons City through teleportation. He also agreed that the information about the demon kings in the Ten Thousand Demon Mountains would be sorted out and processed in ten days. At that time, people would directly send Ten Thousand Demons Demon City to Yang Yiyun.

Of course, it shows that the Upper Five Elements Rat Clan does not know that the Rat King has been subdued by Yang Yiyun, and Yang Yiyun does not want this matter to be known to other rat demons in the Rat Clan, but he will inevitably come into contact with Yang Yiyun in the future, so the Rat King ordered to give Yang Yiyun an identity, an identity in the The transcendent identity of the Five Elements Rat Demon Clan.

This identity is the identity of the National Master of the Five Elements Rat Clan, which is equivalent to the Rat King, so that Yang Yiyun can easily dispatch the Rat Clan in the future.

The Five Elements Rat Clan calls itself the underground world. It has its own civilization and inheritance, with cities and palaces, and generals guarding various places. Yanran is no different from the human race. Therefore, the Rat King openly ordered Yang Yiyun to be canonized as the National Master of the Five Elements Rat Clan. It is reasonable. , anyway, his status is equal to that of the Rat King, and he has great power, as long as he can command the Five Elements Rat Clan.

Yang Yiyun was very satisfied with the arrangement of the Rat King.

When he came, he was alone, led by two little demons of the Five Elements Rat Clan, but when he left, he left with a Rat King. He left with the halo of the Five Elements Rat Clan's National Master on his head, and the Rat King personally escorted him to Ten Thousand Demons. The underground exit outside the city.

After arriving at the place, the Rat King said: "Master, I won't enter the City of Ten Thousand Demons. There are actually unwritten rules among the major forces in the Ten Thousand Demon Mountains. No one is allowed to touch anyone else's territory. The City of Ten Thousand Demons is the four-pronged territory of the southeast, northwest, and southeast." In the territory of the Great Demon Lord, his subordinates also know those four, and they all know that they are king-level Dzogchen.

If I appeared rashly in the City of Ten Thousand Demons, I might arouse the speculations of the four great Demon Lords and cause unnecessary trouble. Therefore, this is also the reason why my clan’s son did not open the tunnel in the City of Ten Thousand Demons. He could only open the tunnel to Ten Thousand Demons. outside the city.

By the way, Master, this is the Five Elements Rat Tribe's Five Elements Earth Listening Instrument. In the future, whenever the owner needs to insert this object into the earth to activate the true energy, he can summon the nearby Five Elements Rat Tribe's Erlang, and everything will be at the master's disposal. "

At the end of the conversation, the Rat King took out a magic weapon like a trumpet. It was only as small as a palm in his hand, but after the Rat King activated his true energy while speaking, it transformed into a meter long, and inserted the sharp end into it. After touching the soil, Yang Yiyun immediately felt circles of vibration spreading in the soil, ripples like amplification, which should be the summons mentioned by the Rat King.

"Okay, I'll take it. Go back. Remember to collect information about the demon kings from all over the Ten Thousand Demon Mountains." Yang Yiyun accepted the earth-listening magic weapon and said to the Rat King.

"Congratulations to my master, and my congratulations to grandma." The Rat King bowed and saluted the same as the Purple Rat Emperor.

Then Yang Yiyun took the Purple Rat Emperor or let's call her the Purple Emperor. The two of them walked out of the hole, only to find that they came out of the hole of a big tree, and then the holes merged again.

Sure enough, not far away is the City of Ten Thousand Demons.

When he entered the city, Yang Yiyun was still worried about the problem that the Purple Emperor did not have a demon disk. He only remembered this when he entered the city, and immediately became a little worried. It was necessary for Ten Thousand Demon City to need an identity demon disk to enter.

I originally thought that if I couldn't get in, I would find a way to notify the pangolin to handle the demon disc, but when Yang Yiyun appeared at the gate of the city, it caused an unexpected sensation.

Someone from far away exclaimed: "The miracle doctor is back..."

"The miracle doctor is back..."

"It's great that the miracle doctor is back. My brother is saved..."

"God heals..."

Respectful greetings and cheers rang out, including the guards guarding the city gate.

Yang Yiyun didn't expect that he would be away for three months, and the citizens of Ten Thousand Demons City would welcome him like this. After thinking about it, he knew what was going on.

Apart from anything else, among the guards guarding the city gate, there were monsters that he treated, so they all remembered him for his good deeds.

Many monsters knew that he, the miracle doctor, was on a medical visit and looked forward to coming back soon. After all, monsters fight and kill each other every day in Ten Thousand Monsters City, and some monsters go out of the city into dangerous places to collect heavenly materials and treasures, so they are bound to get injured.

There used to be no medical practitioners in the City of Ten Thousand Demons. Since he opened the Yunmen Demon Medical Center in the City of Ten Thousand Demons, it has been a blessing to the monsters in the City of Ten Thousand Demons.

Listening to the respectful greetings, Yang Yiyun suddenly realized something in his heart. He knew that cultivating Taoism and practicing medicine was a great avenue under the way of heaven.

The way medicine cures diseases and accumulates virtues and does good deeds is not only reflected in human beings. All beings in the world are living beings as long as they are intelligent and wise. He can also treat monsters and monsters as a kind act of heaven.

This is not only reflected in the human race, the way of doing good is also suitable for the demon race.

Among these respectful greetings, there were small demons with lower cultivation levels than him, and some big demons with higher cultivation levels than him. Regardless of their cultivation level, they all expressed the same voice.

Yang Yiyun knew he was on the right path.

He didn't expect that he would accumulate such a good reputation in Ten Thousand Demon City without knowing it.

He thought to himself: "If this continues, even if he does not rely on the power of the Five Elements Rat Clan or the Water of Life, he will still be able to gain support from a large number of demon clans. If someone comes to trouble him, there will definitely be demon clans who will help him, right?"

After greeting everyone one by one, Yang Yiyun entered the city. One of the guards wanted to see Yang Yiyun's identity. As a result, one of the generals slapped him rudely and said angrily: "Blackbird check, who doesn't?" Do you know this miracle doctor from our City of Ten Thousand Demons?

Your boy's eyes will be a little brighter in the future. Remember that in the future, the miracle doctor will not check you when he goes to or from the city. If you are injured that day, you will have to rely on the miracle doctor to save his life. You are so cunning and have no good eyesight. "

After reprimanding the aggrieved little demon soldier, the general smiled apologetically at Yang Yiyun and said, "Miracle doctor, don't mind that this little demon has just arrived in the past few days. He doesn't know the doctor. Please invite the doctor to the city quickly..."

Yang Yiyun smiled and said: "It's okay, it's okay, you are also responsible for it." He pretended to take his own demon disk, but the general quickly stopped him and said: "There is really no need to check the miracle doctor. Everyone else in the entire Ten Thousand Demon City You are the only one who needs to be examined by the miracle doctor. My brother was poisoned last time thanks to the miracle doctor who saved his life, and the little demon didn’t even have time to thank him..."

"Isn't this good? There is a medical boy next to me...?" Yang deliberately glanced at the Zihuang next to him.

When the general saw that the Purple Emperor next to Yang Yiyun was a little succubus in her teens, and heard Yang Yiyun say that she was a medical boy, he repeatedly let Yang and the Purple Emperor enter the city without any inspection.

In this way, the Purple Emperor entered the city smoothly without the demon disc.

Yang Yiyun has now realized the convenience brought by his status as a doctor among the demon clan, and has made up his mind to treat more diseases in the future. Accumulating reputation is also part of his strength.

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