My Master Is a God

Chapter 1454 Niu Dazi wakes up

Yang Yiyun ordered all the little demons to withdraw from Zhangu Mountain, leaving all the king-level demons behind.

Only a great demon who has reached the level of a king can resist the influence of the one-eyed dragon's flame magical power.

Of course, because the one-eyed dragon made such a big fuss, all the king-level monsters in the field also stopped fighting.

However, in just such a battle, in less than half an hour, countless little demons were killed and injured, and the king-level demon was basically defeated.

Some surrendered directly, some saw that the situation was not good and escaped, and some fell directly.

Anyway, Yang's side won a great victory.

This is also expected.

Because the difference in strength between the two sides is huge.

Mr. Yang has the existence of the water of life, and nine of them appear in the Great Perfection of Kings alone. With such strength, the big monsters under the one-eyed dragon, blood lion king, and two-headed snake were crushed and surrendered without any suspense.

Now only the fight between a few giants is left to determine the real outcome.

The powerful flames spit out by the one-eyed dragon in the sky turned into a huge sea of ​​fire, burning half of the sky red and twisted.

Yang's most powerful general, Zihuang, was completely swallowed up by the flames of the one-eyed dragon.

At this time, Yang was feeling nervous...

Although he knew that the Purple Emperor's cultivation level was close to the level of the Heavenly Demon, and that she was also the ruler of the Five Elements Rat Clan in the previous era, but the Purple Emperor's rebirth from nirvana would mean starting over from scratch, and her cultivation level was far from its peak.

Yang really had no idea whether he could withstand the flames of the one-eyed dragon...

But there was nothing he could do, because he himself said that he was only at the stage of transcending tribulation. Although his true strength could arm-wrestle with the junior king, it was limited to this.

Being able to conquer a large wave of big monsters relies on tricks and water of life, so Yang can't help.

At this time, he could only pray in his heart that the Purple Emperor could resist the one-eyed dragon.


In an instant, an eardrum-piercing roar spread across the sky from the sea of ​​fire.

Yang Yiyun became energetic for a while, knowing that it was Zihuang who was speaking.

Immediately afterwards, a purple light rose into the sky from the sea of ​​fire, and suddenly the Purple Emperor rushed out from the sea of ​​fire surrounded by the one-eyed dragon.

"Hmph... Flame Confinement."

At this time, the one-eyed dragon snorted coldly, opened his mouth and spit out the dragon ball. In an instant, a terrifying aura erupted from the dragon ball, and white flames erupted like spider webs again, covering the purple emperor's head.

Seeing the Purple Emperor rushing out of the sea of ​​fire, he was once enveloped by a one-eyed dragon.

"Squeak...Purple Qi Hunyuan, broken."

At this time, the Purple Emperor also exploded, and his whole body turned into thousands of purple lights, trying to break through the one-eyed dragon's web.

Burning white and deep purple intertwined in the sky.

The competition between two powerful powers begins.

But there was a stalemate for a while, with no one overpowering the other.

But Yang Yiyun knew that the one-eyed dragon had the advantage of the magical dragon ball, otherwise the Purple Emperor, whose cultivation was infinitely close to the level of a heavenly demon, would be able to suppress the one-eyed dragon.

"Ho ho ho..."

At the same time, on the other side, the Blood Lion King became furious after suffering a loss at the hands of the Rat King, and roared loudly.

Yang Yiyun turned around to look, and saw the Blood Lion King bursting with blood all over his body. He roared and uttered human words: "The sea of ​​blood is turning the sky..."

I saw drops of blood floating out from the bloody glow all over the Blood Lion King, spreading like pear blossoms in a rainstorm...

Drops of blood fell on the Blood Lion King like a rainstorm, but in the blink of an eye, the drops of blood rose rapidly, and one drop after another covered the city.

It instantly turned into a rootless sea of ​​blood, floating in mid-air...

The Rat King felt something bad and quickly retreated, but was not faster than the blood sea of ​​​​the Blood Lion King, and was instantly submerged in the sea of ​​​​blood.

However, the Rat King can now be regarded as a person with the five elements of blood. In the lavender light all over the body in the blood, it is like a leaf constantly falling.

Also trapped in the sea of ​​blood...

"Water curtain mirror sky..."

"Towering parasol trees..."

At this moment, the Peacock King and the two-headed snake also entered a fierce battle.

The voices of the two came to Yang Yiyun's ears.

Turning around to look, the two-headed snake shouted "Water Curtain Mirroring the Sky", but a mirror appeared between its two heads at some point.

The radiant light of this mirror looked like sea water. After being illuminated by the light of the mirror, the Maurya King seemed to be submerged in the deep sea.

At this moment, the Blood Lion King's magic weapon appeared, except that Yang Yiyun had never seen it. The one-eyed dragon was a dragon bead, and the two-headed snake was an ancient mirror. Yang Yiyun could see it clearly.

Yang Yiyun guessed that the Blood Lion King's magical weapon should be in his body.

Having said that, the two-headed snake used the magical power of Water Curtain Mirror Heaven, and the burst of light shrouded the Peacock King like invisible sea water.

But at this time, the Maurya King was not a vegetarian, he also had a powerful magic weapon on his body.

There was a sound of sycamores rising into the sky, and Yang Yiyun saw a piece of colorful dead wood spit out from the mouth of the Mauryan King in mid-air, but it turned into a sycamore tree in an instant.

The Peacock King stood on the plane tree, soared into the sky in the endless light, and in the blink of an eye turned into an extremely huge towering tree, breaking through the reflection of the two-headed snake in the water, and rushed out.


As the peacock roared, the sycamore tree directly sent her out of the double-headed snake's water curtain and the magical power of the mirror sky.

At this time, the peacock's sycamore tree and the two-headed snake mirror are facing each other.

But at the moment when the peacock came out of the water curtain sky, in its true form, the peacock opened its tail and shot out peacock feathers like sharp arrows, like a two-headed snake.

"Hisssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss so one so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so

In an instant, the two-headed snake screamed, and its body was pierced by peacock feathers like a hedgehog.

"Ah...Peacock, I'm not done with you..."

The two-headed snake suffered a big loss this time, and the mirror between the two heads suddenly burst out with a huge jet-black light beam heading straight for the peacock.

The peacock had the upper hand, and was evenly matched against magic weapons of the same level. However, in terms of cultivation, the peacock had the upper hand, causing the two-headed snake to suffer a big loss.

Seeing the dark beam of light erupting from the double-headed snake mirror, Peacock obviously knew how powerful it was, and did not confront it head-on. Instead, he hid behind the sycamore tree.


The two-headed snake's jet-black beam of light struck Peacock's sycamore tree, and the sycamore tree burst into powerful five-color light. The magic weapon withstood the attack of the two-headed snake's jet-black beam of light.

But in the blink of an eye, the two-headed snake twisted its body, turned around and ran away, flying thousands of meters away in an instant. The two-headed snake knew that the magic weapon could not defeat the peacock, but the peacock was now stronger than it in terms of cultivation, so it could still escape from afar. That's great.

"Hmph...can you escape?"

The peacock snorted and quickly chased after the sycamore tree...

At this moment, Yang Yiyun was watching on the war drum and finally breathed a sigh of relief. In the confrontation between the three demons, it was obvious that only the peacock could defeat the two-headed snake.

However, although the Purple Emperor and the Rat King were more powerful than the One-Eyed Dragon and the Blood Lion King, they suffered from the lack of powerful magic weapons, and they were both trapped by the One-Eyed Dragon and the Blood Lion King.

There seems to be a stalemate, but in fact Yang Yiyun understands that something will happen over time.

Thinking of this, Yang Yiyun waved his hand and signaled the nine great kings and great demons to go and help.

The nine great kings, the Great Perfection Demon, split into two groups and rose into the sky, five of them rushed towards the one-eyed dragon, and four rushed towards the Blood Lion King.

However, when they rushed over, they all blocked them.

The one-eyed dragon has the power of the sea of ​​flames, and these big monsters cannot rush in for a while.

The Blood Lion King controls the blood sea and the other four monsters cannot enter in front of the rolling blood sea.

He could only use his demon power to attack forcefully, but Yang Yiyun saw it in his eyes and knew that it would be useless if he continued like this. He could not save the Purple Emperor from the sea of ​​fire, nor could he save the Rat King from the sea of ​​bleeding.

The two masters suffered from the powerful magic weapons of the One-eyed Dragon and the Blood Lion King.

Yang Yiyun was anxious. He knew that he could no longer stand by and watch. This battle would determine the outcome. If something went wrong if it dragged on any longer, it would change the outcome.

As his mind moved, three purple leaves with veins appeared in his hand.

It is the Ziyun Five Thunder Leaves that appeared after the last upgrade of the Qiankun Pot.

It is a powerful five-thunder attack on the leaves. It was tested in the Qiankun Pot that day and its power did not react, but it has never been used in real combat.

Yang Yiyun himself was not sure whether Ziyun Five Thunder Leaves could be effective against the One-Eyed Dragon and the Blood Lion King. Anyway, at this time, he knew that he could not delay it any longer, so he would try it with Ziyun Five Thunder Leaves.

When the Five Thunder Leaves appeared in my hand and I was about to use it, I felt the Qiankun Pot on my left arm shake.

The next moment Yang Yiyun stopped, suddenly stopped, and then he felt happy, but he found that Niu Dauzi, who had been sleeping and evolving in the Qiankun Pot, had completed his evolution and awakened.

At this time, we were at the critical point of the war. It was a good thing to have more helpers. Niu Duzi was a unicorn beast, so Yang Yiyun waved his hand and released Niu Duzi from the Qiankun Pot.

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