My Master Is a God

Chapter 1455 Qilin goes to war to break the surrender of all demons


A roar that sounded like a cow or a dragon shook the sky, and the sound was like thunder.

In the colorful light, the calf roared out.

When the light dissipated, Yang Yiyun first widened his eyes and opened his mouth.

Niu Xiaozi, who had been sleeping for many years, swallowed three drops of water of life and countless treasures of heaven and earth in one breath, and bankrupted him.

After sleeping in the Qiankun Pot bloodline evolution, he finally woke up today.

He looked like a little kid before.

But now it finally has the appearance of a mythical beast.

Judging from its external shape, it combines a dragon's head, antlers, lion's eyes, tiger's back, bear's waist, snake scales, horse's hooves, and ox's tail...

At this point, it transformed into a real Qilin beast.

Niu Duzi appeared and stood next to Yang Yiyun, with a war drum, or Qilin drum, at his feet.

And with the appearance of Niu Duzi, a scene appeared that made Yang Yiyun's eyes widen.


But he didn't expect that the unicorn drum standing at Yang Yiyun's feet exploded...

At this time, Yang Yiyun looked down and discovered that Niu Dazi's body was radiating colorful lights, and streams of air were also emanating from the cracked gaps in the Qilin Drum.

There is an echo between the unicorn drum and the cow calf.


Yang Yiyun was a little confused for a while, although he didn't know what happened.

But at this time, it can also be seen that the war drum has changed after the appearance of the unicorn beast Niu Duzi.

In his mind, he remembered when the Purple Emperor said that Qilin was the master of all demons in the demon world, and war drums also needed Qilin drums.

Now it seems that the Qilin Drum is something left by the ancestors of Niu Duzi's family. At this moment, Niu Duzi awakened the war drum.

It belongs to the inherited war drum.


The huge bluestone war drum, which is a hundred meters high, is clanging louder and louder, and the cracks on it are getting bigger and bigger.

The seven-colored light on Niu Duzi's body exploded in a dazzling way, echoing the cracked war drum. At this moment, the cracks in the war drum also erupted with the same colorful light as Niu Duzi's body.


The war drum under his feet trembled with the roar, like an earthquake. Yang Yiyun felt something was wrong, and quickly flew down from the war drum and landed on the ground.


At this moment, Niu Xiaozi let out a long roar.

Then the war drums sounded one after another.

It sounded like they were cheering, as if a lost child had found a relative.


With the final click, the entire war drum collapsed with a crash.

But what fell off in an instant was a layer of bluestone skin.

In the colorful light, the war drum revealed its true colors.

The bluestone skin is just a layer of protection, and behind the inner seed is a colorful war drum nine feet in diameter, covered with mysterious runes.


Niu Daozi roared again. After this sound, the war drum was suspended on a flat surface. At this time, Niu Daozi was also suspended above the war drum. Suddenly, two beams of light shot out from a pair of eyes, exploding like a pair of drum hammers. Beat on the war drum.

"Dong dong~"

Among the two loud noises, this time was different from the past, but there were circles of ripples on the war drum that rippled quickly, and the way they spread was up, down, left, left, right, and in all directions.

Yang Yiyun knew that this was a magical power, similar to that of sound waves.

At this moment, Yang Yiyun saw a wonderful scene.

Every one of the king-level monsters in the entire War Drum Square let out their own roars and fell to the ground with a thud.

It was like a chain reaction, and the demons in the entire War Drum Mountain all roared and lay on the ground. The sound spread far away, and responses came from further away.

It was truly the surrender of the Ten Thousand Demons. Judging from the distant voices, these responses definitely spread throughout the entire Ten Thousand Demons Mountain Range.

The one-eyed dragon and the blood lion king in the sky also changed drastically after the roar of the unicorn and the ripples of the war drums.

The nine great demons of the Great Perfection, which besieged the one-eyed dragon and the blood lion king in the sea of ​​fire and blood, fell directly from mid-air and fell to the ground one after another.

All the monsters lying on the ground are worshiping the calf and the war drum.

As for the one-eyed dragon and the blood lion king, the magical powers formed by the two, the sea of ​​fire and the sea of ​​blood, were violently turbulent under the impact of the ripples from the war drums.

It seemed to be broken, but after all, it was not. Yang Yiyun took a look and thought to himself: "It seems that Niu Duzi, the unicorn cub, has evolved and inspired their ancestors' most precious unicorn drum. It is really what the Purple Emperor said. The unicorn goes out to war and the drum sounds." It’s like all the demons surrendered.”

But looking at it at this moment, although the sea of ​​fire and blood of the One-eyed Flood Dragon and the Blood Lion King were affected, they were supported by powerful magic weapons and were not broken.

It seems that Niu Dauzi's beating of the unicorn drum was not powerful enough.

However, Yang Yiyun also knew that this was Niu Duzi's first evolution, and it was far from being able to restrain powerful beings such as the one-eyed dragon and the blood lion king, not to mention that the one-eyed dragon and the blood lion king both had powerful magical weapons.

But the appearance of Niu Duzi can cause the entire Zhangu Mountain and the entire Ten Thousand Demon Mountains to respond with worship, which is enough.

Yang Yiyun turned around and saw that the one-eyed dragon and the blood lion and snake king in the sky were not completely affected by Niu Dauzi's unicorn roar and war drum. However, upon closer inspection, he found that the dragon and the blood lion king were even among them. Both the Purple Emperor and the Rat King were trembling slightly, which showed that it still had an impact.

I originally expected Niu Duozi to send out beams of light from his eyes and beat the war drum, but I didn't expect that after the blow, Niu Duozi actually stopped moving and just landed on the Qilin drum.

Close your eyes on the unicorn drum and your whole body will glow, as if you are receiving some kind of inheritance.

"Niu calf..."

Yang Yiyun shouted several times but nothing came to his mind. Niu Duzi didn't respond at all, which made Yang Yiyun extremely depressed.

"You can't count on foodies at critical times..."

Yang Yiyun cursed, and then he could only rely on himself. In his hand, an earth attribute leaf of Ziyun Wu Lei was thrown out and flew towards the Blood Lion King, and a water attribute fly towards the one-eyed dragon.

He didn't expect a piece of Five Thunder Leaf to do much harm to the One-Eyed Dragon and the Blood Lion King. He just wanted to get the trapped Purple Emperor and Rat King out of trouble.

He locked his mind on the one-eyed dragon and the blood lion king, thinking that it would be great if they could become bigger.

The next moment, a miracle happened. Two leaves of Ziyun Wulei tree were thrown into the sky, and they spread out in the wind, getting bigger and bigger, like lightning flashing across the sky.

"Rumble... click..."

Thunder shook the sky, and lightning flashed on the Five Thunder leaves.

By the time the two Five Thunder Leaves reached the side of the One-Eyed Dragon and the Blood Lion King, they had turned into hundreds of meters in size, covering the sky and the sun.


Thunder and lightning.

The huge thunder and lightning instantly enveloped the One-eyed Flood Dragon and the Blood Lion King, and even submerged their seas of fire and blood in the endless thunder and lightning.


The one-eyed dragon and the blood lion king screamed and stood up one after another.

Then Yang Yiyun saw the one-eyed dragon's sea of ​​fire filled with thunder and lightning. The sea of ​​fire instantly collapsed under the attack of thunder and lightning, and the one-eyed dragon was completely submerged by the thunder and lightning.

But the Purple Emperor, who was in the sea of ​​fire, was not attacked by lightning at all.

Yang Yiyun knew that he focused on the one-eyed dragon and did not think about attacking the Zihuang. He had some idea that the power of Ziyun's five thunders would only attack those who were targeted by his mind.

The situation of the Blood Lion King and Rat King on the other side is the same as that of the One-eyed Flood Dragon.

In an instant, the sea of ​​fire and blood disappeared.

The one-eyed dragon and the blood lion king were struck by lightning and turned into darkness and fell from the sky.

"Boom boom."

Two of the four giants of the Ten Thousand Demon Mountains hit the War Drum Mountain hard, and two big holes appeared.

However, Yang Yiyun felt that the two demon masters had no life left, but they were dead.

This shocked Yang himself so much that he opened his mouth.

He never expected that Ziyun Wuleiye would be so powerful, completely beyond his imagination.

This is only the power of two of the leaves. It is difficult for Yang Yiyun to imagine what it would be like if five thunders were fired at once?

Yang Yiyun stared blankly at the two huge pits in the distance where dust was rising and sweeping up the sky. The smell of burnt barbecue was in the air and he couldn't believe his eyes...

The demons on the War Drum Mountain were first overwhelmed by the unicorn Niu Duzi who appeared and beat the unicorn drum. The aura he exuded was overwhelming. Now that they saw Yang Yiyun destroying the two giants of the Giant Ten Thousand Demon Mountains, they were even more trembling.

At a certain moment, the Purple Emperor fell from the sky, holding the fiery red dragon ball in his hand, and respectfully offered it with both hands: "Master."

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