My Master Is a God

Chapter 1464 Don’t take action in the Ascension Realm

The words of the Holy Mother of All Souls made Miao Xian angry, but she also knew that the All Souls Staff was indeed important to the Holy Land of All Souls.

But she also knew that whether it was the Holy Mother of All Souls or several other holy masters, they all had murderous intentions towards Yang Yiyun, or in other words, they were all thinking about Yang Yiyun's Qilin beast.

To put it bluntly, today the five holy places, Holy Land of All Spirits, Tianjian Mountain, Bailian Villa, Shenfu Lingzong, and Ghost City, are gathered together.

If we don't give them an explanation or method that can convince them, the five of them will still fight with the Changsheng Palace and Yun Changsheng.

The Eternal Life Palace is probably on good terms with the Xuanyuan Dynasty. Once the Eternal Life Palace is killed by other factions, the Xuanyuan Dynasty will definitely join the fight.

This will lead to a war between the seven holy places.

If the Palace of Eternal Life and the Xuanyuan Dynasty are not preserved, they will be destroyed.

As a result, the fighting and fighting between the seven holy places will be like a river of blood, and the power to contain them will be great, which will be a disaster for the world of cultivation and the human race.

In the world of cultivation, there are not only human cultivators, but also demon tribes and demonic aliens who are waiting for the opportunity.

So we must not let them fight...

Although Miaoxian uses the method of "inviting the family" to intimidate them, it is actually inviting the immortals from the immortal world to intimidate them. However, she knows her own family affairs well. Inviting the immortals to the lower world is not just a matter of asking, and the price is very high.

This actually made Miao Xian feel a little embarrassed.

But he also knew it had to be stopped.

But we also need to deal with the emotions in the hearts of the great saint masters, otherwise no one will obey what Tongxian Palace says in the future.

Thinking of this, Miaoxian looked at the Holy Mother of All Souls and said slowly: "Let me tell you something. I came out to intervene in this matter today for both public and private reasons.

There can be no chaos in the world of public cultivation. You are all the masters of a holy land. Do you think it will cause chaos in the world of cultivation if we fight like this? So there can be no fighting between you. "

At this point, Miaoxian paused and continued: "Yu Zi... You may not know that my junior sister Zixia is the previous generation of the Tongxian Palace... actually has a close relationship with Yang Yiyun, so I We cannot stand idly by whether it is public or private..."

"Senior Sister Miaoxian, are you lying? How could Yang Yiyun, a young monk who didn't know about that small world, have a relationship with the previous master of Tongxian Palace?" At this moment, Our Lady of All Spirits couldn't help but speak, for fear that Miaoxian would be biased towards Yang Yiyun.

"Hmph..." Miao Xian snorted coldly and said: "Do you think I can still speak? I already know about Yang Yiyun's matter. Even the matter between you disciples and Yang Yiyun in Taihuang, I also know Everything is clear, so I can now tell you responsibly...

Yang Yiyun is the younger brother of Zixia, the previous palace master of Tongxian Palace, my junior sister. Not only that, Zixia and Yun Changsheng are also from the same sect. This point... Is Yun Changsheng right? "

"What Senior Sister Miaoxian said is true. Junior Sister Zixia and I came from the same sect. The master accepted a total of three disciples. I am the eldest disciple, Xingchenzi of Xingchen Sect is the second disciple, Zixia is the junior sister, Zixia Junior sister was born into a noble family, so the relationship between us has never been mentioned to the outside world.

As for my second junior brother Xingchenzi, you may not know it, but his other name is familiar to everyone. The second junior brother has little inheritance, and the Xingchen Sect he founded is not famous, but he was in Taipei six thousand years ago. He created some famous works in the Desolate Inner Territory, and he is called Ghost Taoist in the Desolate Inner Territory..."

"What... ghostly Taoist...?"

"How could it be that devil..."

"Six thousand years ago, there was a sloppy Taoist in the Ascension realm who appeared in the inner realm of Taihuang. He killed ten heavenly demons with one person's power, destroyed three demon kings who were the leaders of demons, and defeated the top ten third-turn Sanxian masters in the world of cultivation. , became famous in one battle, and after coming out of Taihuang Inner Territory, he directly ascended to the immortal world in daylight, and became an immortal and got..."

After hearing the title of Ghost Taoist, several great saints couldn't help but exclaimed.

Unexpectedly, the famous ghost Taoist was actually Yun Changsheng's junior brother.

The six-thousand-year-old ghost Taoist was once known as the most powerful person in the world of cultivation...

No one thought that Yun Changsheng and Miaoxian were talking to each other, because they were both Holy Lord-level figures, so there was absolutely no need to lie.

The key point is Palace Master Zixia...

Almost every Holy Master present knows the background of Tongxian Palace. Although their other major holy places also have inheritance in the immortal world,... they are absolutely incomparable to Tongxian Palace.

In the cultivator world, the sect they belong to is the top sect, but after going to the immortal world, they can no longer stand on the stage, and can only be reduced to the same as the small sects and sects in the cultivator world.

But Tongxian Palace is the top sect in the immortal world. The most important thing is Zixia's parents. It is rumored that they are important figures in the immortal world. Elders of several holy places have spread rumors about this. Anyway, you can't mess with anyone in Tongxian Palace. Zixia.

But now I didn’t expect that Yun Changsheng, Zixia, the previous princess of Tong Palace, and the ghostly Taoist who was famous in the world of cultivation six thousand years ago are actually from the same sect...?

At this time, I heard Yun Changsheng continue to say: "Only Yang Yiyun... He is our junior brother, a close disciple of our master..."

After saying this, Yun Changsheng did not continue, but in his tone, he directly said that Yang Yiyun was the master's closed disciple. Whether he was a closed disciple or not was not important. The point was that he expressed the importance of Yang Yiyun.

Yang Yiyun is my younger brother, Yun Changsheng, and the younger brother of Junior Sister Zixia and Taoist Guimei. If you are sincere in wanting to go to war today, then think about it...

"So... what... Yang Yiyun has committed a heinous crime and cannot be let go easily..." Our Lady of All Souls spoke, but her tone was no longer as mean as before.

"Haha, I can tell you responsibly, Junior Sister Wanling, even though my Junior Sister Zixia has ascended to the Immortal Realm, she is a person with status in the Immortal Realm. Although the price of being lowered to the Immortal Realm is high, I want to use my Zixia It shouldn't be difficult to go to the underworld with a junior sister's background.

If Junior Sister Zixia knew that her junior brother was being hunted down by the Master Holy Lord today, if she found out, she wouldn't mind a trip to the lower world, right...? "

Miao Xian's words were plain, but they were a threat from Chi Guoguo.

When it stopped in the ears of several great holy masters, their expressions changed greatly.

Yes, Yun Changsheng, Taoist Ghost, and the previous palace lord Zixia of Tongxian Palace, the senior brothers and sisters are all better than the others. They also know that the palace lord Miaoxian of Tongxian Palace is not an alarmist.

If Yang Yiyun really dies, after reporting to the Immortal Realm and being known by the ghost Taoist priest and Zixia, there is no guarantee that they will really come down to the lower realm. The Immortal Lower Realm is not a holy place in the world of cultivation. They don't have the strength of Tongxian Palace waiting in the immortal world.

Everyone was stunned for a while...

But if you want to give up, you can’t afford to lose face.

However, the Virgin Mary's eyes were still shining. She naturally knew what it meant, and she could also hear the threats from Yun Changsheng and Miaoxian, but she also knew that it was not easy for the immortals to descend to the lower world.

Thinking of this, the Holy Mother of All Souls snorted coldly: "Senior Sister Miaoxian, what do you think we should do? Chou said before, if you don't give me an explanation today, I will not hesitate to take the Holy Land of All Souls away and be taken away by a little monk. The Ten Thousand Spirits Staff beheaded his son and massacred his disciples. If we don’t give an explanation for this matter, wouldn’t our Ten Thousand Spirits Holy Land lose its foundation in the world of cultivation? Can it still be called a holy land?"

Miaoxian was angry, but she also knew that there was some truth in what Our Lady of All Souls said. She also saw the determination on the face of Our Lady of All Souls. There were also several other Holy Lords who were also uncertain. She knew that this matter must be done today. There is a way to make these people accept it, otherwise it will not be good.

As his mind was spinning, Miaoxian spoke again, and said with a sullen face: "None of you Holy Masters can interfere in the pursuit of Yang Yiyun, and all monks above the Ascension level are not allowed to participate, otherwise I, Tongxian Palace, will directly be involved in this matter. "Whether Yang Yiyun lives or dies depends on fate."

"Senior Sister Miaoxian..." Yun Changsheng was very anxious.

However, Miao Xian raised his hand and interrupted the transmission: "Yun Changsheng, I can only try to be as fair as possible. Don't say any more. Otherwise, Wan Ling and the others will be pushed into a panic, and no one will be able to clean up the situation. That's it. , Yang Yiyun has a Mahayana-level mount beside him, so that’s all he can do.”

Yun Changsheng was silent. He knew that this was the best way to prevent the Ascension Stage monks from taking action, which meant that the Mahayana stage monks would deal with Yang Yiyun.

At that time, it will depend on whether the junior brother's fortune and methods can escape in the hands of many Mahayana monks.

The Holy Mother of All Souls also knew that this was the bottom line for Miaoxian, but they also thought clearly that no matter how it was, they would not let the masters of the Ascension Realm take action, but they could do it in the Mahayana Stage. The combined Mahayana Stage of several major holy places is quite a lot.

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