My Master Is a God

Chapter 1465 Some people are afraid that their hearts will bleed now.

The method given by Miaoxian is already the bottom line in the eyes of the Holy Masters of Our Lady of All Souls, and it is very good to them.

Because when Yang Yiyun came out of Taihuang, in the eyes of the Holy Mother of All Souls, he was just a young monk in the tribulation stage. What was more powerful was that his mount was in the Mahayana stage.

But that's all, just one person and one beast.

Don't let the holy master level take action, don't let the flying upgrade level take action, and don't limit the Mahayana.

This is the best thing for Our Lady of All Souls.

There are ten Mahayana monks coming to the Holy Land of All Souls this time, and there are hundreds of Tribulation-Transcending monks. Killing one Yang Yiyun is more than enough to poke him.

What's more, there are monks from several other holy places.

Our Lady of All Souls knew that several other companies had also mastered Yang Yiyun's Kirin beast. There were fifty or sixty Mahayana monks in the six holy places, and it would not be a problem to kill Yang Yiyun hundreds of times.

"Okay, Senior Sister Miaoxian does things fairly, and I accept it."

"I have no objection..."

Tianjianshan and several other holy masters also agreed.

The matter was finally settled. Miaoxian came forward to prevent several great holy masters and Ascension Realm masters from taking action against Yang Yiyun, but there was no restriction on the Mahayana monks, let alone the number of people.

Although Yun Changsheng was worried, he also knew that this was the best choice at the moment, and the disciples of the Eternal Life Palace were not allowed to interfere.

The Holy Land of Daozhong and the Xuanyuan Dynasty served as witnesses.

After that, the five holy places of Our Lady of All Souls, Tianjian Mountain, Shenfu Lingzong, Bailian Mountain Villa, and Ghost City recalled all the Ascension Realms, but ordered the disciples of the Mahayana disciples to take the lead in hunting down Yang Yiyun.

Secretly, they all had their own explanations. Yang Yiyun had the cave magic weapon on his body, and he must get it, because the Qilin beast was no longer in the cave sky magic weapon. It must be in the cave sky magic weapon. As for Yang Yiyun's life or death, it didn't matter whether he lived or not. They only wanted the cave heaven magic weapon and the Qilin beast.

Several Holy Lords were left in place by Miao Xian, one by one suspended in the sky watching Yang Yiyun escape. For people at the Holy Lord level, spiritual consciousness is extremely powerful. No matter how they run, Yang Yiyun will be in their sight.

At this moment, the people chasing Yang Yiyun have become the Mahayana level. There are sixty Mahayana monks in the six holy places, followed by hundreds of tribulation monks.

There are five to six hundred people in total, and their true appearance is definitely unparalleled.

Yun Changsheng was filled with worries, and he had secretly made up his mind. If his junior brother was defeated, he would be ready to let the monsters hidden in the Palace of Eternal Life take action.

Theoretically, the monsters hidden in the snow are all in the Mahayana stage, but their strength far exceeds the Mahayana stage. Some geniuses can kill monsters in the ordinary Ascension stage with more than enough prodding.

Yun Changsheng sent a message to the elders who followed him to return to the Eternal Life Palace and ask the freak disciples to prepare for action.

When the elders of the Eternal Life Palace leave, they will naturally be discovered by other Holy Masters.

The people present were all human beings. Even with the elders of the Eternal Life Hall away, others could guess something fishy.

Especially the Holy Mother of All Souls, she sneered at the corner of her mouth, but she also had a score in her heart.

This time I came out just in case, and directly brought out a freak who had been hidden by the Holy Mother of All Souls.

Seeing the elders from the Eternal Life Palace leaving, the Holy Mother of All Spirits guessed that Yun Changsheng had sent people to find the Eternal Life Palace freaks.

She Xiao Ran sent a message to an elder, asking the freak who followed her from the Holy Land of All Spirits to prepare. If anything happened to these disciples in the Mahayana period, the freak disciple would take action.

He and Yun Changsheng came up with the idea to let Xue Zang's freak disciples take action, but Yang Yiyun would not be allowed to live anyway.

Several holy masters each had their own plans, and opened their magical eyes to look at Yang Yiyun.

At this time, Yang Yiyun was already thousands of miles away.

He could originally sense that the powerful aura dozens of miles away contained Fei's upgrade or the third-level Sanxian level, but he did not expect that the powerful aura disappeared after a while.

But there were fifty or sixty Mahayana auras chasing after them, followed by five or six hundred Tribulation-Transcending monks.

This made Yang Yiyun a little confused, why did those masters of the third-level Earth Immortal level and the Ascension level suddenly disappear?

After much deliberation, Yang Yiyun could only attribute the credit to his senior brother Yun Changsheng. Perhaps it was the senior brother's intervention that made those masters retreat.

But Yang Yiyun didn't care at all about the Mahayana monks and the Tribulation-Transcending monks who were chasing after them.

There are three hundred kings and great demons in the Qiankun Pot space, each of which is comparable to the Mahayana. There are also fifty thousand demon soldiers and demon generals at the level of transcending tribulations. If the monks in the several holy places behind him don't know what they want, he doesn't mind killing these people.

He is afraid of those at the third-level Earth Immortal and Ascension Realm levels, but he is not afraid at all below the Mahayana level.

Of course, at this time, Yang Yiyun only wanted to escape quickly and get rid of all the people behind him. Senior brother Yun Changsheng personally blocked the old witch of the Holy Mother of All Souls, giving him a chance to escape.

But we can’t let down our senior brother.

For now, I don’t want to fight with the monks who are chasing behind me.

Without asking him, he could guess that the dozens of Mahayana monks and hundreds of tribulation cultivators chasing after him must be hostile to the Holy Land.

He thought of escaping this calamity first, and when he passed through the heavenly calamity, and when all three hundred demons under his command were taking the next step, he would no longer be afraid even if they were confronted by these holy lands.

Having come out of the wilderness for the time being, I am not yet ready for a big battle.

It is not suitable for another conflict with several major holy places.

So Yang Yiyun kept running forward, and the speed on the Qingniu was not slow at all.

Today's Qingniu is also equivalent to the Mahayana and Dzogchen cultivation. In terms of strength and speed, it is faster than the human monks.

In the blink of an eye, he and Qing Niu flew eight thousand miles away, but the Mahayana monks behind them were still chasing after them, which made Yang Yiyun furious.

Without the existence of third-level Earth Immortals and Ascension Realm monks, you grandsons are still chasing after me?

Is it easy for the young master to be bullied?

So Yang Yiyun stopped and stopped running.

Since you are being aggressive, don't blame me for being rude.

"Lao Niu, go down. It seems that these grandsons are not going to let us go. In this case, we will not be polite to them and kill them." Yang Yiyun let Qing Niu fly down on a five-person mountain.

"The Holy Master has long since breathed his last. There is no existence at the level of the Heavenly Demon among them. It will be easy for us to destroy them." Qing Niu landed on an unknown hill as he spoke.

Yang Yiyun and Qing Niu were suspended on the hill, watching fifty or sixty Mahayana monks and five or six hundred Tribulation-Transcending monks coming in pursuit from thirty miles away.

To a Mahayana monk, the distance of twenty or thirty miles is nothing, as it can be reached in an instant.

There are sixty Mahayana monks in the aura with high and low levels of cultivation, but there are only twenty Mahayana monks with perfect levels, and their cultivation levels are also mixed...

Yang Yiyun watched them flying from the sky indifferently...

Thousands of miles away, several holy masters stared closely at Yang Yiyun, and suddenly found that Yang Yiyun did not run away, but instead listened on a hill.

Miao Xian frowned, but Our Lady of All Souls and several Holy Masters were overjoyed. In their eyes, Yang Yiyun was seeking death if he did not run and stop.

However, Yun Changsheng was extremely anxious and quickly sent a message to the disciples of the Eternal Life Hall to urge the freaks from Xue Zang to come.

The junior brother stopped and was surrounded by 60 Mahayana and 500 to 600 Tribulation Transcendence monks. This one was looking for death.

Although he believed that the disciples handed over by Master Yun Tianxie must be more powerful than ordinary monks, he did not believe that Yang Yiyun, a man who seemed to have not survived the great tribulation in the early stage of the tribulation, could survive the attacks of so many monks.

As for Yang Yiyun's green bull mount, although it can rival the Dzogchen monks of the Mahayana stage, there is only one after all.

There are twenty Mahayana and Dzogchen monks in the All Souls Holy Land and other six holy places. How can they survive such a huge disparity in strength?

Yun Tianxie's worry couldn't help but show up on his face. This scene was captured by the Holy Mother of All Souls, who gloated: "It seems that boy deserves to die today, or is waiting to be reincarnated early. He might have been able to live a little longer if he continued to run away. But he had to stop, and it was destined to die this time, hahahaha..."

Our Lady of All Souls giggled.

Yunchang snorted angrily and turned his head.

"Eh... something's wrong, that's... a demon... a demon clan..." At this moment, the Holy Master of Shenfu Lingzong widened his eyes and exclaimed.

His voice interrupted the triumphant Holy Mother of All Souls and Yun Changsheng, who quickly used their magical eyes to look.

Immediately afterwards, the face of the Holy Mother of All Souls became extremely ugly, but Yun Changsheng was dumbfounded, and then he burst into laughter: "What a Yang Yiyun, he is worthy of being my junior brother of Yun Changsheng. Some people may be bleeding from their hearts now. Hahaha……"

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