My Master Is a God

Chapter 1496 Chi Guoguo is jealous

Regarding the national treasure Cloud Thunder Beast, Yang Yiyun actually had a bit of a headache. After all, it was not like Niu Duzi who was directly subdued by him.

Moreover, his cultivation strength is comparable to that of a Holy Lord, so he will definitely not be able to beat him...

The national treasure can only be dealt with wisely and not violently.

However, although he had only been in contact with the national treasure Cloud Thunder Beast for one day, Yang Yiyun could see that this powerful beast actually had a very simple mind, which was easy to take advantage of.

Since the release of more than 50,000 people to be repaired that day, the national treasure Yun Lei Beast has been very happy. He hangs out with the monsters every day, and later directly mixes with the calf Diao'er. The three together form the Yunmen Wonderland. scourge.

The main reason is that the national treasure, the Yunlei Beast, has stayed in the Yunlei Mountains for too long. It has stayed here for tens of thousands of years. It is the only commodity in the entire Yunmen Wonderland. It is natural to be happy to see tens of thousands of demon cultivators appear.

And its cultivation is also advanced, and it is even more unscrupulous. Of course, the main reason is that Yang Yiyun feels that Diao'er is still among them. Yang Yiyun knows very well what kind of temperament Diao'er is. He has been spoiled by him. None of the demon cultivators under him dare to provoke Diao'er. Even Niu Xiaozi, a mythical beast, was humble to Diao Er.

The more this happens, the more Diaoer develops a god-like character, fearing neither heaven nor earth.

It is conceivable that Yun Lei Beast and Niu Xiaozi will definitely turn the world upside down when they follow Diao Er.

He couldn't blame the great demons for their overwhelming resentment. Even Zihuang and Peacock complained, saying that their training dojo was in a mess due to this.

After Yang Yiyun understood the situation, he released his consciousness with a dark face and found Diao'er, National Treasure and Niu Duzi.

After seeing the three of them in his spiritual consciousness, Yang Yiyun's mouth twitched. At this moment, Yang Yiyun discovered in his spiritual consciousness that they were not happy. A fire was set up beside a cold pool in a valley, and an unknown barbecue was roasting on the fire rack. Where did I find the stone tables and chairs, which were filled with spiritual fruits and spiritual wine...

And there are about a dozen female fairies around who have transformed into human figures and act as maids, each performing their duties, grilling, pouring wine, and dancing.

Yang Yiyun was envious of this sight and enjoyment.

My heart was twitching, even without asking, it was obvious that Diao'er should be the one who could arrange such a scene.

The national treasure Yun Lei Beast and Niu Duzi have not been in contact with each other for tens of thousands of years in the Yunlei Mountains. Niu Duzi was only born not long ago. Only Diao Er came from the earth with him and has experienced the enjoyment of human beings...

Sanguo was really enjoying himself lying on the huge stone chair.

Yang Yiyun thought about himself. Ever since he came to the world of cultivation, he had been in an incomparable state. He was being chased and chased behind him. He had been tense all the time and was busy cultivating. He had never enjoyed life so well at all.

Now, on the contrary, the spiritual pets under his command are actually enjoying themselves and have a lot of free time...

When Yang saw this scene, he was both funny and angry.

All jealous.

Chi Guoguo is angry and jealous.

I, the master, have never enjoyed it so much. You three are lucky enough to enjoy it so much. This is deliberately making me, the master, upset.

I originally wanted to give you a warning, but now it seems that you are too leisurely, and it’s time to find something for you to do.

With a thought in his heart, Yang Yiyun disappeared and reappeared in the valley where Diao'er, Niu Duzi and the national treasure Yun Lei Beast were, and silently appeared behind the three of them.

As soon as Yang Yiyun appeared, the national treasures Yun Lei Beast and Niu Duzi, who were dozing off and drinking, were the first to notice. They turned back to look at Yang Yiyun, and then Diao'er also noticed Yang Yiyun's appearance behind him.

Yang Yiyun was quite satisfied with the reactions of the three of them, but it was not enough to tell the level of their cultivation from this point.

Obviously the national treasure Yun Lei Beast was the first to notice him, and his cultivation level was the highest among the three.

As a mythical beast, Niu Duzi is a close second, but just a hair behind the national treasure.

Yang Yiyun couldn't define Niu Duzi's cultivation strength, but since it was a divine beast, since the last bloodline upgrade, Niu Duzi's strength should be pretty good.

This can be seen from today's reaction.

However, it is still a little worse than the national treasure Yun Lei Beast, but it is normal. Although Niu Dazi is a Qilin beast, after all, it has just awakened its bloodline, so it is not bad to have this vigilance.

In Yang Yiyun's opinion, Niu Duzi's strength should be able to reach the Ascension Realm.

As for Diao'er, she is obviously weaker, but she can also sense the appearance of Yang Yiyun, which shows that Diao'er is not bad.

There is actually no definition of the realm of cultivation for mythical beasts, minks, national treasures, and other heavenly and earthly beasts. Their explosive strength is measured according to their innate magical powers.

Sometimes the burst of talent and magical power is beyond imagination.

After the three living treasures discovered that it was Yang Yiyun, they immediately lowered their guard.

"Zhizhi..." Diao'er squeaked and jumped onto Yang Yiyun's shoulder in cheers.

"Ho ho..." The national treasure of the Yun Lei Beast also chirped in a low voice, expressing its intimacy with Yang Yiyun.

"I've met the master..." Niu Daozi has been able to speak human words since his last bloodline awakening, and he opened his mouth and made a clear child's voice.

In Yang Yiyun's eyes, these three living treasures are actually like children.

The Yunlei Beast National Treasure may have lived for tens of thousands of years, but he also has an innocent and pure character.

Yang Yiyun originally prepared to reprimand the three living treasures with a dark face, but when he saw the joy and joy in the eyes of the three living treasures when they saw him, he was finally discouraged.

Before he could react, he was pulled by the three living treasures and sat down on the stone chair. Diaoer raised his little paw and brought a spiritual fruit to his mouth. Unable to refuse the kindness, Yang ate it.

The national treasure stood upright and held up a glass of spiritual wine to Yang Yiyun with his Penghuhu paws...

Niu Duzi tore off a large piece of barbecue and placed it in front of Yang.

Next to him were the transformed female fairies who bowed and saluted in unison: "Greetings to the Holy Lord~"

Well, I couldn’t say anything I was planning to say angrily and reprimand.

The sugar-coated bullets had to be said to be very effective. With the three live treasures on hand, the jealousy and anger in Yang Yiyun's heart were much lessened.

After drinking a few glasses of spiritual wine, Yang Yiyun stopped and looked at some spiritual fruits, spiritual wine, and honey on the table. He immediately knew that some of these things on the table were produced by some big demon clans. They were obviously blackmailed by the three living treasures. of.

Because there are many things that when Yang Yiyun was in Ten Thousand Demon City, various demon kings paid tribute to him, so he was naturally familiar with them.

Thinking of this, Yang Yiyun's face darkened and he said, "Where did these things come from?"

Diao'er's eyes were rolling in his eyes, and he was squeaking, saying that they were gifts from all the demon kings.

Niu Duzi, on the other hand, hesitated, not daring to look into Yang Yiyun's eyes.

As for the national treasure Cloud Thunder Beast, he looked completely indifferent.

"Okay, don't I know it yet? People have already filed a complaint against me. You guys...really want me to say this?" Yang Yiyun said in a deep voice with helplessness.

Both the mink and the calf lowered their heads.

Are you secretly looking at Yang Yiyun's cute big eyes and not scolding them?

Finally, Yang Yiyun sighed: "Although we have a safe place now, our enemies are very powerful. The fifty thousand demons are practicing hard, ready to share my worries and make contributions to Yunmen Wonderland.

But what about you? Are you prepared to be so drunk and dreamy every day...? "Yang Yiyun's voice was not loud, but it was full of majesty.

Diao'er and Niu Duzi lowered their heads when they heard Yang Yiyun speak, like children who had made a mistake.

Perhaps affected by the emotions of Diao'er and Niu Duzi, the national treasure Yun Lei Beast also calmed down, obediently squatting down and watching Yang Yiyun speak with a pair of cute dark circles.


"Master, we were wrong..."

Diaoer and Niuduzi admitted their mistake.

Yang Yiyun looked at the two living treasures seriously admitting their mistakes, and sighed: "Since you admit your mistakes, that's good. Next, do you want me to assign two important tasks to you two?"

"Zhizhi..." Diaoer nodded like a chicken pecking at rice, expressing his willingness.

Niu Dazi said: "Master, please give me your instructions."

"Okay, the Enlightenment Forest and the Immortal Palace are the top priorities of our Yunmen Wonderland. There are now more than 50,000 demon cultivators in the Yunmen Wonderland, and more humans will come in in the future, so they need to be taken care of and there can't be any mistakes.

In this way, Diao'er will guard the Chengxian Palace from today on, and Niu Daozi, will you go and guard Wudao Forest? Does it make sense? "Yang Yiyun divided the work between the two living treasures, so that Tan and the others would not cause trouble with other demon cultivators in the future, and they could also grow well.


"I will obey my master's instructions."

Diao'er and Niu Duzi didn't have any objections. In fact, they didn't dare to have any objections. Yang Yiyun had a serious face, but he didn't dare to say no.

"Ho ho ho..."

At this time, the national treasure Cloud Thunder Beast also roared in a low voice.

Yang Yiyun was not familiar with Yun Lei Beast for the time being, and he didn't know what the national treasure meant when he yelled at him.

He thought that the national treasure was aggrieved by his two best friends, Diao'er and Niu Duzi, and his face immediately turned gloomy.

However, Niu Duzi saw something wrong with Yang Yiyun's face and quickly said: "Master, don't get me wrong, the national treasure said that he can also help..."

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