My Master Is a God

Chapter 1497 The soul leaves the body and meets the senior brother

Biquge, the fastest update. My master is a god!

The problem of the three Yunmen living treasures was solved, and Yang Yiyun breathed a sigh of relief.

Originally, he thought that the national treasure Cloud Thunder Beast was the most difficult to deal with, and he also thought about coaxing the national treasure into taking the water of life, so that he would be able to control his disobedience.

Unexpectedly, after arranging errands for Diao'er and Niu Duzi, the national treasure Yun Lei Beast offered to let Yang Yiyun arrange things for him. This was actually because Guo Bao felt unbalanced after seeing Diao'er and Niu Duzi both having things to do.

When Niu Daozi translated the meaning of the national treasure, Yang Yiyun was happy, knowing in his heart that the national treasure Yun Lei Beast actually liked him very much because he had the aura of an old man, and he had a simple nature and no evil intentions.

This was beyond his expectation.

He didn't need to trick the national treasure into taking the water of life to control it. After all, in Yang Yiyun's mind, using the water of life to subdue the spiritual beasts, demon cultivators, etc., was a bit meaningless.

What he enjoys most is following nature.

Doesn't this prove that he, Yang, is attractive?

In short, the initiative of the national treasure Cloud Thunder Beast made Yang very happy, and finally symbolically asked the national treasure Cloud Thunder Beast to guard the lightning barrier and the portal of Yunmen Wonderland.

In fact, there is no need for Yang Yiyun to ask the national treasure Yunlei Beast to guard the entire Yunlei Mountains.

But Yang Yiyun ordered the national treasure Cloud Thunder Beast, which was a sense of recognition for the national treasure and he was very happy.

After solving the problem of the three living treasures, the entire Yunmen Wonderland was at peace. Yang Yiyun also asked the Rat King about digging through the Star Gate. The Rat King's answer was that it would definitely be possible in March.

This news is very exciting for Yang Yiyun. March is fast and there is no pressure on the Rat King. Just wait.

Next, Yang Yiyun prepared to leave his body and take the old man to see his senior brother Yun Changsheng. The ten-year period set by the old man had arrived.

Yang Yiyun had not thought about digging a passage to go to the Palace of Eternal Life to meet his senior brother, but the Rat King was all focused on digging through the Star Gate, and he was unable to dig another passage, so he divided into two teams and the progress was slow.

Yang Yiyun obviously cares more about the Xingchen Sect than meeting his senior brother. After all, the Xingchen Sect originally arranged for people to form a seal with the Yunmen in the Mountain and Sea Realm. Now that more than a hundred years have passed, relatives and friends of the Yunmen in the Mountain and Sea Realm will definitely come.

He misses them very much...

Anyway, when I met my senior brother, the old man told me to use the method of leaving the body.

Now that the Immortal Palace is open, Zihuang and other great demons are cultivating inside. Yang Yiyun enters the side hall to prepare his soul to leave his body and meet his senior brother Yun Changsheng.

After sitting down cross-legged, Yang Yiyun shouted in his heart: "Old man, I'm ready..."

"Let's go when you're ready..." Yun Tianxie said casually.

"Uh... don't you need to make some preparations?" Yang Yiyun asked.

"If you have anything to prepare, just separate a ray of soul for your master and attach it to your soul. Remember, with your current cultivation level, your soul cannot be out of the body for more than seven days, and your soul must return within seven days." Otherwise, you won't be able to come back." Yun Tianxie ordered.

Yang Yiyun: "Only seven days?"

Yun Tianxie said: "You brat, seven days are not short. If you didn't have Mahayana cultivation, your soul would be thousands of miles away from the physical body even if you leave the body. But now after Mahayana, there is no distance limit...

Everything has pros and cons. Now there is no distance limit for your soul to leave the body, but there is a time limit. Otherwise, it would be a mess. Don’t worry, seven days is enough. The soul can travel a hundred thousand miles in an instant. You can go anywhere. You have to ensure that nothing happens to your physical body, so seven days is enough. "

"Okay, okay, okay, just do whatever you want..."

As Yang Yiyun spoke, his soul left his body and flew out of the sea of ​​consciousness.

The soul went straight out of the sky above the side hall...

Then under the guidance of the old man, he flew around the thunder.

The ancient thunder formation in the Yunlei Mountains is extraordinary. It affects even the soul, so it took a day to go out. This is still the state of the soul. It only requires thoughts. In the physical body, it takes at least three days to get out of the clouds. Thunder Mountains.

After coming out, Yang Yiyun asked from the sky: "Old man, I suddenly remembered that I don't know where the Eternal Life Palace is?"

"Go north and let me teach you." Yun Tianxie said.

The two souls of master and disciple can fly tens of thousands of miles in an instant.

When he came out, Yang Yiyun felt at least ten powerful auras outside the Yunlei Mountains, and he knew they were strong men from the Five Holy Lands.

It seems that the Holy Mother of All Spirits knew that she would not die in the Yunlei Mountains and sent experts here.

However, they would not easily discover his out-of-body state at this moment. He himself was careful and avoided the strong ones who sensed it.

After tens of thousands of miles away from the Yunlei Mountains, Yang Yiyuncai hurried on with a thought.

In an instant, the movement of the mind can be a hundred thousand miles away, which is faster than the teleportation of the physical body.

Three hours later, the old man said: "We're here, let's get down."

Yang Yiyun didn't know how far the Yuanshen had flown, whether it was millions of miles or tens of millions of miles... Anyway, a single thought could fly at least tens of thousands of miles, and as many as more than a hundred thousand miles.

He stopped when he heard what the old man said. At this time, he looked down with his consciousness and found a mountain range, but he didn't see any buildings.

But he thought about it, after all, Senior Brother's Hall of Eternal Life is also a holy land, and there is definitely a mountain guarding formation, which cannot be seen.

A year later, the soul fell and appeared on a mountain.

Looking at the vast mountains shrouded in clouds and mist, Yang Yiyun couldn't help but said: "Where is the old man's Palace of Eternal Life?"

"Stop looking for it. Every holy land has a space barrier. Your senior brother's Palace of Eternal Life is hidden in the universe and cannot be seen. He will naturally come out when he is waiting to send a message to your senior brother..."

While Yun Tianxie was speaking, Yang Yiyun felt his soul shake, and a wave of divine soul power rippled out...

Yang Yiyun's feeling dissipated between heaven and earth, but he didn't know what secret method the old man used. Anyway, he thought it should be a unique connection with his senior brother Yun Tianxie.

There was nothing he could do but wait quietly for his senior brother to arrive.

Within a small space between the mountains, there is the Palace of Eternal Life.

Yun Changsheng still lives alone on the top of the mountain with three thatched houses. He sits alone fishing in the lake on the top of the mountain, but his thoughts have drifted away from the sky.

I was thinking about whether my junior brother was in danger after he was forced into the Yunlei Mountains...

Although the battle between their Holy Lords that day was not as sensational as the Earth-shattering, they were still violent fights against each other. Especially after the Holy Mother of All Souls forced Yang Yiyun into the Yunlei Mountains, he fought regardless of the consequences and called in the top ten members of the Yunmen. Elders participated in the exhibition...

Several other holy masters who had grudges against their junior brother Yang Yiyun also mobilized their troops. Later, there was almost a war between major holy places, and a holy land vs. holy land war broke out.

Miaoxian of Tongxian Palace was angry. Although he did not invite the immortal to come down to earth, he invited the ancestor of the fifth-level loose immortal who was thought to be in charge of Tongxian Palace to come out and calm down the war.

The fourth-level loose immortals are comparable to the level of real immortals, and the fifth-level loose immortals even say that they are powerful to the heavens. Their nine holy masters are only the Ascension Realm Dzogchen. How can they be the opponents of the fifth-level loose immortals? Besides, They didn't dare to move against any of the ancestors of Tongxian Palace and gave up.

Although he hated the Holy Masters of the Holy Mother of All Souls, Yun Changsheng could only bear his anger when the ancestor of Tongxian Palace came forward, and finally they dispersed.

Of course, he had not looked for Yang Yiyun, but with his cultivation, he could not get close to the core of the Yunlei Mountains. He found no trace of Yang Yiyun elsewhere.

Judging from this point, Yun Changsheng guessed that the junior brother must have entered the depths of the Yunlei Mountains. Anyway, he was not dead. A person who could survive the Nine-Nine Heavenly Tribulation, he believed that he would not die.

Besides, he believed that his junior brother Yang Yiyun was fine, and he believed in his master Yun Tianxie even more. Yun Tianxie was a god-like existence in his mind. Since Yang Yiyun was the disciple accepted by his master, he would definitely have means to save his life.

Yun Changsheng was thinking about his junior brother Yang Yiyun and his master Yun Xie. He looked at the lake in a daze and said to himself: "Master, where are you...?"

Thousands of years ago, news came from the fairy world that you had died in the fairy world. The second junior brother and the younger junior sister did not believe it, so they both flew up to the fairy world to find your traces...

I have stayed in the world of cultivation to this day, suppressing my cultivation and not daring to ascend, just waiting for you, waiting for the day you will appear in the world of cultivation...

If I hadn't been waiting for your news, I wouldn't have dared to let go of my suppressive power. That old witch of Our Lady of All Souls bullied my junior brother, I would have slapped him to death. However, I didn't dare to let go of my suppressive power. Once I let go, I would definitely Will ascend to the fairy world..."

Yun Changsheng was muttering in his mouth, and at a certain moment, he suddenly felt his soul shake, and a rune formed by a soul appeared in the air. Yun Changsheng's face instantly turned red, and his whole body began to tremble, and he said in a trembling voice with excitement: "Master …”

As he spoke, Yun Changsheng's soul instantly left his body and flew out in a whoosh.

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