My Master Is a God

Chapter 1516 The Soul of the True Demon

With the addition of the national treasure Cloud Thunder Beast, there is a master in the team. Although Yang Yiyun doesn't know how powerful the Cloud Thunder Beast is, the old man has a good evaluation of the national treasure, so he actually feels more at ease.

The seemingly endless abyss is actually only 10,000 meters deep, which is nothing to Yang Yiyun and the big demons.

The cultivation level is at least the Mahayana level. Anyone who is released will be able to stand alone. There is really no need to worry about breaking into the abyss of Taixuan Sect's back mountain.

All the big demons were top demon kings in the Taihuang era. They could survive in the environment of Taihuang, but now they are facing the environment like this, which is really nothing to them.

The transparent wings on the back of the national treasure Cloud Thunder Beast flashed very flexibly, and the speed was no slower than the magical power of teleportation. In Yang Yiyun's eyes, he had more confidence in the national treasure.

When Yang Yiyun flew down to the abyss with all the big demons, he discovered that the place where he appeared had been built, which was similar to the situation when he first went to the Five Elements Rat Clan.

It was completely an underground cave world, with a basketball court at the end of the land, but Yang Yiyun remembered from Wan Guangxuan that a bigger place was at the other end.

Of course, this place cannot be compared with the underground city of the Five Elements Rat Clan. The Five Elements Rat Clan led by the Rat King are experts in impressing people, and this place looks like a huge cave, with many three to four meter direct caves appearing in front of you.

However, Yang Yiyun knew that after entering from a certain cave here, he would enter the place of the Demon Altar, where all the monks captured by Taixuan Zong were at the Demon Altar.

Yang Yiyun told him to be careful, and then he led the way into one of the caves...

After walking for half an hour, their vision suddenly became clear, and another underground world appeared in their sight.

It is indeed very similar to the picture in Wan Guangxuan's memory...

A huge altar hundreds of meters high, like a skyscraper under construction, surrounded by various construction measures.

Surrounded by thousands of monks with sealed cultivations, they are all under construction...

The entire altar seemed to be filled with all kinds of weird statues. Anyway, they looked like they were not human beings, but probably demon statues.

The history of the demon clan has been circulating in the world of cultivation, and it is extremely mysterious. However, it rarely appears in the world of cultivation. According to Yang Yiyun, demon cultivators all exist in the darkness of the world of cultivation.

He rarely shows up, but there is a lot of blood flowing all the way.

However, generally speaking, the world of cultivation is still dominated by cultivators. In the last era, it was rumored that demon cultivators were completely suppressed by cultivators and were almost destroyed.

Of course, demon cultivators are also a powerful cultivation system, and it is impossible to completely destroy them. Many of them are lurking in the dark.

Not extinction.

In the past, demon cultivators were a group that was as famous as cultivators and even surpassed cultivators in ability. Extinction was impossible.

Just changing from light to dark.

Yang Yiyun had learned about the demons from the old man before, but not much.

Looking at the demon altar sitting like this, the first thing in his mind was that it was a demon or a demon cultivator.

At this time, Zihuang also exclaimed: "This... this is the altar where the demons worship the great demon. Here..."

Yang Yiyun was moved when he heard Zihuang speak: "Zihuang, do you know about the demon clan?"

Zi Huang nodded and said: "I am from the previous era, I know a little more..." Zi Huang seemed to be lost in memories.

Yang Yiyun knew that the Purple Emperor had more to say, so he waved his hand to everyone to be quiet and not to be discovered. He wanted to understand the so-called demons first.

After a while, the Purple Emperor said: "The origin of the demon clan is very early. There is a rumor that the origin of the demon clan is equal to that of the world, and it is very complex and has many systems.

But the origin of the earliest demons is equal to the creator god. They have supreme magic power to create creation, but they are too evil and have always been the target of suppression by other races...

The real demons are called demon gods. It is said that they are the creatures of heaven and earth. The demon cultivators who have developed to the present are their disciples and their descendants. Their inheritance also runs through all walks of life and is extremely powerful.

Those who appear in the world of cultivation are called demon cultivators. There are also immortals and demons in the immortal world, the same existence as immortals and demons...

Therefore, the ancestors of demon cultivators are demon gods. Of course, in the mouths of demon cultivators, they are called demon gods and immortal demons. In the eyes of cultivators and other righteous beings, they are demons.

Anyway, there is a strong inheritance, and those who have evolved to this day are the human race demon cultivators... I have heard an ancient rumor in the fairy world that at a certain era in the history of the fairy world, the fairy demons in the fairy world were powerful. All the immortals were killed, and those who could not be killed dispersed the bodies of the immortals and demons, and the demon souls were suppressed in various worlds.

Since then, the demon monks have basically disappeared, but the demon cultivators in the world of cultivation have also hidden themselves, secretly searching for the demon souls that have been suppressed in all walks of life, in an attempt to release those demon souls that were suppressed in ancient times. Head, fight for the demon clan to rise again.

It is generally impossible to guard against demon cultivators, because it is the human race that has practiced demonic techniques. On the surface, no one can tell whether they are demon cultivators, unless they display demonic aura or a unique mark of the demon race.

This demon altar is the sacrificial altar of the demon clan, and is used to sacrifice demon souls. Judging from the shape and level, there are four guardian statues of demon gods on the altar, and the one who needs to be sacrificed should be a real demon..."

Yang Yiyun couldn't help but interrupt: "What is a real demon? What is the meaning of this altar sacrifice? Tell me carefully?"

Zihuang took a deep breath and said: "First of all, the demon altar built here must have suppressed the ancient demon souls, and the demon clan's level starts from the lowest demon cultivator. In fact, there is nothing to calculate. Cultivators The levels of demons and cultivators can be divided in the same way. After all, they are all human beings.

Above the level of demon cultivators, you reach the level of the fairy world. There are differences in the levels here. The most basic immortals in the fairy world, that is, the creatures after ascending to the world of cultivation, are called heavenly immortals, while the lowest level demons in the fairy world are called heavenly beings. For the real devil.

This demon altar was obviously built to release a true demon soul. Holy Lord, please see there are four ferocious-looking demon statues on the altar, which are called protectors among the demons. The higher the level of the demon protector, the more powerful they are. many.

The real demons have four guardian gods, who are equal to the immortals. However, the demons have always used extremely weird methods, and the immortals are often no match for the real demons in the same realm...

We must stop them. Once they successfully release a true demon soul through sacrifice, it will be a disaster for the entire world of cultivation.

We cultivators pay attention to the cycle of heaven and the theory of divine punishment, but for the demons, we don't care about these, as long as it is beneficial to them, even if it is thousands of miles away.

When the true demon soul is born, it will definitely condense the demon body. For the demon clan, the fastest and best way to condense the demon body is blood sacrifice, using the blood of countless creatures to condense the demon body.

Even if it is a demon soul, it is still a real demon soul and must not be underestimated. If it is really released, the trouble will be big..."

After Zi Huang finished speaking, his face was filled with worry.

Yang Yiyun also felt the same after hearing this. What he was most worried about were the tens of thousands of monks here who were captured to build the demon altar. Once it turned out to be what the Purple Emperor said, these people would be the first batch of sacrifices during the blood sacrifice.

And he searched Wan Guangxuan's memory and saw that there were three disciples and grandfather in it. He didn't know how many Yunmen disciples and relatives were in there.

But we must not let Taixuan Sect's Ancestor Blood Sacrifice Demon Altar release the soul of the true demon. If it were released, it would be a disaster.

Real demons are on the same level as immortals in the fairy world, but their methods are more powerful and weird than those of the immortals. If they appear in a lower-level cultivation world, the consequences will be disastrous.

Yang Yiyun solemnly nodded and said: "The first thing to do later is to save people. Among them are my relatives, friends and disciples of Yunmen in the Shanhai Realm. I will never allow anything to happen to them. The second thing is to destroy the altar.

In this way, I, Rat King, and Peacock will go to save people. Purple Emperor, you will take the national treasures Cloud Thunder Beast and Green Bull to destroy the demon altar. If you encounter Tai Xuan Zong's personality, kill him. This Tai Xuan Zong seems to be a demon monk in disguise. I'll kill them all. "

Yang Yiyun became murderous at the end because he saw piles of bones on the other side of the altar. Apparently these bones were monks who were captured to build the demon altar.

According to Wan Guangxuan's memory, the Demon Altar has been built for more than three thousand years. Who knows how many monks have died here over the past three thousand years?

Is it tens of thousands, or hundreds of thousands?

The number of bones is simply shocking.

Taixuanzong deserves to die, the ancestor of Taixuanzong deserves to die ten thousand times.

"Do it..."

Yang Yiyun flew towards the demon altar with a sound. In his sight, he saw the disciples of Taixuan Sect holding long whips and whipping the monks. He killed them directly with the dragon-slaying sword in his hand.

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