My Master Is a God

Chapter 1517 Blood Pool in the Underground Palace

Building such a large demon altar will definitely require a lot of manpower. In Wan Guangxuan's memory, there are more than a hundred Mahayana-level Taixuan Sect disciples, who can be regarded as supervisors.

These people are nothing to worry about in Yang Yiyun's eyes.

They suddenly appeared in the Abyss Demon Altar. For people like Taixuanzong, they could not imagine it at all, because this is the abyss behind Taixuanzong, and there is no defense.

Yang Yiyun came out with the demon cultivators and immediately killed a large number of people...

At this moment, the Purple Emperor flew directly to the altar and bombarded it, destroying the altar according to Yang Yiyun's request, so that the Taixuan Sect's people could not release the soul of the real demon.

But before they could take action, three third-level earth immortals appeared on the altar to block Zihuang and others.

Fighting begins...

Yang Yiyun ignored Zihuang's side, because he knew that having the national treasure with Zihuang was enough to cope with everything.

The main enemy is my ancestor, Taixuanzong, who has the perfect cultivation level of the Ascension Realm and has not shown up yet.

But everything is ready, and I am not too worried. The arrival of the national treasure can handle an Ascension Realm Dzogchen monk.

The entire demon altar is very large. From top to bottom, they are all captured monks. There are tens of thousands of them that can be seen. Yang Yiyun led the big demon to kill all the Mahayana-level supervisors and took all these monks in all the way. Qiankun Pot Space did not have time to say anything more to them.

And he couldn't say anything, because Yang Yiyun discovered that the captured monks had dull eyes, and their minds were obviously controlled.

He flew around the demon altar in a large circle and took almost 50,000 to 60,000 monks into the space of the Qiankun Pot. But what worried him was that he did not find any familiar faces among the tens of thousands of people.

This made him feel agitated.

At this time, the Rat King flew over and said: "The Holy Master discovered that there is a cave that leads directly to the underground of the Demon Altar, and there are still monks inside."

Yang Yiyun's heart moved and he said: "Go in and take a look..."

As soon as he finished speaking, a roar erupted from the demon altar.


The entire underground world began to tremble, and then the demon altar's body exploded with blood and light, and powerful demonic energy burst out and went straight upward. For a while, the entire demon altar was shrouded in blood and light.

Yang Yiyun looked up. At this time, the national treasure Yun Lei Beast sent out a bolt of lightning and directly killed a third-level loose immortal. Then he disappeared with a swish. When he appeared, another third-level loose immortal was grabbed by the national treasure cloud thunder beast and killed directly. Shoot to death.

The last three-level Sanxian died under the joint attack of Zihuang and other big demons.

The battle at the Demon Altar is over.

But the Purple Emperor flew down and said with an ugly face: "Holy Master, hurry up and enter the underground palace of the Demon Altar. The Demon Altar has been opened by the blood sacrifice. The soul of the real demon may be released at any time. The core place should be under this Demon Altar. In the underground palace.”

Yang Yiyun's heart also sank. Now he knew what was going on with the bloody explosion in the demon altar?

It turns out the bloodstains started.

The ancestor of Taixuanzong did not show up, so he must be presiding over the Demon Altar Blood Sacrifice in the Demon Altar Underground Palace. He must have discovered something was wrong and decisively started the Demon Altar Blood Sacrifice.

Blood sacrifice at the demon altar means that monks were sacrificed with blood, and Yang Yiyun only collected 50,000 or 60,000 captured monks at the demon altar. However, in Wan Guangxuan's memory picture, there were dozens of monks captured to build the demon altar. Ten thousand plans, that is to say, half of the people are still in the underground palace.

In other words, the people captured by Yunmen are most likely in the underground palace.

At this moment, the Demon Altar Blood Sacrifice has been launched in the underground palace, which means that the remaining people will be killed as sacrifices for the blood sacrifice?

Thinking of this, Yang Yiyun's face changed drastically and he said: "Hurry into the underground palace..."

The previous soul search of Wan Guangxuan did not find anything about the underground palace under the Demon Altar, which shows that the ancestor of Taixuan Sect is very secretive about this.

But the more it is kept secret, it means that the real core place is in the underground palace.

Fortunately, the underground expert Rat King discovered the passage.

Then he went straight into the underground palace under the leadership of the Rat King.

Yang Yiyun did not let the Mahayana monks go down this time and asked them to stay outside to prevent any accidents from happening.

On the other hand, I thought that the ancestor of Taixuan Sect should be in charge in the underground palace. He was a master. Even if a demon cultivator at the Mahayana level went to fight against a master at the Ascension Realm, it would be of no avail.

He took the national treasure Cloud Thunder Beast Purple Emperor and other heavenly demons into the cave.

The Rat King led the way and dug a large hole in the ground, which led directly to the magic altar.

Sure enough, a few hundred meters later a passage made of bluestone was discovered under the magic altar...

Moving forward quickly, a few minutes later they appeared in another huge space.

A space the size of a basketball court was filled with people and heads.

It looked like there were at least 30,000 people.

They were all monks who had gone through the tribulation. Obviously, these people were sacrifices.

More than 30,000 people formed a circle at this moment.

In the center of them is a huge blood pool of 100 meters, with one hundred and eight teams standing next to each other in an orderly manner.

There were one hundred and eight blood tanks surrounding the blood pool, and these people all jumped into the blood pool like dumplings, and immediately merged into the huge blood pool without even screaming.

The blood in the entire blood pool shot straight up into the sky, corresponding to the demon altar above.

The smell of blood permeated the entire space and was extremely pungent.

Yang Yiyun and Zihuang were shocked...

How many lives would it take to fill such a large blood pool?

Seeing that the entire blood pool was about to be completed, Yang Yiyun reacted and was shocked in his heart: "Save people and stop them from jumping into the blood pool."

Yang Yiyun flew over first...

Yang Yiyun let go of his spiritual consciousness as he spoke. The first thing he wanted to save was the Yunmen disciples...

After the powerful spiritual consciousness was released, Yang Yiyun finally let out a long breath. He looked at the familiar faces... The three apprentices, Dugu Hui, Wang Zongren, and Wu Jian were all there. On the other side, he also saw Grandpa Duanmu Xingtian, and... I saw people from the martial arts sects on Earth back then, including people from Shaolin, Emei, etc., as well as some disciples from Yunmen...

Without any time to think, he waved his hand and took the three apprentices and grandpa into the space of the Qiankun Pot.

At this moment, some Yunmen disciples who were lining up in front jumped into the blood pool. In just the blink of an eye, 108 people jumped into the blood pool.

Yang Yiyun saw five Yunmen disciples among them.

In the roar, the divine consciousness enveloped the 30,000 people and wanted to take them into the space of the Qiankun Pot.

But at this moment, a roar sounded: "You little thief who dares to sabotage my plan will die~"

Suddenly, a huge force enveloped Yang Yiyun and interrupted his consciousness.

Then a giant hand grabbed him.

"national treasure……"

Yang Yiyun roared. He didn't have time to deal with this giant hand at this time, and he felt that he couldn't take it.

Because the power emanating from it was so powerful that he was frightened.

There is no doubt that the owner of this giant hand is the ancestor of Taixuan Sect, a strong man who has reached the Dzogchen realm.

"Roar... click..."

The national treasure Cloud Thunder Beast roared and flew in front of Yang Yiyun, and raised its claws to strike the giant hand with a bolt of lightning.


With a dull sound, the giant hand was directly shattered by the power of thunder and lightning emitted by the Cloud Thunder Beast.

From the corner of Yang Yiyun's eyes, he saw an old man in black robe appear in the sky above the blood pool, and the national treasure Cloud Thunder Beast would fly up with one blow and rush towards the old man in black robe or the Taixuan Sect elder.

At this time, the purple emperor and other big demons also cast spells to form a barrier on the blood pool, and finally stopped the remaining monks from jumping into the blood pool.

All the monks were in a state of confusion and confusion.

After the barrier was set up on the blood pool, everyone's eyes stopped.

Yang Yiyun used the gap to release his spiritual consciousness and took all these people into the space of the Qiankun Pot, finally breathing a sigh of relief.

But at this time something unexpected happened.


But it was Taixuanzong's ancestor who was knocked down by the national treasure panda and hit the blood pool barrier.

The barriers set up by Zi Huang were smashed by the Taixuan Sect ancestors, and they were transferred into the blood pool with a pop.

At this time, the national treasure Cloud Thunder Beast flew down and landed next to Yang Yiyun like a child who had won a battle, surrounding Yang Yiyun and roaring low to take credit.

Yang Yiyun smiled and patted the head of the national treasure Cloud Thunder Beast and said with a smile: "Well done, I will give you a credit this time, and I will make elixirs for you when I get back."


Diao'er appeared out of nowhere and landed on Yang Yiyun's shoulder and screamed, saying that she wanted it no matter what, and it was her contribution that made the national treasure come.

Yang Yiyun smiled and looked at Diao'er and Guobao who were about to speak, when indeed there was a roar in the blood pool.

Then the entire blood pool began to boil like boiling water.

There was a roaring sound.

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