My Master Is a God

Chapter 1545: Brother is very awesome now

There were thirty-six beautiful girls on the eighth floor, all of whom were stunningly beautiful. However, Yang Yiyun didn't like any of them, and said coldly: "Where is Mr. Fool? Who are they? Go and call your landlady to accompany you. Drinking, I heard that the lady boss of your restaurant is known as the little tiger, sir, I would like to see her, haha..."

When the steward heard this, his face darkened, but facing Yang Yiyun's strong aura and a powerful demon cultivator beside him, the steward who only had the tribulation cultivation level did not dare to have an attack. This was because the steward thought he was here to cause trouble.

He smiled awkwardly: "Uncle, please wait a moment."

Immediately after going out, the steward went straight to the ninth floor. The ninth floor was closed to the public and was where the restaurant owners Li Dayi and Lei Xiaohu lived.

"What? How dare you dare to attack my wife after eating it? Let me go and have a look." Li Dayi looked so drunk that he sobered up for the most part and at the same time arranged for someone to go to the restaurant to invite worshipers.

Anyone who causes trouble or has strong cultivation will ask the restaurant priest to come forward, because they have an Ascension Realm priest to take charge.

There are really not many people in Hongye City who dare to cause trouble, and no one dares to tease Lei Xiaohu, not to mention that Lei Xiaohu has a third-level Sanxian father, who is also a legend.

There is also a powerful offering!

Li Dayi went downstairs with a sullen face and went straight to the eighth floor of Tianzi Building. He wanted to see who without eyes dared to molest his tigress?

At this moment, Yang Yiyun was sitting in a luxurious box, chatting and laughing with the Rat King and Lao Fang, drinking wine and eating spiritual fruits.

The Mouse King couldn't help but said: "The Holy Master's thirty-six fairy girls are all very talented, but you don't like any of them? You also want to provoke Lei Xiaohu. The mouse will report it. That Lei Xiaohu is a complete mother-in-law." Tiger, the point is that Lei Xiaohu is Li Dayi’s wife. What song are you singing? My subordinates really don’t understand..."

"Haha... This is just a way to meet Dayi. Believe it or not, he will come directly to me after a while." Yang said mischievously.

"Uh... I don't understand you humans..." the Rat King said with a pout.

Only Lao Fang was drinking alone and did not join in to talk. He was considered an elder in front of Yang Yiyun and was not suitable for such topics among young people.

Just as he was speaking, the door was pushed open and no one arrived before he could make a sound.

"The uncle who is here, even the thirty-sixth immortal girl of Qinghua Tower can't look down on..."

There was arrogance in the words.

Yang Yiyun picked up a glass of wine and drank it down in one gulp. He looked up at the door and said, "You're from Earth, why isn't Boss Li convinced?"

Li Dayi pushed the door open and didn't pay much attention at first, but after hearing the sound, he was suddenly shocked. He stepped in and immediately saw Yang Yiyun looking at him with a smile on his face.

Li Dayi's eyes were red, he was choked with tears and said with a smile: "I'm convinced... I'm convinced, I'm completely convinced..."

Li Dayi's whole body was shaking as he spoke.

Yang Yiyun also stood up with red eyes, took a step forward and looked at Li Dayi, and the two of them hugged each other.

"Da Yi..."


The two grown men burst into tears.

Everything was unspoken. For Li Dayi, seeing Yang Yiyun today, all the grievances he had suffered over the years disappeared at this moment.

Yang Yiyun also felt relieved after seeing Li Dayi. He didn't have many friends, but there was no doubt that Li Dayi was one of them. When he met Li Dayi, Yang Yiyun had a crush on Li Dayi, a retired soldier, at the first sight. Got a good impression.

He also taught Li Dayi martial arts from the beginning and arranged for Li Dayi to start a business with Liu Xiqi. It can be said that Li Dayi had a large share of the credit for the original Yunqi Empire on Earth.

Later, when he established the Cloud Gate, Yang Yiyun taught Li Dayi the path of cultivation and guided him into cultivation, establishing the Earth Cloud Gate, and then to the Mountain and Sea Realm Cloud Gate...

Yang Yiyun kept all this in mind, and never regarded Li Dayi as a disciple of Yunmen, but as Yang Yi's brother.

We haven’t seen each other for nearly three hundred years. From the time when the Yunmen disciples of the Mountain and Sea Realm entered the realm of cultivation, to when they learned that they were being captured and hunted by Taixuan Sect, the Yunmen disciples fled in all directions without any news. Yang Yiyun’s hanging heart has never let go. Pass.

Now that the two brothers are hugging each other, Yang Yiyun finally feels at ease.

The longer he cultivated and experienced more life and death, the more Yang Yiyun valued emotions, family ties, and brotherhood, especially brothers like Li Dayi who had followed him from the beginning.

Yang Yiyun is actually very afraid of losing them one day on the endless road of cultivation...

After a while, the two of them calmed down before they separated. Yang Yiyun looked at Li Dayi. Li Dayi had already reached the late stage of tribulation and was considered a fast practitioner.

Smiling, he punched Li Dayi's chest and said, "Good boy, you are in the late stage of the tribulation. You have a bright future and are doing well. Tell me, how did you get here all these years?"

Yang Yiyun knew in his heart that despite Li Dayi's current glory, if a monk from the world of mountains and seas could gain a foothold in the world of cultivation, even if he had a chance, he would definitely have difficulties.

Li Dayi wiped away his tears and grinned: "Actually, I'm pretty good. I haven't suffered much. It's mainly because I'm attracted by my wife, haha..."

During the conversation, the two of them took their seats, and Li Dayi told Yang Yiyun about his experience.

According to Li Dayi, after escaping capture by Tai Xuanzong, he got separated from the others, but somehow took the teleportation array to Hongye City.

When I first arrived in Hongye City, I did have a hard time, but by some strange combination of circumstances, I encountered the incident of the eldest lady of the Lei family recruiting followers...

The Lei family is the number one family in Hongye City. It is very powerful and powerful. The head of the Lei family, Lei Huo, has a precious daughter, Lei Xiaohu. She has been held in the palm of her hand as a pearl since she was a child. Lei Xiaohu will not be wronged in the slightest...

Therefore, the name of Lei Xiaohu, the eldest daughter of the Lei family, was raised. To put it bluntly, Lei Xiaohu is the female devil in Hongye City, and she is just like a tree that has grown crookedly.

In Hongye City, Lei Xiaohu really acted like a crab. Killing people and setting fires were just a piece of cake. The point was that Lei Xiaohu liked torturing people and not letting them die. He just wanted to die.

There is no concept of likes and dislikes at all. As the darling of the Lei family, she naturally needs people to serve her, but the female devil has only been with her for less than three months.

Either she will make him crippled, or he will be driven crazy, or even die.

The character of the female devil means that she has no one to serve her. She recruits maids and followers every year. However, due to her reputation, no one in the entire Hongye City dares to be Lei Xiaohu's maid, no matter how many generous training resources the Lei family provides. Followers…

There was no way that as the eldest daughter of the Lei family, she had to be taken care of by someone. If locals couldn't be found, outsiders were recruited. At that time, Li Dayi just joined in the fun and was selected as Lei Xiaohu's entourage.

He didn't know it at first, but after he became a follower, he realized that Lei Xiaohu was a perverted female devil. By then it was too late to escape.

Moreover, Li Dayi had nowhere to go in the difficult situation at that time, so he simply accepted his fate. Although it was very dangerous to become Lei Xiaohu's follower, at least he had a place to stay and there were generous rewards.

As an earthling, a soldier, and a cultivator, Li Dayi followed Lei Xiaohu and seriously did nothing. After pondering Miss Lei's character, he realized that this little tiger was actually a target. The spoiled and spoiled little Gongju, although he is bad, has no understanding of values. What he likes most is having fun.

This is not difficult for Li Dayi, an earthling, and he tried his best to tell Lei Xiaohu stories, fairy tales, love stories, mythological stories, the Four Great Classics, Snow White and so on.

Doing things for Lei Xiaohu, getting her fireworks, recruiting people to sing for her, etc. Anyway, with this set of things from the earth, Li Dayi became Lei Xiaohu's longest-lasting follower...

Later, the sparks between the two disappeared, and later Li Dayi became the son-in-law of the Lei family and directly became the owner of the Lei family's Blue and White Restaurant.

The most important thing is that Li Dayi said that Lei Xiaohu, who was not afraid of anything, was a good girl around him... Over the years, this young lady has also been changed a lot by Li Dayi's values.

Of course, Li Dayi didn't tell Yang Yiyun that he was tortured into a dog by Lei Xiaohu, so he just picked the right one and said, anyway, it was just one word, my brother is very awesome now.

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