My Master Is a God

Chapter 1546 The mighty Lei Xiaohu

Biquge, the fastest update. My master is a god!

Lao Fang, who was listening to Li Dayi's words, looked at the high-end treasures Li Dayi was wearing. His face was red and glowing, and he was indeed very moisturized. He couldn't help but sigh: "We are all the same people who escaped, why is the gap so big, I... I..."

Lao Fang was filled with emotion. In the end, I pondered for a long time. Thinking about his experience, and looking at the extremely glamorous Li Dayi, I didn't know what to say for a while.

Yang Yiyun and Li Dayi looked at each other and laughed.

At this moment, a high-pitched voice sounded outside the door: "That grandson wants my wife to accompany him. Isn't he tired of living?"

Hearing this voice, Li Dayi subconsciously shrank his neck, looked at Yang Yiyun and said awkwardly: "Don't be offended, Yunzi, it's Lei Xiaohu. In fact, she is very nice and gentle..."

Where is Yang Yiyun's face, "You're fooling me?"

He roared so fiercely, do you think he was gentle?

Hearing the fierce roar outside the door, Yang Yiyun suddenly heard the roar of the Hedong lion.

However, the parents of Hedong Shiroar were pretty, and Li Dayi's daughter-in-law... Yang Yiyun couldn't think of anything to do with beauty from the sound of her voice.

The next moment, the door was knocked open by an external force.

Li Dayi's mouth twitched. He was bragging to Yang Yiyun just now that Lei Xiaohu had been trained by him to become a good girl, very gentle and virtuous...

Now it’s good, the bull that he just boasted was ruined by Lei Xiaohu.

This made Li Dayi's face feel hot.

Yang Yiyun, on the other hand, looked at the door with a smile, waiting for the gentle girl Li Dayi mentioned to appear.

The two doors were shattered by external forces. As they closed with a high-decibel sound, a beautiful figure appeared at the door.

Yang Yiyun was stunned when he saw the beautiful figure appearing at the door.

There is no flower-like woman as imagined, let alone a fat woman.

On the contrary, the woman who appeared at the door was very delicate, and could even be said to be stunningly beautiful. She had a good face and a good figure...a complete beauty.

But her appearance with her hands on her hips and her beautiful eyes widened ruined her image.

Otherwise, she is really a good girl.

While Yang Yiyun was stunned, the woman came in with a murderous look on her face, her eyes fell directly on Li Dayi, and she said with a voice of great concern: "Mr., are you okay? Don't be afraid. I'm here to see who dares to touch you."

Lei Xiaohu had not left the restaurant before, but when he came back, he heard from the manager that a customer from Tianzihao came to the restaurant. None of the thirty-six immortals in their restaurant took a fancy to him. Instead, he said that she, the proprietress, would be responsible for the compensation.

After hearing this, his father-in-law, Li Dayi, angrily rushed to the Tianzihao box.

Lei Xiaohu thought that this was because her husband was jealous because of her. While his heart was filled with sweetness, he was also full of worry, so he directly sent a message to his father Lei Hu.

She hurriedly came with the offerings from the restaurant.

Lei Xiaohu was afraid that his husband would suffer a loss because the restaurant manager reported that two of the three people on the other side could not see through the cultivation level and were most likely to be Mahayana or even Ascension level beings.

As for her husband-in-law, Li Dayi, who was in the late stage of transcending the tribulation, he was very worried that Li Dayi would suffer a loss, so he came in a hurry and violently broke the door open and entered.

Li Dayi quickly stood up and said, "Daughter-in-law, didn't I tell you to be a lady? Why don't you care about your image?"

"Ms. sir, aren't I afraid that you will suffer a loss? This white-haired guy didn't do anything to you, right? Don't worry, I've already summoned my father. If he comes, this kid will definitely be beaten to death and crushed to death when he comes. You are using fertilizer to grow flowers, but you dare to come to Hongye City to tease me, I am so tired of living..."

Lei Xiaohu spoke with a fierce look on his face, but after Li Dayi heard this, he broke into a cold sweat. He quickly stepped forward and covered her mouth, and said urgently: "Auntie, stop talking, why haven't you reacted yet? If I have something to do, I can still sit down and drink and chat!

To be honest, this is what I often tell you - Yunzi, my brother Li Dayi, and also the leader of my Yunmen, Yang Yiyun! He just came here to find me..."

"Ah..." Lei Xiaohu was immediately surprised when he heard what Li Dayi said. He looked at Yang Yiyun with widened eyes. Together with Li Dayi, it was Yang Yiyun who Li Dayi talked the most about and admired the most.

Lei Xiaohu could feel the sincerity from the bottom of his heart every time Li Dayi mentioned Yang Yiyun in front of her. This was a kind of posthumous friendship and brotherhood.

She also swore to Li Dayi frankly that if she could find Yang Yiyun or see him in the future, she would thank Yang Yiyun for guiding Li Dayi on the path of cultivation, and let God give her Lei Xiaohu a good husband. What should she do in front of Yang Yiyun? How to behave gracefully, gently and virtuously without embarrassing Li Dayi...

This time it was good, with a mighty lion's roar, the door was kicked down, and he barged in with murderous intent, and his whole image was ruined.

Lei Xiaohu likes Li Dayi from the bottom of his heart. It is indeed Li Dayi who taught her a lot, turning her from a female devil who is feared by everyone into a gentle and virtuous lady.

Now she actually lost her composure in front of Li Dayi's most respected and best brother.

Thinking of this, Lei Xiaohu said to Li Dayi with a bitter smile: "Ms. sir... I... I have embarrassed you... Wuwu, I didn't mean to..."

One moment, Lei Xiaohu was as fierce as a lion roaring from the east of the river. At this moment, Lei Xiaohu cried whenever he wanted. She was innocent and not cute. She was obviously a very straightforward woman.

"Okay, okay, stop crying. Yunzi won't blame you, and I won't blame you either..." Li Dayi showed a tough and tender image at this moment.

Yang Yiyun, on the other hand, could see clearly that the two people really loved each other and liked each other.

He was very happy that his brother could find such a straightforward and beautiful woman.

Lei Xiaohu's cultivation level is at the Mahayana stage, which is much higher than Li Dayi's. However, Yang Yiyun was not able to see the slightest bit. Because of her strong cultivation level, she had the slightest advantage over Li Dayi.

This made Yang Yiyun have a very good impression of Lei Xiaohu.

Smiling slightly and coughing, Li Dayi and Lei Xiaohu were interrupted.

Li Dayi woke up as if from a dream, his face turned red and he said, "Xiaohu, come and see Yunzi."

At this time, Lei Xiaohu blushed and saluted Yang Yiyun: "I have met the sect master..."

Yang Yiyun laughed loudly and waved his hand to prevent Lei Xiaohu from bowing down and said: "Really speaking of age, I should call you sister-in-law. Dayi and I are brothers. Sister-in-law doesn't need to be polite, just call me Yunzi.

I would also like to thank my sister-in-law for taking care of Dayi these years, thank you very much! "Yang Yiyun saluted and thanked Lei Xiaohu sincerely as he spoke.

Indeed, if Li Dayi had not met Lei Xiaohu, perhaps something would have happened in the vast world of cultivation, so Yang Yiyun sincerely thanked the Lei family.

"Ah... no no no... it should be... ah no... Yunzi... Yunzi, you are too polite. I was rude before. Just don't blame me..." Lei Xiaohu was at a loss when Yang Yiyun bowed and thanked him. .

"Yunzi, let's not be polite. Sit down and talk. I have good news for you." Li Dayi said.

"Okay, everyone, let's sit down and talk."

They are all monks, so there are not so many complicated etiquettes.

After sitting down again, Lei Xiaohu said to a stern old man standing at the door: "Uncle Sanhua is fine. You can go back to practice."

This person is worshiped by the Lei family at the Blue and White Restaurant. Now that he is fine, Lei Xiaohu will let him go.

After everyone was seated, Lei Xiaohu turned into a lady when he sat next to Li Dayi.

At this time, continuing the topic just now, Li Dayi said: "Yunzi, after I settled down these years, I have not been idle. I have been asking around for your whereabouts, but there is no news. However, I have found some old acquaintances and Yunmen disciples. Chen Qi Whin, Qiu Yun, Wang Jianjia, and the people from the Earth’s martial arts sect, and by the way Madman Zhou, brother and sister Zhou Feiyan, have been looking for your precious disciple Dugu Hui!”

"What? Where are they now?" Yang Yiyun was excited and overjoyed. He didn't expect that Li Dayi found so many people.

"Don't worry, I arranged for them to practice at the Lei family. They are all fine. I will take you to see them later. Unfortunately... I just couldn't find Lao Liu and a few younger siblings..." Li Dayi said and finally whispered, he Most of all, he knew how much Yang Yiyun valued his women.

Yang Yiyun also had a sad look in his eyes when he heard this. He forced a smile and said: "I believe they can all be found and they will be fine. But you can find so many people. Thank you for your hard work."

Li Dayi looked at Lei Xiaohu next to him, his eyes full of tenderness and said: "It's not my fault alone, it's all the result of Xiaohu and her father's strong support for me."

As soon as he finished speaking, a loud voice sounded outside: "Haha... Holy Lord Yang from Yunmen Wonderland came to my Hongye City, and Lei was not far away to welcome him..."

"It's my father..." Lei Xiaohu said.

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