My Master Is a God

Chapter 1569 The Immortal Sword departs and the Demonic Soul is born

After the formation formed by the nine ancient immortals was broken by Yang Yiyun's sword, the sealing chain was broken, and then the entire single peak began to collapse.

The eighteen old immortals retreated quickly for fear of being hit. Yang Yiyun asked Yuan Wuchang to take care of them. Although these old immortals have plotted against him so far, there has been no real conflict. These people also want to survive, and everyone is selfish. Cultivators are no exception, Yang Yiyun can understand.

However, these eighteen immortals are all old guys who have lived for at least ten thousand years. Although their cultivation level is not growing here, it is because there is a lack of spiritual energy from heaven and earth.

In terms of mental state, these immortals are all first-class beings. After being trapped here for tens of thousands of years, many people could not bear the suffering and perished, but these people survived until the end, which in itself shows that each of them They are all first-class people.

Yang Yiyun can almost see that if these old immortals are nourished by spiritual energy after they get out, there is no doubt that each of them will skyrocket in cultivation and become top powerhouses.

In Yang's opinion, nine of the eighteen people are casual cultivators, and nine are people from some sects in the world of cultivation. These people have been trapped here for tens of thousands of years. Whether their sects exist or not is a matter of course. The problem is, even if the sect exists, it is estimated that the sect has forgotten them because too much time has passed.

Mu Mantian and others have been trapped here for thousands of years, and the old man has been waiting for even longer.

Changes in the world of cultivation can take hundreds or even thousands of years, let alone tens of thousands of years, to change a lot of things, so in Yang Yiyun's view, these people are actually an isolated group.

And he asked Yuan Wuchang to take care of this because he wanted to drag these old guys into Yunmen Wonderland.

Yunmen Wonderland was established not long ago. With the Zihuangs, it was not a shortage of masters, but what it lacked were human masters.

These people are the best fit.

Yang's plan in mind is to gather these people. If they are too soft, they will be hardened. Anyway, they will be included.

The eighteen immortals will all be able to grow into powerful people in the Ascension Realm if they have a strong state of mind after they are released.

Where can Yang Yiyun find such a group of strong men?

In a flash of thought, Yang Yiyun set the tone for the eighteen old guys. At this moment, he was suspended high in the sky and his eyes were fixed on the single peak that collapsed amid the roar.

This single peak is the Demon-Suppressing Peak, and there are powerful demon souls from ancient times.

Now that the Nine Immortals Immortal Body Formation has been broken by him, the Suppressing Demon Peak has no power to suppress it and begins to collapse.

The next step was to see if the demon soul in the Demon Suppressing Peak had been refined. If not, he would prepare to kill the demon. He didn't want the demon to escape anyway.

Although Yang said he didn't care about the devil soul escaping or taking the blame, that was just a lie.

If a demon soul escaped today and caused trouble to the world of cultivation, he would actually be afraid.

After all, Yang Yiyun is a cultivator, not a demon, and he is still a young man full of justice in his heart.

So at this moment, staring at the collapse of Demon Suppression Peak, he was actually very competitive in his heart.

I kept praying, hoping that no big demon soul would appear, and those who wished would have been refined to death...


However, at this moment, an earth-shattering roar sounded.

Yang Yiyun's heart skipped a beat, and he quickly looked up, only to see that after the entire Demon Suppressing Peak completely collapsed, a thick demonic energy more than ten meters thick rose into the sky.

Then there was a series of booms and explosions.


Yang Yiyun heard exactly nine roars, no more and no less.

The next moment, bright golden light burst out from the strong demonic energy.

Suddenly, nine rays of golden light shot out like nine sharp arrows...

Nine rays of golden light exploded in all directions like nails shot out from the body of a master with profound internal skills.

However, Yang Yiyun's eyes twitched. After turning his Qiankun Eye, he could see clearly that the nine golden lights were nine extremely powerful magical weapons.

The first thing Yang Yiyun thought of was the immortal weapon, because there were nine ancient immortals.

The nine magic weapons are all flying swords, and they should all be at the level of immortal weapons.

Because the aura it emits is far from comparable to the magic weapons in the world of cultivation.

"It's a top-grade immortal weapon..."

At this time, Master Yun Tianxie's voice sounded in his mind.

Yang Yiyun secretly thought that he was indeed right.

In an instant, the nine immortal weapons flew towards the sky in all directions, but Yang Yiyun saw an extremely terrifying scene, as the nine immortal weapons directly broke through the sky and the earth...

At this moment, the heaven and earth in the center of the formation were torn and shattered like a broken mirror by the nine immortal weapons. However, in Yang Yiyun's eyes, what the nine immortal weapons broke was not just a layer of heaven and earth, but a layer of advancement. Go, it seems like hundreds or thousands of worlds have been opened at once.

At this moment, Yang Yiyun was filled with shock. He actually guessed that what the nine immortal weapons broke through were the Demon-Slaying Thousand Formations, one by one.

Because he saw layers of heaven and earth rapidly collapsing and dissipating...

Not long after, the sky suddenly lit up, and then the air between heaven and earth disappeared, and an extremely comfortable air came.

But Yang Yiyun knew that this was the spiritual energy of heaven and earth.

I couldn't help but ask Master Yun Tianxie in his heart: "Have all the old man's formations been broken...?"

Yun Tianxie said: "Yes, the heart of the formation is the core. The collapse of this single peak is equivalent to the shattering of the heart of the formation. In addition, these formations have existed for an unknown amount of time, and they have reached the point where the oil is exhausted and the nine immortal weapons are exhausted. The flying sword flew out and broke through all the formations at once. Now... the Thousand Demon-Slaying Formations in Wujian Valley have become history...

The layers of formations dissipated, and without the cover of thousands of formations, the entire Wujian Valley returned to the big world, and the spiritual energy of the world's heaven and earth poured in and gave it life...

The immortal bodies of the nine ancient immortals also disappeared from the world. The nine immortal swords that suppressed the demon souls in the Dufeng were no longer restrained. The ghosts of the immortal swords and the powerful backlash of the demon souls rushed out. Now the world of cultivation may also be because of these nine immortal weapons. And triggered a bloody storm.

But boy, this has nothing to do with you. Get ready for a big fight. Look at this strong demonic energy. The demon souls suppressed here have not been refined, and the demon souls are still powerful... Forget it, you guys probably can't deal with it. Just relax and let me, the master, come and meet this demonic soul for a while..."

Yang Yiyun was shocked when he heard the old man's solemn words, but he did not dare to neglect him. He quickly relaxed his mind and asked the old man to borrow some help.

Since the old man said that the devil's soul is powerful, it must not be the case.

The next moment, I felt the Qiankun Pot pattern on my left arm was hot, my consciousness was in a trance, and I felt like I had become a bystander.

Yang Yiyun knew that the old man's spirit had taken over his body.

At this moment, there was another roar, and an extremely huge mushroom cloud suddenly erupted in the land of the single peak. It exploded in an instant. Almost instantly, the demonic energy enveloped the world and covered the sky and the sun.

Then there was a voice that made people's bones go crazy, and he said with a weird smile: "This king finally came out... quack quack..."

The sound seemed to be resounding throughout the world, but Yang Yiyun saw that a group of dozens of feet in size and extremely dark demonic energy appeared in the land of Dufeng. When the entire sound was silenced, there was something in this group of demonic energy. But a pair of bloody eyes the size of millstones were revealed.

Yang Yiyun's heart was beating wildly. He had never seen such a demonic mentality before.

In other words, the demon soul actually appears like this...

A touching and cold atmosphere surrounded him.

However, an extremely uncomfortable voice sounded in my ears again: "You ants, become my demon slaves and dedicate yourself to the birth of this king, quack quack..."

As the voice fell silent, Yang Yiyun heard painful screams one after another.

Only to find that it was Mu Mantian and others who had fled more than a hundred meters away...

At the same time, Yang Yiyun noticed waves of demonic aura coming towards him, including an overwhelming and invincible aura.


At this time, Master Yun Tianxie snorted coldly, and shot out a spell in his hand. A drop of blood came out from his fingertips and immediately turned into golden runes with his hand, blocking the powerful evil spirit outside the body without any impact. Influence.

"Hey...there are actually little ants..."

The pair of big millstone eyes in Ju Da Mo Sha flickered, but they focused on Yang Yiyun, and then said in surprise: "It's actually a perfect body. It's interesting. This king's demon soul just needs a good body. You You're not bad, boy. Come here and sacrifice your body for me, quack..."

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