My Master Is a God

Chapter 1570 Ten Directions Locking the Sky

When Yang Yiyun listened to the demon soul talking, he actually thought about his own body, and even said that he was a perfect body.

At this point, Yang Yiyun understood that he should be talking about his perfect cultivation foundation, not just his physical body. He was the first person since his cultivation to see his true identity at once.

Or a demon.

How could he not be frightened?

But then Yang Yiyun calmed down again because he felt a surge of anger.

Only then did he realize that it was his master Yun Tianxie who was controlling his body at this moment.

Even being angry now is useless, because the old man is in charge now.

Moreover, he could already feel the old man's anger at this time.

No matter what kind of existence the opponent is, he is essentially just a demon soul, and his old man is not a vegetarian either. He is also in the state of a divine soul. The former has been suppressed by the ancient immortal, but the latter is nourished by the mysterious Qiankun Pot. Which one is stronger and which one is weaker? It's clear at a glance.

The point is that Yang Yiyun knows that the old man still has endless ways of suppressing boxes.

Every time he takes a shot it's different.

Others dare not say it, but it seems that the old man has never failed when faced with creatures in the same state of soul.

Although the old man complained that he was extremely weak and needed to cultivate himself after he took action, he never let him down when he appeared here.

The demon soul that Dufeng suppressed today was said to be an ancient demon soul. It sounded and looked like it was boundlessly powerful, but Yang Yiyun still believed that his master Yun Tianxie could find a way to suppress him.

After thinking of this, Yang Yiyun calmed down. Anyway, his senses could see everything. At this moment, the other old men were wondering how to deal with the demon soul.

For him, every time the old man makes a move, it will be an eye-opening opportunity. Whether it is combat skills or magical powers, he can learn a lot and benefit a lot.

I heard the old man say in a cold voice: "It's just the soul of a demon king who is still lingering. It's good to be alive after being suppressed for countless years. After I came out, I didn't want to escape. Instead, I talked so loudly that I got tired of living in front of him..."

Facing the huge blood-red eyes as big as millstones in the sky, Yang Yiyun or Yun Tianxie was suspended in the air at this moment, holding the dragon-slaying sword in his hand without any fear, and spoke in a cold voice, showing extremely contempt for the devil.

"Insolent, ignorant and despicable ant, I am..." Suddenly the Demon King roared angrily.

However, before the devil who claimed to be the devil could finish his words, in Yang Yiyun's heartbeat, he was rudely interrupted by the old man: "Looking for death... How dare you claim to be king in front of me and despise me... Haha, I will send you on your way now. Bar."

"Quack quack... humble ant, I am scared by you... quack quack... send me on my way? Hahaha..." The devil laughed crazily as if he had heard a joke, and then said in a teasing tone: "You guys Even the nine ancient immortals of the human race cannot destroy this king’s demonic soul even if they risk their lives. How can you, a humble human ant, send this king on his way?”

"That's because you haven't met me. Today I will let you try the real method of transforming demons." As Yun Tianxie finished speaking, he moved...

The body flashed and went directly towards the huge blood-red eyes of the demon soul hidden in the strong demonic energy.


Yang Yiyun only felt himself. To be precise, the moment the old man flew up, he raised the dragon-slaying sword with both hands and struck the demon's huge eyes.

As soon as the word "Open" fell, a dazzling golden sword energy erupted from the dragon-slaying sword. From a distance of hundreds of meters, the sword energy suddenly surged out and turned into a thin strip of golden light. It reached a hundred meters in an instant and flew into the sky like lightning. In the devilish aura that blocks out the sun.

An impartial sword struck down from the center of Mopan's huge blood-red eyes.


Suddenly a scream resounded throughout the world.

But it was the fear coming from the Demon King.

Maybe the Demon King didn't even expect that a being that was as humble as an ant in his eyes could actually send out such a powerful and fast sword.

"You are not a cultivator...who are you?"

Then the Demon King's fearful voice sounded.

"The soul of a little demon king is not worthy of knowing my name. The nine ancient immortals cannot destroy your demon soul, but I can. Killing you is like killing a dog. Death..."

Yang Yiyun felt so happy when he heard the old man's domineering words.

Although he didn't know what level of devil the devil was, he could guess from his words that the devil's status in the devil world was not low.

However, as a demon soul, this devil finally came out. After he came out, he kept a low profile, which is probably okay. However, he showed off his arrogance in front of the old man. This was a mistake.

The power of the old man's sword was enough to break his courage, and he realized that he was no ordinary ant. He asked in horror, "Who are you?"

However, the old man is more powerful. It sounds like this ancient demon soul is not a piece of cake in the eyes of the old man, and he doesn't even bother to answer him directly.

However, in Yang Yiyun's eyes, he saw that when the old man came out with his sword, the huge demons scattered in the demon king's frightened screams, and a pair of huge blood-red eyes dimmed and disappeared.

Immediately afterwards, the rolling evil spirits that covered the sky and the sun quickly gathered in...

It turned into a small ball in the blink of an eye.

Then, when the old man made a sound and retreated, the evil spirits that filled the entire center of the formation disappeared, revealing a bright world.

However, all the demonic energy did not really disappear. Instead, it gathered together and turned into a three-meter-tall person.

Wearing armor and holding a giant sword.

Show people again.

Yang Yiyun secretly said: "This should be the true face of the devil."

Although he couldn't see his face clearly, he was just a human figure surrounded by demons, but Yang Yiyun still felt pressured.

Then the devil's two-tone voice spoke: "No matter who you are, you have angered me. I want to extract your soul and make your life worse than death..."

The demon's threatening voice sounded. At this time, Yang Yiyun felt that the old man who was about to continue stopped instead of teasing, and said with interest: "Come and try, I want to see the methods of the ancient demon."

After he finished speaking, he stood motionless, acting as if he was coming over to show his strength.


In the meantime, the Demon King raised his sword and roared: "Wrath of the Demon King, kill..."

With one strike of the knife, the evil spirits rolled into the sky...

The sword fell down like lightning, and it was in front of you in an instant.

But what happened next moment made Yang Yiyun stunned.

However, after the Demon King issued a seemingly powerful sword, he actually... turned around and turned into a black light and quickly rushed away into the distance.

But...but he escaped...

However, the Demon King's powerful blow turned into nothingness after the old man's sword strike, which also shows the cunningness of this Demon King. After he encountered the old man today, he suffered a loss and knew that he was outmatched. Xu Huang shot and ran for his life without hesitation.

No concern for face at all.

This made Yang Yiyun realize a lot.

It turns out that the rumors of the demons being cunning and shameless are true, and it is also true that the demons judge the situation best.

However, Yang Yiyun actually agrees with this shamelessness, because life is more important than face. Only by holding on to life can we fight for face.

This devil is a bachelor.

Seeing the devil fleeing towards the sky at this moment, Yang Yiyun couldn't help but said: "The old man, the devil has escaped..."

The next moment, I heard the old man say: "Master knows, don't worry, you can't escape..."

Hearing the old man's words, Yang Yiyun immediately felt relieved, but he also knew that his worries were in vain. Who was the old man? How could he not see through the devil and try to escape?

The old man's tone was extremely calm and full of confidence, and he knew he had the means.

Sure enough, after the words were spoken, the old man poured out: "Lock the sky in all directions, trap the dragon, destroy the demon, kill."

The mantra-like words came out, but I saw the old man slashing at the void with five swords in a row, one sword with two sword lights, attacking with ten sword lights, rising into the sky, and the whole world had the illusion of being filled with sword energy.

Immediately afterwards, the ten sword lights merged into one, and seemed to have the shadow of a dragon, flickering and disappearing.


A dragon roar sounded outside the sky, accompanied by a two-tone scream.

As far as Yang Yiyun could see, he saw a dark figure escaping far away, or the devil suddenly exploded.

This time, I could clearly feel that the devil was gone.

He was destroyed by the old man's last sword, "Shifang Locking Heaven".

Finally destroyed...

Yang Yiyun was overjoyed when he came to his senses, but the old man's weak voice also sounded in his ears: "You brat won't provoke the demons any more for a short time. I can't stand it as a teacher..."

After finishing the words, his voice weakened, but Yang Yiyun was shocked and regained control of his body.

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