My Master Is a God

Chapter 1609 Asking for the way back

If there is anyone in the poison cultivation world who is not afraid of poison and takes poison as the way, Yang Yiyun thinks that it is only Lu Yanzhi, because she is born with an innate poisonous body and a poisonous body.

There are seventy-two kinds of poison in Yuan Xiaolei's body. Only Lu Yanzhi, who is not afraid of any poison, can suppress it. The method of suppressing it is also simple and crude. She directly suppresses it with her poison of disaster, fights poison with poison, and replaces it with the seventy-two poisons of ordinary people. The backlash would be fatal, but for Lu Yanzhi, there was no need to consider this at all.

The next thing was much easier to handle with the help of Lu Yanzhi. Emperor Xuanyuan and the ten elders of the Xuanyuan Dynasty worked together to use medical skills to detoxify Yuan Xiaolei.

In addition, Yang Yiyun assisted a total of thirteen people and it took a day to complete the detoxification.

After finishing the work, Emperor Xuanyuan looked at Lu Yanzhi who was refining the poison after swallowing it from Yuan Xiaolei's body, and said sincerely: "There are many talents in Yunmen Wonderland. Today has really taught me a lot."

Yang Yiyun let out a breath of turbid air. He saw Yuan Xiaolei's pale face and complexion regaining color. He was relieved. Knowing that he would wake up soon, he stood up and thanked Emperor Xuanyuan and the ten elders: "Thanks to His Majesty Xuanyuan and all the elders. Thank you!"

Emperor Xuanyuan shook his head and said: "Holy Master Yang is too polite. To be honest, our Xuanyuan Dynasty has taken advantage of us, and our effort is insignificant. Without Miss Rouge, our detoxification would not have been so smooth."

While talking, Yang Yiyun asked his subordinates to serve tea, and the group took their seats. However, he was not polite to Emperor Xuanyuan and directly told the situation of Diao'er and Yang Shanshan.

He was also a little helpless about the situation of Diao'er and his sister Yang Shanshan. The main purpose of coming out this time was to find a solution, and Xuanyuan Dynasty was the first stop. As an established holy place and a professional medical holy place, what Yang Yiyun wanted to know A little more after all.

In fact, there were many things he needed to communicate with Emperor Xuanyuan, such as things about the earth, the way back...

Emperor Xuanyuan pondered for a while and said: "You really asked the right person about the repair of Dantian. Repairing Dantian requires not medical skills, but only a kind of heavenly material and earthly treasure to repair it..."

Yang Yiyun's eyes lit up and he quickly asked: "What kind of natural and earthly treasure is it?"

For Yang Yiyun, as long as there is one, he will do everything possible to find it.

The fear is that there is none.

"One hundred thousand year stalactite..." Emperor Xuanyuan blurted out.

Yang Yiyun took a breath of cold air, and stalactite naturally knew it, but for a hundred thousand years, how could it be easy?

If it takes thousands of years, he might still be able to find a way, but where can he find the hundred-thousand-year-old stalactite?

Seeing Yang Yiyun frowning, Emperor Xuanyuan laughed and said: "Holy Lord Yang, don't worry. Although the Hundred Thousand Years of Stalactite is precious, I still have a bottle in my hand. It should be enough for my sister's Dantian to be repaired."

While speaking, a small porcelain bottle appeared in Emperor Xuanyuan's hand and handed it to Yang Yiyun. For Emperor Xuanyuan, getting Yang Yiyun's Medical Code of Gods and Demons was a huge favor. I really don't know how to repay Yang Yiyun. Now Taking out a bottle of 100,000-year-old stalactite is just the right way to return Yang Yiyun's favor.

As for the previous Emperor's Internal Classic, he thought it was not enough to make up for such a huge relationship.

The Medical Code of Gods and Demons was of great significance to the Xuanyuan Dynasty. Even if he lost his fortune, he still wanted to obtain the Medical Code of Gods and Demons. What's more, Yang Yiyun didn't make any excessive demands, and as the Xuanyuan Emperor, he couldn't be stingy.

But having said that, he had the last bottle of the hundred thousand year stalactite in his hand, and he had obtained it at a huge price many years ago.

But compared to today when Yang Yiyun presented the Divine and Demonic Medical Code, Emperor Xuanyuan knew that a bottle of 100,000-year-old stalactite was nothing, and it was for Yang Yiyun's sister. This would make Yang Yiyun remember this in his heart. Emperor Xuanyuan knew this. Stronger than anything else.

So he didn't hesitate to take out the 100,000-year-old stalactite.

Yang Yiyun didn't expect that Emperor Xuanyuan would solve his headache problem with one hand, and he was a little confused. But thinking about it, some things are complicated to think about, but in fact, the real solution may be a casual matter, or for him. Complex, but nothing to others.

He observed that when Emperor Xuanyuan took out the 100,000-year-old stalactite, the eyes of the ten elders felt a little painful, and he knew that this thing was not just a simple treasure of heaven and earth, as long as it was old.

It's not always customary to ask for things, but it was related to whether his sister Yang Shanshan's Dantian could recover. He couldn't refuse. He clasped his fists at Emperor Xuanyuan and said, "Thank you, Your Majesty Xuanyuan. I want this stalactite, but I can't ask for such an important thing in vain." My treasure, some of the elixirs in my Yunmen are quite good, I will ask him to send them to the Xuanyuan Dynasty later..."

Xuanyuan Huangdi's face darkened: "Holy Lord Yang, are you looking down on me, Xuanyuan? You can send the Divine and Demon Medical Codex to me, Xuanyuan Dynasty, without blinking an eye. Now, if I still exchange a bottle of stalactite with you, I will return it if it spreads." How to be a human being? Don’t mention this again."

Yang Yiyun saw Emperor Xuanyuan acting like this, but he knew it was hard to say anything. He could only thank his subordinates for the hundred thousand years of stalactite.

In this way, his good impression of Emperor Xuanyuan greatly increased, and the following conversation was also very enjoyable.

After talking about the issue of Diaoer's demon elixir, Emperor Xuanyuan shook his head and said: "I really don't know much about the cultivation situation of the demon clan, especially the issue of demon elixirs for heaven and earth spirit beasts, which has never been involved..."

Emperor Xuanyuan paused for a moment after saying this, then looked at Yang Yiyun and said: "Maybe the Little Demon Realm can find a way. You can go to the Little Demon Realm and his party to find a solution. After all, the Little Demon Realm is a half-demon descended from the divine beasts and birds. There are some strange beasts from heaven and earth, etc., and the mythical beast bloodline family may have a way to solve the problem of your Diaoer's demon elixir."

After all, Emperor Xuanyuan gave a suggestion.

For Yang Yiyun, this information was very reliable. He also suddenly realized that the family of divine beasts in the Little Demon Realm were half-human and half-demon beings and should have the most say over the monsters.

He will definitely try this suggestion given by Emperor Xuanyuan.

Then he asked: "I don't know where the Little Demon Realm is? How can I get there?"

"The Little Demon Realm is actually a small world outside the Cultivator Realm. It occupies a planet called the Little Demon Realm. I need a new astrolabe to resign. If you have an astrolabe, I can copy a starry sky map and give it to you. You can find it when the time comes. Emperor Xuanyuan spoke.

"Yes, yes." There was an astrolabe in Yang Yiyun's Qiankun Pot space that Lou Haitang had given him as a gift. He had never used it, so he quickly took it out.

"What a good thing, the ninth-grade astrolabe. The higher the grade, the larger the starry sky map that can be accommodated, and the more comprehensive the map. Your astrolabe looks very old, it is a ninth-grade astrolabe..."

Emperor Xuanyuan sighed and took Yang Yiyun's astrolabe in his hand. With a wave of his hand, a light silver astrolabe appeared in his hand. It looked like a compass, with complex patterns engraved on it. The beams of light in his hand intersected the two astrolabes. In the meantime...he copied his starry sky map into Yang Yiyun's astrolabe.

Yang Yiyun also just observed that there are nine stars on his astrolabe, and the seven stars in relief on Emperor Xuanyuan's astrolabe presumably represent the grade of the astrolabe.

At this moment, Yang Yiyun just thought of asking about the earth.

He opened his mouth and asked: "His Majesty Xuanyuan, have you ever heard of Earth?"

"Earth? Never heard of it? I don't know where it is?" Emperor Xuanyuan asked.

"This is my hometown. To be honest, I come from a small world called Earth, which is a blue planet. In my hometown, there are also legends about your Xuanyuan family ancestors, and there was a Fengyun Divine Dog hundreds of years ago. It is said to be from your Xuanyuan family. I once saw the Fengyun Divine Dog who called himself Fengyun Yelang in my hometown.

Your Majesty also knows that it is relatively easy to come to the world of cultivators from the small world, but it is extremely difficult to go back. You need to leap from the vast sea of ​​​​stars and search for one small world after another, or planet by planet. I want to go back to my hometown in the future, so why should I ask His Majesty Xuanyuan to clarify my doubts? "

After Yang Yiyun finished speaking, he looked at Emperor Xuanyuan nervously, fearing that he would not know what he said again.

However, after he finished speaking, Emperor Xuanyuan reacted and said: "I understand, you are talking about the ancestral star, also called the origin world."

"Yes, yes, it is the Origin World, but my hometown is called the Earth." Yang Yiyun nodded repeatedly. The old man also said the name Origin World, but he said it was the place where gods and demons originated.

Emperor Xuanyuan really knew.

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