My Master Is a God

Chapter 1610 The auras of the little phoenix and the sky demons disappear

"The origin world is just a legend passed down from generation to generation. According to legend, it is the place where gods and demons originate. When I sent Fengyun Yelang there, it was actually to find the medical code of gods and demons. Now it seems that the direction is indeed right. It’s just that the idiot Yelang was not found.

An ancestor of my Xuanyuan family did go to the ancestral world and left some inheritance there. However, the ancestral land lacked the spiritual energy of heaven and earth and was not a place for long-term cultivation.

Later, the ancestors returned to the world of cultivation, leaving behind the starry sky coordinates of the ancestral world. Later, I sent Fengyun Yelang there. In fact, I only heard about the ancestral world and had never been there. I didn’t expect you to be from the ancestral world. No wonder the genius is so talented..."

Emperor Xuanyuan sighed extremely.

Then he said: "So you and I are really related. Our ancestors once made notes. It said that although the ancestor world lacks the spirit of heaven and earth, its people are like dragons and phoenixes, and they are the first of the spiritual leaders in all worlds. When I read that the ancestors When I was taking notes, I thought it was a bit exaggerated, but now it seems that my ancestors did not deceive me!"

Yang Yiyun knew that Emperor Xuanyuan was praising him, so he smiled and said it was too much, and Yang did not forget when he should be humble.

Then he asked: "Is the ancestral realm in the astrolabe?"

"Well, if you look at it with your spiritual consciousness, there is a blue planet that is your ancestral world, but it is too far away from the world of cultivation. It will take hundreds of years to reach it across the void.

This is the reason why few people go there. When you come, there is a boundary pool, but when you go there, there are only two ways to break the boundary wall and cross the starry sky. The former is difficult to do without the immortal skills, so you can only choose the latter. Although It takes time, but as long as you have the coordinates, you can cross the starry sky. Of course, there is huge pressure in the starry sky, and it is impossible without Mahayana cultivation.

Even if you have Mahayana cultivation, traveling across the starry sky consumes a lot of mana and soul. If you really want to go back, I suggest you practice to the ascension realm before going back. By then you will be able to withstand the huge pressure in the starry sky.

Another thing to remember is that the astrolabe must be protected. No astrolabe will get lost in the starry sky. Once it deviates from the coordinates, you will either get lost or run into big trouble.

In the vast sea of ​​​​stars, there are not many planets or small worlds that monks can detect, and there are countless unknown small worlds full of threats..."

Emperor Xuanyuan gave Yang Yiyun a detailed explanation of the use of astrolabes and some knowledge in the starry sky.

For Yang Yiyun, what Emperor Xuanyuan told him was something he couldn't learn from other places. He listened carefully and asked questions, and Emperor Xuanyuan also patiently told them. The two of them asked and answered, and it took ten days. The past is the end.

At this time, the ten elders of the Xuanyuan Dynasty also took turns to watch the Medical Code of Gods and Demons. At first, the ten elders thought that Emperor Xuanyuan gave all the Yellow Emperor's Inner Canon of the Xuanyuan Dynasty to Yang Yiyun, which was enough to make up for Yang Yiyun's Medical Code of Gods and Demons. Later, Emperor Xuanyuan added The ten elders felt that they were at a loss after giving the 100,000-year-old stalactite to Yang Yiyun.

But when the ten of them took turns to read the Divine and Demonic Medical Code, they felt that it was not a loss at all, and could even be said to have taken advantage of Yang Yiyun. In the eyes of these veteran medical practitioners, the Divine and Demonic Medical Code was an unparalleled temple.

Everyone was a little embarrassed when they looked at Yang Yiyun again, but Yang Yiyun guessed some of their thoughts and said in a joking tone that in the future, Yunmen Wonderland would send disciples to Xuanyuan Dynasty to study medicine. He also hoped that the ten elders would give more advice. .

The ten elders all promised that they would never hide it secretly.

The matter has come to an end here.

Emperor Xuanyuan took his leave with the ten elders and was greeted by Yang Yiyun as a respectful farewell.

But before leaving, Xuanyuan Lingxi stayed, and Emperor Xuanyuan happily agreed, and told his daughter: "This is the territory of Xuanyuan Star Territory, so it's good to stay with Holy Master Yang to help. of."

The father and daughter had some private words outside the cave. Yang Yiyun did not follow him, but what was strange was that Xuanyuan Lingxi blushed several times, and Emperor Xuanyuan looked at him and laughed.

This made Yang so and so confused.

After Emperor Xuanyuan left with the ten elders, Xuanyuan Lingxi came over. Seeing that her face was still flushed, Yang Yiyun couldn't help but ask: "What did your father say to you? Didn't he want you to marry him?" Shall I repay the kindness of the Gods and Demons Medical Code? Haha..."

It was originally a joke, but Xuanyuan Lingxi's face turned red to the bottom of her ears and she softly uttered: "I hate it..."

Then he stomped into the cave.

Now it was Yang's turn to be dumbfounded...

It was originally a joke, but judging from the situation, it seems that... I was right...

After being stunned, Yang grinned and walked into the cave muttering to himself: "It seems good to have a marriage. Xuanyuan Lingxi is a princess after all. Hehe, well, the important thing is the long legs..."

In the cave, Yuan Xiaolei has not yet awakened, and Lu Rouge is still refining the poison extracted from Yuan Xiaolei's body.

Hu Xianer was suffering beside Yuan Xiaolei. Yang Yiyun calculated the time and Little Phoenix had been out for half a month, but there was no news. He decided not to wait and went out to look for Little Phoenix. He was worried.

He was afraid that Little Phoenix would suffer if he really encountered the King of Ten Thousand Poisons.

He said to the Rat King: "The Rat King protector, after Xiao Lei wakes up, take Xiao Lei and Xian'er back to Yunmen Wonderland, tell Rouge to let her go back too, I'm going to track down the Ten Thousand Poison King, Little Phoenix, I'm not worried .”

The Rat King stepped forward: "I obey."

"You want to leave...?" At this time, Xuanyuan Lingxi couldn't help but ask.

Yang Yiyun nodded, feeling somewhat enlightened. He looked at Xuanyuan Lingxi and said, "If Miss Xuanyuan doesn't mind, please come together to my Yunmen Wonderland as a guest. It just so happens that you, a great medical practitioner, can help me look after Xiaolei." The main point is to help me take a look at my sister Yang Shanshan’s injury. Can you take this bottle of 100,000-year-old stalactite with you and take care of her after you go to Yunmen to help her recover her Dantian?”

Can Xuanyuan Lingxi not want to?

Anyway, after listening to Yang Yiyun's words, he said to himself: "I am a doctor. I can take care of his friends and help his sister recover her Dantian. Well... I went to Yunmen Wonderland to see a doctor and heal..."

"Okay, then be careful." There was no expression on his face. He agreed with just one mouthful, but his heart blossomed.

"Well, be careful on the road..."

Yang Yiyun explained and left directly with ten heavenly demons. The remaining big demons followed the Rat King to escort Yuan Xiaolei, Hu Xianer and the others to Yunmen Wonderland.

Feeling a connection with the little phoenix, Yang Yiyun went all the way to pursue the little phoenix's aura...

His focus this time was to train the little phoenix, so half a month had passed, but he was not too anxious, thinking that the little phoenix was accompanied by thirty demons and thousands of Mahayana-level demon soldiers and generals.

In addition, the little phoenix itself is also a divine bird phoenix. Over the years since he came to the world of cultivators, he has been arranged to practice in the Star Sect, and later he was sent to the Yunmen Wonderland...

He has been practicing for hundreds of years, and there is always progress. Although he doesn't know what the strength of the little phoenix is ​​now, Yang Yiyun thinks that he is a divine bird phoenix, and he can always save his life when in danger.

Besides, in the past half month, there has been no news from the little phoenix and the sky demons, which means that everything is fine at the moment. Otherwise, even if there is trouble, the little phoenix will not have time to send him a message. Thirty sky demons and thousands of demon soldiers and demon generals will all It's possible, but it's impossible to annihilate the entire army.

This is impossible. The power of a divine bird phoenix, thirty Ascension level demons, and thousands of Mahayana level demon cultivators is comparable to more than half of the power of a holy land, and there are Who can wipe out all their troops in one fell swoop without even being summoned?

So Yang Yiyun was not worried at all.

Follow the scent of the little phoenix all the way...

Going deeper and deeper along the mountains, after searching for seven days, Yang Yiyun felt something was wrong.

In seven days, he led ten heavenly demons to travel at least 30,000 miles, and had entered the depths of the mountain range where few human traces existed. However, on the seventh day, the aura of the little phoenix, including the auras of the heavenly demons, became more and more intense. Downplayed.

It was almost impossible to trace, and the aura of the little phoenix was getting weaker and weaker.

It disappeared directly after the eighth day.

Yang Yiyun appeared in front of a cliff mountain with ten heavenly demons.

He could no longer feel the breath of the little phoenix and the sky demons at all. At this time, Yang Yiyun knew that something must have happened.

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