My Master Is a God

Chapter 1611 Just pretend to be stunned

"Spread out and expand the area to look for thirty demons and thousands of demon soldiers and generals. I don't believe that even if they can't leave even a breath behind, how can they still penetrate the sky?"

Yang Yiyun gave orders to ten heavenly demons.


Then the ten heavenly demons immediately dispersed and started looking for...

Half an hour later, everyone returned again.


It's like disappearing into thin air.

Anyway, the breath disappears here.

It's really strange. The entire mountain peak is surrounded by cliffs. Although the area is large, it is also limited. After searching around it, it really seems like it has disappeared out of thin air.

No matter it is the little phoenix or the big monsters, there is no aura at all.

"Looking for it, searching carefully from the underground mountain wall. I don't believe they can really penetrate the sky and the earth...?"

Yang Yiyun ordered Zhong Ye to let go of his spiritual consciousness and search a little bit. He placed his spiritual consciousness on the mountain peaks in front of him, and even his spiritual consciousness penetrated through the mountain peaks and went straight into the depths of his body...

After half an hour, ten big demons came back, but still had no harvest.

Yang Yiyun didn't find any cave enchantment or anything like that in the mountain.

But he was pretty sure that this was where Little Phoenix and the others disappeared. There was no way they could not be found. Even if they were corpses, there had to be some, right?

However, it was like disappearing from the world, with no clue at all.

But Yang Yiyun decided that something must have gone wrong here.

Standing there, Yang Yiyun meditated, looking at the mountain peaks in the clouds in front of him, his heart moved and he jumped up, heading directly towards the top of the mountain.

The next moment, Yang Yiyun appeared on the top of the mountain, followed by ten big demons.

"Holy Lord, the place on the top of the mountain is not big. My subordinates have checked it before and found nothing unusual..." said a big demon.

Yang Yiyun immediately slapped the big demon, laughed and scolded: "Can you feel the top of your head...?"

"Ah..." The big demon was stunned, and immediately felt the top of his head, but he was stunned and said: "There is a barrier three feet above the head..."

"It's really amazing..." Yang Yiyun grinned, and then he held the dragon-slaying sword in his hand and said to the ten big demons: "Get ready, I will break this barrier and rush in immediately. Little Phoenix and the others must have been killed by someone. Everyone who has been introduced to this barrier must cheer up and don’t let the boat overturn.”

"Yes..." ten great demons answered in unison.


Yang Yiyun jumped up and struck a sword above his head.

The sword energy came out with great rays of light and went straight to the place three feet above the head.


Immediately afterwards, the three-foot sword energy forcefully broke through the barrier, and a three-meter portal appeared.


Yang Yiyun roared, and ten big demons turned into streams of light and rushed into the broken door.

Then Yang Yiyun also stepped into it and disappeared.

After much thought, he finally thought of the sky.

There is no trace of Little Phoenix or the others in the surrounding areas or in the mountains. The only place that has not been checked is the horizon.

When the spiritual consciousness rose up, sure enough, spiritual energy fluctuations were found in the sky above the mountain. Just looking at it with the naked eye, you couldn't see anything at all. There was only blue sky and white clouds. Only the spiritual consciousness discovered that it was on the top of the mountain. There is a barrier.

Only then did Yang Yiyun confirm that Little Phoenix and the other big demons were indeed in the sky.

The barrier above the sky is very secretive and the layout is very subtle. However, after Yang Yiyun stood on the top of the mountain and looked at the mountain topography, he still found some clues.

Any barrier needs to be completed by borrowing the power of the heaven, earth, mountains and rivers, but after standing on the top of the mountain, he discovered that the surrounding peaks actually formed a seven-star mountain and river trend. This was a huge natural formation basis for arranging the formation. A barrier is the most suitable.

The subtlety of this place is that the barrier is hidden in the sky. With the help of the Seven Stars Mountain, the portal of the barrier is hidden in the sky, so that few people can find it.

I have to say that the mountains and terrain here and the owner of it are a man with brilliant ideas.

It is also a masterpiece.

Borrowing the power of seven mountains to complete the layout of the barrier is really not an ordinary person's method, and it consumes a lot of energy.

The next moment when Yang Yiyun entered the barrier that was forcibly broken, the cry of killing was immediately heard in his ears.

He looked around and found a valley full of singing birds and fragrant flowers.

This is the real hiding place, and the barrier outside is the entrance.

When he raised his head, he was horrified. He heard the shouts of killing, but found that ten of his demon subordinates were actually fighting each other...

Except for the ten big demons, I didn't see any enemies.


Yang Yiyun roared angrily.

However, this sound not only did not stop the big demon from listening, but instead caused two of the big demons to come to him with murderous intent.

Yang Yiyun's heart tightened. He saw that the big demons' eyes were distracted. At this time, he realized that he should have found them.

"Ho ho ho..."

The two big demons roared and attacked him, as if they had deep hatred.

Yang Yiyun avoided the attacks of the two big demons under his command, while calling them and roaring with the power of his soul, but it had no effect at all. From the big demon's eyes, Yang Yiyun saw traces of bright red light flowing.

And he himself felt a kind of air flow entering his body, which was soundless and didn't look like spiritual power...

I also smelled the strange floral fragrance in my nose.

At this moment, he was shocked and had already guessed what it was.

poison! ! !

After being with Lu Yanzhi, Yang Yiyun also learned about the poison path. He heard Lu Yanzhi say that the more powerful the poison, the more invisible and formless it is, and some are even full of strange fragrance.

It can cause people to have all kinds of hallucinations, and it can hallucinate the soul...

Hard to guard against!

If you exercise power at this time, it will only accelerate the rapid spread of toxins in the body.

While avoiding the pursuit of two big demons who had lost their minds, he quickly activated his power to dissolve the strange air currents in his body. What shocked him was that it was okay if his Qiankun Creation Technique was not working. But if he continued to activate his power, the air flow in his body would actually increase. The toxin accelerated its fusion and was now directly integrated into the true essence.

At this moment, Yang Yiyun felt a force going straight into the sea of ​​consciousness, thinking about the soul.

He was shocked and shouted in his heart: "Black Lotus..."

He has ways to deal with physical poisoning, but once the soul is invaded by poison, he has no way to do it. Fortunately, there is a black lotus in the sea of ​​consciousness. At this time, he can only count on the black lotus to protect the soul.

The next moment, the black lotus' light rose up, emitting a dark light that directly swallowed the toxins coming towards the soul.

Yang Yiyun finally breathed a sigh of relief.

But at this moment, his physical body was also in trouble, with toxins spreading in all directions within his body.

There were waves of weakness in my body...

The nerves became numb.

Yang Yiyun quickly activated the two fate stars, the lunar and sun stars, and the Youdu Gate and the East Emperor Bell appeared in the Dantian of his body...

The next moment, Yang Yiyun finally exhaled a breath of turbid air, and the poisonous air in his body was absorbed by the two life stars.

But very slowly.

Even so, Yang Yiyun also knew that he no longer had to worry about losing his mind and becoming like the big monsters.

Just then, there was a sound of bumping in my ears.

In the blink of an eye, the two big monsters chasing him suddenly fell to the ground as if they fainted, and then the other eight big monsters also stopped fighting and collapsed on the ground one by one.

Yang Yiyun was stunned and extremely shocked.

He didn't know what kind of poison this was, but it was so powerful that it could poison the great demons at the level of demons under him?

At this moment, his heart stirred when he heard the sound of footsteps not far away. He scratched his eyes and simply fell to the ground to pretend to be dizzy.

He really wanted to see this person from a certain age.

It was obvious that they had been tricked. There was no doubt that the little Phoenix, the thirty demons, and the thousands of demon soldiers and generals were also like this.

Although they were injured, they were not dead. They were just fainting and limp.

If you think about the people in the dark, you don't want to kill them all at once.

Is this person from a certain empress the King of Poisons who poisoned Yuan Xiaolei?

After Yang Yiyun pretended to be fainted, he thought to himself that the poisonous gas that had entered his body was still being resolved.

Only then did he realize that this strange fragrance was everywhere in the world, and it should be poison.

Flowers and plants are everywhere, no wonder everyone is affected.

"Hahaha... Here comes another celestial demon. God is really helping me!"

"Hehe, congratulations Master, this time with the presence of these heavenly demons, your old poison skills will be greatly improved again, and your ascension to immortality will be just around the corner..."

At this moment, Yang Yiyun heard the conversation between two people.

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