My Master Is a God

Chapter 1612 The big and small poison kings have their own agendas

Yang Yiyun didn't dare to look with his spiritual consciousness. He narrowed his eyes slightly and saw two men, one old and one young.

A handsome man in white robes and brocade clothes, fanning with a folding fan in his hand, looks like a young master from aristocratic family.

The other was an old man in his sixties, short, fat and slender. He was the King of Ten Thousand Poisons that Hu Xianer had told about.

Yang Yiyun had seen the image stone and remembered it clearly. The key was that it was short and fat, and it made him stand out at a glance.

But according to Emperor Xuanyuan's previous speculation, this short, fat man could not be the King of All Poisons at all. On the contrary, Emperor Xuanyuan once said that the real King of All Poisons was personable, had a mysophobia in appearance, and paid great attention to his dress. But it was that young man. Young Master fits the characteristics of the King of Ten Thousand Poisons described by Emperor Xuanyuan.

Now it seems that regardless of whether Chunky Tie is the King of Ten Thousand Poisons or not, there must be a relationship between the two.

The point is that Yang Yiyun heard the short and fat Wandu King call the young master his master. This is a bit interesting. These two people are masters and apprentices, and they are similar to the Wandu King described by Emperor Xuanyuan. Now Yang Yiyun seems to be short and fat. Although he may not be the King of Ten Thousand Poisons, he is most likely his disciple, and the real King of Ten Thousand Poisons is the young master.

Only poison masters like the King of Ten Thousand Poisons can use poison to poison him and the big demons at the level of the sky demon.

You must know that the great demons under him are all at the Ascension level. They can use poison to knock down the masters at the Ascension level. In the world of cultivation, they can only break through the Holy Land of Daozhong and kill Daozhong as Emperor Xuanyuan said. A master of numbers and he escaped unscathed...

He also broke into the Little Demon Realm and escaped the Ten Thousand Poison King who was chasing him.

Sure enough, the next moment I heard the young man say: "Well, you did a good job this time, attracting so many heavenly demons to my teacher. The key is the little divine bird, the little phoenix, which is a rarity in the world. With the phoenix as my teacher, not only can you Once you have mastered the Poison God Technique, you will be able to refine the "Nine Heavens Poison God Pill". Even if you don't ascend to the Immortal Realm, your master will no longer be afraid of those half-human, half-demon beasts in the Little Demon Realm..."

Chubby Tie said: "That's right, Master, you are the King of Ten Thousand Poisons, invincible in the world of cultivation. This time, with the little phoenix and so many heavenly demons providing poison refining, ascension is just around the corner. The world of Zongheng is not here By the way, the Little Demon Realm and the Sanxian Island are all bullshit, how can they be compared with you, Master.

There are only a few people in the world who can enter the Holy Land like no one else with a gun, and how many people can break into the Little Demon Realm and escape unscathed. In the entire world of cultivation, I am the only one who has the ability to serve you, the handsome Master Wang Du Wang..."

Yang Yiyun almost didn't say anything when he heard Chubby Tsai flattering him. Chubby Tie actually called himself Ren Yingjun. With his appearance and name, it was just...

But it was also confirmed that these two people were indeed masters and disciples, and they were the real King of Ten Thousand Poisons.

The young master is the real King of All Poisons, and Chunky Tie is the disciple of the King of All Poisons.

The key point is that when Yang Yiyun heard the conversation between the old and young Poison Kings, Little Phoenix and others were indeed captured by them, and the Poison King actually wanted to use Little Phoenix to practice poison skills and refine the Poison Pill Jiuxiao Poison God Pill!

Even all the big demons will not be spared, and they will all be used to make elixirs.

Now it seems that the little phoenix and the big demon were tricked by the Poison King Master and Disciple, or they were poisoned with poison.

Being able to poison the little phoenix, a sacred bird, and thirty great demons, as well as thousands of Mahayana-level demon cultivators, is enough to illustrate the terror of the Ten Thousand Poison King. No wonder he was able to break into the world of small demons and the Holy Land of Sword Tombs and escape unscathed.

This King of Ten Thousand Poisons now seems more terrifying than what Emperor Xuanyuan told him.

It seems that he has reached extremely high attainments in his poison skills.

Listening to the short, fat and handsome people flattering each other, the King of Ten Thousand Poisons would be even more terrifying if he mastered some Ten Thousand Poisons Magic Technique and refined the Nine Heavens Poison God Pill.

Yang Yiyun felt a little uneasy when he thought about it. Although the two life stars in his body could control toxins at a low level, he didn't know what other methods the Poison King had?

Can you beat this old poison?

But the most important thing at the moment is to save the little Phoenix and the big demons first. It is still unknown where the little Phoenix is ​​being held by the Poison King apostles.

For the time being, I can only pretend to be stunned by the poison and look for opportunities to take action.

The short, fat and handsome flattery was obviously very useful to the King of Poisons. He laughed and said: "You are good at flattering, but this time you have done something good. You caught a person by mistake and attracted the little phoenix. You record the merits, and you can rest assured that when your master has mastered the Myriad Poisons Divine Art, I will teach you the "Ten Thousand Poisons Sutra".

Now, let’s bring these big demons into the cave first and help Master prepare for training and extract the blood of these big demons. The more blood essence and blood assistance is needed, the better. Don’t kill them. Keep these big demons and extract them later. The essence and blood can be used as energy to continuously refine elixirs and practice. "

"Disciple understands, Master, don't worry." Short and fat Ren Yingjun nodded and bowed.

"Don't worry when you do things for me, do it well. Master won't treat you badly..." As he spoke, Wandu King walked away with his folding fan.

The short and fat man bowed to see him off.

But then Yang Yiyun heard Chubby Ren Yingjun's words of great respect for his master, and was secretly amused in his heart.

I heard Chubby Ren Yingjun watching the King of Ten Thousand Poisons leave and cursing: "Bah...Old Immortal, you use this sentence to lie to me every time. If it weren't for the "Ten Thousand Poisons Sutra", I, Ren Yingjun, would have to compromise with you. ?

Do you really think I'm stupid? Humph, you, the old immortal, didn't even pass on the Ten Thousand Poison Scriptures to me. You were chased by people from the Little Demon Realm and your life was hanging by a thread. If I hadn't taken care of you, you, the old immortal, would have died a long time ago.

It's nice to accept me as your disciple and teach me the "Ten Thousand Poisons Sutra". It's been five or six thousand years. I've been serving you here for thousands of years, and you don't even plan to teach me the "Ten Thousand Poisons Sutra". 》Every time you lie to me like this...

Since you are an old immortal and unkind, don’t blame me as a disciple for being unjust. Do you really think that I don’t know the weaknesses of an immortal? Wait, wait, seven days later, on the night of the overcast moon, I will let you, an immortal, know how powerful you are. "Ten Thousand Poisons Sutra" I will take it myself, and the Nine Heavens Poison God Pill will also be mine. Once I take the Nine Heavens Poison God Pill, I will be the veritable King of Ten Thousand Poisons. As for you, an immortal, I will send you to ascend..."

Ren Yingjun, who was short and fat, was completely different from when the Poison King was around. He was full of resentment towards his master who said that the Poison King was still alive.

But Yang Yiyun understood clearly that the Master and Disciple of the Poison King were not harmonious. It turned out that Dumpty and Ren Yingjun were very resentful of the Poison King because he did not teach the "Ten Thousand Poisons Classic". The key is, Dumpty Ren Yingjun actually knew the weaknesses of the Ten Thousand Poison King.

It sounds like he wants to kill the Poison King and seize everything.

This point struck a chord in Yang Yiyun's ears. He originally planned to wait for the King of Poisons to leave and kill Ren Yingjun, the short and fat man, but now he changed his mind.

Since the short and fat Ren Yingjun was going to take action against his master, the King of Poisons, and it sounded like he was very confident, Yang Yiyun was going to continue pretending to be faint, waiting to be the oriole when the time comes.

As long as the master and disciple turned against each other and fought, he, who was not poisoned, would be the oriole.

Of course, that doesn't mean he wasn't poisoned. He was poisoned, but no one thought that the incarnation of the first lotus in the world, the Black Lotus, existed in the sea of ​​his consciousness, protecting his soul. There was also a twin-fate star in his body that was unparalleled in the world, and the movement began to refine. Remove toxins that enter the body.

It's just that these invisible and formless toxins are very powerful. Even if he activates the two life stars to refine them, he is refining them gradually, not all at once.

Yang Yiyun was shocked by the seriousness of the Poison King's poisoning.

Fortunately, he is an exception. Next, he will wait to find Little Phoenix and the others, and then watch the show and become an oriole.

The short and fat Ren Yingjun would not have thought that there was Yang Yiyun in the scene who was not poisoned, or pretended to be faint. He talked to himself to vent without any scruples, and inadvertently exposed the big secret in his heart, giving Yang someone Chance.

According to Chubby's self-talk, Yang Yiyun knew that Wandu King had been refining the Nine Heavens Poison God Pill. After refining it for three full years, he had been conceiving and nourishing the elixir. This time he accidentally caught the little Phoenix and the Sky Demon. After that, the Nine Heavens Poison God Pill can be refined.

When the time comes, the King of Ten Thousand Poisons will take the Nine Heavens Poison God Pill, and then he will be able to achieve great success in the Ten Thousand Poisons Divine Art. Even if he cannot ascend to the immortal world, he can still control the world of cultivation. Anyway, he will be very good by then.

But Jiuxiao Poison God Pill has been targeted by short and fat Ren Yingjun.

Be prepared to kill your master and seize the elixir!

Yang Yiyun is not anxious now, because he heard Chunky Tie muttering to himself that the little phoenix and the big demon were all alive, but they were locked up after extracting the essence and blood.

Yang Yiyun was full of expectations for Chubby and Ren Yingjun's plan to attack the King of Poisons. He decided to continue pretending to be stunned and jump out at the critical moment.

Thinking about it made him a little excited. Now it seems that the masters and disciples of the big and small poison kings have their own agendas, which is interesting.

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